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Races of Armis: Emerald Wings

Page 8

by Deb Sartoris

  * * * * *


  Chapter 35:

  “Steven, are you ready?” Ely entered his son’s room with Wisteria. “You did not rest at all in the past hour. I know you tried but you must have been having dreams because you cried out from your room many times.”

  “I’m ready father. I could not rest…you are correct. Time is slipping by and I’m needed. I dreamed of the woman again. She is in trouble. I must get to the planet soon.”

  “Alright Steven, we are ready also. It is not often in a parent’s life that they get to see their children come of age. You are doing so sooner than most. It is hard on us to see you rushing into this task so soon.”

  “I know, dad. I am sorry that I must put you and Aunt Sofia through this now but many others depend on me and it must be done quickly.”

  “Computer – locate Mistress Sofia.”

  “She is in route with Master Roberto.”

  “Steven, get changed. Sofia and Roberto will be here in a few minutes. Computer – can you bring the lights and temperature to the correct settings for our right of passage ritual?”

  “Working…Mistress Sofia is at door…allowing entry.”

  Sofia and Roberto walked in, arms entwined. “Ely, are you all ready?”

  “Yes sister, I think we are.”

  Sofia turned toward her husband. “Roberto, we have allowed you here because you are part of our family and Steven wished for you to witness his right of passage. But you must promise me that no matter how much time passes, or what you see, you cannot interfere with the process. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Wife, I understand.”

  “Computer – begin”

  A silver light appeared in the chamber that formed a circle around Steven, Ely, his wife and Sofia. The light had many patterns around it and shapes that Roberto had never seen before; they looked familiar but different. The cave markings from his elder back on old Earth looked very similar. He made a mental note to discuss this with Sofia at a later date.

  Sofia gestured. “Steven, please take your place in the center of the circle of light.”

  When Steven entered the circle the room grew darker and much colder. Roberto could see his breath and even with his special eye sight it became difficult to see.

  Sofia, Ely and Wisteria began to chant in a light tone, almost too soft for Roberto to hear. They were repeating something over and over, each time shifting positions within the circle but always around Steven.

  Roberto watched closely as each of them became lighter and lighter, changing into their true wisps forms. Steven was not changing at all; he remained his solid self.

  Roberto saw that Sofia, Ely and Wisteria took each others hands and touched the light above Steven and as they did, Steven began to fade like he had before, in the dock, but faster and more transparent.

  Suddenly all of them were gone – vanished! Roberto panicked. He stood up only to find that the computer had put up a force field around him.

  “Sorry, Master Roberto, but you promised not to interrupt Sofia. I am complying with the mistress’ wishes. You will not be released until they are finished.”

  “Damn computer…let…me…free!” Roberto fought against the invisible barrier to no avail. He was trapped while his beloved wife had vanished into thin air in front of him. Roberto let out a wail unequal to anything he had ever felt before. Still the computer held him tight.

  “Please I beg you release me so that I can help them.”

  “No need, Master Roberto – watch.”

  Suddenly – as if by magic – all of them reappeared in the circle of light. The invisible wall around Roberto faded and he rushed over to the four of them just as the light disappeared from around circle. Roberto was able to catch Sofia and Ely and Wisteria caught Steven as he collapsed onto the floor.

  “Sofia can you hear me? Wake up! Please do not let anything happened to her I beg you!” Sofia’s eyes fluttered once, twice and her hand went to Roberto’s face.

  “I am here my husband. Steven…is he Ok?”

  “Steven you must wake now; you are done. Can you hear us?” Ely held his son in his arms – his boy who it seemed was born just a few days ago. Somehow the child had changed during the time in the circle; his son’s body and face had aged. He was a man now, strong – older.

  “Father! Mother!”

  “Yes, Steven, we are here.”

  “We did it! I can feel it. I am strong enough now to rescue the queen.”

  * * * * *


  Chapter 36:

  “Mistress, the hunter Mesquil has appeared at the door. Do you wish to allow entry?”


  Sofia eyed her husband. “Roberto, what did you do while we were gone in the circle?”

  “I’m sorry, wife. I did not know what was happening and the computer had encased me in some confinement so I called for Mesquil.”

  “Very well. Computer – allow entry before he breaks down the door.”

  Mesquil burst through the door. “Roberto – Sofia are you alright? I came at Roberto’s call.”

  “We are fine Mesquil.” Sofia patted her husbands face. “Roberto did not understand the process and became upset when he saw us vanish.”

  Mesquil stared at the boy. “Well…Steven…look at you! You are…”

  “A man now” Steven interrupted. “Yes Hunter, I am ready to rescue my queen.”

  “Your queen now!” Roberto chuckled. “Well 5 minutes vanishing in a circle of light and all of a sudden you are ready to rescue queens on unknown planets.”

  Mesquil smiled. “Roberto I think I would like to try this circle of light myself sometime!”

