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The Star Traders: The Star Traders Series Volume One

Page 22

by Gary W. Feather

  Erica flew the space hauler out of the cargo bay. She pointed it away from Guinevere and blasted off for a minute. Erica slowed the space hauler with a burst from the retro thrusters. She jumped out of the cockpit. Hopefully the battle armor will protect me from the blast. The helmet’s data screen says 60%. Is that good?

  When the explosion came Erica was knocked unconscious.


  Erica woke up in sickbay with a smiling Martha looking down at her. “Am I alive?”

  “Yes, Erica.” Martha giggled. “Do you remember what happened?”

  “I think I got the space hauler away from the Guinevere in time.” Erica remembered. “I got caught in the blast, didn’t I?”

  “Yes,” Martha replied. “Luckily the battle armor wasn’t damaged so bad that it couldn’t send out a distress signal. You were picked up and brought home.”

  “Mom and Keiko?”

  “They’re fine,” Martha said. “The doctors are fixing them up just like they did me.”

  Erica sighed. She felt like she wanted to sleep some more.

  “Oh, by the way.” Martha had a twinkle in her eye.




  “The date.” Martha frowned. “When are we going on that date?”

  “Oh sure.” Erica nodded. “I have it planned.”

  “Good.” Martha smiled. “I’ll be there.” She gave Erica a long kiss on the mouth.


  Beginning of the end

  Emma Long sat down at the dinner table with the other members of the Bleeding Flame. They were seated in a private room in a respectable family restaurant called Amanda’s Kitchen. The waitresses that brought everyone drinks and food probably didn’t suspect that they were leaders of the most feared assassination society within human space.

  Emma quietly snorted to herself. We all look like someone’s grandmother. Just a bunch of old businesswomen. The truth is that every one of us has more blood on our hands than most senior military officers. Emma looked down at her winkled old hand. All the scars on it and the rest of her body had removed by the best procedures of modern medical science that money could buy. Still I remember all the faces of my victims. Why did I ever get into this business? Oh shut up, old woman. No point in crying over spilled milk, especially after all of these decades of killing.

  Pollyanna Finn whistled to get everyone’s attention. “Mmm. As always that was a fine meal. My compliments to the chef.”

  “Thank you, madam.” The head waitress Ms. White bowed, and her bald spot could be seen.

  “Now, please lock the doors for our privacy.” Finn told her.

  “As you wish, madam.” The head waitress bowed again. Ms. White shooed all of her waitresses out of the room and shut the door.

  Emma heard the lock click.

  “Now let’s get down to business, ladies.” Pollyanna Finn smiled like a tigress. She was also known as Aunt Polly, especially by her employees.

  “I would like that,” Emma interrupted. Finn frowned at her. The usual tension between them had grown since Emma’s sister had been killed in one of Finn’s botched operations. Finn is becoming obsessed with the woman who stole important information that Finn had on their secret society. She wouldn’t give details on the info that was stolen other than blackmail on various politicians and other important people within the Yin Confederation. Emma suspected it contained info on the society and its members too, but Finn would say. She’s been wasting members and money and they’re not careful it could end with public exposure. I won’t allow that. The stupid old bitch needs to retire!

  “We still haven’t any new word from Demon.” Finn glanced around the dinner table. No one spoke for fear that Demon was dead and her mission a failure. Demon was one of Finn’s girls. A foreigner from Suiko. “We need to step up the attempts on Martha Clarke’s life.”

  “Again?” Emma complained. Emma glance over at Peggy Legg, who nodded her support. Two of Peggy Legg’s assassins had failed on the planet Selene. Demon had interfered with their operation and actually killed one of Legg’s assassins.

  “What?” Finn frowned.

  “How much more money must we waste on this? How many more of our best assassins can we lose and still survive as an organization?” Emma peered not just at Finn, but around the table at the other leading members of the society. “I think it is high time a vote is taken over your leadership.”

  Pollyanna Finn sat up straight with angry glare on her face rather than just a frown. “Watch it, Ms. Long. Your sister had her chance, and she failed at her assignment. I don’t see how you of all people can dare to look down on me!”


