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Barbour, Carolina - Watch Me, Desire Me (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 32

by Watch Me, Desire Me

  Juden groaned inwardly and settled back in his chair.

  “I heard Milo is dead.”

  “‘Tis true.”

  “Personally, I never liked him. Thought he was too aloof, distant, and would try to break Saxby’s spirit. I didn’t fathom he was a lunatic. I never would have married Saxby to him if I knew what a bastard he was.”

  “I’m sure Saxby doesn’t begrudge your decision.”

  “You think I need you to tell me how my daughter feels?” Lord Darling snapped. “Now, what I want to know is your intentions toward my Saxby.”

  “I intend to marry her.”

  Lord Darling narrowed his eyes, wrinkled his bushy eyebrows and scowled. “I know that, son. I don’t expect anything less for my girl. What I want to know is if you love her?”

  Juden wavered uncomfortably in his seat. “I thought me and Saxby would converse on the matter privately.”

  “Well, you will, after you answer me first.”

  “Aye, I love your daughter very much. With all my heart and as soon as you allow me to see her I will tell her this.”

  “You love me?” Saxby whispered.

  Juden whirled around and found Saxby standing in the doorway. She wore a pretty, dove blue gown, her hair was loose and hanging down her back, a ribbon was tied atop her head to keep her hair from falling in her face. She smiled happily, and looked like a breath of fresh air. When she entered the room, a fragrant breeze teased his nostrils and dazzled his senses. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, so entranced he followed her movements when she walked forward.

  In a flash, he realized just how damned much he missed her. He truly did love her more than he thought possible. What had he been thinking? If at all, he could carry on with his life after Saxby brought him so much joy he would never be complacent with solitude again. “I do.”

  “You do what, son? Women like to hear the words.”

  Juden smirked, smiling, understanding where Saxby got her fiery spirit.

  He stood up and took Saxby’s hands. He raised them and planted a soft kiss on the back of her palm. He stared in her eyes, and said, “I love you, Saxby. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?”

  Chapter 54

  The ceremony was quaint, intimate with only the bride, groom, and Saxby’s father in attendance along with the priest who presided over the nuptials. During the entire event, Saxby and Juden faced each other and gazed endearingly in each other’s eyes with such longing it was clear neither heard one word spoken. In the end, to gain their attention and end the ceremony, the priest and Lord Darling had to cough to break the kiss that went on terribly long.

  After it was over, the priest left and Lord Darling decided a visit with relatives seemed warranted, and the couple was left alone to enjoy their wedding night.

  “Where is your room?” Juden asked. He lifted Saxby up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him as he mounted the steps with haste until they reached the landing.

  “I still can’t believe you brought a priest from the monastery with you. ‘Tis odd, as they rarely leave the confines of their structure into the outside world,” Saxby said.

  “I believe in being prepared—left or right?”

  “Two doors down the hallway, and then a right. Oh, my, Juden, tell me you did not do what I think you did?”

  “What?” Juden appeared innocent.

  “Tell me I will be able to show my face in the church again.”

  “‘Tis not like I brought the priest here trussed and tied to my mount. I can be charming and very persuasive when need be.” It almost came to that, and he was prepared to take drastic measures with the priest. Luckily, he was able to persuade the man. He decided to keep that to himself.

  He shoved the door open with his boot, walked over the threshold, and carried Saxby into the room. He laid her down on the layers of fluffy flounced coverlet, puffy rose-hued pillows, layers of cream and satin, and frilly feminine décor of her bed.

  He hovered over Saxby, who looked at him questioningly, her eyebrow raised fractionally.

  “I asked politely.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I should hope so,” she murmured.

  “I assure you I was on my best behavior.” Juden grinned. He started on the buttons of his shirt, which he undid before pulling it from his waistband. He unlaced his trousers and shoved them down his hips before sitting on the edge of the bed to work on his boots. He tossed them aside, slid his pants off, and flung them over his shoulder. He finished undressing and tossed his jacket and shirt on a nearby chair.

