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Three Kingdoms Romance

Page 156

by Guanzhong Luo

  “I do not think so. He only means to slay Cao Shuang, his rival,” replied she.

  “What will be the outcome of this?” asked her brother.

  “Cao Shuang is no match for Sima Yi,” replied she.

  “If Sima Yi asks us to join him, should we?” asked Xin Chang.

  Xin Xianying replied, “You know what a true man should do. When a man is in danger, there is the greater need for sympathy. To be of Cao Shuang's people and desert him in an emergency is the greatest of evils.”

  This speech decided Xin Chang, who went with Luu Zhi. At the head of a some twenty horsemen, they forced the gate and got out of the city.

  When their escape was reported to Sima Yi, he thought that Huan Fan would surely try to follow their example, so he sent to call him. However, on the advice of his son, Huan Fan did not answer the summons, but decided to flee. He got into his carriage and drove hastily to the South Gate. But the gate was barred. The Commander of the Gate, Si Fan, was an old dependant of Huan Fan.

  Huan Fan pulled out from his sleeve a slip of bamboo and said, “The Empress's command; open the gate for me.”

  “Let me look,” said Si Fan.

  “What! How dare you, an old servant of mine, behave thus?”

  Si Fan let Huan Fan pass. As soon as he had got outside, Huan Fan shouted to Si Fan, “Sima Yi has raised a revolt, and you would better follow me.”

  Si Fan realized that he had made a mistake, and chase after Huan Fan, but failed to come up with him.

  “So the 'Bag of Wisdom' has got away too; that is a pity, but what can we do?” said Sima Yi, when they reported the escape.

  “The old horse always hankers after the old stable and manger, and he would have been useless to us,” replied Jiang Ji.

  Then Sima Yi called to him Xu Yun and Chen Tai and said, “Go you to Cao Shuang and say that I have no other intention than to take away the military power from him and his brothers.”

  As soon as they had left, he called Yin Damu and ordered Jiang Ji prepare a letter to be taken to Cao Shuang by Yin Damu.

  Said Sima Yi, “You are on good terms with the man and are the fittest person for this mission. Tell him that Jiang Ji and I are concerned solely with the military powers in the hands of himself and his brothers, as we have sworn pointing to River Luo.”

  So Yin Damu went his way.

  Out in the country Cao Shuang was enjoying the hunting, flying his falcons and coursing his hounds. Suddenly came the news of the rising in the city and the memorial against him. He almost fell out of the saddle when they told him. The eunuch handed in the memorial to the Ruler of Wei in the presence of Cao Shuang, who took it and opened it. A minister in attendance was ordered to read it. It said:

  “Sima Yi, General Who Conquers the West and Imperial Guardian, with bowed head and trepidation, presents this

  memorial. On my return from the expedition into Liaodong, His late Majesty summoned Your Majesty, Cao Shuang, myself and certain others to his bedside, took me by the arm and impressed upon us all our duty in the years to be.

  “Now Cao Shuang has betrayed the trust placed in him, has disordered the kingdom, usurped power at court, and seized upon power in the regions. He has appointed Zhang Dang, Administer of the City, to control the court and spy upon Your Majesty. He is surely lying in wait to seize the empire. He has sown dissension in the royal family and injured his own flesh and blood. The whole land is in confusion, and people's hearts are full of fear. All this is opposed to the injunctions of His late Majesty and his commands to me.

  “Stupid and worthless as I am, yet I dare not forget the words of His late Majesty. My colleagues, Jiang Ji and Sima Fu, agree that Cao Shuang is disloyal at heart, and great military powers should not be entrusted to him or his brothers.

  “I have memorialized Her Majesty and obtained her authority to act.

  “All military powers have been wrested from the hands of Cao Shuang, Cao Xi, and Cao Xun, leaving them only the simple title of lordships, so that hereafter they may be unable to hinder or control Your Majesty's actions. If there be any obstruction, the matter shall be summarily dealt with.

  “Although in ill health, as a precautionary measure I have camped at the Floating Bridge, whence I write this.”

  When they had made an end of reading, the Ruler of Wei turned to Cao Shuang and said, “In the face of such words what mean you to do?”

  Cao Shuang was at a loss and turned to his younger brother, saying, “What now?”

