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The Great Altruist

Page 14

by Z. D. Robinson

  “Who else has seen you?”

  “I don’t talk about her,” Genesis said as she backed away, her demeanor suddenly closed off.

  “Okay,” he said. They sat in silence while he thought of something else to say. Then he remembered what she said about travelling through time. "Wait! So is that going to happen to me when you send me through time?" he asked.

  She laughed. "I’m afraid so. But don’t worry, I won’t be sending you through time anyway.”

  “Then how will I be able to do anything?”

  “I’ll be sending your mind into a younger version of yourself.”

  “And that’s safe?”

  She bristled at the question. “Yes,” she said. “I’ve worked out all the kinks, but not without a lot of sacrifice.” She lifted into the air and clapped her hands. "So are you ready to get started?"

  He nodded.

  "Have you thought about where you would like to start?"

  "I don't need time to think," he said. "I want to go back three years, to April 13th."

  "So precise!" she marveled. "The day you met Katherine, I presume?"

  The sound of her name brought back to his mind all the reasons he wanted to win her back. "I'll never forget that date."

  "Shall we leave now?"

  "Now is as good a time as any," he said.

  She extended her arms and the room began to shake as the blue light bathed the room. A brief moment later, they disappeared.

  Chapter 3

  James stood in the same spot in his room as when they supposedly left. He didn't think they traveled anywhere at first. It was only after he looked around that he became convinced they had: the pictures of Katherine did not exist yet. Something else felt strange, but it wasn't until James caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror did he realize why: he now appeared as he did three years ago.

  "I was wondering about this part of it," he said as he touched his face.

  "What part?" Genesis asked as she sat on the windowsill, looking out at the clouds.

  "How I would look."

  "Oh, that you look three years younger?" she said, turning to face him.

  "Um-hm," he answered, still examining his skinnier body in front of the mirror. Have I really gained that much weight? he thought.

  "Well, that part of the time traveling is under my control. I could have brought you back as you were when we left, but that wouldn't work, would it? I'm sure you don't want to scare your family by suddenly appearing naked – and three years older!"

  "Do you know how it all works? What happened when I left?"

  "I just sent your consciousness through time into a younger version of yourself. When we left, your ‘self’ disappeared there and reappeared here. When we go home, I can send you back to the exact moment we left. That way, no one will ever know you were gone."

  "So are there two of me here in this time?"

  "No, I made sure you ended up in the younger version’s body. That way, when we leave, he'll still remember anything that you do. Your consciousness will go back and not the whole person."

  "I'm glad you know what you're doing," he said.

  "I know it can be a little confusing, not to mention very dangerous. But don't worry. I promise I won’t harm you." She thought back to those same words she uttered to Jadzia and how her promise turned out false. But this time there would be no mistake. Genesis was in complete control of her abilities and knew just how far she could push things - if she pushed them at all.

  "That's good to know," he answered.

  "So we're here to win your girl back. Do you know where we should start?"

  "I hoped you might know."

  Genesis thought long and hard. "You might just want to relive this day once and observe what happens. This way, we can make notes about what you’d like to change. Try to act as you did the first time. Do you remember a lot about what you two did?"

  "Everything," he said.

  "Really? That’s good. We'll let this be the control part of our experiment. And after she leaves, we'll change anything you want. Sound good?"


  "Now, do you remember what time she was supposed to arrive?"

  "Three o'clock," he said, looking at his watch, which read 2:45. "Great! Maybe I should have told you that before we left, huh?"

  "We'll be fine. Let's just hurry up and get you ready to see her."

  And so began James's efforts to win back the love of his life. After dressing himself, James was ready for Katherine's arrival. He wanted to wear different clothes from the first time they met, but Genesis reminded him to keep as much as he could the same. The one thing Genesis did help with was his hair. She figured it unlikely that Katherine would have bailed out of a relationship because of poor style alone, and so she allowed this one change. By the time three o'clock rolled around, James was nearly ready.

  "I can't believe I looked this sloppy. What was I thinking?"

  Genesis looked him over and saw what he meant. His shirt was untucked and a stain covered the front of his pants. "Did you really wear these pants the first time you met her? It looks like you worked outside in these!"

  "I used to. These were my work pants."

  "And you didn't think to change them?"

  "Not really. I just got home from work when she came over."

  "You mean you didn't shower first?" Genesis said, rolling her eyes at James and giggling.

