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Tingle All the Way

Page 7

by Mackenzie McKade

  His parents lived about twenty minutes away. Kayla seemed quiet as he turned into their gated community. During the drive he had tried to engage her a couple of times, only to realize that a change had come over her. Kayla’s Ice Queen persona had returned with a vengeance. Her answers had been short and to the point, offering no more to enhance the conversation.

  “You’re really nervous about this party.” He glanced over at her. “Why?”

  “I don’t care to socialize.”

  Barry was smart enough not to belabor the point. Remaining quiet, he focused on parking, and then his gaze rose and he started to laugh.

  His parents had outdone themselves this year. Their entire house was lit up with colorful lights. The yard ornaments looked new. He didn’t recognize the snow globe or half a dozen other huge blowups. But he did have to admit the snow globe was his favorite. White pearly snowflakes fell softly on several penguins, a North Pole sign and, of course, Santa Claus.

  When he and Kayla stood before the bright spectacle, she muttered, “I bet the neighbors love your parents.” There was a tinge of sarcasm in her voice, but her eyes sparkled as if she were a child experiencing Christmas for the first time.

  Barry took her by the hand. “Come on. Let’s go inside.”

  The second they stepped inside his mother squealed, parting the crowd as if she were parting the Red Sea to get to their side. Like she always did, she hugged him with a death-defying grip before she kissed his cheek and commented she thought he wasn’t eating enough.

  Then she turned her sharp attention to Kayla. “Oh my goodness, sweetheart. Who is this charming creature?”

  “Kayla Jones. She’s an attorney for Buckman and Chase. Kayla, this is my mother, Cecilia Allred.”

  Kayla extended her hand. “Mrs. Allred, it is such a pleasure to meet—”

  His mother almost flew into Kayla’s arms, giving her a big, warm embrace. Kayla’s eyes widened with surprise as she hesitantly wrapped her arms around the smaller woman.

  Barry smiled inwardly. His mother could melt the coldest of hearts. Kayla was no match for her.

  After waving a maid over to take Kayla’s wrap and purse, his mother turned back to his date. “Now tell me about yourself. Parents. Brothers. Sisters.” She must have seen Kayla’s expression freeze, because she brushed her hand through the air and quickly changed the subject. “Charles told me that you won your case against a dastardly prosecutor.”

  She winked at Barry.

  “Charles?” he asked, as confused as Kayla appeared.

  “Buckman. You know he and your father are friends. He keeps us apprised of all your courtroom antics when he can.” She turned her gaze to Kayla. “Apparently you are Buckman and Chase’s fair-haired child. Charles has wonderful things to say about you. I’ve been dying to meet you since I found out you would be attending tonight.”

  This time his mother had surprised even him. How did she know about Kayla or the fact he would be escorting her? Then the answer stepped amongst the throng of partygoers.


  Barry should have known his mother would have quizzed his friend about her son’s love life. Once she knew about Kayla, she probably hunted Charles down and interrogated him about her.

  His friend took one look at Barry’s date and male appreciation slid across his face as he approached. “Barry, who is this breathtaking beauty?”

  “Kayla, this is Stan Keller, my broker and ex-friend.”

  Stan chuckled, taking Kayla’s hand in his. “I’m his very best friend, he means.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Mr. Keller.”

  “Stan. Call me Stan.” He held Kayla’s hand longer than was polite and she arched a chilly brow. But Stan would be Stan. He raised their interlocked hands to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of hers.


  Turning, he greeted his father with a handshake and a slap on the back.

  “I’m told you’re not alone tonight.” His father smiled warmly at Kayla, and Stan finally released her to shake the older man’s hand.

  “Kayla Jones, this is my father, Conway Allred.”

  She slowly extended her hand. “Conway Ammunition and Arms.”

  “You’ve heard of my company?”

  “Yes, I—” Could it be he didn’t remember her?

