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Sovereign (Realmwalker Book 3)

Page 2

by Jonathan Franks

  “Hi, Sina. Hi, Yag. Mind if I join you?” she asked.

  Sina and Yag scooted over and made room for Gen to sit down.

  “Sure,” Sina patted the ground next to her. “We’ll always make room for the Keeper of The Marsh.”

  Gen sat down and wrapped her arms around her knees. She listened for a while and leaned over to Sina. “I love the music. I miss music.”

  “Somebody plays here just about every night. These guys are great. Some of them,” Sina smiled, “maybe not so much.”

  Gen closed her eyes and enjoyed it. Six months ago, the kind of traditional acoustic folk music the fairies enjoyed wouldn’t have been something Gen would listen to at all. She desperately missed her music from home and decided she should take what she could get.

  “Do you play anything?” Yag asked.

  Gen shook her head. She kept her eyes closed. “No. I always wanted to play the guitar but I never learned.”

  “You should learn how to play. I’m sure you’d be great at it,” Sina said. “Speaking of which, I was wondering if you could come and check the property lines at my plot. I think that Red is planting across the line and I just need you to come and see.”

  “Of course,” Gen said. Her eyes were still closed and she was still trying to hear the music. “In the morning.”

  “And, you know, Keeper,” Yag began, “Do you think you could see about–”

  Gen looked at Yag. “Ask me again in the morning. I’ll check whatever you need. Right now, I’d like to just–”

  Another fairy flew over to them. “Hi, Keeper,” he said. “Do you have a minute for a question?”

  Gen closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them and got to her feet. “Sure, Shadess. What do you need?”

  Two hours later, the musicians had long since stopped and, finally, so did the questions. Gen flew home, exhausted. She went to her room and stripped, then crawled into bed. She scooted close and wrapped her arms around–

  “Shae?” Gen had completely forgotten that, because Shae and Gen had linked dreams earlier, Shae and Hope had swapped rooms tonight.

  Shae woke up and turned around. She saw Gen close to her, naked and surprised. “Oh!” Shae squeaked.

  Gen smiled in embarrassment at her and pulled the blanket up to cover herself. “Sorry. I forgot you were in here.”

  “Why don’t I go get Hope and, um, go to bed, then? Good night!” Shae buzzed quickly out of Gen’s room.

  Gen buried her face in her hands.

  A few minutes later, Hope shuffled in. She yawned. “Hey, you.”

  “Um, hi.”

  “So Shae said you were naked and grabbed her.”

  “Oh, god!” Gen put a pillow over her face and said something that Hope couldn’t understand.

  Hope lifted the pillow off of Gen’s head and kissed her. “That’s hysterical.” Hope kissed Gen again. “Did you reach your father?”

  Gen nodded. “Yeah. My mom’s catatonic. She’s, like, seriously sick.”

  “Oh, Gen. I’m so sorry.”

  Gen shrugged. “She’s been in the hospital before, but never this bad. But my brother is okay. He’s getting married. My dad’s holding up okay.”

  Hope took one of Gen’s hands and started massaging her wrist. “How are you holding up?”

  Gen sighed. “I’m fine. You know what? There was music at the pavilion and I went to go listen to it, but everyone kept asking me questions since I’m the Keeper and they wouldn’t leave me alone and by the time they finished asking me whatever the hell they asked me, the music was over, and then I came back here and I thrust my naked body against Shae! Not you! Her!”

  “Aw, honey...” Hope pet Gen’s hair. “I’m sorry you had such a bad night. And I’m really sorry to hear about your mother. I hope they can do something.”

  “They’re going to give her shock therapy.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I don’t know exactly. I think they put electrodes on their heads and they shock her. They zap her with electricity. It does something to her brain. And you have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”

  Hope smiled at her. “No, but clearly, you need to talk about it.”

  “My aunt died and my mom lost it. I’m worried but there’s nothing I can do. And I couldn’t get a moment to myself. I just wanted to listen to the music. That’s it. I don’t have anything else.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I know. Just... come here and hold me, okay?”

