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Barbour, Carolina - Watch Me, Desire Me (Siren Publishing Allure)

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by Watch Me, Desire Me

  Juden muttered expletives under his breath. “Lady, don’t do that.”

  Saxby was ready to give him a quick retort until she noticed the fangs slipped pass his upper lip. She heard a low sound like a growl.

  She fainted.

  * * * *

  Juden caught Saxby before she hit the floor. Effortlessly, he hoisted her in his arms and laid her head against his shoulder for support.

  “The lady fainted,” his guard Selwyn, said as if Juden was clueless.

  “Really?” Juden quipped. He brushed by his guards.

  Another guard, Jilst, walked beside Juden as he carried Saxby down the hallway. “Perhaps she is not well.”

  Juden rolled his eyes at Jilst to let him know he thought his comment ridiculous. Genteel ladies were always intrigued, mostly aroused by his variant nature, if nothing else. Maybe he shouldn’t have showed his damned fangs. The reaction natural just happened when the lady tried to make him a eunuch. Something, he was still trying to figure out. What had he done to deserve her attack?

  He stalked down the corridor a distance before he realized he had no idea where he went. When he heard a faint sound in the darkness, he turned and found a large pair of eyes staring at him curiously from where the girl hid in the dimness.

  “Where is Lady Saxby’s chamber?” He didn’t raise his voice, but the girl still cowered deeper into the darkness.

  Juden repeated his inquiry, adding a firm tone to his command and got the girl moving. As soon as he reached a door, she turned and ran.

  Faison watched the girl scurry, saying, “Should I go after her in case the lady needs aid?”

  “No. She is coming around.” Juden shoved open the door with his boot, stormed into the room, and placed Saxby on the bed. He loomed over her, studied her intensely, seeing her eyelids flutter, and then pop open.

  Juden stepped back to give Saxby some air. “I’m Juden Van—” Before he could finish, Saxby groaned and promptly lapsed back into unconsciousness.

  Amusement evident in his tone, Selwyn said, “Perhaps you should work on your beside manner.”

  Juden growled and shoved him back. He stared down at the lady. She suffered from the vapors about as much as he did. The little theatrical show was amusing. He wondered why the need to pretend he scared her. He had a mind to find out, but seeking Milo out and shaking questions out of him was paramount on his mind. He would deal with the Lady Saxby and her antics later.

  Chapter 7

  Juden ordered all his guards to remain outside Milo’s chamber except Faison who he ordered to stay behind to watch Lady Saxby’s door. If his feeling was correct, and it always was, she hadn’t known what to do with his sudden appearance. He sensed her pacing the room trying to figure out how to avoid him. As if she could, she might flee, and the ideal of chasing her through the massive dwelling left him mentally exhausted.

  Milo’s games were enough to deal with. He didn’t need the lady adding to his agitated state, which was increasingly manifesting into anger he relished taking out on Milo.

  Without knocking, Juden stalked into the room and made his demands known. “What do you want?”

  If his sudden presence shocked Milo, he didn’t show it. Coolly, he said, “‘Tis difficult to voice now that you are actually here.”

  “Give it a try, or I’m leaving. Now.” Juden forced the words between his teeth.

  Milo motioned toward a chair. “Please, sit so we may converse civilly.”

  To make a point, Juden remained standing, glaring.

  Without preamble, Milo answered Juden’s question. “I may die soon. If this happens, Dandelion must be protected from Lord Drackett and the other greedy lechers, who hover, wait to bounce on my wife, and pilfer my land. Both have to be protected, and the only way to do this is if I leave an heir. ‘Tis impossible for me to get my wife with child, you must do it.”

  “No,” Juden said empathetically.

  “Dandelion is as much yours as it is mine, Juden. Surely, you do not wish to see your homeland in the clutches of the likes of Lord Drackett. As he has done his own land, he will destroy what our father built, turn it into a wasteland.”

  “I don’t give a damn about Dandelion.”

  “‘Tis obvious,” Milo said sourly. “But, I thought you would have some compassion for the fate of my wife. There is no else I can trust to secure her future. Must I plead?”

  “No. It would land on deaf ears.”

