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Polly Pippin and The Tunnel of Death

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by Sarah Godwin Winter

  Polly Pippin


  The Tunnel of Death

  ~ Book Two ~


  Sarah Godwin-Winter

  Copyright © 2014 Sarah Godwin-Winter

  All rights reserved.

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  Chapter 1: The End or the Beginning

  Chapter 2: Unexpected Invasion

  Chapter 3: Piers and Miles

  Chapter 4: Who's to Blame?

  Chapter 5: Hamish and the Hijacking

  Chapter 6: The Long-Lost Uncle

  Chapter 7: Iceland

  Chapter 8: Send in the Clowns

  Chapter 9: Tempest Unleashed

  Chapter 10: It Can Only Get Better

  Chapter 11: One Step Back

  Chapter 12: Xavier Goes Home

  Chapter 13: Time to Choose

  Chapter 14: Things Heat Up

  Chapter 15: The End or is It

  Chapter 1

  The End or the Beginning

  Dawn broke over Byzantine Crescent. And although the sun was rising with the amount of intent one would expect for a hot summer day, thunderclouds had formed. It was quite chilly in the house when Polly woke, yawned, opened one eye and peered at the clock. It was seven - another day closer to the audition for a small part in a movie. She was nervous, getting this part would, she hoped, set her on the path to stardom. She stretched and thought about getting up and going for a run or turning over and going back to sleep. She bailed out of both, went down to the kitchen and put on the kettle.

  'Ali, kettle's on,' she called up the stairs to her cousin.

  Alison yawned and looked at the clock. 'What are you doing up so early? I thought we were going out for coffee this morning.'

  'Of course, I forgot, shall we go to Brown Sugar. Lily and Lucy have taken it over, so we have to support them.'

  'Yeah great, let's do it. After we can go to the markets to buy some fruit. Then Polly, serious shopping. I need new shoes.'

  Both girls went back to their rooms to get ready, and when they walked out of the house, they looked absolutely gorgeous.

  'I think we should take an umbrella - it's August. Bloody typical,' Polly moaned.

  Still, they decided to walk, even though it was sprinkling with rain.

  'Beat you to the café,' Polly challenged, and she ran off.

  Alison shook her head. 'She's such an idiot,' she muttered.


  By the time Alison got to the café, Polly had ordered two lattes and a bowl of fruit salad. She looked round dreamily. 'There's only one thing I really want, Polly said. 'I want to travel, I want to star in a movie and I want to meet famous people…'

  Alison butted in. 'Well, that's three things,' she said, 'and I thought you said you wanted a boyfriend and a handsome and rich one at that.'

  'Of course I do. That goes without saying.' Polly looked over to the door as two men walked in. 'Look at those two. I could fall in love with the blonde one.' Alison's eyes followed where Polly was looking.

  'Hi Lily, two coffees, both black,' the man with the blonde hair called, and he walked in and sat in the farthest corner of the café.

  'Do you know who that is?' Alison whispered, her eyes standing out like lollies on a stick. 'It's Brad Capriole.'

  'It is, I'm sure. I'm going over to say hello.' Polly started to get up.

  'No Polly.' Ali tutted and grabbed her arm. 'They hate being recognised.' She sneaked a look back over. 'And that's Steve what's-his-name, the famous film director, sitting with him.'

  'They can only say go away.' Polly shrugged her shoulders, got up and headed to their table. Lily, who was about to serve the men their coffee, quickly stepped in front of her.

  'No Polly,' Lily said. 'They don't like to be recognised.'

  'Just let me serve the coffee then,' Polly begged.

  'Definitely not.'

  'Please Lily I promise I won't say a word. I just want to hear them say thank you. Anyway, you owe me.'

  Lily wasn't quite sure what she owed Polly, but because she was her best friend ever, she said, 'okay, but if you as much as sigh, you're banned forever.'

  'Thanks, Lils! You're a legend.' Polly picked up the tray and, so as not to spill the coffee, she walked slowly over to the two men.

  'Thanks, Lily.' Brad Capriole looked up. 'You're not Lily.'

