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Remy's Release [Submissive Sirens] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 15

by Charlotte Smith

  Joss growled low in his throat, bemused that Remy was still trying to steal an orgasm from him. She was, he admitted, the perfect match for them. They’d have to work to earn her submission. But that’s how they liked it, Joss reminded himself. The submission of a strong woman was such a beautiful thing, and as Joss focused on the ripple and sway of Remy’s toned body, he confirmed she was the strongest woman he’d ever met. Her submission, he concluded, would be all the more perfect.

  * * * *

  As Remy raised her straining hips as high as she could, uttering little inarticulate grunts as she tried to force the rope to squeeze her in the right spot, Joss ran the tip of that wicked feather right down the seam of her sex. Remy’s mouth froze in an “O” as she strained toward the light contact, hoping it would be enough to send her into a climax. She closed her eyes and ground her teeth together, spreading her legs and tilting her hips to get the angle she wanted. She waited, holding her breath...and nothing happened. No orgasm, no stroke of Joss’s feather.

  Remy cracked an eye open and snuck a peek at Joss, who was staring down at her body. Remy’s gaze followed his, and she blushed as she took in her shameless position. Her legs were splayed wide, her hips were thrust up, and her breasts heavy and tipped with nipples hard enough to tingle.

  Remy carefully lowered herself back down to the table, biting back her moans as the ropes continued to tighten and loosen all over her body, making her aware of zones she’d never considered to be erogenous. She lay there, panting, waiting for the next stroke of Joss’s feather.

  Joss, however, apparently had other plans for her. Remy had glanced over at Drake when she noticed Joss’ gaze drawn to his brother, and the look on Drake’s face told Remy his leash was about to snap. Joss must have agreed, because his movements suggested that while he’d had enjoyed playing with Remy, it was Drake’s turn now.

  Remy couldn’t tear her eyes away from Drake’s face even though Joss untied one end of the rope and pulled, making Remy writhe one last time as the soft rope slithered over her body. Her attention snapped back to Joss though, as his mouth descended over hers, covering it softly.

  “You did so well. I loved seeing you like this and I can’t wait to do it again.” Remy felt the love pour out of Joss towards her in his sweet words.

  Before Remy could respond, however, a large figure moved to her other side, and she turned her gaze away from Joss to see what was happening. What she saw made her gasp.

  Drake was standing just beside her, his eyes molten with undisguised lust. Those hot orbs bored into her, all the way to her soul, and Remy felt herself blushing under his intense scrutiny. His gaze slid over her with all the heat of a caress, and she trembled under that hot look, feeling her body wake once again as the smoldering look Drake gave her roused her nerve endings to a skittish pleasure that raced along her flesh.

  Drake’s bold gaze moved back up to her face, and he made no effort to hide the massive erection tenting the front of his pants. He had, Remy noticed, undone the button on his jeans. They hung off his lean hips just enough to give Remy a heart-stopping view of the trail of soft hair leading from his navel down below the waistband of his pants, and she licked her lips as she imagined where that trail ended.

  Remy could feel her own eyes glaze over as she fixated on the bulge in Drake’s jeans. She knew exactly how long, how thick and hot his cock was, and she swallowed as she thought of taking that monster deep once again. Her mouth was literally watering for him, and she swallowed again, trying to maintain a little control.

  She heard a low growl, and her eyes skimmed up Drake’s body, running over his chiseled abs and strong pecs to the look that smoldered in his eyes.

  “Done looking, babycake?” Drake sounded like he’d been eating glass.

  Remy stuttered, not sure of herself. “Am I not allowed to look? Master Drake?” She tried the title out, surprised at how comfortable it felt to say.

  Drake stopped dead, all motion ceasing. His eyes had taken on a fiercely possessive cast, and he looked at her like she belonged to him. “Remember that, sub. I am your Master, and so are they.” Drake waved to his brothers where they stood, just as fierce-looking as him.

  “Now, we have something to discuss, sub.” Drake began casually separating the chains in his hands, unwinding them from one another and making Remy wonder what he was up to.