  Splendidly naked, the perfection of masculinity enthralled Saxby as she gazed upon her husband’s nudity, a virile specimen, every inch of him exuded strength, brawn, and a charming attractiveness he magnified when he bestowed a brilliant smile on her and made her forget their topic of discussion.

  With appreciation, she ran her eyes over the expanse of his lengthy frame and paused greedily at the object of her affection. She licked her lips expectantly, wetting the bottom, settling on his erection jutted proudly between his thighs. The bulbous head strained, the length taut, attesting to his state of arousal, his huge cock saluted the air.

  Juden leaned forward, captured her chin, and raised it marginally for her to meet his gaze. “I promise you I was on my best behavior when I asked the priest to accompany me to your home.” He brushed her lips, softly. “I won’t make the same claim when I bed you. Given our celibacy, I do intend to be as wicked as possible to make up for lost time.”

  The sexual entendre of his words and promises sent a flagrant rush of excitement coursing through her body flamed and combusted between her thighs. Already overly stimulated being in close proximity of her husband, Saxby felt moisture gather and saturate her drawers and soak the thin material.

  Juden stood up. “How does that sound, darling?”


  “Good…good, then we are in accord,” he said softly. “Now, allow me to help divest you of the impossible number of layers you ladies must attire yourself in to be presentable though, sans clothing is my preference.”


  “I like it when you are accommodating, darling. Let’s see what we have here,” he said, reaching for the endless trail of pearl buttons enclosed her bodice. He undid each one with patience, until he finally could pull her gown up and throw it aside. Next, he worked on the endless amount of satin ribbons enclosing her underwear over her breasts and body. Quickly, he freed her of the garment.

  She lay splendidly before him. Juden stared at the enticing sight, enamored at the beauty of his wife.

  “Are you going to stand there all night and gaze upon me when you could be enjoying me? What took you so long to come for me?”

  “I had to attend to business.”

  He knew, she knew, what he meant. She didn’t inquire about the details, and he didn’t feel the need to expound on what happened at Dandelion. That was in their past.

  “At first, I thought you might not come,” she said quietly.

  “You know me better than that. I had to make sure when I came to you, matters where attended to satisfactorily, which means I was free to wed you. I wasn’t going to settle for anything less.”

  He covered her body, gathered Saxby in his arms, and kissed her softly, tenderly, with the attention of a man enthralled with his wife.

  She returned the gentle kiss, her mouth attentive, yielding, and bespoke of Saxby’s feelings toward him.

  “I missed you, darling, from the first second you left me after I acted an ass about Maynard. I wanted to come after you immediately, a part of me was terrified you might turn me away.”

  Saxby touched his mouth. She smiled warmly, saying, “I could never deny you, Juden. My love for you wouldn’t allow it, even if I wanted to. I didn’t realize how empty my life was until you entered it. You gave me hope, filled me with pleasure, and took me places I only dreamed about. With you, happily ever after se
emed possible. I love you.”

  “Not as much as I love you.”

  “You want to argue about whom loves whom more?” she teased.

  Juden chuckled. “No, you would lose,” he said. His mouth twitched into a smile.

  “Don’t think you will always win, Juden.” Saxby smiled. She entwined her arms around his neck and rose to mesh their bodies together. She brushed his lips and slipped her tongue in his mouth. She kissed him long and hard, a deep, soul wrenching entanglement leaving them both eager and panting.

  “I would never take anything with you for granted. Trust me,” he murmured, pushing her backwards until she flattened beneath him. “Now, if you don’t mind I’m growing impatient to have your luscious body and silky thighs wrapped around me. You will forgive my need for expediency and understand.” He ran his hand down and over her breasts, saying, “But these nipples make my mouth water.” He suckled, and then washed his tongue over one swell then the other. Breathy, he added, gliding a hand between her thighs, slipped a finger between the moist slit, coated his finger, and rubbed her clit. “And this moist delectable pussy has me feeling incredibly urgent to lose myself in your allure. Do you mind?”

