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After Dark: The Complete Series

Page 73

by Aymes, Kahlen

  Alex took control, rolling over, and soon, Angel was the one on her back with Alex between her thighs. It was more than clear they were feeling carnal, but Alex had a point to prove. He rose up on his knees and caged Angel in with his arms, pulling his mouth from hers. Her breath was coming in shallow pants, and it pained him what he was about to do. He looked down at her while her hips rose toward his, now obviously distanced, and her fingers pulled at his back and shoulders until finally, sensing his resistance, Angel opened her eyes.

  Alex stared into her eyes. “Today at the gym, you were good. Strong.”

  Angel sighed, her brow knitting, perplexed that he would stop their lovemaking to discuss the time at the gym. “But you let me win?”

  He shrugged a little. “Let’s just say, I wasn’t as strong as I could have been. You did great, though. Swanson is no match for me, so you’d probably be okay, if you were on your feet. But this is the position you need to get out of.” She frowned harder, anger welling inside her chest. “So get out of it, Angel,” he said evenly.

  “You’re ruining this to fight with me?”

  “I don’t want to fight, and I want to pick up where we left off in a minute. I just have to know you can take care of yourself in the most vulnerable of positions.”

  “Way to douse a fire, Alex. You’re such a dick.” She pulled back both arms and shoved him hard in the shoulders. It jolted him, but he was quick to come right back. She hit him again harder, her eyes beginning to burn. She felt the force of her blow ricochet through her wrists and down her arms, and still Alex was unmoved. Why in the fuck was he ruining their night? It started out so spectacular.

  “See how vulnerable you are?” His hips settled back into the cradle of her hips. “Now it’s worse.” His hands grabbed her wrists and hoisted them above her head. “Now you are helpless. Remember how that fucker had you face down before? You couldn’t defend yourself like that, but it can happen this way, too.”

  Angel turned her face away from him and went limp, tears falling softly from her eyes. He made her painfully aware she couldn’t defend herself like this. She was pissed at him for pointing that out, and for reminding her of Swanson, when all she wanted was to make love to him all night. She wasn’t sobbing, she was too strong to do that, but she felt like her heart was breaking. “You asshole,” she cried harshly.

  “Honey,” Alex began, remorse filling him. “I’m leaving and I just have to know you can fight in all positions.”

  Angel was still reluctant to turn her face to his.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. He rose up on his knees again, releasing her hands. “Now—” he began, but as soon as she had space to move, Angel’s feet took purchase against his hips, and she pushed with all her might, able to straighten her legs and hoist him completely off of her body. Part of her wanted to punch him in his face, but instead, she twisted and pushed again until she was completely free of his body weight as he stumbled away from the bed.

  “Satisfied?” she yelled, scrambling naked off the bed and storming into the bathroom, shutting the door with a resounding slam.

  Angel had removed him with enough force to almost knock him on his ass. Good thing he recovered or he would have crashed ass first into the big dresser on the opposite wall. Maybe his methods weren’t the best, but the result was what he wanted. Now, they could both be certain Angel had the skills to displace Mark Swanson if he got her on her back. He sighed as relief washed through him. He could go to Sydney with a little less anxiety with that knowledge.

  It didn’t solve the immediate problem of her anger, however. As soon as he straightened, he went to the closed door of the en suite bathroom and leaned against the frame. “Angel.”

  When she didn’t answer, he continued, “Babe, I’m sorry. I just needed to be sure you could protect yourself. How you fought at the gym was impressive, but I needed to know you could defend yourself if taken by surprise. I only did it because I love you.” She still didn’t answer, and he waited a full thirty seconds before he added, “I love you. I can barely leave as it is.”

  The door opened abruptly, and Angel, now wrapped in a new towel, glared up at him with red, swollen eyes. She was scared. More scared than she wanted Alex to know, and she’d just wanted to get lost in Alex’s arms. One more perfect night left together because a week apart would feel like a year.

  He reached out and pushed her hair back gently then brushed the knuckles of that same hand against her cheek, not moving out of her way.

