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Wonderland: King of Diamonds

Page 13

by Cheyenne McCray

  Annie’s heart swelled at the look in his eyes. He loved her…he truly loved her.

  When Beya vanished with Abra, Karn and Annie stripped out of their clothing, climbed into the pool and bathed one another. After they were clean, they toweled off and then moved to the bedroom.

  Annie insisted that Karn had to sit on the stool in front of the mirror so that she could attend to the cuts and scrapes on his face and arms. In some ways it amused her to have this big hulking warrior obeying her command.

  With his magic Karn retrieved a Tarok version of a first aid kit, and Annie followed his instructions on what pastes and gels to use on the wounds. The paste had the scent of mint and oranges, and was used to sterilize the wounds and to protect them from infection. The gel’s odor was not particularly pleasant. It was more like it had been made from a nasty smelling ragweed. But the stuff was incredible because it was like a liquid bandage. The moment she rubbed it over a wound, it stopped bleeding and started healing.

  While she treated his scratches, Annie’s heart ached for every wound he had taken to defend her. “I’m sorry I ran away,” she murmured as she dressed the last one. She set the jar of gel on the dresser and knelt between his thighs. “I should have stayed.”

  Karn brushed her damp hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. “It is I who should be sorry, kitten. You deserved to be showered with love, to be embraced and cared for. Trust me in that you have my love forever and always.”

  Annie reached up, put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to meet her. “I know,” she whispered, then kissed him.

  He scooped her up in his arms and carried her through the doors to his bedroom, and he laid her on the bed. It was the first time she had ever been on his bed, and the tenderness in his eyes and in his caring for her nearly brought tears to her eyes.

  When he lay beside her, Karn stroked his finger between her breasts, down to her mound, and back up. “There is something I have not shared with you yet, kitten.”

  “What?” She gave him a teasing look. “Don’t tell me. You’re not really a weretiger, you’re a wereleopard.”

  The corner of Karn’s mouth curved in a grin that was so sexy Annie nearly lost her breath.

  “No, love.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Weretigers can release a tigri pheromone when they mate. After a time, his partner will begin the transformation to become a weretiger, too.”

  Annie stared at him, both surprised and unsure how she felt about it. “Have you released the pheromones with me?”

  He shook his head. “You would have known it if I had. It would cause you to become quite wild and animalistic with your desire to mate with me.”

  “Wild animal sex, huh?” Annie gave him an appraising look even though she wanted to smile at the thought. “And what else is there to this story?”

  “The tigri pheromones would enable you to live a very long life, long enough that we would grow old together.” He continued caressing Annie’s belly with a light sensual stroke. “You would live nearly as long as our cubs will.”

  His cock felt like steel against her hip, distracting her, making it harder to think. She struggled to let her professor brain sort things out, first. “That first night we were together, when I asked you about contraceptives, you said that you have to release a pheromone to impregnate me.”

  “I would also have to release my seed and you would have to be in heat to become pregnant with my cubs,” he reminded her. He trailed his finger lower, toward her mound. “But as far as the change, the few times I released the pheromone would not be enough to complete the transformation to make you a weretiger.”

  “Wow.” Was it really so simple? “As a weretiger I would be able to shapeshift, like you do?”

  Karn nodded. “But it must be your decision. I will never take your right to choose away from you again.”

  Annie smiled and reached down and wrapped her fingers around his cock. “I say, what are you waiting for?”

  With a loud rumbling purr and a feral look to his eyes, Karn moved so that he was between her thighs, his cock brushing her belly. A warm musk flowed over Annie and the next thing she knew her body was trembling with the intense desire to have him inside her and to have him now. She knew instantly that the musk was the pheromone that he had spoken of, and it made her wild for him.

  “Take me, Karn.” She grabbed his cock and shifted her hips so that he was at the entrance to her core, and tried to arch up so that she could impale herself on his length. He just stayed still with an infuriating smile. Annie reached up and pulled his head down to meet hers and she lightly bit at his bottom lip.

