A Man's Worth [Brac Pack 31] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
Page 14
Finally Bryce quickened his movements, and soon he was fucking Ahm with passion, ramming his cock hard and deep into his mate’s ass. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. Bryce could die this second and know that he had visited heaven already.
Ahm began to slide back on Bryce’s cock, the grip like an iron fist as Bryce’s body trembled. He growled gently, looking down to where their bodies joined together, watching his cock reappear from Ahm’s giving flesh.
His fingers traced over the dips and slight muscles on Ahm’s back, touching each place as he rocked his cock in and out of Ahm’s body.
Bryce wanted to bite, the need so intense that his gums ached. “I need to bite you.”
Bryce leaned forward, pressing his chest into Ahm’s back muscles. He sank his canines into Ahm’s shoulder, on the same side as the mark. An explosion rocketed through Bryce’s body, the sensation racing down his arms, and then scattered to the four corners. His mind was fragmenting as he shoved his cock into Ahm’s ass, his seed forcefully being pulled from his body. Bryce kept his teeth clamped into Ahm’s neck as shock waves rushed through his body.
Ahm was right behind him, shouting as his body jerked and bucked, his hold tightening around Bryce’s cock.
Ahm arched his back, letting out a guttural sound. Bryce slowed his movements, wiping the sweat from his face with his hand, and then grabbed Ahm’s hips, gently rolling them until the swelling of his cock receded. If he lived to be a thousand, being inside Ahm would never become mundane or routine. He loved the man with all his heart and would kill anyone if they came after his mate again.
* * * *
“Are you sure about this?” Ahm asked as he crouched down in the closet.
“Dude, I’m very sure. Chauncey keeps talking about you trying to bite him because you have a minute trace of vampire in you. I say we give him what he wants.”
Ahm wiggled the fake vampire teeth in his mouth. They were bulky, and all he wanted to do was pull them out. But he could see how much this prank meant to Bryce. And besides, he was a bit excited himself. Chauncey was a royal pain in the ass and paying him back did sound like fun.
Ahm watched as the lights under the cracked closet door went out. Chauncey was going to bed. He moved around just a little, the medium-sized bump in his belly making it hard for him to sit with his knees to his chest. Shadow elves’ gestation periods lasted three months. It had been five weeks since he found out he was with child. His belly just kept growing and growing. It was the most bizarre thing to happen to him. He and Bryce had refused to let Dr. Sheehan perform an ultrasound to check the sex of their child.
They didn’t want to know what they were having until the babe arrived. Ahm loved that their child was going to be part shifter and part fey. He or she was going to rock their special genes. Ahm was going to make sure he taught their child to love who they were and embrace their heritage.
Bryce had taught him the very same thing.
Reaching up to turn the doorknob, Ahm gasped.
“What’s wrong?” Bryce mouthed.
“The baby moved,” Ahm mouthed back.
Bryce’s hand was instantly on his belly, his fingers spanning as his expression turned soft. He was wearing the biggest smile Ahm had ever seen. He could tell with the way Bryce had been acting that he was going to make one hell of a father. His mate went into panic mode with the littlest sneeze from Ahm. It was annoying and endearing at the same time.
As much as Ahm wanted to spend the extra moments letting Bryce feel their child moving around, they had planned this attack for weeks. He was not going to let it slip by. Leaning up, Ahm kissed Bryce on his cheek and then opened the closet door very slowly.
Chauncey was in bed, his back to Ahm. Straightening to his full height, Ahm crept from the closet and made his way around the side of the bed.
The bear’s eyes popped open.
Ahm bared his fake fangs.
With a deep growl, Chauncey reached under his pillow and pulled out a spray bottle. Really? The man hadn’t been lying. Ahm had to fight not to laugh. Chauncey Lakeland was sleeping with a spray bottle full of garlic juice.
What a wuss.
He had a feeling it wasn’t just for him. There were other vampires who lived here. Ahm jumped on the bed, clamping his fake teeth down on Chauncey’s neck as the bear shouted, trying to push Ahm away and trying to be gentle about it at the same time.
“I knew it!” Chauncey bellowed. “Get your pregnant ass off of me, you weirdo.”
Ahm didn’t release him. He made slurping noises—which only freaked Chauncey out. He began to scream, the sound growing high in pitch until he sounded like a female. Ahm couldn’t hold back his laughter a moment longer.
He had sufficiently scared the shit out of Chauncey. The man lay there with his hand on his neck, glaring daggers at Ahm. “Payback’s a bitch.”
Ahm had one more bear to attack. Chance was not getting off the hook. He jumped from the bed, careful of his footing as he held his side, laughter almost making it hard to breathe. “Bring it on, brother. Bring it on.”
Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.
You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.
For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit
Siren Publishing, Inc.