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Three Kingdoms Romance

Page 60

by Guanzhong Luo

  “After the battle, all generals shall gather at Fankou.”

  All the orders given, the various leaders went their way to take up their positions and await the burning of the city. Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei went away to an eminence whence they could watch what happened and where they would await the reports of victory.

  Cao Hong and Cao Ren, with their one hundred thousand troops, preceded by Xu Chu leading three thousand of mailed men, marched toward Xinye. They formed a mighty host and reached Magpie Tail Slope about noon. Looking ahead, they saw what seemed a goodly army with many blue and red flags. Xu Chu pressed forward. As he neared, the flags moved from side to side, and he hesitated. He began to think, “It could be an ambush; it is unwise to advance.”

  Finally Xu Chu decided to go no farther and called a halt, and he rode back to the main body to see Cao Ren.

  “Those troops are only make-believe,” said Cao Ren. “Advance, there is no ambush. I will hasten up the supports.”

  So Xu Chu rode to his own command again and advanced. When he reached the wood where he had seen the flags, he saw no one at all. It was then late in the afternoon but he decided to move on. Then he heard from the hills the sound of musical instruments and, looking up, saw on the hill top two umbrellas surrounded by many banners. There sat Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang quietly drinking.

  Angry at their coolness, Xu Chu sought for a way up, but logs of wood and great stones were thrown down, and he was driven back. Further, from the rear of the hills came a confused roar. He could find no way to attack and the sun began to set.

  Then Cao Ren and Cao Hong arrived and ordered an attack on Xinye that he might have a place to rest in. They marched to the walls and found the gates wide open. They entered and found a deserted city. No one was visible.

  “This shows they are done,” said Cao Hong. “They have all run away, people and all. We may as well occupy the city and rest our soldiers ready for tomorrow.”

  The soldiers were fatigued with marching and hungry as well, so they lost no time in scattering among the houses and setting about preparing food in the deserted kitchens. The leaders took up their quarters in the state residence to rest.

  After the first watch the wind began to blow. Soon after the gate guards reported that a fire had started.

  “The careless men have let sparks fly about,” said Cao Ren. He thought no more about it just then, but along came other reports of like nature, and soon he realized that fires breaking out in all quarters were not due to accident. So he gave orders to evacuate the city. Soon the whole city seemed on fire and a red glow hung in the sky. The army was beset with fire fiercer than what Xiahou Dun had experienced at Bowang Slope.

  Thrice wicked was Cao Cao, but he was bold;

  Though all in the capital he controlled,

  Yet with this he was not content,

  So southward his ravaging army went.

  But, the autumn wind aiding, the Spirit of Fire

  Wrought to his army destruction dire.

  Officers and troops dashing through the smoke and fire in utter confusion sought some way of escape, and hearing that the east gate was free, they made for that quarter. Out they rushed pell-mell, many being trodden down and trampled to death. Those who got through took the road to the east.

  But presently there was a shouting behind them, and Zhao Yun's company came up and attacked. Then Cao Cao's troops scattered, each fleeing for his life. No stand was made. A little later Mi Fang and Liu Feng came to take another toll. The fleeing Cao Ren then had very few followers, and those left him were scorched and burned.

  They directed their way to the White River, joyfully remembering that the river was shallow and fordable. And they went down into the stream and drank their fill, humans shouting and horses neighing.

  Meantime Guan Yu, higher up its course, had dammed the river with sandbags so that its waters were collected in a lake. Toward evening he had seen the red glow of the burning city and began to look out for his signal. About the fourth watch, he heard down stream the sounds of soldiers and horse and at once ordered the breaking of the dam. The water rushed down in a torrent and overwhelmed the men just then in the bed of the river. Many were swept away and drowned. Those who escaped made their way to where the stream ran gently and got away.

  Presently Cao Ren and his troops reached the Boling Ferry in Boling. Here, where they thought there would be safety, they found the road barred.

  “You Cao Cao brigands!” shouted Zhang Fei. “Come and receive your fate!”

  Within the city the red flame leaps out;

  On the river bank burning anger is met.