  Angel’s eyes fell and she nodded. “You should go to sleep. It’s a long day tomorrow.”

  His arms slid around her, and he tugged her gently into the room. Angel was forced to put her arms on his to steady her balance. “I wouldn’t be sleeping right now if we hadn’t stopped. We’d be making love all night. That doesn’t have to change.” He bent his head and brushed his mouth against hers. “Kiss me.”

  “You’ll be so tired,” she said softly, still a little resistant and hurt, but didn’t pull her mouth away or stop him when he opened her robe.

  “I have fifteen hours to sleep on the plane, if I want to. Kiss me,” Alex insisted in a guttural whisper.

  He pulled her tight against his body, his mouth returned for another kiss, this time more demanding, and it wasn’t long until they were both breathless. Alex’s warm hands roamed Angel’s curves before turning her and laying her down on the bed.

  She marveled at his strength and her own lack of resistance. He handled her with ease, his movements so smooth she barely registered how she ended up on the bed, or how the covers pulled back. She sighed, watching him stand to shed the rest of his clothes. His body was magnificent and she was aroused just looking at him. The pleasure he was capable of giving her was only multiplied by her love for him.

  Her arms and legs wrapped around him when he came back to her after turning out the lights. The candle still burned in the dark bathroom and cast a romantic glow over the two entwined in the bed.

  Hands roamed and teased anxious flesh; kiss after passionate kiss communicated their desperateness at the pending separation. When Alex moved lower, kissing across Angel’s shoulder, down her chest, and over her breasts, his fingers played and teased her until she was writhing beneath him. He tried to move lower, intent on pleasuring her with his mouth, but she held onto him.

  “Alex.” His name was like a moan that tore from deep inside her, making his dick ache and swell, becoming even more impatient. “I want you. Inside.”

  “There’s time,” His voice was muffled as he continued to worship her skin. “Let me take care of you.”

  “You will,” she breathed. “Just, please.” She needed his mouth on hers, to feel his heartbeat against hers as his body claimed hers. The need to be close was stronger than the sexual desire, which, with this man, was unimaginable. “Please. I want to hold you. I’ll miss you.”

  Alex raised his head and looked into her dark, liquid eyes. He could see her want, but also fear. He didn’t hesitate to move up into the cradle of her body, leaning forward to torture her lips with teasing licks and nibbles. He held himself at the base of his cock and found her slippery entrance. She was so hot he thought her tight flesh might burn his. It was utter heaven when he pushed inside.

  She arched her back to take him in, at the same time reaching up for his hungry kiss. Kiss after passionate kiss, his mouth never left hers while their bodies pushed and pulled against each other. Each time he filled her was better than the last, and she clenched her muscles tight every time. Alex moaned. “Oh, Angel. Fuck, it’s so good,” he ground out before taking her mouth in another penetrating kiss, their tongues fought lasciviously, the kisses ardent and all consuming.

  Her fingers in his hair pulled his mouth tighter against hers, and he dug deeper and harder into her body, but with slow, measured precision. She could barely take it, it felt so good, but fought the orgasm building inside her. She never wanted it to end.

  But, as each endless second passed, it was m
ore impossible for both of them to resist. Alex gritted his teeth to hold back as long as he possibly could, but when he felt Angel lose her battle and moan into his mouth, he gave in, falling over the abyss of ecstasy with her.



  The next morning Alex was anxious and apprehensive. His bags were packed, and Cole was awake and sitting in his kitchen with a strong cup of black coffee in front of him. He’d been on the phone with the Chicago police and other members of Alex’s private security team since 6 AM, but still no signs of Bancroft. Not one new clue. It was unnerving. At least if Swanson made a new threat or something happened, they’d know what to do next.

  The case wasn’t broadcast on the local television stations because, to do so, would mean giving the criminal information about the investigation. Only the car, found torched and empty, hit the news. It might seem like a dead end to most of the officials and agencies involved, but the lack of evidence didn’t mean a damn thing. Alex, Cole, and most of the officials involved were convinced who was responsible. Kenneth Gant had no doubt, either, and because his office was prosecuting Mark Swanson, he had to be kept abreast of every new development.