  Far away from the planet Yin and its sun the Starship Guinevere jumped out of hyperspace in the Chaucer system. Chaucer was within space claimed by the Victorian Monarchy.

  Erica checked the time. Great! I have nineteen minutes to go and my shift will be over. She smiled thinking of Martha. I’ll get that date started with her. Goddess, I love that woman!

  Spacestation Squire orbited the planet Knight’s Tale, and Erica had gotten reservations in advance for a restaurant on Spacestation Squire. Wow that cost a lot! But my girl’s worth it. Erica smiled dreamily. Someone poked her cheek.

  “Hey! Get your mind out of the clouds, Erica. Get to work.” Keiko chuckled then turned back to her monitor screen within the security control room aboard the Guinevere.

  “Sorry, Keiko. Uh—” Erica felt her face warm with a blush.

  “Fine. Don’t let it happen again.”


  “I know who you're thinking about.” Keiko rubbed Erica’s back for a second. “But business before pleasure.”

  Erica grinned and forced down a schoolgirl’s giggle.


  Bad date

  Hours later, Guinevere had docked at the large spacestation that orbited Knight’s Tale in high orbit at one of its Lagrangian points. Squire was the largest of all the spacestations, and satellites that circled Knight’s Tale. Some star systems that the Guinevere went to had only one spacestation in the whole system or none at all. The Chaucer system was a member of the Victorian Monarchy, an interstellar nation as powerful as the Yin Confederation. They were two of the most powerful nations in this sector of human space. Sometimes they were still called the Hungarian Frontier Zone after the dead Hungarian Empire that they’d been a part of, or rather were conquered by, a thousand years ago.

  Erica nervously smoothed out her knee length red dress and then touched her brown ponytail. She wanted to see it if the silver Celtic knot piece was in place. Its elastic holder held her shoulder length hair in place and looked pretty. Unless it got loose. Stop worry about that and focus on Martha, stupid! She held out her hand and Martha took it.

  Martha was dressed in an eye-gasping ankle length black dress with a slit that started at the hip. Along with a black leather jacket. It had chains on it! Oh! Mine is a light silk jacket just big enough to hide my stunner. Martha’s long blond hair covered her shoulders and shoulder blades like a sexy cape. The four-inch black heels were sexy too. Martha’s hand felt warm and slightly wet. How could she be nervous? Or is that my sweat? Open the door, Erica.

  The two women stepped out of Guinevere’s docking tube and onto Squire deck 6 Level B.

  “I’ve never been to J.J.’s Steakhouse before,” Erica said. “B-but I’ve been told it’s a great place to go. According to Tilly and Keiko.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be wonderful, Erica.” Martha interlaced her fingers with Erica’s fingers. Erica glanced at their interlaced hands for a second. Wow! Did my toes just curl in my boots? Erica's boots were a pair of Vivian’s ankle boots that she’d borrowed from Keiko. Better not scuff them. She’d be so pissed and I couldn’t blame her. They’re so cute!

  Spacestation port security checked their eyes and ID cards for identification, and scanned them for weapons. Erica had a stunner and was re
gistered for concealed carry in Victorian space. Erica gave him the stunner The bored security man nodded and waved them through. Erica knew the drill, and been in his spot on Guinevere and Daughter a number of times. The scanner gates that they walked through gave them an okay beep. He handed her back the stunner and Erica stuffed it in her underarm holster.

  “Thank you.” Erica smiled at him. He waved her on.


  “Erica Williams and guest?” said the tall man at the podium. His fingers sped up and down a list on actual paper rather than a screen. “Ah. I see.” He looked down at them through his shiny glasses. This was a surprise to Erica for who needed glasses anymore? Its not like this was a primitive star system where you couldn’t get your eyes fixed. Maybe a fad. “Your table is waiting for you. This is Zoe. She will be your waitress.”

  He waved to a teenage blond girl in a conservative Victorian dress. “Please, madams, follow me.”

  They were taken to a nice table beside a small fountain that looked like little cupid boy. Erica held a chair out for Martha.

  “Thank you, honey.” Martha sat. Erica pushed her forward and walked to her chair.

