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Three Kingdoms Romance

Page 28

by Guanzhong Luo

  So Lu Bu tore it open and read:

  “I have received your commands concerning the destruction of Lu Bu, and dare I for a moment venture to disregard

  them? But my force is weak and I must act with extreme circumspection. If you move your main body, then I will hasten forward, and in the meantime my army shall be got ready and weapons prepared. I await your command.”

  Lu Bu was really alarmed.

  “The wretches!” cried he, “To dare to act thus!”

  The unhappy messenger was put to death and countermoves planned. Chen Gong and Zang Ba went to enlist the help of the Taishan Mountains bandits — Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Yin Li, and Chang Xi — so that they would take Yanzhou in the east of Huashang Mountains. Gao Shun and Zhang Liao went to attack Liu Bei in Xiaopei. Song Xian and Wei Xu went west to attack Runan and Yingchuan. And Lu Bu took command of a large body of troops ready to afford help wherever needed.

  The departure of the army under Gao Shun against Xiaopei was reported to Liu Bei who assembled his officers at a council.

  Sun Qian advised sending a message to the capital to inform Cao Cao of their danger. In response to the chief's call, Jian Yong, a fellow townsman of Liu Bei, offered to take the message. Up to that moment Jian Yong had served as a secretary. So a letter was written, and Jian Yong set out at once on his journey.

  Then preparations were made for defense: Liu Bei commanding at the south gate; Sun Qian at the north gate; Guan Yu at the west gate; and Zhang Fei at the east gate. Mi Zhu and his brother Mi Fang commanded the family guard in the center.

  The two Mis were put in command of the house guard because they were Liu Bei's brothers-in-law; he had taken a sister of Mi Zhu as a second wife. Hence they were suitable men to guard the family.

  In due course Gao Shun came to the south gate. Liu Bei ascended the tower and said, “I have no quarrel with your master, why do you come here with an army?”

  “You have plotted with Cao Cao to injure my master as we know now; why should I not bind you?”

  So saying Gao Shun gave the signal to attack. But Liu Bei did not go out to repulse Gao Shun; he only kept the gate fast closed.

  Soon after, Zhang Liao led an attack on the west gate, then kept by Guan Yu, who addressed Zhang Liao from the wall.

  “You are too good a man to waste yourself on rebels,” said Guan Yu.

  Zhang Liao hung his head and made no reply. Guan Yu knew that Zhang Liao had a sound heart and high principles and said no more, as he was unwilling to wound Zhang Liao. Nor did he go out to attack.

  Zhang Liao then drew off and proceeded to the east gate, and Zhang Fei went out to give battle. Soon it was told Guan Yu, who came over quickly. He saw Zhang Fei going out, but Zhang Liao was already withdrawing. Zhang Fei wished to pursue, but his brother held him back.

  “He is afraid and so has gone away; it would be best to pursue,” said Zhang Fei.

  “No,” said Guan Yu. “As a warrior he is not inferior to either of us, but I have spoken a few straight words, and he has sunk deep. He is repentant and that is why he will not meet us.”

  So Zhang Fei understood, and the gates were shut and orders given for careful defense. When Jian Yong, Liu Bei's messenger, reached the capital, he saw Cao Cao and told him what had happened. The advisers were called to discuss a plan.

  Cao Cao said, “I wish to attack Lu Bu. I fear not Yuan Shao, but Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu may attack me in the rear.”

  Xun You, the nephew of Xun Yu, replied, “Both these latter have been too recently defeated to do anything so rash. But Lu Bu is a bold fighting man, and if he joined forces with Yuan Shu and they set themselves to conquer River Huai and River Si, the problem would he difficult.”

  Then spoke Guo Jia, “Let us take advantage of the moment before they have fully made up their mind. Smite before they are fully prepared.”

  And Cao Cao did so. An army of fifty thousand were sent in advance with four commanders — Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Lu Qian, and Li Dian. Cao Cao commanded the center army, which marched by divisions, and Jian Yong brought up the rear.

  Soon the scouts informed Gao Shun. He sent flying messengers to Lu Bu, who detached two hundred horse with Hou Cheng, Cao Xing, and He Meng to assist him. Gao Shun posted this reinforcement and his army about ten miles from Xiaopei to meet Cao Cao's army. Lu Bu and the main army also followed close.

