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Remy's Release [Submissive Sirens] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Charlotte Smith

  Remy rolled her eyes. “Knox, you didn’t know what a baby cake was until ten minutes ago.”

  “Exactly. And now I’m a connoisseur.” Knox sounded so earnest Remy had a hard time dismissing him. “Your baby cakes are the perfect size, and they’re the sweetest, daintiest mouthful I could imagine having.”

  Remy swatted him, and Drake followed suit, a meaty thud landing where he punched his brother on the arm. Remy couldn’t figure out why Drake had smacked his brother and stood rubbing Knox’s arm for a moment, glaring at Drake.

  “The cakes are fantastic.” Drake deliberately licked the last of the chocolate from his fork, setting it down and crossing his arms over his chest. “And Knox is right. They’re the perfect size for us.”

  Confused and just a little aroused, Remy suddenly found herself breathless as she tried to make sense of all the double entendres flying around. “Thanks. I’m pleased you like them.”

  Joss stood up and stretched. “Any time you need a guinea pig, you know where to find us.” He smiled at Remy, warming her to her core. “I’ll eat anything of yours.”

  Remy stuck her tongue out at them and fled, the sound of the triplets’ laughter chasing her as she sought refuge in her bedroom. That’s what she got for living with a bunch of overgrown frat boys, she told herself. She loftily ignored her own part in their antics, preferring to think she rose above such childish behavior.

  Once the door was closed, Remy sat down at her desk with a half-filled journal in front of her. She turned to a blank page and began writing, carefully noting the changes she’d made to her recipe for baby cakes and noting as well that she believed she’d finally perfected it. She described the careful balance between the bitter chocolate and sweetness from the sugar, and she warmed to her subject as she wrote in detail about the perfection of the liquid center of the cake and how dark and deep the flavors were.

  When she was done, she turned to the beginning of the book and began leafing through the pages, savoring the memory of each sweet she’d created then perfected. Cookies, cakes, and tarts were all there, as were several seriously complicated recipes she’d labored over for ages. She’d explored candy making, tempering chocolate and other old-world techniques, and all of it was based on her travels.

  Whenever she and the triplets travelled for work, Remy researched the traditional sweets of each place they visited. She’d obsess over pans and molds, practically begging Drake to let her stop at a kitchen supply store or bakery before they left each place. He rarely allowed such field trips, so often she’d have to order supplies online once she returned home. Even so, Remy thought she’d amassed a pretty impressive battery of cookware.

  She found herself daydreaming.

  Some day...

  If she ever got out of her current line of work, she knew exactly what she’d do. She’d open a bakery. She’d make only her favorites, and she’d make it a labor of love. Baking was her second love, taking a backseat only to her passion for justice and helping to make the world a better place.

  Remy shook her head as she realized that wasn’t quite true anymore. Although she loved both of those aspects of her life, she realized she was in serious danger of having feelings for her teammates that went way beyond anything she’d known before. She admitted to herself that, as much as she’d love to have her bakery, she’d stay in the game as long as she could work with the triplets.

  With that thought in mind, Remy considered what the boys had said about her baby cakes. Even if they were just teasing her, she was thrilled they’d liked the cakes so much, and she pondered what to work on next. Keeping in mind what Drake had said about how little the cakes were, Remy smiled as she hit on an idea. She’d make Drake a mammoth layer cake.

  Chapter 4

  Remy put down the magazine she’d been reading while lounging on the couch and sighed. She’d been home for almost three months now, and things between her and the triplets were...weird. She didn’t know how else to describe it. After their initial meeting at the airport and then the incident with the baby cakes, they’d all been acting funny around her, and she didn’t know what to do about it. Even her layer cake for Drake hadn’t helped, although all three brothers had wolfed down enormous slices.

  Drake had been surly as all hell these last months, snapping at her every time she got in his way. He’d started refusing to work out with her, leaving their home gym every time she came in. Remy smiled wryly to herself over that one. Unfortunately for both of them, she’d started clocking serious time working out since it seemed to be the only way she could work out her frustration.