  “Do you wish to start with drinks?” Zoe asked.

  Erica glanced at the menu and ordered herself ice tea. “Wine?”

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” Martha teased.

  “Uh-uh…” Erica felt Martha’s toe rub up and down her calf for a second before retreating.

  “I’ll have the Piers white wine, Zoe,” Martha told the waitress and gave Erica a blink when the waitress turned to leave.

  Erica giggled like a schoolgirl.

  “Why do I adore you so much, Erica?” Martha asked with surprising honesty. “I-I’ve never felt like this before. My past re-relationships, if you could call them that, were just for fun. I never felt like this before. Did I say that twice?” Martha reached across the table to stroke Erica’s hand.

  “I-I. Yes you did repeat yourself.” Erica felt her cheeks burn.

  “Maybe it was me.” Martha flushed and looked down. “I want…I hope that this will work out. I want it.”

  “Me too.” Erica smiled. She patted Martha’s hand that was still stroking Erica’s other hand. “I never thought…”

  “What?” Martha tilted her head.

  “I never thought anyone could love me,” Erica admitted. “Romantically I mean.” Did I just say that shit out loud?


  “I don’t know.” Erica sighed. “I think I’ve always thought that. Not pretty enough. Not sexy. Not experienced. I-I-I’ve never…I mean…”

  “Its okay, Erica.” Martha gently squeezed her hand.

  “I’ve never had sex. I’ve never had a girlfriend.” Erica blurted out and then looked down at her lap. “Or boyfriend. Whatever…”

  “It’s okay, honey.” Martha lifted Erica chin. “I want you.”


  “Yes.” Martha shook her head slowly with a smile. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re amazing and cute.”


  “God, Erica.” Martha laughed. “You’re Yin and your kind are all genetically engineered to be perfect looking. Don’t you know? The ugliest among you would be considered pretty as a flower from where I come from. The most beautiful would be seen as truly divine!”

  “W-where would I stand in that…list?”

  “Somewhere in between.” Martha leaned forward and kissed Erica on the lips.

  The waitress cleared her throat. “Excuse me.” She set a tray down with a bottle of wine, empty wineglass, and glass of ice tea.

  “Pardon me, Zoe.” Martha blinked at Erica.

  “Yes. Uh…” The waitress looked uncomfortable as she handed them menus.

  They ordered steaks with baked potatoes, and grilled mushrooms and onions. The waitress left.

  “My God, I thought the stupid bitch was going to have a heart attack.” Martha chuckled. “You know. Ordinarily I don’t think you’re suppose talk about such personal stuff as we just did on a first date.”

  “True,” Erica agreed. “But we’ve been in some very rough adventures together.”

  “Didn’t I help kidnap you once?”

  “Yes. I believe you did.” They laughed.

  Erica glanced to her right and saw a couple holding hands at their table. They were both women. She smiled, but then saw a second couple that were both women. She glanced around and saw a third couple, and a forth that were all women. Not too odd in Yin space to see that many in a fancy Victorian restaurant in Victorian space where male and female homosexuality was frowned upon though not illegal. Wait. Could they be? Oh shit!

  “Something wrong, honey?” Martha frowned.

  “Don’t look, but I think we’ve been followed,” Erica calmly said. “I suspect them to be Yin.” Erica explained her suspicions.

  “Fuck,” Martha whispered. “What do we do?”

  Erica thought of reaching for her stunner, but four of them had made their move. Suddenly there were blasters pointed at Erica and Martha. People in the place screamed and yelled.

  One of the eight Yin women raised a blaster and fired overhead. “Shut up! Go back to your dinner. This is none of your concern!”

  Erica’s stunner was removed from her holster. They were forced out of J.J.’s Steakhouse and through the spacestation. Along the way Erica quickly recognized the signs that said it was the landing bay for air-to-space shuttles. Damn! They want to take us down to the planet! “My family can pay a ransom if that’s what you want?” Erica asked as they were pushed into a shuttle. She knew the answer before she asked it.

  Their kidnappers laughed at them. A shuttle pilot was waiting for them, and they were soon launched from the spacestation.