  When Liu Bei saw the enemy retiring from the city, he knew Cao Cao's army was close at hand. So, making arrangements for guarding the city within, he and his two brothers marched their troops out of the city and made a camp, that they might be ready to assist.

  Now the division of Cao Cao's army under Xiahou Dun, having marched out in advance, first came into touch with Gao Shun. Xiahou Dun at once rode out with spear set and offered a challenge. It was accepted and the two leaders fought half a hundred bouts. Then Gao Shun began to weaken and had to turn back. He rode round to the rear of his array. Xiahou Dun was not the man to quail, so he followed right into the enemy's country. Then Cao Xing, one of Lu Bu's generals, secretly strung his bow, fitted an arrow and, when Xiahou Dun had come quite near, shot at him. The arrow hit Xiahou Dun full in the left eye. He shrieked, and putting up his head, pulled out the arrow and with it the eye.

  “Essence of my father, blood of my mother, I cannot throw this away!” cried Xiahou Dun, and he put the eye into his mouth and swallowed it.

  Then resuming his firm grip of his spear, Xiahou Dun went after this new enemy. There was no escape for Cao Xing. He was overtaken and fell with a fatal spear wound full in the face. Both sides were stricken dumb with amazement.

  Having thus slain the man who had wounded him, Xiahou Dun rode back toward his own side. Gao Shun went in pursuit and, waving on his army, attacked so vigorously that he won the day. Xiahou Yuan defended for his elder brother as they fled. Lu Qian and Li Dian led various divisions back to Jibei and made a camp.

  Gao Shun, having scored this victory, returned to attack Liu Bei; and as Lu Bu opportunely arrived with Zhang Liao, these three arranged their forces so that each attacked one of the brothers.

  Dauntless was Xiahou Dun, that warrior bold,

  His courage had been proved of old;

  But smitten sore one hapless day,

  He might not in the battle stay.

  The fate of Liu Bei will be told in the next chapter.

  CHAPTER 19. Cao Cao Fights At Xiapi;Lu Bu Perishes At The White Gate Tower

  As was stated before, Gao Shun and Zhang Liao together went to smite Guan Yu, while Lu Bu attacked Zhang Fei. Both brothers went out to give battle, while Liu Bei force was held in reserve. But then Lu Bu attacked both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei from the rear, and the brothers were forced to flee. Liu Bei with a few score of horsemen rushed back to Xiaopei. As he approached the gate with Lu Bu pressing him close, he shouted to the soldiers on the wall to lower the drawbridge. Lu Bu was so close behind that the archers on the wall feared to shoot lest they should wound their lord, and so Lu Bu got into the gate. The gate guards could not force him back so they scattered in all directions. Lu Bu led his force into the city.

  Liu Bei saw the position was too desperate for him to reach his residence, and he must abandon all his family. So he hastened through the city and left by the west gate out at which he and his scanty following fled for very life.

  When Lu Bu reached the residence, he was met by Mi Zhu who said, “The hero does not destroy a person's family. Your rival for the empire is Cao Cao, and my master, always mindful of the good turn you did him at the Archery Feast, would not be ungrateful. But he could not help going to Cao Cao, and I think you will pity him.”

  Lu Bu replied, “We two are old friends; how could I bear to harm his wives and children?”

  Whereupon he sent the family to Xuzhou with Mi Zhu to take care of them. Next Lu Bu led his army into Huashang Mountains to Yanzhou, leaving Gao Shun and Zhang Liao to guard Xiaopei.

  During these troubles Sun Qian had also fled out of the city; Guan Yu a
nd Zhang Fei, each with a handful of soldiers, had got away to the hills. As Liu Bei with his few horsemen was making the best of their way from the scene of his defeat, he heard some one coming up behind him. When he got closer the person proved to be Sun Qian.

  “Alas! I know not the fate of my brothers, whether they be alive or dead, and my wife and children are lost to me! What can I do?” said Liu Bei.

  Sun Qian replied, “I see nothing better than getting away to Cao Cao, whence we may be able to plan our future moves.”

  Liu Bei had no better plan to propose, and the two men directed their way to Xuchang, choosing by-roads rather than highways. When their small supplies ran out, they entered a village to beg. But when the people of any place heard that Liu Bei of Yuzhou was the man who needed help, they vied with each other in offering all that was required.