  And, boy, was she frustrated. Every time she turned around she caught herself thinking about Drake gripping her chin between his thumb and finger and leaning down to kiss her cheek. She really wondered what would have happened if she hadn’t turned away from him at the airport. She wondered if he would have kissed her anywhere else.

  And she couldn’t get the triplets’ teasing out of her head, thinking of them licking her body, savoring her skin the way they’d savored the baby cakes. Their naughty words made her body heat up, and she imagined serving herself to them rather than a dessert.

  Remy shrugged mentally. No good wondering about what could happen since it wouldn’t ever take place. A little voice in her head reminded her—again—that she was the one who made sure it wouldn’t happen. Man, she was getting tired of that little voice.

  She got up and started making her way to the kitchen, thinking that a cup of tea might be exactly what she needed. A cup of tea and a cookie. On her way to the kitchen, she found herself wondering if Joss or Knox would be there. She found she couldn’t decide if that would be a good thing or a bad thing since they’d been acting just as strangely as Drake.

  Joss wouldn’t quit touching her. He’d taken to resting a hand on her back whenever he had to reach around her for something on the counter, and a couple of times he’d even put both arms around her to retrieve dishes on their way to the table. Remy assumed it must be her imagination, but it seemed to her that every time he pulled that move he pressed himself against her back, much closer than he really needed to. He also seemed to stay like that for longer than necessary, enveloping her in his warmth. She didn’t know what to do with herself when he pressed himself against her since every instinct she had told her to wiggle her ass, sink backward into his heat, and otherwise take flagrant advantage of his closeness. She could see herself grinding backward against his package or maybe turning herself in his arms and rubbing her aching nipples against his broad chest...

  She shook her head to clear it, nearly tripping down the stairs in the process. Great, I’m going to wind up breaking an ankle because I can’t stop thinking about my damn nipples.

  Remy made it to the kitchen without further incident, doing a little victory dance in her head that thoughts of her sexy-as-sin roommates hadn’t managed to turn her into a klutz. She filled the kettle and clicked it on, popped two bags of her favorite jasmine tea into her teapot, and started nibbling on a lemon cookie she’d baked that morning. Since none of the guys were around, she decided to let her thoughts wander a little more, and as soon as she gave them permission to do so, her thoughts wandered right over to Knox.

  If Joss and Drake were acting weird, Knox was acting like a complete lunatic. Last week he’d asked her if she needed help balancing her checkbook. After staring at him openmouthed for what must have been an embarrassing amount of time, Remy informed him laughingly that she did most of her banking online and that her checkbook hadn’t seen any action for ages. She’d almost said it hadn’t seen any action since she had, but there was no way in hell she was about to admit she hadn’t had sex in an amount of time best counted in dog years. That kind of statement would lead to questions, and she wasn’t about to field those questions if her life depended on it. She grimaced as she imagined being asked and having to answer. It read like a bad script in her head.

  Knox: “Dog years? What’s that supposed to mean?”
r />   Remy: “Well, it means I haven’t had a decent fuck since that time last year I went home with some dude and tried to sleep with him in hopes it would get you out of my head. Didn’t work, by the way, because I only want the three of you. I left his apartment without so much as a tongue in sight, so I gave up on sex. I’m planning to join a convent in the extremely near future, where the only way I’ll be able to see you is through a tiny grate in the wall.”

  Knox: “Oh.”

  Yeah. Remy snorted. Awesome.

  She really needed to stop feeling sorry for herself and start something new, she thought. Remy realized she wasn’t doing herself any favors, thinking sexy thoughts about them, and she had to keep checking for wet marks whenever she got up from sitting with them. It was embarrassing enough she was walking around with a wet pussy and hard nipples, and that didn’t even count the dreams.

  Remy had been having naughty dreams about the triplets for the last week, and no amount of personal time with her toys was successfully taking the edge off. Somehow she just couldn’t imagine that a vibrating piece of silicone or plastic wagging tongue would be able to compete with the real deals that lived in the triplets’ pants. Even her butterfly vibrator attached directly to her clit wasn’t enough anymore, and if the old wives’ tales were true, she’d be going blind soon with the amount of self-pleasuring she’d been doing.