  “I think not hunter.” Roberto shook his head. “It is not something you would enjoy. It is for others who enjoy vanishing into thin air.”

  Mesquil turned to Sofia. “The others are waiting in the shuttle bay. I’m not sure how we are all going to fit into the one ship but as you instructed, Sofia, we are all ready to go. The equipment has been brought to the room as well.”

  Sofia turned to Ely. “Are you ready to depart for the planet now? Or do you all need to take a few minutes to refresh your bodies before we depart?”

  Wisteria spoke up. “Steven? Are you ready or do you need some more…”

  Steven cut her off. “NO! I’m ready…the sooner the better. My queen…she is in trouble as we sit here. I must reach the surface soon.”

  “Ok, well Sofia, can you stand yet?” Roberto held his wife while she pushed her self up from the floor. She seemed different as well. As Roberto looked her over he sensed something odd…a voice…no, not a voice…a presence. Not that either…something. Then he noticed the newly enlarged belly of his wife.

  “WHAT is going on now?” Roberto placed his hand on the larger swollen belly of his wife. “Sofia what just happened? Five minutes ago your belly was hardly swelled with our child and now – look at you!”

  Sofia reached her hand down and touched her belly all the while with a smile upon her face. “My time in the circle with Steven has advanced our child, Roberto.” She cocked her head. “Not what I was expecting, either, but still…it has happened.”

  “Ely, look at your sister!” Roberto’s hand was still on her belly. “She is in no shape to be going to a strange planet…perhaps into battle…with her belly swelled near to exploding.”

  Ely’s hesitated as he stared at Sofia. “I have never seen this quick of advancement in child development. Perhaps Roberto is correct this time…you should stay with the ship, Sofia.”

  “NO! The both of you! Stop treating me like I’m sick. The child is fine, I’m fine, we are all fine! It’s as if no one has seen a woman with a child in her belly before.”

  “Easy wife…we are just saying that your stage of development has changed that is all. Can you at least take a few minutes and allow Ely and the computer to scan you to make sure you both are able to travel?”

  Ely took control. “Computer – set up m
edical scan for Sofia and child we will be there shortly.”


  They all walked to the clinic where Sofia laid down on the exam table.

  “Working…scanning Sofia…scanning child.”

  Roberto drummed his fingers. “I hate this thing – your computer – it talks to you like you are part of it. It makes me uneasy knowing that it somehow shares your thoughts.”

  “Roberto, it is just something different then you are used to.” Sofia rolled her eyes. “Please do not worry for me. I’m sure we are fine. I can tell.”

  “Well let’s just wait and see what the computer says.”

  “Scans complete.”

  “Ok, good. Computer – return scans.”

  “Sofia is in excellent shape; healthy a little rest and food are advised, but otherwise in good shape for delivery of child.”

  “And the unborn child?” Ely asked.

  “He is growing faster than normal…however, all scans indicate normal development. He is showing some unusual patterns in his teeth structure, similar to Master Roberto’s scans.”

  Roberto’s fingers stopped drumming. “What do you mean similar to my scans? When did that computer scan me?”

  “I’m sure while we were in our frozen sleep for 50 years. Each of us was monitored by the computer to ensure our health and safety.” Sophia tried to placate her husband.


  “What does it mean ready ‘for delivery of child’? You should have many months left. Computer – can you calculate Sofia’s expecting delivery schedule based on most recent scans of unborn child?”


  Roberto’s fingers restarted. “Have I said how much I hate the computer?”

  “Yes husband you have many times and give it a few more minutes.”

  “Completed…Sofia will deliver her child based upon most recent scans within the next few days.”

  Roberto exploded. “WHAT!!! Ok, that’s it. You are not leaving this ship. You are about to deliver OUR child and I have told you the stories of how our species is born. I have seen how you bring your species into this world. Sofia, you cannot leave this ship this close to the delivery.”

  “Calm down husband. Wow! Hunter, can you take Roberto out of the room for a few minutes? I need to discuss something with Ely and Steven.”

  Roberto shook his head. “It’s doesn’t matter, wife. You know I can still hear you even in the other room so talk now.”

  Sofia got up from the medical table and walked over to stand next to Roberto. She could not get as close to him as she liked because her belly pushed between them. “Husband, please clam down. I wanted to discuss with Ely and Steven something I’m sure Steven is about to ask me anyways.”

  “Yes Aunt Sofia, you should tell him…I agree.”

  “Both of you stop talking like you share every single thought – I’m already freaking out and having you both do that – well come on!”

  “Roberto, Sofia and I were told that the child in her belly is the key to saving the planet. He must be born on the planet.”

  “WHAT! You are both joking! When did you know this?”

  “Steven and I were told the baby was important when we both fainted in the docking area.”

  “Yes – but … what are you saying. You need to go to the planet now in order to deliver the child and fight in a battle and save the two queens and free the other wild beasts?”

