Book Read Free

Meanie Genie

Page 4

by Miranda Jones

  “Lilac probably took it and hid it in my bag,” Esmeralda said sweetly. “She loves sparkly things.”

  “The jewelry box isn't sparkly,” Ali pointed out.

  Esmeralda glared at her. “Well, maybe I did take it,” she muttered. “But that's nothing compared to the crime Little Genie's committed!”

  “What crime?” Magico asked, looking puzzled. “Breaking a watch is bad, but it's not a crime.”

  “Oh, I didn't mean the watch.” Esmeralda laughed spitefully. “I meant bringing a human to Genieland! Look!” She pointed at Ali, who felt her stomach begin to churn. “That's Little Genie's master!”

  There was a gasp of horror from everyone in the room.

  “That's a very serious accusation, Esmeralda,” the principal said, frowning. “Do you have any evidence to back this up?”

  Esmeralda nodded. “She didn't have a clue what GES meant, for a start. And she's supposed to be from the Academy of Genies, but she didn't even know who Lavinia Lightfoot was.” She folded her arms and stared triumphantly at Ali. “If you'd really been to the academy, you'd know that Lavinia Lightfoot is the principal!”

  The room was completely silent now. Even Esmeralda's dog had stopped barking.

  The principal turned to Ali. “Are you a human?”

  Ali couldn't lie.“Yes,” she whispered.

  There was chaos in the room.

  “This is a crime of the utmost seriousness,” the principal thundered as the genies gasped and stared at Ali. “It is so serious that it can only be dealt with by the Grand Genie himself. And I intend to speak to him about it as soon as he arrives!”

  Suddenly Ali felt Genie grab her hand.

  “Run, Ali!” she yelled, dragging her over to the door.“Run as fast as you can!”

  “After them!” Ali heard the principal yell as she and Genie dashed off down the corridor. “We can't have a human on the loose—the Grand Genie will be here any minute!”

  The corridors were empty, as most genies were now in class. Ali and Genie had a clear path ahead of them. But the uproar was attracting attention, and curious genies were popping their heads out of their classrooms to see what was going on.

  As she and Genie skidded around a corner, Ali risked a quick glance over her shoulder. It looked like half the school was chasing them.

  “This way, Ali!” Little Genie shouted.

  She pulled Ali outside through the doors and pointed at a clump of large, leafy bushes near the entrance.

  “In there!” she whispered, panting.

  Ali and Genie dived into the bushes and waited. Ali was out of breath and trembling. She still had the jewelry box in her hand. She slipped it into her pocket.

  The next moment, the principal swept through the doors. A crowd of students and teachers followed. Magico, Lampella, and Genius all looked very concerned. Next to the principal stood Esmeralda, a wicked smile on her face. Ali glared at her through the leaves.

  “What do we do now?” Ali whispered, putting her lips close to Genie's ear so that no one else could hear her.

  “I don't know,” Genie said. “But we're in big trouble, catch my drift? I can't let the Grand Genie see you, Ali. We'll stay hidden in these bushes forever if we have to!”

  Ali didn't like the sound of that. What if she had to stay in Genieland and she never managed to get home? She would never see her mom and dad again. She'd even miss her annoying little brother, Jake!

  “They must be hiding somewhere inside,” the principal was saying sternly.“We'll separate into groups and search every inch of this school. I want those two found before the Grand Genie turns up!”

  Principal Grant stomped back inside, followed by everyone except Esmeralda. She paced in front of the school, her eyes darting around. Ali's heart sank. How could they get away with Esmeralda standing there, ready to raise the alarm?

  A noise close to the bushes made Ali jump. She and Genie peered through the leaves and saw the class of preschool genies who had been finger-painting the welcome banner swoop down on a big magic carpet. It landed gently just outside the nursery school doors, and their teacher started helping them climb off.

  A young genie still sitting on the carpet began giggling mischievously.“Listen, I know the magic words!” he bragged to his three little friends.“Kalam, alam, shazam!”

  “No, Lampwick!” the teacher called in alarm, but it was too late. The carpet, with four baby genies still on board, rose into the air. The teacher was left behind on the ground, staring helplessly after it. The preschool genies peered over the carpet edge at her and burst out laughing. They obviously thought this was the best game ever!