  “Of course,” Hope said. She whispered seductively, “But first...”

  Gen raised an eyebrow at her. “Yes?”

  “Keeper, I was wondering if you could --”

  “Oh, shut up!”

  Hope laughed. She snuggled close to Gen and turned Gen away from her, then held her from behind. “It’ll be okay.”

  “I know.”

  Chapter 2

  Jim ran up the hill after the turtles, but when he got to the top, the turtles were gone. He was confused. He’d been following them since the library. He looked from side to side but he couldn’t find them anywhere.

  “I hear you met someone.”

  He turned around but there was no one there. He turned around again.

  “Up here, dummy.”

  He looked up. Gen hovered above him and looked down at him.

  “Gen! You’re back!”

  “Yeah,” she said. “Back with a vengeance. What the fuck were you doing while I was away, you selfish little piece of shit? You couldn’t wait? You couldn’t wait for me? Your fucking teenage boy hormonal urges pushed you to stick your dick in that girl?”

  Jim considered for a moment. Something didn’t feel right about this but he couldn’t put his finger on what it was.

  “I could wait. I did wait. You never came back.” He looked at the wedding ring on his hand.

  She threw a rock at him. “You cheater! You man-whore! I told you I loved you and what did you do? You conveniently refused to tell me and then you went and fucked some bimbo. Are you happy with her?” She threw another rock at him.

  “You know what? Maybe my life is better without you! Did you ever think of that?”

  “You think so? You’d still be hiding in your room with your computer, jerking off to your dad’s Penthouse! You’d never even have met her if it wasn’t for me! And look what you do. The first time I’m out of sight, you bone that flannel-wearing hippie!”

  “I don’t think she’s a hippie,” Jim started to argue, but a rock hit him in the shoulder. “Stop that! Stop it! You can’t do this to me anymore! I’m better off without you! I’m better off without you!”

  A rock hit him in the face and Jim bolted up in bed. He blinked quickly and looked around, then he heard the front door close.

  “Holy shit,” he whispered. He shook Portia. “Wake up! Wake up! We fell asleep! My dad’s home!”

  Portia rolled onto her back and slowly opened her eyes. “Mmm,” she smiled. “That was nice.”

  “No! Get up! My dad’s home!”

  “Jim?” Larry called from downstairs.

  “Uh, yeah, dad! One second!”

  Portia sat up. “What are you freaking out about, baby? He knows. You know he knows. He bought condoms for us.” She closed her eyes as she stretched her arms high over her head. Jim couldn’t help but stare at her. When she opened her eyes and saw Jim staring, she kept her arms over her head and pushed her chest out.

  Jim got out of bed and looked for his clothes. He couldn’t find his underwear so he put his jeans on without them.

  “Mmm, going commando. That’s hot,” Portia giggled.

  He could hear his dad walking up the stairs.

  “Get dressed! Seriously!”

  She smiled sleepily at him and reached to grab his t-shirt from the foot of the bed. She shrugged on over her head and lay back down.

  Larry knocked at Jim’s door then opened it. “Hey, how was–” He saw Jim buttoning his pants, shirtless, and Portia in Jim’s
NASA t-shirt, bottomless. “Ah. You must be Portia.”

  She casually pulled the blanket up to her waist. “Hi, Mr. Clark. Nice to meet you.”

  Jim was pretty sure he was about to die from embarrassment.

  Larry looked at Jim and coughed. “I’ll just let you guys…” He backed out of Jim’s room and closed the door.

  “Well,” Portia laughed, “He seems nice.” She looked at Jim. “Are you okay? You’re kind of turning a little bit purple. Like a lot.”

  Jim flopped backwards on his bed. “Oh my god.”

  “What? He seemed totally cool about it. You act like your dad’s never walked in on you while you had a half-naked girl in your bed before.”

  He craned his neck to look up at Portia. His eyes bugged out for a moment. Then he twisted his neck around a little farther to see the clock. “Holy shit! It’s almost eight o’clock!”