  What happened will appear in later chapters.

  CHAPTER 41. Liu Bei Leads His People Over The River; Zhao Yun Rescues The Child Lord At Dangyang.

  The last chapter closed with the attack made by Zhang Fei as soon as his brother had let loose the waters on the doomed army. He met with Xu Chu and a combat began, but a fight with such a warrior was not to Xu Chu's taste and he ran away. Zhang Fei followed till he came upon Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, and the three went upstream till they came to the boats that had been prepared by Liu Feng and Mi Fang, when they all crossed over and marched toward Fankou. As soon as they disembarked, Zhuge Liang ordered the boats and rafts to be burned.

  Cao Ren gathered in the remnants of his army and camped at Xinye, while his colleague Cao Hong went to tell their lord the evil tidings of defeat.

  “How dare he, this rustic Zhuge Liang!” exclaimed Cao Cao angrily.

  Cao Cao then hastily sent an overwhelming army to camp near the place and gave orders for enormous works against the city, leveling hills and turning rivers to launch a violent assault on Fankou from every side at once.

  Then Liu Ye came in to see his lord and said, “Sir, you are new to this region, and you should win over the people's hearts. Liu Bei has moved all the people from Xinye to Fankou. If we march through the country, the people will be ground to powder. It would be well to call upon Liu Bei first to surrender, which will prove to the people that you have a care for them. If he yields, then we get Jingzhou without fighting.”

  Cao Cao agreed and asked who would be a suitable messenger. Liu Ye suggested Xu Shu.

  “He is a close friend of Liu Bei, and he is here with the army,” said Liu Ye.

  “But he will not come back,” objected Cao Cao.

  “If he does not return, he will be a laughing stock to the whole world; he will come back.”

  Xu Shu was sent for, and Cao Cao said, “My first intention was to level Fankou with the ground; but out of pity for its people, you may carry an offer to Liu Bei that if he will surrender, he will not only not be punished but he shall be given rank. But if he holds on his present misguided course, the whole of his followers shall be destroyed. Now you are an honest man and so I confide this mission to you, and I trust you will not disappoint me.”

  Xu Shu said nothing but accepted his orders and went to the city, where he was received by both Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. They enjoyed a talk over old times before Xu Shu mentioned the object of his mission.

  Then he said, “Cao Cao has sent me to invite you to surrender, thereby making a bid for popularity. But you ought also to know that he intends to attack the city from every point, that he is damming up the White River's waters to be sent against you, and I fear you will not be able to hold the city. You ought to prepare.” Liu Bei asked Xu Shu to remain with them, but Xu Shu said, “That is impossible, for all the world would ridicule me if I stayed. My old mother is dead, and I never forget my resentment. My body may be over there, but I swear never to form a plan for Cao Cao. You have the Sleeping-Dragon to help you and need have no anxiety about the ultimate achievement of your undertaking. But I must go.”

  And Xu Shu took his leave. Liu Bei felt he could not press his friend to stay. Xu Shu returned to Cao Cao's camp and reported that Liu Bei had no intention of surrender. This angered Cao Cao who gave orders to begin the advance and siege.

bsp; When Liu Bei asked what Zhuge Liang meant to do, Zhuge Liang replied, “We shall abandon Fankou and take Xiangyang.”

  “But what of the people who have followed us? They cannot be abandoned.”

  “You can tell them to do as they wish. They may come if they like, or remain here.”

  They sent Guan Yu to prepare boats and told Sun Qian to proclaim to the people that Cao Cao was coming, that the city could not be defended, and those who wished to do so might cross the river with the army. All the people cried, “We will follow the Prince even if it be to death!”

  They started at once, some lamenting, some weeping, the young helping the aged, parents leading their children, the strong soldiers carrying the women. As the crowds crossed the river, from both banks arose the sound of lamentation.

  Liu Bei was much affected as he saw all this from the boat.

  “Why was I ever born,” said he, “to be the cause of all this misery to the people?”

  He made to leap into the river, but they held him back. All were deeply sympathetic. When the boat reached the southern shore, he looked back at the weeping crowds waiting still on the other bank and was again moved to tears. He bade Guan Yu hasten the boats before he mounted and rode on.