  Karn growled, then loosed a roar that rippled through her body like a small orgasm. He thrust his cock inside her and she cried out at the pleasure it brought her. Annie squirmed and called out for him to ride her harder and faster. She needed more of him, needed all of him.

  She loved the way the pheromones made her feel—wild and free. Everything that had ever restrained Annie in her life melted away to nothing. And as she shouted with her climax, Karn’s roar joined her cry, making them as one.

  Chapter Eleven

  Butterflies were having a heyday in Annie’s belly. She was so nervous she kept breaking out in a cold sweat, and then flushing hot again. Today was her wedding day, and soon she would marry Karn and become the Queen of Diamonds.

  Annie pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She thought about not wearing them to the ceremony, but she wanted to see everything clearly. She wiped her sweaty palms on Karn’s leather tunic that she was wearing for the moment, just because it smelled like him.

  “You’ve come a long way, baby,” she murmured as she trailed her fingers over the silky crimson gown lying on her bed. “From virgin to wanton woman, from college professor to Queen, from no love to plenty. Not bad for a country gal from Tennessee.”

  Abra gave a little “Meow” of agreement from where she was stretched out on the window seat. Even though Annie had been sharing Karn’s bed ever since the night she’d run away, she wanted to dress in the beautiful rose room.

  And any minute now her cousins would arrive. Annie was so excited to see the twins, she could hardly wait. She pulled the leather tunic over her head and tossed it onto the bed before picking up the beautiful crimson gown. When she slipped it on, it felt deliciously silky as it slid over her large breasts, full hips and thighs, all the way down to her toes.

  Voices sounded on the other side of the doors to her room. Abra scampered off the window seat and dove beneath the bed.

  The doors burst open. Alexi and Alice whirled into the room with cries of excitement and the next thing Annie knew she was being hugged to death by two people she loved more than anything in the world—make that universe.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Alice said as she pulled away and wiped tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. “When Karn told us, I just couldn’t believe it.”

  “He’s been treating you right, hasn’t he?” Alexi gave Annie a firm look. “If he hasn’t been taking care of you, I’ll take care of him.”

  “Yes, he treats me wonderfully, madam attorney.” Annie laughed and couldn’t stop smiling. “Karn is an incredible man, and I love him more than anything.”

  Alexi returned her smile. “All right, but if he gets out of line, just let me know.”

  “I can’t believe it’s been two years since I’ve seen you, Alice.” Annie stepped back and studied her cousin. Alice looked absolutely stunning, not to mention more confident and happier than Annie had ever seen her before. Alice’s white-blonde hair hung in long loose waves over her shoulders and down her back, and her aqua eyes sparkled. She wore a dress of white that was so sheer Annie could see the diamond nipple chain beneath it, not to mention her cousin’s bare mound. At her throat was an exquisite diamond collar with red hearts made of rubies.

  With a shake of her head and a grin, Annie added, “Sugar, you look gorgeous, but you might as well be w
earing nothing.”

  Alice gave a mischievous look. “In Hearts that’s exactly what I wear. Nothing but my collar and nipple chain.”

  “You’re kidding.” Annie’s cheeks heated at the thought. “I don’t feel so bad with my sheer little mini-dresses.”

  She turned to Alexi and held her at arm’s length, “Hold on, sweetie. Let me get a good look at you.” Alexi sported a short, very daring dress made of supple leather that had straps crisscrossing her breasts, barely covering her nipples. Her skin had a healthy glow, her blue-green eyes were bright with happiness, and her auburn hair was swept back and up in a sexy style. She wore a white diamond collar that had spades along it made from black diamonds.

  Annie shook her head and smiled. “You look like a warrior princess.”

  “Talk about transformations.” Alexi propped her hands on her hips as she studied Annie in turn. “I knew all you needed was to get laid.”

  Annie’s face went hot, but she said, “That’s one thing I can say you were right about.”

  Both her cousins laughed, and then for the next half hour or so, they all chatted while helping Annie prepare for her joining ceremony. Alice and Alexi made Annie sit on a chair away from the mirror while they fixed her hair and put light touches of makeup on her cheeks, lips and eyes.