  Cao Xi replied, “I remonstrated with you, but you were obstinate and listened not. So it has come to this. Sima Yi is false and cunning beyond measure. If Zhuge Liang could not get the better of him, could we hope to do so? I see nothing but to yield that haply we may live.”

  Just at this moment arrived Xin Chang and Luu Zhi. Cao Shuang asked what tidings they brought.

  They replied, “The city is completely and closely surrounded, Sima Yi is camped on the river at the Floating Bridge, and you cannot return. You must decide how to act at once.”

  Then galloped up Huan Fan, who said, “This is really rebellion; why not request His Majesty to proceed to Xuchang till regional troops can arrive and deal with Sima Yi?”

  Cao Shuang replied, “How can we go to another place when all our families are in the city?”

  “Even a fool in this crisis would think only of life. You have the Son of Heaven with you here and command all the forces of the empire. None would dare disobey you, and yet you march quietly to death.”

  Cao Shuang could not decide to strike a blow for safety; he did nothing but snivel.

  Huan Fan continued, “The stay in Xuchang would be but brief, and there are ample supplies for years. You have forces at your call at the South Pass. You hold the seal of Minister of War, and I have brought it with me. Everything is in your favor. Act! Act at once! Delay is death.”

  “Do not hurry me,” said Cao Shuang. “Let me think it over carefully.”

  Then came Xu Yun and Chen Tai, the two messengers of Sima Yi, and said, “The Guardian of the Throne desires only to strip the military power of the Regent Marshal. If the Regent Marshal yields, he may return peacefully to the city.”

  Still Cao Shuang hesitated.

  Next arrived Yin Damu, saying, “The Imperial Guardian had sworn by River Luo to the singleness of his aim. Here is letter of Minister Jiang Ji. The Regent Marshal should relinquish the military power and return to the palace in peace.”

  When Cao Shuang seemed disposed to accept the assurance of Sima Yi, Huan Fan inveighed against it, saying, “You are a dead man if you listen to the voice of these people!”

  Night found Cao Shuang still vacillating. As twilight faded into darkness he stood, sword in hand, sad, sighing and weeping. And morning found him still trying to make up his mind.

  Huan Fan again urged him to decide upon some course.

  “You have had a whole day and a whole night for reflection and must decide,” said he.

  “I will not fight; I will yield all; being a wealthy man is enough,” said Cao Shuang, throwing down his sword.

  Huan Fan left the tent wailing.

  “Cao Zhen might boast of his abilities, but his sons are mere cattle,” said he, weeping copiously.

  The two messengers, Xu Yun and Chen Tai, bade Cao Shuang offer his seal of office to Sima Yi, and it was brought.

  But First Secretary Yang Zong clung to it and would not give it up, saying, “Alas! That you, my lord, should resign your powers and make such a pitiful surrender. For surely you will not escape death in the eastern market place.”

  “The Imperial Guardian will surely keep faith with me,” said Cao Shuang.

  The seal was borne away, and Cao Shuang's generals and soldiers, thus released from the bonds of discipline, dispersed and the hosts melted away. When the brothers reached the Floating Bridge, they were ordered to go to their dwellings, and they went. Their supporters were imprisoned to await the edicts of the Emperor.

  Cao Shuang
and his friends, so lately all-powerful, entered the city alone, without even a servant following.

  As Huan Fan approached the bridge, Sima Yi, from horseback, pointed his whip disdainfully at him and said, “What brought you to this?”

  Huan Fan made no reply, but with head bent followed the others.

  It was decided to request the Emperor to declare the hunt at an end and order a return to the city. Cao Shuang, Cao Xi, and Cao Xun were confined in their own house, the gate whereof was fastened with a huge lock, and soldiers were set to guard it round about. They were sad and anxious, not knowing what would be their fate.

  Then Cao Xi said, “We have but little food left. Let us write and ask for supplies. If Sima Yi sends us food, we may be sure he does not intend harm.”

  They wrote, and a hundred carts of supplies were sent. This cheered them, and Cao Shuang said, “Our lives are safe in the hands of Sima Yi.”

  Sima Yi had Zhang Dang arrested and put to the question. Zhang Dang said he was not the only one who had tried to subvert the government, and he named the five friends of Cao Shuang — He Yan, Deng Yang, Li Sheng, Ding Mi, and Bi Gui. So they were arrested and, when interrogated, confessed that a revolt had been arranged for the third month. Sima Yi had them locked in one long wooden collar.