  When Xiangyang came in sight, they saw many flags flying on the walls and that the moat was protected by barbed barriers. Liu Bei checked his horse and called out, “Liu Zong, Good Nephew, I only wish to save the people and nothing more. I pray you quickly open the gates.”

  But Liu Zong was too frightened to appear. Cai Mao and Zhang Yun went up to one of the fighting towers and ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows down on those without the walls. The people gazed up at the towers and wept aloud.

  Suddenly there appeared a general, with a small following, who cried out, “Cai Mao and Zhang Yun are two traitors. The princely Liu Bei is a most upright man and has come here to preserve his people. Why do you repulse him?”

  All looked at this man. He was of middle height, with a face dark brown as a ripe date. He was from Yiyang and named Wei Yan. At that moment he looked very terrible, whirling his sword as if about to slice up the gate guards. They lost no time in throwing open the gate and dropping the bridge.

  “Come in, Uncle Liu Bei,” cried Wei Yan, “and bring your army to slay these traitors!”

  Zhang Fei plunged forward to take Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, but he was checked by his brother, who said, “Do not frighten the people!”

  Thus Wei Yan let in Liu Bei. As soon as he entered, he saw a general galloping up with a few men.

  The newcomer yelled, “Wei Yan, you nobody! How dare you create trouble? Do you not know me, General Wen Ping?”

  Wei Yan turned angrily, set his spear, and galloped forward to attack the general. The soldiers joined in the fray and the noise of battle rose to the skies.

  “I wanted to preserve the people, and I am only causing them injury,” cried Liu Bei distressed. “I do not wish to enter the city.”

  “Jiangling is an important point; we will first take that as a place to dwell in,” said Zhuge Liang.

  “That pleases me greatly,” said Liu Bei.

  So they led the people thither and away from Xiangyang. Many of the inhabitants of that city took advantage of the confusion to escape, and they also joined themselves to Liu Bei.

  Meanwhile, within the inhospitable city, Wei Yan and Wen Ping fought. The battle continued for four or five watches, all through the middle of the day, and nearly all the combatants fell. Then Wei Yan got away. As he could not find Liu Bei, he rode off to Changsha and sought an asylum with Governor Han Xuan.

  Liu Bei wandered away from the city of Xiangyang that had refused shelter. Soldiers and people, his following numbered more than a hundred thousand. The carts numbered scores of thousands, and the burden bearers were innumerable. Their road led them past the tomb of Liu Biao, and Liu Bei turned aside to bow at the grave.

  He lamented, saying, “Shameful is thy brother, lacking both in virtue and in talents. I refused to bear the burden you wished to lay upon me, wherein I was wrong. But the people committed no sin. I pray your glorious spirit descend and rescue these people.”

  His prayer was fraught with sorrow, and all those about him wept.

  Just then a scout rode up with the news that Fankou was already taken by Cao Cao and that his army were preparing boats and rafts to cross the river.

  The generals of Liu Bei said, “Jiangling is a defensible shelter, but with this crowd we can only advance very slowly and when can we reach the city? If Cao Cao pursue, we shall be in a parlous state. Our counsel is to leave the people to their fate for a time and press on to Jiangling.”

  But Liu Bei wept, saying, “The success of every great enterprise depends upon humanity; how can I abandon these people who have joined me?”

  Those who heard him repeat this noble sentiment were greatly affected.

  In time of stress his heart was tender toward the people,

  And he wept as he went down into the ship,

  Moving the hearts of soldiers to sympathy.

  Even today, in the countryside,

  Fathers and elders recall the Princely One's kindness.

  The progress of Liu Bei, with the crowd of people in his train, was very slow.

  “The pursuers will be upon us quickly,” said Zhuge Liang. “Let us send Guan Yu to Jiangxia for succor. Liu Qi should be told to bring soldiers and prepare boats for us at Jiangling.”