  They each shared their eventful journeys into this magical wonderland, how they met their Kings, and what had happened to them along the way as they each fell in love. Alice and Alexi also talked about their children and the trials and joys of being mothers. Alice now had two sets of twins, two boys and two girls, and Alexi was the mother of triplet boys. They had left their children with their nannies at the castle in Hearts, and both mothers missed them terribly. In a day or so, Annie and Karn would journey to Hearts to spend time with Alice and Alexi and their cubs.

  The joy her cousins felt was evident in their eyes and the way they talked about their husbands and children. Annie was pleased that her cousins were so happy. The only thing that kept this time from being perfect was that Awai wasn’t there to share it with them.

  When the sisters declared that Annie was ready, they led her to the room’s full-length mirror. Annie’s eyes widened as she stared at her reflection. Her hair was piled up on her head with ringlets falling down her back and over one shoulder. The crimson dress had been a gift from Beya, and it was absolutely gorgeous. It was a strapless affair that barely covered her breasts, and sheer enough that Annie could swear her nipples were visible. The dress was fitted at the waist, and the skirt flared out and dropped down past her knees.

  “I feel like Cinderella,” Annie said, nearly breathless with amazement. “You two and Beya are my fairy godmothers.”

  “You’re much prettier than Cinderella.” Alice fussed with a ringlet, drawing it over Annie’s shoulder so that it hung just above her breast. “It’s time to meet your prince.”

  Annie started to put on her red collar, but the twins insisted she leave it in the bedroom.

  The walk down the hall, then the stairs, and then to the back of the mansion seemed to take forever. But when they reached the red and gold stained-glass doors leading out to the garden, the butterflies in Annie’s belly kicked into gear. Alice and Alexi each pushed a door open, allowing Annie to walk into the garden where the private ceremony was being held on the other side of the flower wall.

  Birds chirped and the sun peeked through the cloudy sky. The breeze felt cool on Annie’s bare shoulders and the roar of the ocean made a fine wedding march. The twins followed Annie, both silent now, as she approached the wall of brilliant red starflowers. The air smelled of their sweet perfume, mingling with the salt and brine of the ocean.

  Annie paused for a moment, remembering the first time she went to Karn. This was where she lost her virginity, and where she and Karn had spent countless hours making love.

  “I am so happy you’re here in Tarok,” Alice said then kissed Annie’s cheek and gave a teary smile before vanishing around the flower wall.

  “You let me know if Karn doesn’t treat you right.” Alexi hugged Annie then went around the wall to stand beside her King where the joining party waited.

  With a deep breath, a smile, and absolutely no regrets, Annie rounded the wall of flowers, to meet her man and her destiny.

  Karn waited with anticipation for his future Queen. He hadn’t felt such pure joy since his childhood. With her sweet and gentle ways, and her unconditional love, Annie had freed his heart, and had given him the greatest of gifts.

  The ability to love in return.

  He ignored those in attendance, his impatience to join with his mate growing as he watched for her. They had kept the guests to the joining ceremony to a minimum, only inviting their closest family and friends.

  Ty had his arm around Kalina’s shoulders and Aleana perched on Lord Kir’s lap. Karn had no doubt the quartet would be enjoying one another’s pleasures as soon as the ceremony was over.

  Alice came around the wall of flowers and slipped onto Jarronn’s lap, and Alexi joined Darronn. Lia, Derk, and Ront completed those in attendance.

  Where is Beya?

  When Annie finally appeared around the wall of flowers, Karn wasn’t sure he would be able to take another breath. She was so beautiful and so perfect for him.

  Karn’s heart swelled with pride as he watched his mate move toward him. Annie’s smile was radiant, her brown eyes warm with happiness as she walked down the red carpet laid out between the guests’ chairs.