  “Oh no!” Genie gasped. “They're much too young to know how to steer a carpet— they could crash! I must help them, Ali!”

  She let out a piercing whistle, and the next moment a hoverboard floated down behind the bushes. Little Genie jumped onto it and zoomed up into the air after the carpet.

  “Wait for me, Genie!” Ali yelled. “You might need some help!”

  She whistled and another hoverboard arrived seconds later. Ali leapt onto it and flew out of the bushes.

  “There's the human!” Ali heard Esmeralda yell triumphantly as she whizzed up into the sky after Genie. “I've got you now!”

  Wobbling a little on her hoverboard, Ali glanced down and saw Esmeralda dash into the school to get Principal Grant. But there was no time to worry about that now. They had to save the preschool genies!

  Her hair flying in the wind, Ali tried her best to catch up with Genie. But her friend hadn't even realized that Ali was behind her. Little Genie was leaning forward, making her hoverboard fly even faster to draw level with the carpet. The little genies had stopped laughing as the carpet swerved this way and that; now they just looked scared, clinging to the tassels at the edge.

  Little Genie's hoverboard caught up with the carpet, and she shifted so that she was facing the preschool genies. Ali's heart jumped as she guessed what Genie was planning. She was going to leap through the air from her hoverboard onto the carpet!

  Ali could hardly bear to watch. It was extra dangerous because the carpet was out of control, zipping in all different directions.

  “Be careful, Genie!” Ali yelled, but the wind whipped her words away.

  Little Genie launched herself from the hoverboard. There was a moment when she seemed to hang in midair, and Ali's stomach churned with fear. But then Genie landed safely on the carpet. Struggling to keep her balance, Genie smiled at the little genies, who let go of the tassels and scrambled over to her.

  “Way to go, Genie!” Ali shouted, her knees wobbly with relief. She was so proud of her best friend!

  As she hugged the little genies, Little Genie glanced up and saw Ali for the first time. “What are you doing, Ali?” she yelled, looking surprised.

  “Helping you!” Ali answered, panting. “You didn't think I was going to let you do something this dangerous on your own, did you?”

  “Come on, then!” Genie encouraged her, her arms still around the little genies. “Just make sure you're as close as you can get before you jump!”

  Ali managed to get her hoverboard level with the carpet. She took a deep breath, trying to get the courage to jump.

  “You can do it!” Genie cheered.

  Ali pushed off from the hoverboard and flew through the air. A second later she felt the carpet dip slightly under her feet. She had made it! She let out a big sigh of relief.

  “You're a real cool cat, Ali!” Genie yelled above the noise of the wind. “Now keep the kids away from the edge while I steer!”

  Ali gathered the frightened little genies into the middle of the carpet.“Stay still and hold on tight,” she told them, putting her arms around them.

  Meanwhile, Genie had crawled over to sit down cross-legged at the front of the carpet.“Now, remember your flying theory,” Little Genie muttered.“Keep to the front of the carpet and lean back!”

  The carpet quivered, and with a sinking hea
rt Ali remembered that Little Genie had said she wasn't very good at flying magic carpets. But Genie sat very still, and Ali could tell from the way her back and shoulders were held rigid that she was concentrating very hard. Suddenly the carpet settled down and began to fly in a straight line.

  They were safe! Ali could hardly believe it. She looked down at the ground and saw everyone—Principal Grant, Esmeralda, Magico, Genius, Lampella, and Mr. Ticktock— standing outside the school staring up at them.

  “Look!” Lampwick shouted, pointing high into the sky. “Look at the big carpet!”

  Directly above them Ali saw another, much bigger carpet with long golden fringes. Because it was right over their heads, it was impossible to see the genies on top—and whoever was up there couldn't see Ali and Little Genie either. As Ali watched, the carpet began to head downward. She gasped in horror. The other carpet was coming in to land—right on top of them!

  “Genie!” Ali shrieked.“Look up!”