  “You put yourself in danger. We won’t allow you to endanger our precious possessions.” Remy’s eyes grew round as she listened to his words.

  “You chose to run away rather than talking to us, and you almost ran away again. You have to learn to trust us with more than your body. You have to understand that you belong to us. We’re selfish bastards, babycake.”

  Tears pooled in Remy’s eyes as she listened to what Drake was saying.

  “I can see you’re beginning to understand, Remington. We love you, and we’ll never let you go. We want to be here for you and with you, and we’ll make damn sure your ass is red every time you pull something so asinine.”

  Remy smiled up at him through the film in her eyes, grateful to have three such selfish bastards as them. Damn, but she was crying a lot these days. It wouldn’t do for Drake to think she was going soft, would it?

  With that in mind, Remy forced a lofty look onto her face and glared at Drake with an eyebrow raised. “Never let me go? Redden my ass? Expect me to put up with such selfish bastards as you?”

  Drake recoiled slightly even as his eyes turned hard as granite, and Remy was aware of the sharp intake of breath from Joss and Knox on the other side of the table.

  “Lucky for you I’m still more than enough woman to handle all three of you,” Remy continued, her eyes twinkling. “And, Master Drake?” Remy knew she had his full attention in that moment. “Master Drake? And this goes for you as well, Master Knox, Master Joss,” she said, tossing a look in their general direction. “You might share, my Masters, but I don’t. I’m all the woman you’re going to get from now on. So,” Remy purred, spurred into recklessness by the effect her submission was having on her Doms, “you’d better keep me happy.”

  Drake loomed above her as she heard the snarls from his brothers on her other side. “Keep you happy, sub? Sounds to me like you’re trying to top from the bottom. Sounds to me like your ass could stand to be a deeper shade of pink.”

  Remy did the one thing she knew would push him beyond his famed control. She challenged it. “Bring it, Master Drake.”

  Drake grinned at her, his smile doing funny things to her insides. “I will, my little pervert. You bet your sweet ass I will.”

  Chapter 19

  Remy didn’t have time to gloat over pushing Drake so far before he retaliated in a way she couldn’t have foreseen. She didn’t even have time to scream when his head dipped, his lips fastening onto her nipple and giving it a hard tug.

  Remy moaned, squirming once more on the table as Drake laved her hard nub with his hungry tongue. Her moan became a squeal as he pressed it between his tongue and the roof of his mouth, sucking hard. Remy’s back bowed at the pressure, and she arched toward the mouth tormenting her nipple so deliciously. She cried out and panted as his mouth left her abruptly, her body seeking desperately to follow that tormenting tongue.

  * * * *

  Drake watched Remy writhe on the table, her luscious body straining toward him. That pouty nipple he’d just given up sucking was beckoning him, making his mouth water for another taste of that sweet raspberry still wet with his saliva. He watched as Remy’s full mouth opened on a pant and reached out toward her, gently pinching her still-wet nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Remy’s reaction was immediate as she moaned softly and stilled, inviting him to do whatever he wanted with her.

  Drake grinned to himself. She probably wasn’t going to be expecting this.

  With that thought firmly in mind, Drake found the jewel dangling from the end of one of the chains he still carried. With a deft pinch and twist, he attached the clip to Remy’s s
training nipple, and then he stood back to enjoy the show.

  * * * *

  He’d clamped her nipple.

  That was Remy’s last coherent thought before a lance of fiery pain assaulted her, her tender tip caught between the smooth edges of the clip. She gasped as her eyes opened wide, the pain from her clipped nipple lancing from the little bud into every nerve ending on her body. She stayed totally still with her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she waited for the pain to subside.

  To Remy’s chagrin, the pain didn’t quit the way she wanted it to. And to her utter astonishment, the lightning streaking from her clamped nipple seemed to be connected to her clit, the pain from the clamp blooming into something Remy couldn’t quite call pleasure.

