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Char_A Bad Boy Biker Romance

Page 15

by Jade Kuzma

  “All right,” Garnet announced. “Our brother Char here says he needs our help, so let’s help him out.”

  “Whoa, hold on a second,” Needle said. “You don’t even know what the hell he’s asking.”

  “You see that patch he’s wearing? He’s a Black Reaper. That’s all I need to know to help him.”

  “Shouldn’t we at least take a vote on this?”

  Needle looked around the table to see who agreed with him. Before any of them could say anything, I put my hand up.

  “You’re right, Needle,” I said. “I know what it means to be sitting in this room with you guys right now. I don’t take it for granted and I don’t take it lightly. I fully intend on doing what’s best for the club.”

  “I don’t know if I like the sound of that—”

  “Shut up, Needle,” Ghost cut the cockiest member of the Black Reapers off.

  Needle rolled his eyes then crossed his arms as he leaned back in his seat.

  “Go ahead,” Garnet said to me. “You got the floor.”

  I nodded to him and got up out of my seat.

  “You all know why Lieberman is here,” I started. “She came here for you and all of the other MCs in Ivory working with the Triads. Now I can’t prove it. But you and I both know she won’t stop until she’s got each and every single one of you locked up.

  “She’s got a distraction right now though. Jacob Holmes. Blade. You guys heard of him?”

  “He’s small-time,” Ghost said. “Nothing the MC needs to concern ourselves with.”

  “Not yet. Holmes has been working in the shadows. While Lieberman has had her eyes on you and the Triads, she’s also been keeping an eye on Holmes. And with good reason. It won’t be long until he’s the one moving all of the drugs that are running through Ivory.”

  “If that’s the case, wouldn’t that mean Lieberman would lock him up first?” Sully said.

  “That’s right,” I said. “Holmes is intent on going through with whatever it is he’s planning. That’s just putting a big target on his back.”

  “How the hell do you know so much about this asshole?” Needle asked.

  “Because I know the person closest to him. I know her better than anybody else. And if she tells me something is true, then it’s true.”

  Needle looked comfortable in his seat, his arms still crossed as he leaned back even more.

  “All right,” he said with a shrug. “We let this asshole Holmes do whatever he’s doing and Lieberman pinches him. Sounds simple.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s not that simple.”

  Everybody had their eyes on me. I cracked my knuckles and sighed because I knew how big of a favor it was.

  “I’m not gonna wait until Holmes slips so Lieberman can arrest him,” I said. “I’m gonna do the job myself.”

  “You’re gonna do the job yourself?” Sully asked. “What does that mean exactly?”

  “It means I’m gonna kill him.”

  The chapel fell silent. Everybody looked around at one another before turning back to me. They didn’t have to say anything to let me know that they thought it was a bad idea.

  “You ever cared about anybody before?” I asked. “You ever loved somebody?”

  I looked at each and every one of them.

  “Yeah, I bet you have,” I continued. “You know exactly what it’s like to care about someone so much that you don’t even care about what happens to yourself.

  “Imagine that person ending up in the hospital. Imagine someone trying to hurt ‘em.”

  “I don’t have to imagine it, brother,” Garnet said. “I know exactly what it feels like.”

  “Then you know nothing can stop me from putting my hands on this motherfucker until he stops breathing.”

  “What are you asking for?” Needle said. “Do you want us to help you put Holmes on ice?”

  “No. I’ll do it myself.”

  “Then… what are you asking?”

  “Lieberman and the cops are already watching me. They know what I’m trying to do. When it happens, they’ll know exactly who did it. It’s not gonna be pretty. I’m gonna leave a big mess. I’ll be out of Ivory before anybody can catch me…”

  “But we’re the ones who are gonna have to clean up the mess,” Ghost said.

  I nodded to him.

  “I’m not asking for your help,” I said. “I can do this on my own. What I’m asking you right now, one man to another, is for your permission to go through with it.”

  “You heard the man, boys,” Garnet said. “Char here is asking for our permission to light some fireworks in our quiet little town. Do we back him and let him kill Holmes? Yay or nay.”