  Genie looked up, then grabbed a corner of their carpet and twisted it. Their carpet veered away, swerving bumpily out of the flight path of the carpet above them.

  As Little Genie struggled to regain control of their carpet, Ali realized that they were heading straight for one of the huge glass walls of the school!

  “We're going to crash!” Lampwick shouted. All the little genies sobbed even louder, burying their heads in their arms.

  Genie grabbed the other corner of the carpet, pulling it as hard as she could. Ali held her breath as the carpet bucked and jolted underneath them. Suddenly it swerved again, almost turning in circles as it whizzed away from the glass wall, missing it by inches.

  “Hooray for Little Genie!” shouted the little genies.

  “But we're still going to crash!” Genie yelled as the carpet hurtled down toward the ground. “Quick, Ali! Make sure everyone keeps still and brace yourself for impact!”

  Taking a deep breath, Ali hugged the little genies even more tightly.

  “Brace, brace!” Genie hollered as the ground rushed toward them at incredible speed. They were heading for a crash landing!

  Ali saw Little Genie lean straight back, her hands pulling up on the front corners of the carpet. She was doing everything she could to slow the carpet down, but it was too late. The ground was too near!

  Her heart pounding, Ali closed her eyes.

  There was a tiny bump, and the little genies let out a loud shriek.

  Ali opened her eyes. The carpet was surrounded by white daisies. Genie had managed to bring the carpet down right in the middle of a flower bed. Everyone began to cheer and applaud.

  “You did it, Genie!” Ali said. She checked to see that the little genies were okay. Then she jumped up and flung her arms around her friend. “You're the best magic carpet pilot ever!”

  “Thank you, Little Genie!” all the little genies shouted. “You're our hero!” They jumped to their feet and smothered her with hugs.

  Little Genie beamed. “You helped too, Ali,” she said. “You kept the kids still and gave me confidence. I couldn't have done it without you!”

  “Thank you, Ali!”The little genies hugged Ali, too.

  “Lampwick!” The preschool teacher rushed over to them. “You must never do that again!”

  “I'm sorry,” Lampwick said, giving his teacher a hug.

  “Thank you so much!” the teacher told Genie and Ali.“You were both very brave.”

  At that moment Ali saw the big carpet with the long golden fringes sail down toward the school entrance. Everyone moved away to give it space to land. As it came to rest on the ground, a large golden genie wearing a regal purple turban stepped off it.

  Little Genie clutched Ali's hand. “It's the Grand Genie!”

  Principal Grant began to talk very animatedly to the Grand Genie, waving her arms around and pointing up at the sky, then at Little Genie and Ali. After a moment the two genies strode across the lawn toward Ali and Genie, followed by Esmeralda, Magico, Genius, Lampella, and Mr. Ticktock.

  The little genies looked awestruck as the big golden genie approached. They clung to their teacher, peeping shyly around her satin skirt. Meanwhile, Ali was shaking like a leaf. This was her worst Genieland nightmare!

  “Ali, I want you to know that you're the best lord and master ever, and my best friend, too!” Little Genie said, hugging Ali tightly. “And whatever happens, I'll never forget you!”

  Ali nodded.“Me too!”

  As the Grand Genie stopped in front of them, Little Genie made a low bow. Ali thought she'd better do the same.

  “So, you're back, Little Genie!” the Grand Genie boomed. “And not only that, but you've broken one of the most important genie laws. You have brought a human into Genieland!”

  Genie hung her head. “I know I did wrong, O Great Grand Genie,” she said. “But please, whatever happens to me, can you allow Ali to go home? And … and make her the right size again?”

  “Silence!” the Grand Genie thundered.“I haven't finished speaking yet!”

  Ali felt sick. What was the Grand Genie going to do to Little Genie—and to her?

  “It's clear that you have no regard for genie rules,” the Grand Genie went on, staring hard at Little Genie. “However …” He tapped his golden chin. “You are also a very brave genie—with a very brave master!”

  Ali and Little Genie glanced at each other in surprise.

  “You saved the little genies at great risk to your own safety,” the Grand Genie said. “I think that deserves to be rewarded.”