  Polly smiled but, as promised, did not say a word.

  'Are you new here? I haven't seen you here before.'

  This placed Polly in a very awkward position as she had promised not to speak. She looked over at Lily, who nodded but only slightly, and signalled, "get back here, now".

  'Actually, I don't work here. Lily is my friend, and I asked her if I could bring you your coffee just so I could hear you say thank you.'

  'Well, that's cute.' Brad smiled. 'So if you don't work here, why don't you sit down and join us?' He lifted his arm and pointed to his table. 'Another coffee Lily please?' He looked back at Polly, 'If that's what you drink?'

  'Yes I do, but I'm here with my cousin,' Polly answered, and she started to rise.

  Brad caught her arm. 'Then we shall call her over. What's her name?'

  'Alison Winter.'

  'And yours?'

  'Polly Pippin.'


  Lily could not believe her eyes or ears - Brad Capriole called Alison over to his table. He introduced his director, Steve Smith, ordered more coffee and pastries and started to chat with Polly as if she was the girl next door.

  'We are here looking for a big old house to shoot our next movie in,' Brad said.

  'It's a movie about a film being made in a creepy old house. People disappear, and they end up on the edge of an Evil Universe without their souls. Oh and it must have a big overgrown garden. Do you know of anything like that hereabouts?' Steve asked.

  'I can't believe it!' Polly said. 'That sounds just like our house. It's huge, and it used to be a church, so it's quite creepy.'

  'And it's got huge grounds,' Alison added.

  'Really? Where is it?' Steve sounded very interested.

  'Byzantine Crescent, Docklands.'

  'Can we have a look at it later?' Brad asked.

  'Of course,' said Polly and fluttered her eyelashes.

  Byzantine Crescent

  They agreed to meet at the house that afternoon, and Polly was beside herself. Brad Capriole, the most famous movie star in the world, was coming to her house. She would definitely ask him for a part in the movie. Deciding to check that all was neat and tidy, the girls ran up the stairs to the room at the top of the house - the sunbeam room. It was hidden from the rest of the house, because just when you think you are at the top, you turn a corner, and another staircase appears from nowhere.

  'I just love it up here,' Polly said. She flung herself down on the big, old horsehair sofa and watched the sunbeams make pretty patterns on the floor through the stained glass window.

  'Should we clean up?' Alison said as she ran her finger along the window ledge. 'It's a bit dusty.'

  'No, I think it makes it look old. Leave it as it is.' And Polly, who did not like housework, snuggled further down into the sof

  'Well, I'm going down to tidy the kitchen. Perhaps we should make afternoon tea. And I think we should invite Barbara. She's the best cake maker ever.' Alison ran downstairs to ring her.


  Polly had never been so excited or nervous. Her thoughts went on a wild ride. She was convinced Brad would fall in love with her, marry her and make her a big star.

  The front doorbell rang. Brad was not expected for at least three hours, so who could this be? 'Coming!' said Polly as she ran down the stairs. She was surprised to see two policemen at the door. 'Are you Polly Pippin?'


  'Would you come with us, please?'

  Thinking the worst, she said, 'Has something happened to any of my family?'

  'No, your family is fine, it's you we want. Just come with us, please.'

  Alison, hearing voices at the door, came running into the hall. 'Polly, what's happening?'

  But Polly was gone with two burly policemen flanking her. As they walked down the path, the taller of the two asked, 'you served Mr Capriole his coffee, did you not?'


  'Why?' the policeman questioned.

  'I wanted to talk to him.'

  'Or did you want to poison him?' The policeman turned on her.

  'Poison him? What do you mean did I want to poison him? Has he been poisoned?'

  'As if you didn't know. You'll be in prison for the rest of your life for murdering Brad Capriole.'

  'This is ridiculous! Is he dead, I didn't murder him!' Polly said, anger flashing in her eyes.

  The policeman pushed Polly. 'Get in the car,' he ordered. 'I have spoken to Lily Holtz, the waitress, and she told me you just about tore the tray out of her hands. Then you sat down next to Mr Capriole, uninvited… or so Mr Smith says. And do you want to know what I think?'