  The leader of the group sat down in front of Erica and Martha. “We work for Aunt Polly. We’re to take you to the surface of Knight’s Tale and wait for her to arrive.” The woman had a short crew cut. But the thick biceps and the groin bulge of her pants told Erica that she was T-female. “My name is Ms. Pie and I’m in charge till Aunt Polly gets here.”

  “Let me guess, you’re not really related to Aunt Polly. Right?” Martha asked.


  Erica felt the shuttle shake as it entered the atmosphere, but it stayed cool inside. That was a good sign. I hope. The shuttle had wings so it would land like an airplane rather than a rocket.

  Martha leaned to Erica to whisper.

  “No whispering aloud, ladies!” Ms. Pie ordered and snapped her fingers at Martha.


  Ms. Pie frowned and cleared her throat loudly.

  “Sorry, Ms. Pie,” Martha grumbled.

  “Better.” Ms. Pie grinned.

  Twenty minutes later, the shuttle’s wheels bounced roughly on the runway. There was a long and loud screech when the wheels landed and brakes engaged. Erica knew that a parachute would pop out to slow the shuttle. They waited inside the shuttle for a while for the shuttle’s external hull to cool down before exiting the craft.

  Once Erica stepped down the ladder, she could see the heat still rising from the shuttle. A fire control truck waited nearby just in case the worst happened. Ms. Pie hopped off the ladder and gestured to one of three hovercars waiting nearby. “Let’s go, Erica and Martha.”

  Martha reached for Erica’s hand as they walked to the indicated hovercar and got in. Another one of Ms. Pie’s assassins got in behind Martha. Ms. Pie sat shotgun by the driver, who’d been waiting for them. “Okay, Mags. Looks like everyone is ready to go.”

  “Yes, Ms. Pie.” Mags, the little black hair driver, said. She must have been under five feet; she looked more like a woman than a child.

  Erica watched out the window and recognized the place was probably one of the planet’s main spaceports. Not very many atmosphere-only fliers landing and took off here regularly. She saw several aerospace shuttles and rocketships. A couple of rocketships were as big as the Daughter. The security waved them through without
checking. Someone very high up was obviously getting paid off to look the other way. Shit. We’re in trouble.

  “Oh, I’m almost sorry for having to interrupt your date.” Ms. Pie chuckled. “You two are so cute together.”

  They didn’t respond to the taunt. Ms. Pie frowned and cleared her throat loudly.

  “Thank you, Ms. Pie,” Erica said and Martha repeated it.

  “You’re welcome, ladies.”

  Erica suddenly realized she hadn’t been paying attention to the traffic, so she’d know how to get back to the spaceport. Shit! Where are we? Their hovercar, with two similar vehicles following, turned left and pulled into a large garage by a three-story building. It might have been a home or a doctor’s office, Erica wasn’t sure. The other two hovercars entered and lowered beside their hovercar.

  Ms. Pie waved and all of the drivers shut off their engines at once. “Home sweet home.” Ms. Pie smiled. Then waved. “Out!”

  Everyone obeyed. Erica and Martha were taken from the garage to the building’s inside. They were forced up to the second floor and shoved into a room with two chairs and nothing else. It might have once been a bedroom, but the bed was gone.

  “Sit!” Ms. Pie ordered.

  Erica and Martha obeyed.

  “Good.” Ms. Pie smiled. A third chair was brought in. It was a easy-chair with a cup holder on the left arm. Erica and Martha’s chairs were made of cold steel. She wants to mess with our heads. Standard psychological ploy. "Do you have the information that was stolen…and don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about, Martha Clarke.”

  Martha glanced at Erica and then at her knees. “Yes. It’s back in my room on the starship Guinevere.”


  Run away!

  Erica saw a scary look on Ms. Pie’s face that made her think they were going to die now. Erica got off her chair. On pure instinct she lifted the chair and struck Ms. Pie on the head. Another assassin ran in firing a blaster. Erica snatched Ms. Pie’s blaster and burned a hole in her chest. Two down and six to go! Wait, how many drivers? Three?


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