  “Lord Drackett is out of favor with the King. If he weds Saxby, which is highly likely he could force her hand to do such. This would mean the King and society would ostracize Dandelion and her, and she would suffer. I do not wish this for my wife. If you beget an heir on her, at least she can remain at Dandelion until the child comes of age to rule. Otherwise, she might as well be exiled from her homeland.” Milo met Juden’s suspicious gaze. He added, “I don’t ask this for myself, but for my wife…our heritage.”

  “If you expire, I will speak with the King directly and ask he weds Lady Saxby to a suitable man. That is the only promise I will make.” Juden turned to leave.

  “Lady Isla’s murderer was never punished.”

  A frisson of iciness stilled Juden. He turned on the balls of his feet. A hostile sound escaped, his canines unleashed, as he snarled. “You dare threaten me?” Milo lifted one shoulder, indifferently. “I’m a desperate man. Therefore, my actions are rash. ‘Tis beneath me, but I will succumb to using blackmail to gain your acquiescence.” He looked squarely at Juden. “If it weren’t for me, you would have burned at the stake for Isla’s murder.”

  The night of Isla’s death haunted him for many years, as the past suddenly surfaced, raw and vibrant in Juden’s mind. The evening he realized the beast dwelled within him—the fever inside him raced wild…savage…with each stroke between Isla’s thighs. He felt his need raging and on the cusp of explosive and uncontrollable. He struggled not to capitulate, tame the thirst upon him, as Isla’s nails dug into his back encouraging him to continue. She left welts, and he smelled the scent of blood—then heard her scream.

  “You will do this for me, Juden,” Milo insisted.

  Before he could blink, Juden flew across the room and pounced on the bed. He hovered over Milo like an ominous shade. His flinty eyes void of color, raked over Milo with disdain. “What you ask is insane.”

  “Perhaps, ‘tis a necessary evil, I’m afraid that drives me,” Milo murmured blandly. He met Juden’s frigid stare. “‘Tis not as if you would be my wife’s first lover.”

  Surprised by Milo’s admission, Juden’s eyes widened marginally. Was he calling Lady Saxby a whore?

  “The task shouldn’t be abhorrent to you, as my wife is appealing to look upon. All you must do is plant your seed in her womb, and then your job here is finished. You will be free to leave Dandelion and never look back. Saxby will not seek you out for anything once you get her with child. All things in the past will remain there.”

  The threat was evident, and Juden despised having his hand forced.

  “Fine, I will do this ghastly deed just to be rid of you, but you and the lady will rue the day you requested this of me.” He stepped from the bed, and moved back. “If you want me to fuck you wife, so be it. Perhaps she will provide entertainment whilst here. But know the pleasure will be all mine, and you should pray she is fertile.”

  An odd, muffled noise caught Juden’s attention. He whirled around searching, caught the glimpse of someone hiding in the alcove of the narrow doorway in the corner of Milo’s room. They tried to disappear and fade into the darkness. Juden found her easily and sat a penetrating look on Saxby.

  “Lady Saxby, there is no need to hide. Come and join us,” Juden said, softly.

  Saxby tried to flee. She ran as fast as she could, managing the twisted labyrinth of the secret passageway that lead from Milo’s chamber to her room. As swift as possible, Saxby hurried through the dim umbra to escape.

  Chapter 8

  Juden VanZandt was hard on h
er heels.

  Saxby glanced over her shoulder, searching, and tried to pinpoint his proximity. His presence strong alarmed her knowing he pursued like a dark apparition ready to strike, and loomed behind her like a gotcha ready to jump from the shadows and snare her.

  Saxby yelped when large hands scooped her up and carried her the remainder of the way down the corridor. Juden opened the door, and then kicked it shut. He stalked across the room and unceremoniously dumped her on the bed.

  “Th-this is not necessary,” she stammered.

  “I beg to differ. If ‘tis my bastard you want then you will get it. Undress,” Juden said, roughly.

  She raised her chin a notch. “No.”

  For a brief second she feared Juden might force the issue, instead he shrugged nonchalantly. “Disrobing is not necessary.” He removed his long coat and tossed it aside. He started on the wood enclosures of his shirt.

  “You intend to rape me?” Indignation rang in her tone.