  The Commander of the Gates, Si Fan, testified that Huan Fan had imposed upon him with a pretended command from Her Majesty and so had escaped out of the city. Beside Huan Fan had said the Imperial Guardian was a rebel.

  Then said Sima Yi, “When a person maligns another and is false, the punishment for such a crime as he imputes falls upon his own head.”

  Huan Fan and those with him were thrown into prison.

  Presently Cao Shuang and his brothers, all persons connected with them, and their clans were put to death in the market place. All the treasures of their houses was sent to the public treasury.

  Now there was a certain woman of the Xiahou family who had been wife to Wen Shu, a second cousin of Cao Shuang. Early left a childless widow, her father wished her to marry again. Lady Xiahou refused and cut off her ears as a pledge of constancy. However, when the Caos were all put to death, her father arranged another marriage for her; whereupon she cut off her nose. Her own people were chagrined at her obstinate determination.

  “For whom are you keeping your vow?” said they. “Man is but as the light dust upon the tender grass, and what is the good of mutilating your body?”

  The woman replied, weeping, “I have heard that honorable persons do not break a vow of chastity for the sake of wealth, and the hearts of righteous persons are constant unto death regardless of all losses. While the house of Cao enjoyed prosperity, I remained faithful; how much more should I be true now that it has fallen

  upon evil days? Can I act like a mere beast of the field?”

  The story of her devotion came to the ears of Sima Yi, who praised her conduct and allowed her to adopt a son to rear as her own and so continue the family.

  A poem says:

  What is a man to be mindful of?

  A grain of dust on a blade of grass;

  Such virtue as Lady Xiahou had

  Stands out sublime as the ages pass.

  This fair young wife of gentle mien

  Dared all to maintain her purpose high.

  What people though strong in the flush of life

  Have equaled her in constancy?

  After Cao Shuang had suffered death, Jiang Ji said to Sima Yi, “Xin Chang and Luu Zhi and others who had been of his party had forced the gate and joined the rebels. Yang Zong had opposed the surrender of the seal of the late minister. They deserve punishment.”

  However, no action was taken against them.

  “They are righteous people who serves their master faithfully,” said Sima Yi, and he even confirmed these men in their offices.

  Xin Chang sighed, “Had I not listened to the advice of my sister, I would have walked in the way of unrighteousness.”

  A poet has praised his sister, Xin Xianying.

  “You call him lord and take his pay,

  Then stand by him when danger nears.”

  Thus to her brother spoke Xin Xianying,

  And won fair fame though endless years.

  A general amnesty was extended to all Cao Shuang's partisans, and no officer was removed or dismissed for having supported the late order of things. All were left in possession of their property, and soon all was tranquillity.

  However, it is to be noted that He Yan and Deng Yang met the unhappy end that Guan Lu had foretold for them.

  The seer Guan Lu was deeply read

  In all the lore of the ancient sages.

  Thus he could see events to come

  As clear as those of former ages.

  And he perceived the soul of He Yan,

  Already in the vale of gloom.

  And knew the outer shell of Deng Yang

  Was hastening to an early tomb.

  After his recovery of power, Sima Yi was made Prime Minister and received the Nine Gifts of Dignities. Sima Yi refused these honors, but the Ruler of Wei insisted and would take no denial. His two sons were made assistants to their father, and all state affairs fell under the control of these three.

  However, Sima Yi remembered that one man, Xiahou Ba, a member of the Cao clan, still commanded at Yongzhou. In his position Xiahou Ba might be a real danger, and he must be removed. So an edict was issued calling him to Capital Luoyang to discuss affairs.

  Upon receiving this call, Xiahou Ba was shocked; but instead of obeying this call, he declared himself a rebel, and he had a force of three thousand troops to support him. As soon as this was known, Guo Huai marched to suppress the malcontent. The two armies were soon face to face, and Guo Huai went to the front and began to revile his opponent.

  “How could you rebel against the ruling house, you who are of the same clan as our great founder, and you who have always been treated generously?”

  Xiahou Ba replied, “My forefathers served the state right well, but who is this Sima Yi that he has put to death my kinspeople and would now destroy me? What is his aim, if it be not to usurp the Throne? If I can cut him off and so frustrate his design, I shall at least be no traitor to the state.”