  "Hey, you said to dress the same. If this were me today, I would have worn something nice."

  "I believe you," she said incredulously.

  James sighed in defeat. "Let’s get this over with. And where will you be when she gets here?"

  She smiled. "Right by your side, if that's okay."

  "Won't you be seen?"

  "Of course not," she said. "I'll just hide inside your coat pocket."

  He looked at the coat she pointed at on the doorknob. "Are you sure you'll be comfortable in that?"

  "I'll manage," she said.

  A moment later, there was a knock on the door downstairs.

  "She’s here!" James said.

  Genesis flew off the windowsill, climbed inside the coat pocket, and made herself as comfortable as she could.

  “Grab me something to eat, if you can,” she whispered.

  James nodded and carried the coat with him as he went downstairs to answer the door. He placed the coat on the back of one of the dining room chairs so Genesis would be able to hear all that he and Katherine said. He was nervous and needed someone else to tell him what might go wrong.

  Katherine looked just as beautiful as James remembered. When she lifted her head to see him open the door, her smile immediately reminded James why he chose to fix this day. He had thought of a few other mistakes he would like to have fixed when Genesis first made him the offer, but this one made the most sense. All the other days he wanted to repair had happened during the last three years. For there to be any real change in his life, he would have to go to the source of his troubles. If this day was changed, the other mistakes might never happen. Moreover, if he was successful in winning her over, then maybe his parents might stay together. James could only hope the two events were somehow connected.

  For the rest of the day in Katherine's company, James behaved as closely to the first time he lived it. Genesis stayed out of sight and never made a sound until dinner when Katherine stepped away to use the restroom.

  "James," she whispered.

  He looked down at the inside of his coat in the most inconspicuous way possible. She stood up inside the pocket and poked her head out. "What's wrong?" he asked.

  "Nothing. I just want to tell you that you can relive this as many times as you want. I forgot to mention that before."

  "Good to know. How am I doing, by the way?"

  "You're doing fine. We'll talk more later." With that said, she disappeared back into his pocket right as Katherine returned and sat down. James wondered if Genesis had noticed anything strange about the way he wa
s behaving around Katherine. He wasn't really being himself and Genesis probably noticed the same thing.

  Over the course of the evening, his behavior reminded him just how much he had changed (and grown) since meeting Katherine. As he relived the evening, he was trying to be someone he no longer was. Words came tripping out of his mouth that he would never utter now! This guy was a real jerk, James concluded. No wonder she left me!

  When Katherine went home that night, James sat down on the steps to his parent's house and went over in his mind the events of the day. Genesis climbed out of his pocket and sat down on his shoulder, nuzzling against his neck to stay warm from the cold air.

  "How do you think it went?" she asked.

  "I'm not sure yet."

  "Honestly, I'm glad you were just acting like the younger version of yourself."

  James chuckled even though he thought the same thing. "Why do you say that?"

  "You were so rude!"

  "I was, huh?" he said.

  "Well, first, you really need to stop talking with your mouth full."

  "Funny you mention that because it wasn't part of the act."

  "Yeah, that's something you might want to work on then." She smiled.

  "Anything else?" he said.

  "The clothes are a big deal, but don't worry. We're going to change all that next time. In general, I'd say that in the next run-through, if you just act the complete opposite of what you did today," Genesis paused to be tactful. She needed to word this in a way that wouldn’t hurt his feelings.

  "Go on," he said.

  "Well, she might not leave next time."

  James knew right away what she meant. She wasn't trying to be malicious. She was just being honest with him, which he needed. Although his pride was slightly hurt, he was happy she cared enough to tell him the truth. "Then it's a good thing I can try again, huh?"

  She smiled. "Good thinking."

  “I did notice another thing about today.”

  “What was that?”

  "Well, when I was here the first time, I wasn't being very honest with her. I think I was trying too hard to impress her, and I probably didn't need to. Maybe she sensed that and didn't have the heart to tell me."

  "Wow! You realized all that after just one day reliving?"

  "To be truthful, I probably knew that all along. Maybe I just need to start being honest with myself." He sighed with relief, as though someone lifted a heavy weight from off him.

  She floated down and sat on her knees in the well of his hand. "Well, next time you should just be yourself then," she suggested.

  "Whenever you're ready."

  She looked around nervously. "Maybe we should go somewhere more private."