  Liu Bei agreed to this and wrote a letter which he sent by the hands of Guan Yu and Sun Qian and five hundred troops. Zhang Fei was put in command of the rear guard. Zhao Yun was told to guard Liu Bei's family, while the others ordered the march of the people.

  They only traveled three or four miles daily and the halts were frequent.

  Meanwhile Cao Cao was at Fankou, whence he sent troops over the river toward Xiangyang. He summoned Liu Zong, but Liu Zong was too afraid to answer the call. No persuasion could get him to go.

  Wang Wei said to him privately, “Now you can overcome Cao Cao if you are wise. Since you have announced surrender and Liu Bei has gone away, Cao Cao will relax his precautions, and you can catch him unawares. Send a well-prepared but unexpected force to waylay him in some commanding position, and the thing is done. If you were to take Cao Cao prisoner, your fame would run throughout the empire and the land would be yours for the taking. This is a sort of opportunity that does not recur and you should not miss it.”

  The young man consulted Cai Mao, who called Wang Wei an evil counselor and spoke to him harshly.

  “You are mad! You know nothing and understand nothing of destiny,” said Cai Mao.

  Wang Wei angrily retorted, saying, “Cai Mao is the betrayer of the country, and I wish I could eat him alive!”

  The quarrel waxed deadly, and Cai Mao wanted to slay Wang Wei; but eventually peace was restored by Kuai Yue.

  Then Cai Mao and Zhang Yun went to Fankou to see Cao Cao. Cai Mao was by instinct specious and flattering, and when his host asked concerning the resources of Jingzhou, he replied, “There are fifty thousand of horse, one hundred fifty thousand of foot, and eighty thousand of marines. Most of the money and grain are at Jiangling; the rest is stored at various places. There are ample supplies for a year.”

  “How many war vessels are there? Who is in command?” said Cao Cao.

  “The ships, of all sizes, number seven thousands, and we two are the commanders.”

  Upon this Cao Cao conferred upon Cai Mao the title of the Lord Who Controls the South, and Supreme Admiral of the Naval Force; and Zhang Yun was his Vice-Admiral with the title of the Lord Who Brings Obedience.

  When they went to thank Cao Cao for these honors, he told them, saying, “I am about to propose to the Throne that Liu Biao's son should be perpetual Imperial Protector of Jingzhou in succession to his late father.”

  With this promise for their young master and the honors for themselves, they retired.

  Then Xun You asked Cao Cao, “Why th
ese two evident self-seekers and flatterers have been treated so generously?”

  Cao Cao replied, “Do I not know all about them? Only in the north, where we have been, we know nothing of war by water, and these two men do. I want their help for the present. When my end is achieved, I can do as I like with them.”

  Liu Zong was highly delighted when his two chief supporters returned with the promise Cao Cao had given them. Soon after he gave up his seal and military commission and proceeded to welcome Cao Cao, who received him very graciously.

  Cao Cao next proceeded to camp near Xiangyang. The populace, led by Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, welcomed him with burning incense, and he on his part put forth proclamations couched in comforting terms.

  Cao Cao presently entered the city and took his seat in the residence in state. Then he summoned Kuai Yue and said to him graciously, “I do not rejoice so much at gaining Jingzhou as at meeting you, friend Kuai Yue.”

  Cao Cao made Kuai Yue Governor of Jiangling and Lord of Fankou; Wang Can, Fu Xuan, and Kuai Yue's other adherents were all ennobled. Liu Zong became Imperial Protector of Qingzhou in the north and was ordered to proceed to his region forthwith.

  Liu Zong was greatly frightened and said, “I have no wish to become an actual official; I wish to remain in the place where my father and mother live.”

  Said Cao Cao, “Your protectorship is quite near the capital, and I have sent you there as a full official to remove you from the intrigues of this place.”

  In vain Liu Zong declined the honors thus thrust upon him; he was compelled to go and he departed, taking his mother with him. Of his friends, only Wang Wei accompanied him. Some of his late officers escorted him as far as the river and then took their leave.

  Then Cao Cao called his trusty officer Yu Jin and said, “Follow Liu Zong and put him and his mother to death. Our worries are thus removed.”


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