  One day they sought shelter at a house whence a youth came out and made a low obeisance. They asked his name and he gave it as Liu An, of a well known family of hunters. Hearing who the visitor was, the hunter wished to lay before him a dish of game, but though he sought for a long time, nothing could be found for the table. So Liu An came home, killed his wife and prepared a portion for his guest.

  While eating Liu Bei asked, “What flesh is it?”

  Liu An told him: “Wolf.”

  Liu Bei knew no better and ate his fill. Next day at daylight, just as Liu Bei was leaving, he went to the stables in the rear to get his horse and passing through the kitchen; he saw the dead body of a woman lying on the table. The flesh of one arm had been cut away. Quite startled he asked what this meant, and then he knew what he had eaten the night before. He was deeply sorry at this proof of his host's regard and the tears rained down as he mounted his steed at the gate.

  “I wish I could go with you,” said Liu An, “but as my mother still lives I cannot go so far from home.”

  Liu Bei thanked him and went his way. The party took the road by Liangcheng, and as they were going out they saw not far off a thick cloud of dust. When the troop came nearer, they found the troops were of Cao Cao's army, and with them they traveled to the main camp where they found Cao Cao himself. Cao Cao shed tears at the sad story of Liu Bei's distress, the loss of the city, his brothers and wives and children. When Liu Bei him of the hunter who had sacrificed his wife to feed them, Cao Cao sent the hunter a present of a hundred ounces of silver as a reward.

  The march then was continued to Jibei, where Xiahou Yuan welcomed them. They heard that his brother Xiahou Dun was still ill from the wound he had received in the eye. Cao Cao went to the sick man's bedside to see him and had him removed to Xuchang for skilled treatment.

  Presently scouts, sent out particularly for tidings of Lu Bu, returned, saying, “Lu Bu has allied himself with the bandits in the east, and they are attacking Yanzhou.”

  At this Cao Cao dispatched Cao Ren with three thousand soldiers to take Xiaopei, while he, in conjunction with Liu Bei, moved against Lu Bu.

  They went east. As they reached the Mangdang Hills near Xiao Pass, they met the a band of thirty thousand Taishan Mountains brigands barring their road. The chieftains of the bandits were Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Yin Li, and Chang Xi who rode out with their spears set. However, Xu Chu plunged into the battle and easily beat them back and chased them right up to the pass.

  The scouts told Lu Bu, who was then in Xuzhou, whither he had gone to start an expedition to save Xiaopei. He left the protection of Xuzhou to Chen Gui and set out with Chen Deng. As this latter was starting, Chen Gui said to him, “Remember the words of Cao Cao, that the business of the east is in our hands. Now is our moment, for Lu Bu is about to suffer defeat.”

  “Father, I can look after the outside. But when Lu Bu returns beaten, you must arrange with Mi Zhu to keep him out of the city. I shall find a means of escape,” said Chen Deng.

  “His family is here, and he has many friends. How about them?”

  “I also have a scheme to settle them.”

  Then Chen Deng went to see Lu Bu, to whom he said, “Xuzhou is surrounded, and this city will be fiercely attacked. We ought to provide for possible retreat, and I advise storing grain and money in Xiapi. We could retreat there if the day went adversely. Why not see about this in good time?” “Your words are indeed wise. I will also send my wives and little ones thither,” said Lu Bu.

  The family left under escort of Wei Xu and Song Xian, and with them was sent much grain and treasures and coins.

  And then the soldiers marched to the relief of the pass. About half way there Chen Deng said, “Let me go first to reconnoiter so that you, my lord, may advance with confidence.”

  Thus Chen Deng parted company with his chief and preceded him to the pass where he was received by Chen Gong.

  Chen Deng said, “The General greatly wonders why you do not advance. He is going to inquire into it.”

  “The enemy is in great force, and we cannot be too careful,” said Chen Gong. “We are holding the pass, and you should persuade our master to take steps to guard Xiaopei.”

  Chen Deng said, “Your words are true.”

  That evening he went up to the heights from which he could see Cao Cao's army, which was quite close to the pass. Then he wrote three notes, tied them to arrows, and shot them into Cao Cao's camp.