  Saxby giggled, willingly widening her thighs when he eased between her legs. “If I did, I believe ‘tis a mute point.”

  Juden shrugged, and murmured, “Perhaps, as I can see you are generously wet and ready.”

  “Ah, again you take liberties with me, as if you know what I’m thinking…my wants.”

  Juden smiled cheeky. “I do know your every desire, which includes your insatiable appetite to be fucked,” he said, kissing her neck. He nibbled, and then raked his teeth over the erratic beat of her pulse. She sucked in air. Lightly, he sank his teeth into her neck and applied enough pressure, stopping short of piercing the skin. She squirmed wildly, gasped, and clutched his hair and pulled him closer. He could feel her juices flow, dampening his hand, and leaving his fingers slippery.

  “You are correct, and before you ask I concede. I want you. I need you. You win. Now, hurry and enter me. I can’t wait any longer,” she said winded, quivering in anticipation. Juden chuckled softly. “Okay, love, my darling.” he whispered, drew her against him, leaned forward and pushed the full strength of his erection inside her sweltering pussy. He spoke his signature word on a sigh. “Ah, right there.” He moved a measure, basked in feeling the snug sheath snare his cock, before he held.

  Saxby moaned softly, shamelessly thrust upwards to feel more of the flame-hot, throbbing cock fill her. “One second, darling,” he said, kissing her mouth deliciously.

  “I can’t wait a second.” Saxby yanked his hair to make a point. “I need you, Juden.”

  “And you will get me and all my glory, however not before I tell you this.” He framed her face in his palms. His eyes bore into her soul and revealed his depth of love he felt for her. In the reflection of her gaze, he saw the magnitude of Saxby’s love of him. “This time we both win,” he whispered, before setting the pace and rhythm of endurance, endless time, and everlasting love.


  Duns Laire, VanZandt Palace

  Juden sat in the chair by the hearth, rested his cup on his knee, and read the missive the messenger just delivered from Dandelion. He scanned the note again, frowned, and wondered why after all this time the madness he thought died with Milo resurfaced.

  He and Saxby had been wed seven years, had two beautiful sons, another child on the way and life was complacent, until now. The news the courier delivered was unsettling to say the least, and he would have preferred to overlook the distasteful matter. He knew under the circumstances he could not and live with his decision. Though he owned Dandelion, he hadn’t stepped foot on the land in years, and Saxby refused to ever return, because the hurtful memories were too much to face.

  Now, due to the daunting news, he might be forced to go to Dandelion and handle matters. Even though he knew Faison could settle the situation, as he managed the property all these years, it was his responsibility to ensure the things were resolved satisfactorily. The King would expect nothing less, and if he considered matters, the King was right. That and he had to uphold the pact his grandfather made with the ruler of the Northern Territory. The time had come.

  The rebellion he feared no longer a rumor, he thought and looked up when Saxby entered the room. He smiled, and motioned for her to take a seat on his lap. She willingly perched and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

  “I saw the messenger arrive and know he came from Dandelion, because I saw the colors on the flag. Is something amiss?” She watched him perceptively.

  “Faison sent a note about Lord Drackett and Megatha.”


  Juden inhaled and released the air slowly. He wanted to shield Saxby from the unpleasantness, but knew that was impossible. He paused, to consider his words, and how much to reveal. “Lord Drackett is petitioning the King to seize Dandelion. Megatha is dead.”

  “Oh, my, what happened to her?”

  “She was murdered.”

  Saxby made the sign of the cross over her chest. “Who did such an awful thing? Why?”

  Juden wiped his hands down his face and sighed. “Unfortunately, the mystery remains.”

  Saxby’s eyes flashed, widening. “You think ‘tis the work of Lord Drackett? Carline? No, no, surely not, as she is confined to the King’s prison. There is no way she could have escaped”

  Never say never, Juden thought, he said instead, “I don’t know. I must find out.”