  I didn’t look at anybody was they went around the table.

  “I know what it’s like,” Ghost said. “If a man ever put his hands on the woman I cared about, he wouldn’t live to see tomorrow. Yay.”

  “I don’t think we should be drawing any more attention to the MC than we’ve already got,” Brawn said. “But this Holmes guy sounds like a real piece of work if he’s gonna put his hands on a lady. Yay.”

  “You got my vote,” Petey added.

  “I never cared too much for the small-time dealers in this town,” Needle said. “They’re giving Ivory a bad reputation. I say yes.”

  “You gotta do what you gotta do,” Sully said. “Yay.”

  Garnet stood up from his seat and put a hand on my shoulder.

  “Make him suffer,” he said.

  I sighed a deep breath through my nose and nodded.

  “Thanks,” I said. “I’ll get the job done.”

  “Don’t worry,” Garnet replied. “We won’t give Lieberman any reason to keep sniffing around here. We’ll worry about that shit later.”

  “There is something else I need from you all,” I said.

  “I fucking knew it,” Needle exclaimed. “Shit’s never that simple—”

  “Shut up, Needle,” Garnet cut him off. “What is it, Char?”

  “I know where Holmes is staying. But I can’t imagine he’s just gonna let me walk through the front door. I need a diversion. You talked about lighting some fireworks. I might actually need some.”

  “I know a guy,” Petey spoke up. “His name’s Warlock. I could get you what you need.”

  “Warlock?” Sully said. “I thought they scooped him up and locked him away.”

  “Warlock’s been in the business long enough to know how to deal with trouble,” Petey replied. “Even a federal agent like Lieberman wouldn’t be enough to stop him from doing what he does.”

  Garnet excused the club from the chapel. I followed right behind them as Garnet walked with me.

  “You sure you got everything under control?” he said. “What you’re about to do… That shit’s never easy.”

  I smiled at the thought of it.

  “When I was out on tour, it was an everyday routine,” I said. “Me and the other rangers started keeping track of it. I killed more guys than I’d care to admit. I told myself I would never do it again.”

  I looked into Garnet’s eyes to make it clear to him I wasn’t going to hesitate.

  “Lenora’s the exception,” I said. “She’s the exception that makes everything all right. One more time. The last time. For her.”

  “I can respect that.”

  “There’s something else I need from you.”

  “You took 50-grand from me. And you just got my permission to blow my town up. What more can you need?”

  “You can have the money back,” I said with a laugh. “That doesn’t matter to me anymore.”

  “What is it then?”

  “It’s Lenora. Because of what happened with Holmes, they’re trying to put her in protective custody. You and I both know the safest place in Ivory isn’t with them.”

  “Say no more. Nobody’ll lay a finger on her. I can guarantee you that, brother.”

  Garnet put his arm around my shoulder.

  “We got
your back,” he said. “One-hundred percent. You go into this with a clear head and get the job done.”

  The president of the MC always knew exactly what to say. I couldn’t help but smirk back at him and nod.

  “I’ll get it done.”

  Chapter 22


  Garnet had a small apartment that was right next to the clubhouse. The place didn’t seem out of the ordinary, so it was perfect in not drawing any attention. It helped that a few other club members lived near the place to help Lenora feel a little safer.

  Lenora’s injuries had healed enough for her to be released from the hospital. With the secret she was working for the feds out in the open, Lenora didn’t have an obligation to keep feeding Lieberman information. Now all she had to deal with was the threat of Holmes.

  There was no question he’d heard by now that she’d survived. Nobody knew much about the people who worked for him. He had eyes on the street, just waiting until Lenora was out in the open so he could get his hands back on her.

  I didn’t give a shit that Lieberman was offering her protection. Lenora was adamant about refusing it to the point that Lieberman had no choice but to budge.

  It was a relief to see her lying in bed with her eyes closed. Even though she seemed to be resting peacefully, Lenora’s heart wasn’t at ease. I knew it wouldn’t be as long as Holmes was still out there.