  'No, I don't. This is ridiculous. And Lily would not say a thing like that.' She started to struggle. 'Let go of me!' she yelled.

  The policeman ignored Polly and started to laugh. 'Then you got poor Mr Capriole to call your friend over to distract him while you poured the poison into his coffee.'

  'No, no that's not true.' Polly tried to get out of the car.

  'Take her to the police station, Sergeant. Lock her up and throw away the key.'

  It was hard to believe what was happening. Polly indeed had not poisoned Brad, her hero, but there she was on the way to the police station to be charged with his murder.


  Alison was sitting in the kitchen, feeling absolutely confused, when Polly's brother Hamish walked in, followed by his friend.

  'What's this about, Alison? I just got your message that Polly's been arrested. Are you being serious, or is it just another one of her sick jokes?' He looked round for his sister. 'Oh, this is Algernon Ponsenby Eagles - Ape for short,' he added.

  'Hi, Alison,' said Ape. 'Do you have any idea what happened?' He held out his hand, which she took.

  'No,' Alison replied, tears filling her eyes. 'It all started when we went to Brown Sugar for coffee, and Brad Capriole, the film star, was there. Would you believe it? Polly went over and talked to him. He called me over, bought us coffee and told us about a movie he was making. He was supposed to be coming here today.'

  'What for?' Hamish and Ape asked together.

  'Well, Brad and Steve Smith, the movie director, told us they were looking for a house to make a movie. They said this house sounded perfect, and we arranged to meet here this afternoon.'

  'Polly had no right to do that, Alison!' Hamish exploded. 'And you know it.'

  'Wait Hamish, settle down. Look, I'm not sure how much I can tell you Alison,' Ape said. 'But what I can tell you is this. The two men that took Polly away were not policemen, and Brad Capriole has not been poisoned. It's probably a publicity stunt, so don't worry about it.'

  'What are you talking about - a publicity stunt? How do you know they were not real policemen?' Alison said. She started to yell. 'If they were not the police, then who were they Hamish? Has she been kidnapped! Where have they taken her?'

  'They actually said they were the police?' asked Hamish.


  'What else did they say?'

  Alison looked from Hamish to Ape and broke down.

  Ape smiled and put his arm round Alison's shoulders. 'Don't worry Alison they will let Polly go. They will be hoping you'll think it just was a publicity stunt.'

  A knock on the door stopped them all in their tracks. Then the front door swung open, and heavy footsteps sounded in the hall. Ape and Hamish ducked down behind the table, pulling Alison with them, warning her to be quiet. Before Alison could ask what on earth was going on, Barbara Brown appeared.

  'Hi Polly, Alison, it's me - Barbara.'

  A giggling Alison stood up. 'Hi Barbara. I'm glad you could come. Polly's not here at the moment.'

  'I can see that, and what happened the other day? I went out in the garden for a fag, and when I tried to get back in, the house was in darkness and locked up. If you did not want me here, you only had to say. I thought you were my friends.'

  'Of course we are,' Alison said. She tried to think of an excuse. 'Umm, I thought the house was struck by lightning, and we all hid in a cupboard.'

  Barbara, who never thought about anything but herself and food, was already looking in the fridge, asking who would like a cup of coffee.

  Ape and Hamish stood up and pretended they had just come in through the back door.

  'Hi Alison, Barbara,' said Hamish. 'Did I hear someone offering a cup of coffee?'

  'Hamster, I hear you were frightened by a bit of lightning. You should have called for me. I would have held your hand in the cupboard.'

  'I was not frightened Barbara, and my name is Hamish, not Hamster.' He was about to add that he was not hiding in a cupboard but out the back hiding from her.

  'Well, you look like a Hamster to me,' Barbara said as she put on the kettle.

  Hamish drew his finger across his throat and threw her a filthy look.


  The front door rattled. 'Polly, Alison, open the door, I've lost my keys?'