  She’d dreamed just last night about having a shower with all three of them, of their hot, soapy bodies sliding against hers, into hers. She’d woken up moaning, her own fingers sliding against her drenched clit. She’d brought herself off twice after that, but the orgasms she’d been able to have on her own just ratcheted her desire even higher. Sometimes, she thought, all one of them would have to do would be to cup her mound and she’d go off like the Fourth of July.

  Remy poured the now-steeped tea into a teacup and sipped it, leaning against the counter. She was at a bit of a loss as to what to do next since nothing seemed to be working. It was a bloody mess, as Jessie would call it, and she idly wondered what would happen if she actually took Jessie’s advice. Before they’d parted company, Jessie had taken her aside and been graphically, no, pornographically, clear about what she thought Remy should do. She’d suggested that Remy put on a garter belt and a pair of fuck me heels, put an anal plug into her ass, throw an adult DVD in, and stretch out on the couch to wait for the triplets. Jessie thought her strategy would be particularly effective if the triplets walked in to find Remy’s legs spread with her own fingers between them, her own lips wrapped around one of her nipples, and if she released the nipple to lick a juicy fingertip and offer the nearest brother a taste.

  Jessie had been so earnest in her desire to help her friend that Remy hadn’t thought it polite to dismiss her strategy as a fantasy that would never work in real life. Now, horny as hell, Remy wondered if Jessie’s idea was so far-fetched after all. At least after putting on a show like that she’d be able to know once and for all if there was any chance of anything between her and the triplets. The only thing stopping her was the potential impact to her career, because the fallout would be dreadful if the triplets refused her then talked about what she’d done. She didn’t think they would. They’d never been the kind of guys to kiss and tell. But even worse would be the censure in their eyes if they didn’t want her. She didn’t want their pity, and she didn’t want them to think she was a slut for wanting all three of them. That little voice was back though, asking if it wasn’t worth the risk. And that damn voice was getting louder.

  Speak of the devil. Remy’s brooding was cut off as the phone rang, and she was equal parts thrilled and nervous that Jessie’s number flashed on the call display. She really hoped Jessie wasn’t going to ask how her campaign with the triplets was going.


  “Remy? Damn, am I happy to find you at home.” Jessie sounded subdued, instantly banishing Remy’s own predicament as she set her teacup down and settled in to talk to her friend.

  “I’m sorry to bother you. I didn’t know if you’d be working…” Jessie’s voice trailed off.

  “Nonsense. Even if I was working, this sounds important.” Remy was getting really worried. Jessie never let anything get her down.

  “It’’s silly, really.”

  “Jessie, out with it. Whatever it is, we can fix it. Tell me what’s wrong. Is it Gabriel? Is that asshole still showing up at your house?”

  Gabriel was, as far as Remy was concerned, a total jackass. A titled duke with a property adjoining Jessie’s, Gabriel Hartley liked to arrive unannounced, stay for hours, and try to run Jessie’s life. It didn’t help that he also worked for MI6, and that he and Jessie shared a handler.

  “I guess you could say that. Although it’s Liam, too.”

  Liam Douglas was Jessie’s handler, and he was the hot butler the girls had all joked about during their latest vacation. Remy didn’t like the sound of this.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Well, you know I have this thing for Liam, right?”

  Remy did know, and there was no way she was about to be lighthearted about it right now. “Did you tell him? He’s not interested? Honey, I’m sorry. Can you come and visit while he packs up? It shouldn’t take him more than—”

  “No!” Jessie’s voice cracked over the telephone. “I didn’t tell him anything! I didn’t have to say a word, and after what happened when I saw them... Oh Remy, it’s such a mess!” Jessie wailed, causing Remy to jerk the receiver away from her ear for a moment. Jessie could be really shrill.