  Saxby eyed him. “You are going to Dandelion, aren’t you?”

  “Do not ask what you already know.” He tapped her nose affectionately. “And, before you ask the answer is no. You may not travel with me.” Before she could protest, he clarified his comment. “Even though any time away makes me miserable, in your condition I can’t risk bringing you along.” He rubbed her swollen belly.

  “Our child isn’t due for weeks.”

  “No,” he said empathetically.

  She acted as if she might protest and then thought better of it. He was mildly relieved she didn’t intend to argue over his decision. He didn’t care to step foot on Dandelion property again, and the notion he must, piqued him. He didn’t want to have to concern himself with leaving Saxby upset, as well. In her delicate condition, she didn’t need any undue stress. Speaking of which, he made a mental note to have guards watch over her and his sons. He didn’t believe anyone would be foolish enough to come to Duns Laire and try to harm them. However, when dealing with madness, it was best to be cautious. Then there was the rebellion to consider. If the grumblings were true, Saxby and his children would be hunted down, murdered simply because she was his wife, and his sons had vampire blood.

  He would deal with such if the time came.

  For a brief moment, he considered if Carline was behind the nonsense at Dandelion. He told himself it was unlikely, but, again, the mantra “never say never” surfaced. Lord Drackett fussed for years he had neglected his duties to Dandelion, and therefore should be replaced with someone who showed more loyalty. Based on the missive he received from the King earlier, he suspected Lord Drackett’s constant ear bending was getting attention.

  Juden looked absentmindedly about the room. He had not revealed the King’s edict to Saxby. For obvious reasons, it would upset her greatly.

  “There is something you are not telling me,” Saxby said.

  He touched her cheek gingerly. “Ah, sometimes I think you know me too well.”

  “What secret are you keeping from me? I know the King sent you a message earlier this week.”

  “You didn’t say anything. Why?”

  “I would hope my husband would share matters with me without me having to drag it out of him.” She looked at Juden pointedly. Juden pulled her closer, snuggled her cheek against his shoulder, and stroked her hair with his fingertips. “You are correct. I keep things from you, because I don’t want to upset you, darling.” He exh
aled deeply, wondering where to begin. He said, “Do you remember I told you about the agreement between the King and my grandfather, concerning how our territories would one day have to band together against any clan that attempted to enact a war against us?” Saxby nodded. “I believe that time has come.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “There are rumors surfacing there is unrest amongst the tribes who reside in the Bog region, seven maybe ten clans, are banding together to ride on the Northern Territory and overthrow your King’s rule. It’s an illustrious vision, I give them, also necessary because their terrain and resources they need to survive is quickly depleting.”

  “Why not just go to the King and arrange an amicable and advantageous deal for all?”

  “You have an innocent heart.” He caressed her cheek. He said softly, “These matters are not resolved so easily.”

  Saxby held him firmer, as if she knew what he would say next, and it terrified her.

  “Personally, I have no desire to fight beside your King because he can’t be trusted. My grandfather signed an agreement, and as the sovereign over Duns Laire ‘tis my responsibility to fulfill the promises made. If possible, I will see that no battle ensues. However, I can only do so much.”

  “What do you intend to do?”

  “Maybe the impossible,” Juden murmured. He paused before continuing. “There is one leader amongst the Bog people who seems sensible. I have had several communications with him to see if we cannot settle this matter, as you say, amicably. Which means bring a truce among the two territories by arranging an alliance, a marriage between one of theirs and the King’s choosing.”

  “The potential solution seems favorable, but I sense some distress in you concerning this marriage.”

  “The King insists a variant weds the girl. He believes it will hold more weight on matters, as the Bog people are foolish, not stupid. They fear the variants more than a human being, as they should. The one leader from the Bog tribe is Vesture Florentine, and he has a daughter named Fiona, his eldest and selected to marry the King’s choice. The fools already sent the girl to Dandelion, not realizing that Lord Drackett intends to intercept her, force her to marry him, and undo my attempt at solving matters without going to war.”


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