  His father laughed. “Yes, I know. But there are no hard feelings.” When Barry flashed his father a questioning look, the man explained. “Your date was instrumental in reallocating some company resources.” When his father shared with the small group their acquaintance, Barry’s gaze darted to her.

  Kayla had sued his father.

  Chapter Seven

  Talk about wanting to die a thousand deaths. Kayla’s heart started beating so fast she thought perhaps she would drop right there and then. The world truly was a small place and she felt it getting smaller by the second.

  Her boss roamed the room somewhere and the man standing before her…

  Well, she had sued his company for half a million dollars for a client and won. It was some time ago, but evidently losing five hundred thousand dollars tended to stay in the mind of the person paying it out. And evidently his son hadn’t known anything about it.

  The site explosion had been due to negligence. Yes, it was true a disgruntled employee had caused the incident, but Conway Ammunition and Arms had still been held responsible.

  The doorbell rang and Cecilia grasped Kayla’s hand and squeezed. “Barry, I expect you to bring Kayla to Christmas dinner.” Then she and Conway left to greet the new arrivals.

  Kayla breathed a sigh of relief. She had been momentarily saved from what surely would have led into a more awkward conversation. Still, she forced herself to meet the disbelief in Barry’s eyes.

  “It shouldn’t surprise me. Dad doesn’t talk shop with me. He has his own attorneys for the business. But you really sued my father?”

  “It is what it is,” she found herself saying with her chin held high. If he was looking for an apology or further explanation, he wouldn’t get it from her. Business was business, surely he knew that. But still her heart sank a little. What man would want to be with a woman who relieved his family of a cool half a million bucks?

  As Barry and Stan began to chat about investments and stocks, she gazed around the room. The Allreds’ home had a welcoming feel. Family pictures were hung freely on the walls and atop crisp, white doilies lying on inn tables and a credenza. They spoke of love and a close-knit family. Something she had never experienced.

  “You okay?” Barry asked.

  “Of course.” Yay. Kayla sounded surer of herself than she felt. In fact, she was ready to go home. When a voice in her head reminded her of the agreement she made with Hector, she wasn’t sure if it was her own subconscious or the faery.

  “Want a drink? I’ll even drink half of yours to ensure it’s safe.”

  Stan gave Barry a look of intrigue, but Barry must not have thought it deserved an explanation because he didn’t say anything more and left her standing with his friend.

  “You don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself.”

  Kayla turned to the six-foot-three blond with chocolate-brown eyes and scrutinized him. Did Barry say he was a broker? From the look of his deep, rich tan against his black silk shirt and tailored slacks, the man was successful, or at least carried the air he was. Prominent. Confident.

  Most people weren’t what they portrayed, with the exception of Barry. For some reason he had broken through her defensive walls. She trusted him. The realization was a shock. She was still pondering the thought when Stan asked his question for a second time.

  “Enjoying myself? Of course. Don’t I look like I’m having fun?” Her forced smile must have failed.

  “I think you’d enjoy it more if you were dancing with me.”

  Unbelievable. The man was beyond cocky.

  Stan didn’t wait for her to refuse him. He swept her hand in his and pulled her to where three couples shuffle
d to the small orchestra playing a waltz. In seconds, she was in his arms moving across the floor. Strength and authority held her in an embrace that made her stumble.

  “Don’t worry, love, I’ll catch you if you fall.”

  Liquid heat simmered in his eyes as if he were trying to convey some unspoken message. His warm palm slipped farther down her back, resting just above her ass where his fingertips teased the area with pressure.

  Oh yeah. This man could be dangerous to a woman.

  When the music died, Barry was waiting on her with a martini in hand. “Stealing my girl?” he asked Stan.

  “Is she your girl?” he asked Barry, but his eyes were on her.

  This man was good at playing games. But it was the look of expectation in Barry’s gaze when he glanced at her that sent those tingles raging through her body. She’d give anything to be his girl, but something held her back from saying it. It didn’t matter what she thought though, because a small, high-pitched voice coming from one of the blonde curls hanging at the side of her ear spoke for her.