  “Are you ready to go?” Cole asked, observing his brother shrug into his expensive charcoal suit jacket. To an outside observer, Alex looked perfect. No sign of the turmoil he was dealing with inside his head. Cole admired Alex’s strength. The more he got to know the professional side of his brother, the more he admired the dedication to the family that required he toss over his own dream to do what was best for everyone. And, the obvious love he had for Angel showed just another complex layer. At one time, Cole would have found Alex’s steadfast perfection annoying, but now, it was something he himself aspired to. “I figured you’d dress more casually for this trip. Won’t it be at least a day and a half before you get to Australia?”

  “I have business first, but yes, you’re correct. We cross the international date line so I’m already behind by a day,” he answered absently. He was clearly preoccupied as he reached for his own cup of coffee setting on the edge of the marble island. He took a drink and grimaced. It was cold. “With downtime in Los Angeles to refuel included, it will be close to eighteen hours. Ideally, I should have left yesterday.”

  “The business this morning must be important.” Alex glanced up as he smoothed down the collar of the fine light wool of the jacket.

  “Yes, it is.” Alex frowned, but his voice was soft.

  “That’s a long way. Too bad you can’t just Skype with the owners of the property.”

  It wasn’t as if it hadn’t occurred to Alex. He’d turned it over and over in his head to find a way out of going. “This guy is old school. The handshake means more than the actual contract. Believe me, if I could skip it, I would.”

  “So…” Cole began.

  “Just keep her out of trouble and don’t leave her side. I’m trusting you, Cole.”

  Two pairs of serious green eyes met. “I know.”

  “If you need to sleep, make sure two of the others are here to relieve you. But please, stay with her the entire time. I mean it; don’t leave her side. Not for a minute.”

  “Alex, I got it. You don’t need to keep hammering me about it.”

  Alex swallowed. It was true. He was belaboring the obvious. “Okay.” Angel was still sleeping, but he’d need to go say goodbye.

  “I’m surprised you aren’t already halfway to L.A. by now.”

  Alex pulled at the cuffs of his shirtsleeves to straighten them from under his jacket. “Yeah, I should go. But I just want to let Angel know I’m leaving.” His hand smoothed down his silk tie, in patterns of dark mauve, smoke grey and black, as he turned to leave the kitchen. His shiny Italian leather briefcase waited on the hallway table as he whisked past it and up the stairs toward the bedroom. His mood was somber, the coming trip and business dealings held none of their usual excitement. His heart was heavy, and it showed on his face.

  Angel was still sleeping soundly, and Alex wasn’t surprised. They made love until almost dawn, both of them feeling desperate and sad, though he was getting used to his displeasure at leaving her. That was normal, but now he was also feeling a heightened sense of fear. The timing for this trip couldn’t be worse.

  Alex lifted the blinds a few inches and soft light filtered in, rays falling across the bed. The sheet and blankets were wrapped around her, but her womanly form was still visible beneath as they hugged her curves like a cocoon. She was lying on her side, facing him as he sat gently down next to her, her lush lashes creating dark crescents on her cheeks; her mahogany hair a wild mess on the pillow around her head. He couldn’t help but touch her.

  “Babe?” Alex’s voice coaxed her lashes to flutter then lift, as his hand rubbed down her arm to her back in a gently kneading caress through the covers. Her warmth seeped through and into his fingers. “Honey, it’s time for me to go,” he almost whispered. He bent to place a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. “Don’t wake up. I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye. Cole is here, but I have to go in a few minutes.”

  Angel’s sleepy eyes rose to meet Alex’s, and she got that little crinkle between her brows he loved. At the same time, her mouth dropped into a small pout.

  Angel moved closer, curling her body around his sitting form, one arm curving around his back. She lifted her head to rest it on his thigh, looking up into his face. He was beautiful and strong, perfectly groomed, his hair combed and held in place with a small amount of gel.