  “Yeah, I should probably get going soon.”

  “Aren’t you going to be in trouble?”

  Portia shook her head. “Nah. They know I’m with you.”

  “Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!”

  Portia laughed again. “Calm down, Jim.” She crawled over and leaned over him. She kissed him. “It’ll be fine. I probably have time for one more if you–”



  “Not with my dad home!” Jim hissed.

  “Well, excuse me!” She slipped his shirt off and put her own sweater on, then her jeans. She shoved her bra and her panties into her pockets.

  “Are you mad?” he asked.

  Portia winked at him. “No, silly. But, come on, wouldn’t that be hot? I mean, both of us trying so hard not to make a single sound? No moans, no groans, no squeak from the bed?”

  Jim covered his face with his hands and groaned.

  “Yeah, see, that’s too much. You’d be totally busted.” She slipped her shoes on. “Come on. Why don’t you walk me home?”

  “Yeah, okay.” He looked around but he could only find one shoe. Portia laughed at him then lifted the bedspread to reveal the other shoe.

  Jim put his shoes on and tied them, then put his t-shirt on and they went downstairs together.

  Jim’s dad was sitting on the sofa, watching TV and drinking a beer. His feet were kicked up on the coffee table.

  “Dad? I’m going to walk Portia home now, okay?”

  “Sure, Jim. Nice to meet you, Portia,” Larry said.

  “And you, Mr. Clark,” Portia smiled.

  Jim held Portia’s coat up and she slipped it on. He put on his own jacket and they went outside. As soon as they were outside, she took his hand.

  “Brrr. Getting cold out. I can’t believe it gets so cold here.”

  “Oh,” Jim chuckled, “just wait. You haven’t seen anything yet. Winters are brutal!”

  She shuddered. “I’m not looking forward to it. I hate the cold.”

  They crossed the street and walked for a while, holding hands and enjoying the quiet of the night.

  “You really were totally mortified,” Portia teased.

  “I really thought we’d be in trouble.”

  “How could we be in trouble? Your dad knows we’re having sex.”

  “Knowing is much different from catching us in the act,” Jim said.

  “He didn’t catch us in the act.”

  “He caught us after the act!”

  “Well, that’s not catching us red-handed. And even so, he looked like he’s cool with it.” She squeezed his hand. “You know what?”

  “No. What?”

  “I really love sleeping with you.”

  “Good,” Jim smiled. “I’d hate it if you didn’t, considering how much–”

  “No,” Portia interrupted. “Not that.”

  “Not that? You mean you don’t–”

  She cut him off again. “Oh, be quiet and let me finish.”


  “No. I do love that. I really love that. But I didn’t mean sleeping with, sleeping with. I mean, I love it when we actually doze off and fall asleep together. I love drifting off and taking a nap against you. You’re so warm and you make me feel so comfortable. I wish we could spend all night together.”

  “Yeah,” Jim smiled.

  “We should figure out how to make that happen.”


  “Yeah, like I’ll tell my folks I’ll stay at a friend’s house and then I’ll come and stay with you. Go to bed with you. Wake up with you.”

  “Uh,” Jim didn’t know what to say. “I mean… Can we do that? What if we get caught? You’d be grounded for a year!”

  Portia shrugged. “It’d be worth it.” They stopped in front of her house. She stopped and faced him, then put her arms over his shoulders.

  He looked into her eyes and gave her a big, goofy smile.

  “You’re so cute, Jimmy.”

  He blushed. “You are, too.”

  She laced her fingers through his hair and kissed him. Jim’s hands went up and under the back of her sweater, feeling her smooth, bare back, and he pulled her close. Eventually, she pulled away.

  “I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay.” Jim squeezed her hand one more time and she slipped out of his grasp. She looked back at him from the front door and blew him a kiss. He waited for the door to close behind her and he turned to walk back home.

  “It’s a little late, Portia,” Mrs. Ritchey said. “What were you doing?”