  Juden looked up, and Saxby saw his eyes darken and become hooded. “On the contrary, I never found it required to force myself on a female. ‘Tis not necessary and I find the thought deplorable. You will concede.” He watched her intensely, and then added. “Milo would have me believe you are a whore.”

  Saxby’s cheeks burned with mortification. She refused to respond and turned away seeing him pull his shirt from the pants waistband. She heard him remove his boots, place his weapons aside and sit on the edge of the bed that sunk beneath his weight. He removed his pants and tossed them on a nearby chair. When she faced him again, the air in her lungs constricted at the magnificent sight. He was completely nude, standing there like an apotheosis of masculinity. Solid and powerful, Juden VanZandt was a depiction of maleness she never witnessed before.

  He was dark complexioned, lightly dusted with fine black hair, not to mention a handsome face complimented the other appealing assets. The structure chiseled, overtly masculine, softened by heart-shaped lips, slanted exotic eyes which glinted sensual and enticing mischief.

  He gathered the twisted plaits and banded them behind his head, causing the ponytail to fall down his back and sway when he moved toward her.

  Unable to resist, she followed his movements. Agile and predatory with a gracefulness, he walked toward her. He stood with his hands on his hips, watching, eyeing her. She dropped her gaze and followed the rippled muscles down between his thighs. To keep from gasping, she sucked in her bottom lip, startled at the sight of maleness that jutted proudly between his thighs. She shamelessly examined his phallus. For the first time she wished she paid more attention to the other men so she could make a comparison. Surely, the enormous size of his cock was normal. She stared fixated at the long, thick shaft, strawberry shaped tip, and large sacs perfectly molded that hung like a pendulum between his thighs.

  He tilted forward and pressed her into the mattress. He gathered her gown and bunched the material around her waist. A sure tug and the sheer material of her drawers tore. He raised her legs, bent the knees, and spread her thighs exposing her sex. When she tried to close her legs, he moved his broad shoulders to hold her open.

  Leisurely, he examined her with a practiced eye. By the time he finished she felt stroked by the heat of his observation that ignited raw pulses to shimmer inside her body.

  Do not think. Do not react. He is no different from the others, Saxby thought as Juden ran a finger back and forth across the plump folds of her vagina, and then slipped it into the slit. She bit her tongue to keep from moaning when he eased his finger along her clit until moisture seeped and coated his finger.

  “Your pussy is rosy, innocent pink, but we know that is not true. You are getting wet…aroused,” he murmured and nibbled the inside of her thigh. His tongue licked a path toward her pussy where he paused and then washed the end of heat over the inflamed swell and made her moan and arch off the bed.

  She clutched the sheets between her fingers, fought against the urge to succumb to the salacious waves racing wildly, and strummed inside her body. Her breasts tingled, nipples swelled and tightened. A flood of wicked sensations confiscated her control. She was sick, waiting on him to enter her, hoping he would, praying he didn’t while she yearned for him to do it. Understanding it was wrong, didn’t make her want him any less and it was dead wrong to want her husband’s brother.

  His tone was husky as midnight, he said, “My touch pleases you?”


  Juden chuckled. “Liar.” He hummed against her mons, slipped his tongue over the damp folds to taste. His tongue was wet, hot, and prodded her to open so he could feast, which he did with the thirst of a man parched. The whip quick as lightening, slowed to an easy draw across her clit and pressure seized every nerve ending in her body. He moved his hands firmly to hold her butt and increased the tempo of lashes to maddening. The burst of bliss shot through her body and caused a small-strangled cry to escape.

  “Please…” The damning words slipped out.

  His grin was wicked when he looked up at her. “You concede?”

  “Just do it and be quick about it,” she said, abruptly, unsure she could stand more of the delicious torment before she begged him to enter her.

  The first thrust was complete and buried him deep. Saxby moaned when he partially withdrew, and then pushed with an unrestrained potency that sent a flood of exquisite feelings bolting through her body. She clutched his shoulders and cried out softly.

  Juden stiffened. “I hurt you?” She shook her head no. “Please—” she whispered, and rose for more.