  It was a voice Alison knew well. 'Oh my God. It's our housekeeper - Mrs Hart.'

  Mrs Hart was standing on the doorstep, banging on the door. 'Well, are you going to let me in?' she called in her broad cockney accent. She sounded quite put out.

  Ape put his finger across his lips and whispered. 'Open the door and don't say a word,' he warned.

  Alison ran to the door and opened it wide. 'Sorry, Mrs Hart, I'm just surprised to see you.'

  'I don't see why,' the old housekeeper snapped back. 'I do live here, you know.'

  'Yes, it's just been such a long time since you were here.' Alison stumbled out an answer. 'And how is your sister? I hope she's better.' She tried not to show her disappointment Mrs Hart had arrived home today of all days.

  'What is wrong with you, Alison? I've only been gone two weeks. And, my sister is still not well. I've just come back for clean clothes, so I won't be staying for long.'

  This left Alison a bit confused. Only two weeks? Surely not! she thought. It seemed more like a year.

  Mrs Hart turned to Hamish. 'What are you doing here Hamish? Hungry or broke I suppose?'

  'That's not fair, Mrs Hart.' He rushed up to her and kissed her on both cheeks.

  'Not fair it might be, but true it is.' She grabbed Hamish and threw her arms around him. 'And, Algernon, it's good to see you again lad, and you Barbara.' Mrs Hart looked round. 'Now where is that naughty Polly?'

  Alison, Hamish and Algernon all answered, and all the answers were different.

  'Really,' Mrs Hart said, doubting them all. 'Well, she's obviously shopping. And before I hear any more porky-pies, I'm going to bed to have a little rest. I'm exhausted after me long trip.'


  Everyone in the kitchen sighed with relief. Ape sat at the table and motioned to Hamish to join him. Soon they were heads together in deep conversation.

I told you she was taken by Rebel warriors from another universe, posing as the police, would you believe me?' Ape whispered. 'The Rebels made a mistake not waiting for Alison to leave the house so they could grab her as well. So when they got Polly, they put Alison in a temporary inter-dimensional petrifaction.'

  Hamish frowned. 'A what?'

  'Inter-dimensional petrifaction. Usually everyone loses his or her immediate memory for a few minutes. But the fact Alison is a Freeflyer…' He stopped.

  Hamish laughed, which saved Ape from having to explain what a Freeflyer was. 'This is no time to make jokes, Ape.'

  'I am not making a joke, Hamish. Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you, and don't repeat it to anyone.'

  Miss Big Ears Barbara looked round. 'And what's that, Algernon? What can't Hamish tell anyone,' she questioned.

  'Men’s talk, Barbara. I'll tell you what, why don't you and Alison make us morning tea?' He looked at Alison and winked.

  Alison smiled back. 'Good idea. Come on, Barb, let's make some scones, and I wanted you to make a cake for this afternoon, if you don't mind.'

  'A cake as well?' Barbara answered, 'goody,' and she headed for the larder.

  Leaving Alison and Barbara discussing what they would make for morning tea, Hamish followed Ape in silence.

  Ape tells it all

  When they got to the dining room, Ape looked round then sat.

  'Okay Ape, this isn't like you. What's going on?'

  'Sit down Ham. This is going to take some time and will be totally unbelievable, so don't interrupt.' And Ape started his story. 'As you know, I am extremely wealthy, and that's because, as a baby, I was taken over by Rebel warriors from the Dark Universe. They infused me with special powers so that when I was a man I would work for them to destabilise Earth. But as I grew up, I became cocky and too independent, I just did everything for myself, the infusion apparently hadn't worked properly. And that's when Harry the Hand captured me, and Rebel Warrior Zack told him to de-pneuma me.'

  'De-pneuma you? What are you talking about?' Hamish asked, his tone incredulous.

  'It means they take your soul. But what they didn't realise was, when they de-pneumaed me, it totally released me from the infusion. I was finally free. It took a while for it to disperse, but becoming friends with the two pommy blokes, Piers and Miles, who was captured with me, totally brought me out of it.'


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