  Kayla started to reach for the swirly lock and strangle one troublemaking faery, but her hand stopped midway up when she saw the soft smile on Barry’s face. He stepped forward, his arms going around her waist before he kissed her so tenderly that her heart skipped a beat or two. Lost in the moment, she’d forgotten where they were until Stan cleared his throat, forcing her to take a step back and break Barry’s hold.

  Praying that no one had seen their show of affection, her hopes were dashed when she saw the Allreds and Charles Buckman looking their way. Barry’s mother grinned. His father had a you-go-boy expression. And Mr. Buckman stared at her as if she had just grown two heads.

  And maybe she had. Because Kayla was acting so far out of her character she didn’t even know who she was anymore. This dress wasn’t her. Kissing in public wasn’t her. Emotions she had never felt before came rising to the surface, almost choking her.

  She whipped her gaze about. “I need to use the restroom.”

  Barry pointed. “Up the stairs to the right.”

  “Excuse me.”

  Kayla didn’t wait to make her escape. Her heels clicked against the marble floor with each step she took. Breathlessly, she locked the door behind her and stared blindly at the stranger in the mirror. Unfathomable tears rose, one rushing down her cheek followed by another.

  “Please, Kayla, don’t cry.” Hector parted several strands of her hair, gazing at her with such sorrow. “You are strong, intelligent and beautiful. But you protect your heart like Fort Knox guards its gold.” He softly patted the left side of his chest with his right hand. “It is time to listen to what this is telling you. You care for this man deeply. Admit it. It is okay to do such. He is a man who can be trusted with your heart and your secrets.”

  “Can I? Trust him? Or will he leave me like everyone else has?” God. She sounded like a child.

  Hector shook his head. “No one knows what the future holds, señorita. But remember Tennyson’s words, ‘’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’.”

  Through misty eyes, she felt a tug at the corner of her mouth. “You know, you’re not all that bad.”

  He shrugged. “I’m an acquired taste.” Then he grinned before disappearing back into the folds of her hair.

  “Hector,” she growled. “You are not hanging around in my hair all night.”

  A masculine chuckle rang in her ear.

  As she let herself out of the bathroom, Kayla thought about what Hector had said. Maybe she needed to trust herself before she trusted another.

  Barry felt his chest tightening as Kayla came down the stairs. Something about this woman moved him. When she had confirmed that she was his girl, he had nearly burst with happiness. Yet something niggled in the back of his mind. Had she meant it or did she say it for Stan’s benefit? As she grew closer, he frowned. It might be just his imagination, but her eyes appeared a little red, swollen. Had she been crying?

  “Everything okay?”

  “Absolutely,” she replied nonchalantly. “I should probably say hello to Buckman before the night is over. I’m told he usually doesn’t stay long at parties because of his wife’s health. Would you join me?”

  “Certainly.” He offered her his arm and she took it without hesitation.

  Charles Buckman was a shrewd man and knew a good attorney when he saw one. He probably compensated Kayla handsomely to keep her with his firm. As they approached, he turned and eyed her with curiosity, probably because it wasn’t the Ice Queen who stood by Barry’s side, but a beautiful woman. It was in the way she walked, the way she held herself.

  Surprising Barry, she openly smiled at the elderly man as she held out her hand to him. “Good evening, Mr. Buckman.”

  “Miss Jones, what a pleasure to see you here. You missed the company party.”

  “I’m afraid that was my fault,” Barry inserted, providing no more details.

  “No worries, boy.” Buckman shook his hand. “So what do you think of our girl here? I heard she gave you a whoppin’ yesterday.”

  She stiffened, but Barry squeezed her hand reassuringly and pulled her closer. “I returned the favor later that night.”

  Kayla’s eyes grew as large as saucers. “Barry!” The prettiest coloring dotted her cheeks.

  Buckman chuckled. “No worries, Miss Jones, this whippersnapper has been known to spin a yarn or two. When are you going to join us on the dark side?”

  “You know I can’t do that.”