  Powerful hips flexed in motion, made his cock forge deeper, and ignited a burst of pure, hot delight to explode inside her pussy. Without warning, she sobbed, as a wave of blissful delirium violently rushed over her until all she could do was cling to Juden and shatter in his arms. Moments later, after she could breathe and think, she peaked at Juden from between her fingers where she hid her face. He was very still, an expression of shock on his face, as if her reaction to him was surprising.

  He studied her a moment and shifted away. Shamelessly, she firmed her hold. “Please don’t leave me. Not yet,” she said, quietly.

  “You want to be coddled?”

  Before she screamed yes, it has been a long time, she sucked in her bottom lip. She lost control in his arms and felt awkwardly embarrassed about it. To hide the mortification, she buried her nose in his shoulder, inhaled the masculine scent, heat, wood, and primal, and tried to forget how brazen she performed. His tone was a dulcet murmur. “This was the first time you experienced a woman’s gratification?”

  Saxby sunk further downward, wanting to shrink and disappear inside herself. Better yet, she wished Juden would do like all the others and leave her alone.

  Apparently, Juden had other ideas. The man was huge, his weight solid but pleasingly comforting and warm. He lounged to the side, threw a leg over her thigh and held her in place when she tried to move. He didn’t say as much, it was clear Juden didn’t intend to allow her to escape. As a defense against his fixated stare, she burrowed deeper into the pillow and prayed to suffocate.

  “Answer my question,” Juden insisted.

  “Why is it important?”

  “Curiosity got the better of me.” He moved marginally, causing his hardness to glide along her vaginal walls, and send a ripple of pleasure to race down her spine.

  Saxby stifled a gratifying sigh least he think she was as wanton as Milo implied. She did not want Juden to think she had no control.

  Juden slid a hand down her bodice, slipped his fingers inside, and cupped a breast. He did maddening things with his thumb that raked slowly over a nipple. He focused there, caressing, saying, “Milo would have me believe you act the whore, but from experience, I feel differently. When you reached completion, you sobbed and came apart in my arms. ‘Tis the first time a woman showed such emotion.”

  “I apologize,” she whispered. He captured her chin, tilted, and their gazes locked. “There is no need to be remors
eful for being passionate.” He brushed her lips, just a taste, before pulling back. “Lady Saxby, you are certainly not what I expected.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Damn if I know,” Juden murmured.

  As the sheer size of his penis invaded, submerged deep, an insatiable carnal need defied all else and logical thought. Saxby craved the next thrust, selfishly eager to meet his demand, and basked in the intoxicating heaviness of being filled.

  Nothing else mattered except this moment—not discretion or reason—only a singular thought to appease the ravenous hunger that exist.

  “Ah—right there,” Juden uttered, sinking into the last of the hot, delectable, flesh.

  Juden moved with the finesse of an artisan well skilled in the art of giving satisfaction. Measured strokes drove his cock deep and greedily plundered the sweet cunt. Each forge precise, a flex of his hips, sent the entirety of his phallus strumming through the recess of honey slick tunnel repeatedly.

  Saxby cried out, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, thighs raised and gripped tightly against each muscled flank, forcing the breadth of his cock deeper still.

  Juden responded to her silent pleas for more. Large hands held her waist…swaying in a steady flux and flow he made her capitulate to his command. He increased the tempo of rhythm, slavishly taking and giving in return, that started untamed longing to eat at her she couldn’t explain. Saxby ignored the plausible reason, as the need to consummate unrestrained consumed, all coherent thought faded.

  Saxby moaned, whispering Juden’s name constantly until her cries turned into pants. Quick bursts of air escaped her mouth as she shuddered uncontrollably, and then expired in the flurry of feverish need succumbing to the enjoyment the flesh offered. Her orgasm came hard in a sizzling rush and constricted the flow of air into her lungs.

  She nipped his neck, sinking her teeth into his shoulder.

  Juden inhaled sharply, trembled, feeling the tender assault. He shuddered, struggled for control, felt the racing of seed travel up his shaft, and ignite to a feel of unsurpassed delight. And for a fleeting moment, he feared he might surrender all, until his conscience returned with a strong warning. Against his better judgment, he ignored it—one, two, three deep strokes—abruptly he jerked free sending semen squirting everywhere. His timing too damned close, possibly he came inside Saxby, and the thought left him reeling.


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