  Guo Huai rode forward to attack, and Xiahou Ba advanced to the encounter. They fought some ten bouts, and then Guo Huai turned and fled. But this was only a feint to lead on his enemy, for ere Xiahou Ba had gone far, he heard a shout behind him and turned to see Chen Tai about to attack. At the same moment Guo Huai turned again, and thus Xiahou Ba was between two fires. He could effect nothing, so he fled, losing many troops. Soon he decided that his only course was to flee to Hanzhong and to surrender to the Ruler of Shu.

  Wherefore he went into Hanzhong to see if haply the Latter Ruler would accept his services. When Jiang Wei heard of his desire to surrender, he had doubts of Xiahou Ba's sincerity. However, after due inquiry Jiang Wei was satisfied and allowed the renegade from Wei to enter the city. After making his obeisance, Xiahou Ba, with many tears, told the story of his wrongs. Jiang Wei expressed sympathy.

  Said Jiang Wei, “In the ancient time Wei Zi left the court of Zhou in disgust, and this act has assured to him everlasting honor. You may be able now to assist in the restoration of the House of Han, and you will then stand no whit inferior to any person of antiquity.”

  A banquet was ordered, and while it was being prepared the host talked of affairs in Capital Luoyang.

  “The Simas are now most powerful and in a position to carry out any scheme they planned. Think you that they have any intentions against Shu?”

  “The old traitor has enough to do with his rebellion; he has no leisure to trouble about any outside matters. However, two other young leaders in Wei have lately come to the front, and if Sima Yi sent them against Shu and Wu, it might go ill with you both.”

  “And who are these two?”

  “One is named Zhong Hui, a man of Changsha; he is a son of the former Imperial Guar
dian Zhong Yao. As a mere boy he was noted for being bold and smart. His father used to take him and his brother, Zhong Yu, to court. Zhong Hui was seven and his brother a year older. Emperor Pi noticed one day that the elder boy was sweating and asked him the reason. Zhong Yu replied, 'Whenever I am frightened, the sweat pours out.' Then Emperor Pi said to the other boy, 'You do not seem frightened.' And Zhong Hui replied, 'I am so frightened that the sweat cannot come out.' The Emperor was discerned the extraordinary ability of the boy. A little later Zhong Hui was always studying books on war and tactics, and became an able strategist, so that he won admiration from both Sima Yi and Jiang Ji. Zhong Hui is being a secretary in the Palace.

  “The second man is Deng Ai from Yiyang. He was left an orphan very early, but he was ambitious and enterprising. If he saw lofty mountains or wide marshes, he always looked for those points where soldiers might be stationed or depots of provisions made or combustibles laid. People ridiculed him, but Sima Yi saw there was much to admire and employed the young man on his staff. Deng Ai had an impediment in his speech, so that he called himself 'Deng-eng-eng-Ai,' and Sima Yi used to make fun of him and asked him one day how many there were of him since he called himself 'Deng-eng-eng-Ai.' Deng Ai at once replied, 'There is only one phoenix when they say 'O Phoenix! O Phoenix!'' This ready repartee shows the quickness of his intellect, and you may well be on your guard against him and the other, for they are to be feared.”

  “I do not think them worth even talking about,” replied Jiang Wei.

  Jiang Wei took Xiahou Ba to Chengdu and presented him to the Latter Ruler.

  Jiang Wei said, “Sima Yi had slain Cao Shuang, and he wanted to bait Xiahou Ba, who yielded to Shu. Now the Simas, father and sons, are holding the supreme power, the young Ruler Cao Fang is a weakling, and Wei's fortune is near its end. For many years in Hanzhong, our troops have been well trained, and our stores and depots filled with ample supplies. Now I wish to lead an expedition, using Xiahou Ba as guide, to conquer the Middle Land and to reestablish the House of Han in its old capital. This is how I could show my gratitude to Your Majesty and fulfill the desire of the late Prime Minister.”

  But Fei Yi, Chair of the Secretariat, opposed any expedition, saying, “We have lately lost by death two trusty minister, Jiang Wan and Dong Yun, and there is no one left fit to take care of the government. The attempt should be postponed; no hasty move should be made.”


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