  “Jessie, honey, please tell me what happened. I don’t know how to help you fix it if I don’t know what’s going on.”

  Jessie drew a deep breath. “I went out to the stable because I wanted to go for a ride. Gabriel had shown up, and I wanted to leave before he tried to be bossy with me. I didn’t bother calling Liam to saddle my horse because I figured he was with Gabriel, and I guess you could say...” Jessie’s voice trailed off, leaving Remy to guess uselessly at what was coming next.

  “And then?” Remy prompted, on the edge of her seat.

  “And then I saw them!” Jessie wailed.

  “Them?” Remy asked, wondering if she was being dense.

  “Gabriel and Liam. They were...they were...they were having sex!”

  Remy sat a moment without responding, stunned. But now that Jessie had managed to get the words out, it seemed they had been like a cork, and now the words just kept flowing as Jessie made confession after confession.

  “My god, it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Gabriel was so sexy, the way he took control of Liam’s pleasure. I wanted to be part of that scene so badly it hurt, but they’re gay! How am I ever supposed to be in the same room with them again? All I want to do is get sandwiched between them, but they like boys!”

  Remy pinched the bridge of her nose, not sure which part of Jessie’s statement to address first. She didn’t know whether to talk about her friend’s apparent secret crush on Gabriel, her sudden desire to be part of a threesome, or Jessie’s terrible luck in catching the men of her dreams having sex together, without her. Luckily, Remy didn’t have to choose.

  Jessie shrieked, and Remy heard a door bang open.

  “I am not gay!” a masculine, accented voice shouted.

  “You were having sex with Gabriel!” Jessie shouted back, clearly having forgotten that Remy sat listening to ever word.

  “That’s only because you won’t let me have sex with you!”

  “I wouldn’t let you? I’ve been practically begging...what are you doing? Stop that! Don’t you dare pick me up!”

  The phone receiver clattered, dropped, and Jessie shrieked profanities at the man who’d apparently just put her over his shoulder.

  A sigh sounded over the receiver before an elegant voice spoke, deep and cool with a clipped English accent. “That really makes it seem rather like I was the silver medal. You’re both in dire need of training. Hello? Who is this?”

Remy was so shocked she could barely speak. “This is Remington Park.”

  There was a pause. “Ah, yes, you’re Lady Jessamy’s best friend.”

  Remy felt her eyebrows rise. She’d never heard anyone call Jessie by her full name before. “Indeed I am. And who the hell is this? I should warn you, if you hurt my friend, I’ll be on the next plane with three friends of mine, and we’ll take you apart.”

  The pause was longer this time. “You said your name is Remington? Are you sure it isn’t Samantha?”

  Remy didn’t know how to respond. “Of course my name is Remington. Why would you think my name is Samantha?”

  “Never mind, dear. You just sound like a Sam to me. My name is Gabriel Hartley. Perhaps Lady Jessamy has mentioned me?”

  “Oh yeah,” Remy ground out between her teeth. “She’s mentioned you. And I seem like a Sam? What the hell is that?”

  “Dear, a Sam is a sub who tries to top from the bottom. I certainly don’t allow that. It seems to me that you’re also in need of a Master.”

  Remy was practically hopping up and down in her seat she was so mad. No wonder this jackass drove Jessie crazy, although Remy figured she’d have to revise her opinion now that she knew Jessie really liked him. She ground her teeth together, unable to form words.

  Gabriel didn’t miss a beat. “Excellent. I’m very glad we seem to have reached an understanding. So you should know then that I’m taking your friend as my submissive. I’ll also be taking Liam for the same purpose, and I’ll have them both collared in no time. I’m informing you as a matter of courtesy since I believe Lady Jessamy was about to slander me, and I’d rather avoid these little mix-ups.”

  About to protest, Remy fell silent as Gabriel began to speak again.

  “Thank you for being there for her, dear. She really speaks very highly of you.”

  Remy swallowed. She was having a lot of trouble standing up to this Gabriel, which was unusual for her. “’re going to be her Dom? Will this be permanent? Sir?”


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