  It wasn’t pain, either, she thought to herself. While her nipple was pinched, reddened, between the edges of the clip, the white-hot jolts of electricity carried an unbelievable heat with them, a heat that radiated out and warmed her whole body from her toes to her quivering bottom lip.

  Remy let out an explosive breath, the decadent pain crystallizing in her nipple and sending sparkly shards to her pussy that caused her long-forgotten state of arousal to come crashing back into her awareness. Damn, but she was ready.

  Even though she knew she should have been expecting it, Remy was still startled as Drake clamped her other nipple. This time though, she closed her eyes and fought for the pleasure she knew was coming once the initial shock wore off. She gritted her teeth and rode it out, sighing at last when the pain morphed into the incredible sharp heat that made her body melt from the inside.

  Remy opened her eyes gingerly, careful not to move so much as a muscle that would cause her clamped nipples to be jostled. She looked from one triplet to the next through hooded eyes, seeing that they looked back at her with heavy-lidded looks, their faces utterly decadent as they enjoyed watching her like this.

  Mustering her courage, Remy glanced down her chest to where the clips stood out, jeweled and sparkling as they held her nipples prisoner. She stopped cold when she saw the chain connecting them to one another that had pooled between her breasts without her notice.

  So that’s what the chains were for.

  “See, babycake?” Joss’s voice was dark and honeyed, making her internal muscles clamp down. The brothers only used that voice when something truly nasty was about to happen. “We have so many ways to punish you. This is only a taste of them.”

  “You’re welcome to be bad any time you like.” Knox’s eyes were riveted to her clamped nipples, his hand almost unconsciously stroking the bulge on the front of his pants. “We’ll never get tired of this.” His eyes swept to her face, fierce and possessive, and he moved forward to lean over her. He bent toward her swollen lips, tracing them gently with his tongue before drawing back and smiling at the distressed sound Remy made at his retreat.

  Joss moved in from her other side, cupping her chin and turning her face toward him. He too grazed her mouth with his, slipping his tongue between her lips to tangle with hers before drawing back. Remy unconsciously reached for him but stopped with a shriek as a jangled, painful ecstasy shot from her nipples throughout her body.

  Her gaze shot to Drake, standing close to the foot of the table, leaning over her on a muscled arm. His other hand gripped the chain between her breasts and twirled it between his fingers. The look in his eyes made her pussy clench desperately. It looked like Drake wasn’t done punishing her yet.

  With every pull and tweak of the chain he held, Drake forced layers of painful pleasure on Remy. She hadn’t known such pleasure existed, and she became utterly wanton in the way she bucked and arched beneath the onslaught.

  “Please, Drake! Pleasepleaseplease! Stop! No, please don’t stop! Pull harder, damn you!” Hardly aware of the demands that poured from her mouth, Remy existed in a place where time and space didn’t matter. The only thing that existed here was a pain so fine it morphed instantly to a pleasure more consuming than anything she’d ever known.

  As Drake’s skillful hands manipulated the clips on her nipples and the chains connecting them, Remy cried and begged for the orgasm that lurked just out of range, panted and screamed for the release she could almost taste. She thought she knew now what it meant to truly submit, to feel utterly taken by a man strong enough to master her desires and give them to her even when she herself was too embarrassed to ask for what she wanted. She didn’t think she could feel any more mastered than she did with her ass still on fire from Knox’s spanking, her every nerve ending ultrasensitive from Joss’s ropes, and her nipples sending bolts of pure heat from where Drake clamped them and played with the chain. No, Remy thought, she couldn’t be more mastered than she already was.

  She was wrong.

  Remy had been so out of her mind with pleasure as Drake toyed with the chain connecting her beaded nipples that she hadn’t noticed him edging her legs apart. She noticed when a bolt of pure fire consumed her clit.

  Her throaty moans turned to squeals as she tried to close her legs against the ultra-fine pleasure paining her clit, forcing her eyes to open and take stock of what was happening when she realized she was unable to move.