  Ali and Little Genie weren't going to be punished! The preschool genies broke into loud cheers, along with Magico, Lampella, and Genius. Even Principal Grant managed a smile. It looked like everyone had forgiven them—except Esmeralda. Ali was delighted to see that she looked extremely annoyed.

  “Mr. Ticktock!”The Grand Genie snapped his fingers and the watchmaker stepped forward.“Can you fix Little Genie's watch?”

  Ali took the jewelry box out of her pocket and gave it to the watchmaker.

  Mr. Ticktock opened it and shook his head. “Tut, tut!” he said. “A job like this would usually take weeks.”

  The Grand Genie raised his eyebrows.

  “But for you, O Great Grand Genie, I can do it very quickly!” Mr. Ticktock said.

  He hurried back into the school, clutching the jewelry box.

  “Thank you,” the Grand Genie said regally. “Now …” He turned to Esmeralda, scratching his chin.“We need a fitting reprimand for this young lady for stealing another genie's hourglass. For that is a most serious offense.”

  “Maybe Esmeralda could help out in the nursery?” Little Genie suggested. “She could babysit the little genies and help them with their finger-painting.”

  Esmeralda gave a shriek of horror as the Grand Genie nodded.

  “I think that would be perfect,” Principal Grant announced.“For the next month, Esmeralda will help the preschool teachers watch the children.”

  Ali and Genie grinned as Esmeralda stomped off. Looking after the messy little genies would be a nightmare for Esmeralda. Her clothes would be covered in paint by the end of the first day, and her poodle might discover that it was more fun running around with the preschoolers than being cooped up in her handbag. But somehow Ali doubted the experience would teach Esmeralda to be a nicer person in the future.

  “How much longer do you think the watchmaker will be, Genie?” Ali whispered.

  The little genies had just finished performing a special play in honor of the Grand Genie called Aladdin and His Magic Lamp, and everyone in the school had come to watch. Ali had enjoyed the performance, but now she was anxious to get home. She still had to finish her volcano project. Maybe she'd get a chance to talk to Genius about it before they left.

  Suddenly Little Genie's face lit up.“Here he comes!”

  Mr. Ticktock hurried over to the Grand Genie, who was seated on a golden throne in front of the stage next to Ali, Little Genie, and the principal.

sp; “I have fixed the watch, Your Great Grandness!” Mr. Ticktock said, bowing so low his nose almost touched the curly toes of his slippers. He handed the jewelry box to Genie.

  Little Genie opened the box and gasped in delight. The crack in the glass had been repaired. The two halves of the hourglass now contained pink sand again, in exactly the same proportions as before the watch was broken. Ali could see that there were still a few grains of sand left to fall, which meant that her wish wasn't over yet.

  “You can't tell it was ever broken!” Little Genie exclaimed, strapping the watch to her wrist.“Thank you, Mr. Ticktock.”

  Principal Grant stepped forward. “Little Genie, we'd like to give you another chance,” she said graciously. “Because you showed true genie courage and skills in rescuing the little genies, the Grand Genie and I are inviting you to come back to school and specialize! What do you say?”

  Genie's eyes opened wide. Ali felt very worried. She'd seen how fun it was at Genie School and how many friends Little Genie had here, but she didn't want Genie to stay in Genieland. She'd miss her so much!

  “Thank you,” Little Genie said.“I'm really happy that you want me to come back. I've loved visiting school and seeing all my friends. But I love being Ali's genie too.” She grinned at Ali. “I might not get everything right all the time, but I think we make a pretty good team! So I don't think I want to come back just yet.”

  “You'll be welcome anytime,” Principal Grant said with a smile.

  Ali slipped her hand into Little Genie's and squeezed it.“I'm really glad you're staying with me!” she said. “We'd better go now, though. My parents might be looking for me!”

  “Yes, hurry and say your farewells,” the Grand Genie said. “You're a very special human, Ali. You are the only one who's ever been to Genieland!”

  Little Genie bowed to the Grand Genie and shook hands with the principal. Ali did the same.

  “Come back and see us soon, won't you, Little Genie?” Lampella said, looking sad.

  “I will!” Little Genie promised, waving to the other students and teachers.


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