  She was cuddling up like a small child, but she was ruffled; the hours of making love leaving an indelible stamp on her. Alex’s heart tightened. He was in awe of how stunning she was, even in this unobtrusive state, and still shocked at the protective instinct that filled him so full he thought he’d explode with the force of it. His chest felt tight and full at the same time. He loved her beyond words.

  Alex struggled with leaving, but he knew the sooner he did, the sooner he’d get back to her. “Yes. Go back to sleep, sweetheart.”

  “What time it is?”


  “You’re late for Mrs. Dane’s schedule. My first appointment is at nine, I think.” She rolled onto her back and stretched.

  “You don’t know for sure? That isn’t like you.”

  “I guess I’m a little preoccupied, Alex.”

  He nodded, running his hand through the long, silky strands of her hair. “I know you like to be so strong, but it’s understandable to be scared. I hesitate to even talk about this because I don’t want to make it worse, but I promised no more secrets between us.”

  Her soft eyes sharpened, and she sat up enough to prop up with one bent arm. “What? Did they find Jason?”

  Alex shook his head as his hand threaded into one side of her hair, pushing it away from her face gently. “No, but that’s just the problem. It’s been more than two days, and I’m sure we can expect something from Swanson or to find Bancroft very soon.”

  Angel sat up all the way, her hip still touching his thigh, and pressed both hands to her forehead. When her dark eyes met his, they were full of tears. “Find him? Dead?”

  “Either that, or that prick wants money. He’s desperate.”

  “Killing Jason won’t make you pay.” Her eyes were liquid with unshed tears.

  “No.” Fear gripped Alex’s heart at the implications of what they both knew; Bancroft was just to show Alex he was serious, and Angel was the real target to drop Alex to his knees. “He doesn’t get a reward for hurting people, but he’s trying to get my attention.” Alex’s usual bravado was shaken, and Angel could see it. “And, he has it.”

  “Don’t let him shake you, Alex. That’s what sick bastards like him live for.” She tried to make her expression wry, but Alex could see the fear in her eyes.

  “I know. Just keep Cole and the others close.” He took her in his arms and pulled her close. “Don’t go out at night. Follow their instructions exactly.”

��s birthday party is Wednesday night at Becca’s parents’. Jillian will be heartbroken if I don’t go.”

  “I know. Cole will have several guys on the perimeter of the house and on both ends of the street.” When Angel started to protest, Alex stopped her, his voice low and insistent. “You can’t talk me out of it. Not now.”

  Angel didn’t want to. Her presence was putting everyone in danger, and she decided maybe she should try to get out of it and make it up to Jillian another way. She rolled her teary eyes at Alex, trying to lighten the mood. “Not ever. I love that caveman part of you. Surprising, I know.”

  She was rewarded with a sad smile from him.

  “See? You’re learning.” He used a bent index finger to nudge her chin.

  “I’m trying,” she said, her voice betraying the sadness she didn’t want to expose. She didn’t want him to go. The way he was lingering by her side, and the loving caresses were telling—Alex was also hesitant.

  “And I’m just trying to keep you safe.”

  “I know. Maybe I shouldn’t go, but how do you explain it to a three-year-old? I’ve turned it over in my head ten times, and every scenario ends up with Jillian crying her eyes out. She won’t understand if her Auntie Angel isn’t at her party.”

  “I know. You two might as well be joined at the hip. But, safety comes first. If anything happens—” He stopped for a few seconds to stare into her eyes. “Anything, Angel. You stay in familiar surroundings where the guys are better prepared to protect you. Promise me.”

  “Okay,” Angel sighed. Normally, she would have been annoyed at being told what to do, but Alex was just being protective. It made her all warm and fuzzy with love swelling up inside until it had nowhere to go but out. “I promise.”

  Her hand curled around the back of his neck, tugging his head toward her, and when his forehead touched hers, their breaths mingled. Angel closed her eyes, inhaling the delicious scent of his skin and cologne. She sighed. “You have to go.”


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