  Roberto could not stand any longer. He just sat down on the chair and stared at everyone looking at him. “Am I the only one who finds this whole idea just a little bit crazy? Sofia, the child you carry in your belly is half my species and half yours. No one – not even that stupid computer of yours can predict what will happen during your delivery.”

  “You are correct, Roberto, the computer has told me the same thing.” Sofia replied.

  “Then why would you risk killing the child and yourself to save this queen and this planet?”

  “Actually, Roberto – correct me if I’m wrong Steven – but the queen beast has told us that she can bring the child into the world without risk to me or the child.” Sofia turned to Steven. “Do you have the same feeling?”

  “Yes Aunt Sofia – I believe the same as you – that the birth of the child will happen on the planet and his birth will save the planet.”

  “I do not know what you wish for me to say, wife. I have all the instincts of a fighter – but when it comes to you and our yet unborn child, my first thought is always for your safety. In the past I would not think twice about jumping head first into a battle such as the one we are sure to encounter on the planet. You and Steven are asking all of us to take it upon faith that we would be doing the right thing by allowing all of us to go down to the planet and walk into a situation where some of us may not return.”

  Roberto turned toward Ely. “Ely can you not talk some sense into your sister? She carries the child that for your species is set to be the king of your planet when he is born.”

  Ely shifted his feet. “Roberto, I understand the feelings that you must be having for the safety of Sofia and the child. You must also understand that I feel the same trepidation about sending my only son down to this planet. Steven has already been linked up in mind with the beast on the surface. Both Steven and Sofia have already experienced near collapses after their connections as well.”

  He faced Sofia. “Sofia and Steven, I will ask you both again. For the safety of the unborn child and the rest of the crew: do you truly believe that no harm will come to us if we following you both to the planet surface?”

  “YES” – once again in their dual voices.

  Ely took a deep breath. “Roberto…I see no other choice then we must do the best we can to protect everyone that comes with us. Hunter Mesquil, have you sent all of the weapons and shields down to the shuttle yet?”

  “Yes Ely, all is ready for our departure.”

  “Hold on. I seem to recall that we are supposed to depart for two separate locations on the planet, yet we only have one shuttle. How, exactly, do you plan on accomplishing that task?”

  “EASY” – again in the dual voices.

  Then just Sophia’s voice: “Computer – have you done as I asked and started the separation process for the second ship?”

  “YES – COMPLETED - second ship in working order and ready for instructions.”

  Roberto hesitated. “What second ship?”

  “Roberto, do you not remember when the second ship arrived at your home world? When we brought the old ship that carried Ely and his family up out of the ground. When we reached the orbit of your planet the two ships combined to make our current ship?”

  “No…yes…I think I do remember.”

  “We asked the computer and the ships to once again separate so that we can use the other ship as a shuttle to help bring us down to the surface of the planet. Hunter, take your group and go to the shuttle craft in the docking bay. Stand by for our countdown for departure. Roberto, Steven and the rest of my group, follow me. I will take you to the other section of the separated ship.”

  * * * * *


  Chapter 37:

  “Algamight…can you hear me? Are you alright? The witch has left us for while now. You must wake up.” Tusk watched as the great dragon changed between her woman and dragon form. Hours seemed to pass and each time the screams of pain seemed to grow as each shifting cycle occurred.

  “Algamight, you must try and hang on. It is growing dark again outside. Your strength will not return until the sun rises once again in the morning.” She seemed to be staring at nothing.

  “I saw two flashes of light in the sky just a few minutes ago. I think that this planet is going to explode with all the power that the witch is using to hold us both here. I can hear outside that the witch has ordered her troops to go and research what the lights were in the sky. She seems to be occupied with locating the cause of the lights. She has left the castle now.” The white haired woman turned h
er head slightly toward him.

  “Algamight…are you listening to me?”

  “Yes…I can hear you.” Her voice was weak.

  “You are awake – that is good. You have stopped shifting between forms for a while now. How do you feel?”

  “Not good…it is like…my insides…being torn apart. My body…does not know…which shape to hold. I cannot continue shifting between forms…much longer. I believe…I must choose a form…or…die.

  “Algamight! Look. The fire that has been keeping us pinned to the wall appears to be growing weaker as the sun sets. Can you get free yet?”

  “No…each time I try…the fire burns closer…to my skin…I risk further injury if I…keep fighting.”

  “Algamight, when you are in dragon form, your scales seem to be able to tolerate the heat much better. Can you try shifting one more time and see if your dragon form can break free of the fire?”

  “I will try.” She shuddered. “Tusk…I’m not sure what will happen…once I shift into the dragon form again…I may not be able to turn back to the woman again. Promise me…if I shift and cannot return back…you will take me away from this castle…back to the hidden place we found…around the lake.” Her eyes seemed to focus on him. “Do you promise?


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