  The older man shrugged. “It doesn’t hurt to keep asking. Maybe Miss Jones can sway you. You know she’s pretty good in an argument.”

  Kayla’s color deepened.

  “Well, it’s time for me to be off. Mrs. Claus has something special scheduled for me tonight.”

  “How is Barbara?” Barry asked, even though he knew the woman was fighting a losing battle with diabetes.

  “She’s doing better. Thank you.” Buckman shook both his and Kayla’s hands again, and then he sauntered off.

  Barry didn’t realize it, but his palms had been rubbing up and down Kayla’s bare arms. He needed to touch her so badly he couldn’t stand it. “Dance with me.”

  They danced that dance and the next one as well. As he swept her across the floor, he couldn’t believe how right she felt in his arms. It was as if they were an extension of each other, moving in perfect harmony.

  Later that night, Kayla danced with his father and again with Stan. When he returned from the restroom she was dancing with a man he had never met. A sudden tinge of jealousy rose from out of nowhere to surprise him.

  Mine, rang possessively through his head. Barry must have been frowning because when Stan walked up, he gave him a funny look.

  “You okay?” Stan’s gaze followed Barry’s, which was on Kayla in the arms of the other man. “You didn’t tell me that you had feelings for this woman.”

  “So?” Why try to deny them? Kayla had captivated him the moment he set eyes on her.

  “Is that going to be a problem tonight?”

  Yes was the first response that came to his mind, but he said the opposite, adding, “It’s Kayla’s fantasy.” Barry would give her this fantasy, and then by God, no man would ever touch her again.

  When she waltzed off the floor with the man following her, Barry curled his fingers into fists. “Having fun?” He managed to speak without allowing his anger to slip through.

  “I am.” She took a deep breath and her breasts caught the eye of her dance partner. “Samuel Darwin, meet Barry Allred and Stan Keller. Sam is a nephew of one of the other guests attending tonight.”

  Barry ground his teeth at Stan and then he shook the young buck’s hand. “Darwin, it’s a pleasure to meet you, but we were just leaving.”

  “Uh. Oh, okay.” Kayla hesitated, before adding, “Thank you for the dance. Perhaps our paths will cross again.”

  “I’ll make s
ure of it.”

  Over my dead body, perched on the tip of Barry’s tongue, but he remained silent. Instead, he placed a palm in the small of her back and escorted her to gather her wrap and purse.

  As they stepped outside, he realized the night had turned chilly. Barry activated the automatic starter on his key ring, heating the car as they approached it. Kayla pulled the stole tighter around her shoulders. “I can’t believe how cold it is.” The way the moonlight fell over her, she appeared ethereal—his angel.

  “Come home with me tonight. I’ll warm you up.”

  Shadows moved over her eyes as she climbed into the car. “Tomorrow is Christmas—it’s a special time. Your family’s expecting you to join them.”

  He opened his door and slid behind the wheel. “Mom expects you to come with me. Of course, that is if you haven’t already made plans.”

  “No plans. But your mother was just being nice.”

  Barry huffed. “That was mom’s way of telling—not asking. If she didn’t want you to attend she would have kept her mouth shut. And I want you by my side.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. But I also want you in my bed tonight.” He steered the car into traffic. “Besides, I have a Christmas present for you.”

  “No, Barry, I couldn’t possibly accept a gift. I don’t have anything for you or your family.”

  “I’ve taken care of my family’s presents. And you probably need to see what I have for you before you turn it down. Now come over here and give me a kiss and say you’ll go home with me.”

  Kayla leaned over the console, her wrap slipping from her shoulders as she pressed her lips to his, whispering, “I’d love to go home with you.”

  The clock in the car struck midnight as they pulled into the garage and the large door dropped with a whine. Barry got out and hurried around the car to open her door.

  “Let’s get out of this cold.”

  They both rushed to the door leading to his kitchen and slipped inside. Barry heard footsteps just before Stan sauntered through the doorway with a glass of scotch in his hands.


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