  "I just don't want someone to see anything when we leave. It gets kind of loud."

  "You're right," he said. "We'll go to my room. My family is still up, so would you," he stammered, "like me to hold you in my hand, or would you like to get in my pocket?"

  She laughed. "Actually, how 'bout I just meet you around back?"

  "Oh, right. Of course.”

  She flew off and around the house as he went inside the front door. By the time he arrived in his room, she was already tapping frantically on the windowpane. He let her in and shut it quickly.

  "Ready?" she whispered as she tried to warm herself.

  He nodded. They disappeared a moment later.

  At half-past two in the afternoon, James and Genesis appeared in his room. James was not accustomed to time travel as Genesis was, for as she was soaking in the sunlight through the window, he had a terrible headache worse than the lump on his head, a pain like that of being stabbed through the temples.

  "You okay?" she asked as she watched him rub his head.

  "Yeah, I'll get used to this, right?"

  She nodded. "I get them too. Every time."

  He looked over at the clock as the pain in his head subsided. "Two-thirty, huh?"

  She smirked at him. "I wanted to give a little more time than last, if that's okay. Although, since you're trying to be more honest here, maybe you should just go as you are."

  He looked down at what he was wearing to find he wasn't wearing anything at all. "I don't think I'm ready to be that honest with her!"

  "Of course not," she agreed. “I brought you back like this to remind you to take a shower before you see her this time."

  "So you did this to me?”

  “This was a more fun way to remind you!” she said as she crossed her arms.

  “Give me a few minutes to take a shower." He walked out of the room and headed for the bathroom, trying not to cover himself up from Genesis.

  When he returned, he found Genesis sorting through his closet and throwing his clothes into piles on the floor. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  "You really don't have anything nice to wear, do you?” she said as she poked her head out of the closet.

  "That's what I have. Maybe you can make me better clothes if these are so terrible!"

  She flew out of the closet and threw him the best outfit she could find. "I'm afraid my powers do not include producing clothing out of thin air. And on second thought, this outfit isn't really going to work after all.”

  “Like I said, that's what I have.” He was beginning to feel a bit insulted, though he knew Genesis wasn't trying to hurt him.

  “Do you fit in your father's clothes?" she asked.

  "Maybe. I haven't tried in years."

  "Well, we're going to have to look in his room. I’m sorry if I’m coming across cold. I'm just trying to help.”

  James knew that her honesty included telling him the plain and ugly truth. He was grateful the worse she said so far was that he was a bad dresser. She could have noticed plenty of other ugly things, but maybe this was the worst she saw in him. “No problem,” he said. “Why don't we go see what my father has?"

  A few moments later, James was dressed in a pressed pair of slacks and a polo shirt Genesis found in his father's closet. "I think you look much better," she said, nodding with approval.

  "I didn't even know my father had anything this nice."

  "Well, it's the best I could do, but I think you've got a good chance of keeping her around if you stick with the plan."

  "Thanks." Suddenly, a knock at the door got their attention.

  "Okay," Genesis said. "Don't panic. Where's your coat from yesterday?"

  "It's in my room on the doorknob."

  "I'll get it. You just get downstairs and I'll meet you down there."

  James hurried down the stairs and answered the door before there was a second knock. Right before he opened the door, Genesis threw his coat on the back of the dining room chair and buried herself in the pocket.

  Katherine's arrival turned out to be the only thing that this day and the last had in common. James was a different person around Katherine on this attempt: he was himself. It seemed to be paying off since Katherine seemed more interested in him this time. Genesis appeared proud of James's efforts too. When Katherine stepped away to use the restroom, James asked Genesis for advice, but all she would do was quietly clap her hands in muted applause, a clear sign to James that she approved of all she heard.

  Later that night, Katherine left as she did the night before, but this time, she gave a reason. And to make it clear that she wasn't lying to him, she kissed James. He knew right away that something big had changed.

  Once she left, James sat on the porch as he did the night before.

  "That seemed to go a lot better," Genesis whispered.

  He nodded, but didn't say a word.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Not at all, actually,” he said. "I'm sure you're right. It did go much better than I expected. I did get a kiss after all.”

  “So that's a good thing, right?” She climbed from his pocked and sat in the well of his hand.

  "I'm just second-guessing my reasons for doing this."

  Her eyes widened. "Yo
u want her back, don't you?"


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