  Annie thought Karn never looked so handsome as he did at that moment, even with the healing scratches along his arms, neck and face from his battle with the shelenna. He wore a finely made black leather tunic and pants so snug they showed off his enormous bulge. A breeze stirred his dark hair about his neck, his head was held high and proud and the fire in his dark eyes told her that he wanted nothing more than to take her away and make love to her for hours on end.

  I can hardly wait.

  By the time Annie reached Karn, her heart was racing and she was sure she wouldn’t be able to speak a word.

  Karn took both her hands in his. “My kitten,” he started as he smiled down at her. “You are everything I could hope for in a mate, and more. You taught me how to love again. You gave wings to my heart and it soars for you.”

  Tears of happiness threatened to spill down Annie’s cheeks. “I love you,” she said, her voice loud and clear. “You are my heart and soul.”

  Karn drew Annie into his strong embrace and kissed her, his lips gentle yet firm.

  A murmur and a couple of snickers came from the crowd. Karn broke the kiss and they both turned to see Abra strolling down the red carpet, her head high and a thick diamond collar around her that was so big on her little neck it dragged on the carpet. At the end of the aisle Beya stood beaming with pride.

  When Abra reached them, Karn released Annie’s hands. He bent over and slid the collar over the calico cat’s head. “Thank you, Mistress Abra,” he murmured as he stroked her under her chin.

  Abra said, “Meow,” and purred loudly, then turned away to rejoin Beya.

  Annie had been watching the entire scene in amazement. When Karn straightened, he held the collar out on his palm. It was made from white diamonds with red diamond shapes along it, each shape made from red rubies. The collar sparkled in the sunshine and was so dazzling that Annie couldn’t take her eyes from it.

  “Will you wear my collar?” Karn’s ebony eyes locked with Annie’s. “No matter your choice, you are Queen of my heart and soul, and you are the Queen of Diamonds.”

  Annie didn’t think it was possible to be any happier than she was at that moment. That happiness welled up inside her. Unlike the quiet and reserved Annie Travis who had arrived in Diamonds, she flung her arms around Karn’s neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

  When she pulled away she smiled even bigger at the sexy grin on Karn’s face. “Absolutely I’ll wear your collar, Karn. I love you so much I’d do anything for you.”

/>   His pleasure at her response was evident in his dark eyes as he clasped the collar around her neck. The moment he finished, applause broke out from the wedding party.

  Karn took Annie’s hand and faced the small crowd. “I present you with the Queen of Diamonds.”

  More applause, and Annie could see tears in both Alice’s and Alexi’s eyes. Beya had a proud motherly look on her face as she held Abra in her arms. When the applause died down, Abra gave a loud, “Meow,” which Annie took for the cat’s approval.

  As they walked hand in hand down the aisle, the guests showered them with red blooms that caught in Annie’s hair.

  Once they had left the guests and disappeared behind the starflower wall, Karn scooped Annie up in his arms, causing her to cry out with surprise. She slipped her arms around his neck and started kissing his jaw line and nipped at his ear.

  Karn gave a rumbling growl. “Do you wish for me to take you in this very garden, observers be damned?”

  Annie laughed and kissed him. “You could take me anywhere you want, big guy.”

  He growled again, but he pushed through the stained-glass doors and headed through the mansion to the stairs. Annie swore he bounded up the steps faster than he could in tiger form and then took her to his bedchamber and slammed the door shut behind him.

  His expression was so fierce and tigerly, yet he laid her on the bed like she was the finest porcelain doll. He eased onto the bed beside her and propped himself on one elbow while he gently stroked her cheek with his fingertips.

  Karn could barely rein back the desire to slide into his mate and consummate their joining. “I want to make this day special for you, Annie. Tell me what you want from me.” He trailed his fingers down her neck and over her diamond and ruby collar as he spoke. Pride filled him that she had accepted his gift. “I will give you all that I have and more. I would command the stars to shine brighter and the moon to glow a more brilliant gold.”

  “I have everything I want.” Annie’s sweet smile warmed his heart like nothing else could. “I have you.” She reached up and gently brushed her fingers over one of the scratches on his face from the shelenna. “And right now I want you to make love to me.”


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