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The Darkest Night

Page 28

by Catherine Wilson

  My hand reaches out, firm and steady behind Aras’ back. Silently, she stumbles forward, a baby bird finding her wings. But no, not finding. Not my little sister. She’s already been soaring for quite some time. If only I had opened my eyes wide enough to see.

  A swell of pride forms within my chest, and my heart sings for the brave young woman she has grown to be. “It’s not the magic that has to be strong enough, but the person who’s wielding it.”

  Our gazes meet, and we smile.


  I’ve always heard it takes a village to write a book, and I’m so thankful for the friends and family who live in mine.

  Thank you to my parents, Tom and Nancy Pinion, who continue to give more of themselves than I ever thought was possible. Your love and support has always served as my guide, and this would all be a dream if it weren’t for you. You are the perfect example that love is a choice, and I choose to love you to the stars and back. Forever.

  Thank you to my brother and sister, Tim Pinion and Nichele Gaddy. Nichele, thank you for giving me the ultimate model of sisterly love. Vivi’s right—sometimes having a big sister is a lot like having a second mom, and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. Tim, thank you for channeling your inner teenage girl and tackling Brave’s story. Even if you are scarred for life, you hide it well. I’m forever proud to be your littlest sister. Smooches.

  Thank you to Jack and Rowan Wilson, the best four-year-old boys on the planet. It has been such a joy to watch you learn and grow. Oh, how I wish I could bottle your energy! Your smiling faces push me to be my best, and your laughter helps to keep me sane. Everything I do, I do for you.

  Thank you to my niece and nephew, Ellie and Elijah Gaddy. Your spunk for life inspires me on a daily basis… and you’re both pretty funny, too. One day when you are a little bigger, I’ll hold you down and make you read my books. Only the best aunties can say that.

  Thank you to my in-laws, Darryl and Carol Wilson. I’m so grateful for your love and support. Jack and Rowan have the best Gran and Papa ever! We couldn’t carry on this crazy little life without you. I love you both!

  Thank you to my sister-n-law, Katie Kite, for reading my messy first draft, giving me good advice, loving on Vivi, and smiling through it all. You helped more than you know! Love you!

  Thank you to my grandparents, Eloise Pinion, Don and Simone Nichols, and Pauline and Tommy Adkins. Now that I have children of my own, I’m able to witness firsthand the unmeasurable amount of love that grandparents hold for their grandchildren. I am so grateful for the role that each of you have played in my life, as any success could not have been met without your ceaseless love. I love you so much.

  Thank you to my wonderful aunts and uncles: Roger Pinion, Doris Flowers, Linda Wetherington, Patsy Rentz, Dee Elliot, Louise Nelson, Denny Nelson, Debbie Sewell, Donna Dalton, and Donna Winn. Your support and love has meant the world to me. I don’t know where I would be without you pitching my book to everyone you meet! They say a part of every fictional character is inspired by a real one. Your ability to love without bounds and tackle obstacles with hope is solid proof that a little bit of Vivi lives in us all. I love you guys!

  Thank you to Kelli Edwards, Ginger Collins, Gary Gaddy, Diana Swan-Pinion, Andy Kite, and Keaton Kite for not only supporting me throughout this crazy adventure, but for also sleeping well at night so your mommy could proofread my book (that last part mainly just applies to Keaton). But seriously though, it means a lot to have you by my side. Much love!

  Thank you to all of my cousins from Oregon to Washington and Arizona to Georgia. You taught me how to represent the Pinion-Nichols families well. I love you tons, and I know Granny Eloise and Grandpa Don are so proud of us all.

  Thank you to The Friends of the Cornelia Library, Annabelle Wiley, and Melissa Duchaine for your amazing support! My first book signing was wonderful, and I’m so honored to have you cheering me on. Our library is the best!

  Thank you to Myra Hill, Salena McKay, and Shona Purcell. I don’t know how you managed to read The Darkest Night a few rough chapters at a time, but I think you are all crazy in the best of ways. Your excitement kept me going even when I didn’t feel like I had the strength. While your advice means the world to me, so does your friendship. A true friend pushes you to take that leap and is always there to catch you if you fall. I meant it when I said you are the Vivi to my Brave. I love you all!

  Thank you to Stephanie Williams for your unfailing support. From organizing my first book signing, to posing for the front cover, your friendship has continued to amaze me. You are strong, loyal, and above all else, brave. I’m blessed beyond measure to call you my friend, and I couldn’t have made it this far without you. I love you!

  Thank you to Kim Stephens for taking a chance on Brave a few more chapters at a time. I don’t know how you read it piece by piece, but I’m so thankful for your patience and encouragement! It’s friends like you who help me to believe in myself and continue this dream. I’d be lost in this process without you!

  Thank you to Laura Matlock for not only harassing our local newspaper to write an article about Look to the Stars and landing me a spot on the radio, but for also helping to design and create the most fabulous book signing ever! You have such a kind heart, and I’m so blessed to have you in my life. If our little story ever makes it to the big screen, you’ll be Darcy—no questions asked. (See, now it’s in writing, so that makes it official.)

  Thank you to Tiffany Brown, the beta reader extraordinaire! Not only can you read fast, but you can also find all of my errors, too! In other words, you are every writer’s dream come true! I’m so grateful for your help, and your excitement means the world to me. I can’t wait for you to get your hands on book three!

  Thank you to Kendra Stephens for posing on the front cover. You are the Vivi of my heart! I seriously couldn’t have imagined it any better. Words cannot express how grateful I am for you!

  Thank you to my CES family. Your support and excitement means the world to me! I couldn’t continue to push myself to finish Brave’s story if it were not for your smiling faces.

  Thank you to Jennifer Cox for your “sweetest, meanest” quote, as it applies to both real and fictional characters alike. You are awesome!

  Thank you to Cynthia Shepp for your amazing editing skills. This series wouldn’t be at its best if it weren’t for you! Thank you for not only loving Brave, but for also giving me the confidence to continue telling her story as well. You rock!

  Thank you to Jane Dixon-Smith for another wonderful cover design. You always go above and beyond to help find the perfect home for Brave and her friends. I can’t wait to work on cover three!

  Thank you to you, the reader, for diving into Brave’s story and loving her along the way. I couldn’t continue this adventure without you, and your support means the very most!

  Thank you to my husband, Jody, for continuing to be my number one fan. I couldn’t have accomplished book two if it weren’t for your love. You work so hard for our family day in and day out, and yet you still have time to help me follow my dream. I hope you know how grateful I am to call you my best friend. If I could get lost in the woods with anyone, it would be you—hands down. You, I love.

  Finally, thank you Lord for continuing to bless my path. None of this would be possible without Your endless love. It is my greatest wish to make You proud.

  About the Author

  Catherine Wilson has always had a passion for books, until one day, she got the crazy idea to write her own. The youngest in her tightknit family, she grew up at the base of a mountain in rural North Georgia. There she learned to climb trees, swing her way across creeks, and fight invisible foes. All wonderful practice, she soon found, for creating an imaginary world of her own.

  Catherine currently lives in Georgia with her supportive husband and twin boys. As a full time teacher and mother of two four-year-olds, she writes during nap time. When she's not writing, you can usually find her chasing her famil
y around on their newest adventure.

  Catherine would love to hear from you! Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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