  Next day he left and hastened back to Lu Bu and said, “Those bandits are about to give up the pass to the enemy, but I have left Chen Gong to hold it. You would better make an attack tonight and hold him.”

  “Had it not been for you, the pass would have been lost,” said Lu Bu.

  Then he sent Chen Deng back to arrange a fire signal with Chen Gong for simultaneous action. So Chen Deng returned to Chen Gong to whom he said, “Cao Cao's troops have found a secret way through the pass, and I fear Xuzhou is already lost. You ought to go back at once.”

  At this the pass was abandoned, and Chen Gong began to retreat. Then Chen Deng gave the prearranged signal.

  Lu Bu saw the fire and advanced in the darkness to the relief of the pass. Presently he met Chen Gong's army; and as neither recognized the other in the darkness, a fierce battle ensued. Nor was the trick discovered till daylight came.

  While these things were going on, Cao Cao had noted the signal and advanced as fast as possible. The bandits, who alone remained to hold the pass, were easily driven out and scattered in all directions.

  When daylight came and the trick was discovered, Lu Bu and Chen Gong set off together for Xuzhou. But when they arrived and summoned the gate, instead of opening the doors, the guards on the wall saluted them with a thick flight of arrows. At the same time Mi Zhu appeared on the defense tower and shouted, “You stole our master's city, and now we are going to give it back to him. You will not enter here again.”

  “Where is Chen Gui?” cried Lu Bu, angrily.

  “We have slain him!” was the reply.

  “Where is Chen Deng?” said Lu Bu turning to Chen Gong. “Do you still hold to your delusion, General, that you ask where this specious rogue is?”

  Lu Bu bade them search through all the ranks, but Chen Deng was not to be found. Then they decided to go to Xiaopei. But ere they had got half way there, suddenly appeared the troops under the command of Gao Shun and Zhang Liao.

  They said, “Chen Deng came to us saying you, General, was surrounded and wanted help, so we came at once.”

  “Another trick of that false rogue!” said Lu Bu. “Surely he shall die for this.”

  They went with all speed to Xiaopei, only to see as they drew near, the ensigns of the enemy displayed all along the walls, for the city had been taken by Cao Ren.

  While Lu Bu stood at the foot of the rampart reviling the traitor, Chen Deng himself appeared on the wall and pointing to Lu Bu cried, “Did you think that I, a minister of the dynasty, would serve a rebel like you?”

  Lu Bu in his wrath was about to make a desperate attack, but suddenly a great noise was heard and an army came up behind him. It was led by no other than Zhang Fei. Gao Shun went to
engage him, but he had no chance of success. Lu Bu then joined in the fray. Then another army appeared, and the leader this time was Cao Cao himself, and his army rushed to the attack. Seeing that he had no hope of victory, Lu Bu went away toward the east, with Cao Cao in pursuit. Lu Bu's army marched till they were worn out.

  Then appeared a new force under Guan Yu. Holding his sword ready to strike, Guan Yu called out, “Do not flee, O Lu Bu! Guan Yu is waiting for you.”

  Lu Bu joined battle; he was flurried and scarcely knew what was happening. And soon Zhang Fei came up once more. By desperate efforts Lu Bu and his troops cut an arterial alley through the press and got free. After this they started for Xiapi as fast as they could travel, and Hou Cheng helped to keep the pursuers at bay and welcomed them into the city.

  So the two brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, were together again after their separation. Both shed tears of joy as they told each other what they had seen and suffered.

  “I was on the Haizhou Road when I heard of you,” said Guan Yu. “I lost no time in starting.”

  “And I had been camped in the Mangdang Hills for a long time. It is happiness to be together again.”

  So they talked. Then they marched off together to find their elder brother, and made their salutations with tears. In Liu Bei's heart, sadness and joy intermingled. Next they were presented to Cao Cao, and with him they went into the captured Xuzhou City.

  Mi Zhu soon came with the welcome news of the safety of the family. And Chen Gui and Chen Deng came to present their salutations. A grand banquet was prepared for the officers at which Cao Cao presided as host, and Chen Gui and Liu Bei occupied the seats of honor to his right and left. At the close of the banquet, Cao Cao paid the two Chens the highest compliments on their success and rewarded them with the revenues of ten counties beside giving the son the title of General Who Quells the Waves.


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