  “We had furious sex all afternoon and then Jim’s dad walked in on us so I came home.”

  “Ha, ha. Very funny, young lady. Have you eaten yet?”

  Portia shook her head.

  “I wrapped up dinner but I didn’t put it in the fridge yet,” her mom said. “There’s a plate with ham and potatoes made up for you.”

  “Thanks, mom.” Portia headed for the kitchen.

  “Did you get all your homework done?” Mrs. Ritchey called after her.

  “Oh, uh, all the stuff that’s due tomorrow, yeah. But I didn’t do my report or the newspaper thing.” They’d gotten an assignment in her American Studies class to pick three current events and evaluate what they thought would be different between the upcoming Bush presidency and the defeated Dukakis presidency. And she had to write a paper starting with, “War is…” and relate it back to Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. Both were due the end of next week and she hadn’t started either one.

  “All right, sweetheart, but make some progress over the weekend.”

  “Okay, mom,” Portia called back from the kitchen. She didn’t bother to heat up her plate. The ham was tasty cold.

  “How’s Jim?”

  “He’s great.”

  “Good. Come back out here before you go upstairs.”

  “Okay, mom.”

  Portia ate quietly by herself at the kitchen table. When she finished, she stuck her plate and flatware in the dishwasher. She went back into the living room and kicked her shoes off. “Hey, mom, I’m sorry I’m late. We just lost track of time.”

  Mrs. Ritchey looked at Portia for a moment and didn’t say anything. Then she shrugged. “Try to keep it before eight thirty on a school night,” she said, “and then, only if your homework is done.”

  “Okay, sorry. And Jim and I have been doing our homework together. It’s fun.”

  “Hmm,” Mrs. Ritchey picked her book back up. “I guess we’ll see when report cards come out.”

  Portia chuckled. “I guess. But it’ll be fine.”

  Mrs. Ritchey put her book down again. “Do I have anything to be worried about, Portia?”

  “Worried about? Like what?”

  “About Jim. About your being out late. Out late with a boy.”

  “Oh, mom…”

  “I’m serious, Portia Marie.”

  Portia blinked in surprise. Using her middle name was like pulling out the big guns.

  Her mom continued, “You’re at an age where girls make huge mistakes th
at impact their futures. You’re going to be sixteen in a few months and your father and I worry about you.”

  “I’m not making huge mistakes. I’m not going to throw away my future. Am I in trouble?”

  “No, sweetie. You’re not in trouble. Just…” Her mom looked tenderly at Portia for a moment. She opened her arms wide and Portia stepped up for a big hug. “Just be careful, okay? We want you to have your freedom and grow up, but we’re also worried about you. Just think before you make any… big decisions, okay?”

  “Okay, mom.” She pulled away. The theme song to Cheers came on and Portia turned to face the TV. “It’s nine. I’m going to get into my PJs and read for a bit.”

  “Good night, Portia.” Mrs. Ritchey picked her book back up and stared at it while Portia went upstairs. She stared at the page. Furious sex all afternoon, she thought. One of these days, that’s exactly what she’ll be doing. She turned back a page, realized she didn’t remember reading this page, either, and turned back to the beginning of the chapter and tried to read it again.

  Chapter 3

  Herron and Slynn returned to The Marsh around midnight. They passed the pavilion on the way to the Keeper House. There was a group of musicians performing and a large crowd of fairies watched. Herron and Slynn stopped and hovered for a moment to listen, then they started for the Keeper House again.

  Herron spied Gen sitting by herself on a rooftop a few blocks from the pavilion. He signaled to Slynn and they both flew over and gently touched down next to her.

  “Hey,” Gen said quietly. “Welcome back. How’d it go?”

  “Not great,” Herron growled. “I had to pull some strings with Veen in order to let Slynn up there and not immediately arrest him.”

  “Arrest him? Just for being a pixie?”

  Herron nodded.

  “That’s stupid,” Gen said. “That would mean we’d have treated a visiting pixie so much worse than the pixies treated us.”


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