  Joss stood above her head, holding her hands pinioned between his. He looked down at her with such a mixture of love and lust in his eyes she had trouble holding his gaze. Her eyes moved down her body, noticing now that Knox stood to the right of the table, his hand bending her leg back toward her body and anchored behind her knee. He pushed her leg as high and as far out from her body as it would go, leaving her dripping pussy on display. With his free hand, he toyed with the chains that now connected her nipples and her clit.

  Drake stood opposite Knox on the other side of the table, giving her left leg a similar treatment. His hand moved down from where he’d just clamped her clit, and Remy felt a big finger toy with her asshole, lubed not only with the gel Knox had used earlier but also with the cream from her pussy that had been sliding down her crack pretty much since they’d started the session.

  She gasped, barely able to move at all. She’d never felt as vulnerable as she did in this moment with all three triplets restraining her, playing with her. The throb from her clamped nipples and clit settled at her core, causing her very womb to clench with the desire to be filled. The dirty finger toying with her bottom hole made her pussy weep even more at the forbidden feeling, and Remy’s eyes lost focus and rolled up as her system overloaded on the decadent pleasure her lovers forced on her. She ceased moving at all, finally collapsing under the lash of ecstasy her men forced her to endure.

  She was done fighting, done with everything but accepting their mastery of her. With a small moan she stilled, accepting their dominance.

  “That’s right, sweetheart.” Drake’s deep voice sounded from where he stood, still playing with a finger rimming her forbidden hole. “That’s what we want. Now you know who your Masters are. Tell us.”

  Remy’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “You are. All of you.”

  Knox’s voice sounded next, whispering over her as his fingers still toyed with the chains connecting her soft, pink parts. “Is there anything else you’d like to say to us?”

  Remy swallowed. “I’m sorry I tried to run away.” She gasped as Knox gave the chains a sharp tug.

  “Nothing else you’d care to add?” Knox sounded amused, the bastard. Remy swore she’d get him back for thinking this was funny.

  “Um, I love you?” Remy tried tentatively, not really sure where this was going.

  Knox laughed. “Damn straight.”

  “You’re never going to try to leave us again.” Joss said it as a statement, but Remy knew she was still expected to respond.

  “No.” She smiled up at him, his upside-down features hard to focus on from this angle, especially when his brothers were still tormenting her. “It’s going to take an awful lot for you to get rid of me now.”

  Chapter 20

  Remy drew a shuddering breath. She was almost scared to hope,
but she mentally crossed her fingers that the Grantham triplets were done punishing her. It looked like her wish was going to be granted as Knox’s head bent toward her chest. He caught a clamp between his lips, pulling it off her nipple with his lips and spitting it out then laving the still-hard nub with his tongue.

  Remy gasped as the feeling rushed back into the nipple, realizing Joss had released her hands when she was able to tangle her fingers in Knox’s hair as he worked over her tender tip.

  Blood rushed back into the other nipple as Joss lavished the same attention on it, Remy’s other hand tangling in his hair as she watched both blond heads as they worked her over.

  Of course, she grumbled silently, Drake couldn’t follow suit with her clit. The rush of feeling back into her little bundle of nerves was almost enough to send her over the edge into what she felt was a well-deserved orgasm, but instead of letting it happen, Drake blew cool air across her heated folds, the startling contrast enough to keep her from going over the edge.

  Before she could muster her voice to protest, however, Drake dragged her body down the table. Her nipples were released from the hot mouths suckling them with an audible pop, and the next thing she knew Drake had picked her up and was walking her over to the massive bed. Not about to complain, Remy wrapped her arms around Drake’s neck and buried her face there, planting little, soothing kisses along his jaw. She knew she’d pushed him—all of them—hard, and she wanted them to know she wasn’t ever going to run from them again.

  Drake dropped her to the middle of the mattress with none of his usual finesse, and she could see a fine tremble in his hands as he carefully unzipped his jeans and freed his massive cock. It bounced free of its confines, and Remy could see the pre-cum already gathered on the head.


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