  While Lenora slept quietly, I sat next to the window and looked out into the city.

  It was a late night in Ivory. Everybody had gone to sleep. The only people still up were the degenerates up to no good. The only cars roaming the streets were police cruisers searching for anybody trying to start trouble.

  I wasn’t focused on any of the people at the moment. All I could do was admire the view.

  Ivory was a small town. Everything seemed so plain and nothing stood out. But I couldn’t help a strange feeling I had when I looked out there. It was a feeling I couldn’t ever remember having.

  “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

  I turned and saw Lenora standing next to me. She wore nothing but an over-sized t-shirt with nothing on underneath. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wasn’t wearing any makeup. Even with some of the bruises on her face, she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

  “You startled me,” I sighed.

  “That’s what happens when you stay up so late. You’re just asking for it.”

  She took a seat next to me as I turned back toward the window.

  “Ivory is a beautiful town,” I said. “It’s peaceful…”

  “It has its moments. But for me… I think I’ve had enough of Ivory to last me a lifetime.”

  “You really mean it, don’t you? You’re really intent on leaving with me?”

  “There’s nothing here for me. There’s nothing here for us. All the people I care about are gone. If I stay in Ivory, all that’s left for me is a lifetime of misery.”

  “You won’t have to work for Blade any longer when I’m through with him. You don’t have to be miserable.”

  “You’re right. I don’t have to be miserable. As long as I’m with you, I never will be.”

  “Then why not stay? I can watch over you. I can protect you.”

  “Not from Lieberman. If you go through with what you’re planning for Blade then there’s no way you’ll be able to get away with it. It’s not just about justice. Lieberman has too much pride to let an outlaw like you one-up her.”

  I smirked at the thought of it.

  Lenora was right. Lieberman wouldn’t rest until she locked me up if I stuck around in Ivory. She’d have all the evidence in the world that I was responsible for what happened to Holmes. I wouldn’t be any use to Lenora if I couldn’t be with her.

  “What’s the plan?” she asked.

  “Why? You gonna tell Lieberman all of the details?” I joked.

  Lenora snickered softly, shaking her head with that gorgeous smile of hers.

  “All your secrets are safe with me,” she whispered.

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “I know…”

  She moved closer to me and took a seat on my lap. I stared out into the distance as I thought about the last thing I planned on doing in Ivory.

  “It’ll be a few days until Petey gets the stuff,” I said.

  “The stuff?”

  “Holmes beefed up his security. But he’s not big-time enough to afford something that’ll stop me. I just need Petey to get me a key to his place. Once I get to him…”

  I looked into Lenora’s eyes.

  The thought of anybody putting their hands on her was unimaginable. She was so beautiful. She was so kind. She was so innocent. Even if I wasn’t falling for her, knowing that someone had touched her that way hurt me. I couldn’t let it pass.

  “You don’t have to do this,” she said, brushing some of the hair away from my forehead. “We can just go. We can leave everything behind.”

  “As long as Holmes is still alive, he’ll always be a part of you. He’ll always be in your thoughts, in your dreams. I’m gonna make sure when we leave that he stays behind for good.”

  “I just want you to be certain that this is the right decision.”

  “It’s not just for me. If Holmes gets any more power, it’ll disrupt the drug trade in this town. That’s bad business for the Reapers and every other MC in Ivory. Holmes has made an enemy out of everybody trying to create a monopoly.”

  She didn’t say anything more. She just leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips.

  The taste of her tongue. The smell of her body. The feeling of her waist in my hands. Lenora was intoxicating. I could never think about anything else when I was with her.

  “Let’s not talk anymore,” she said. “Just be with me. Tonight.”

  “You’re still recovering from your injuries.”

  “I can manage,” she said with a grin.


  I gently wrapped my arms around her and stood up. I lifted her off the ground completely and carried her over to the bed. She giggled the entire time. Her laughter was music to me.

  I set her down on the edge of the bed and she peeled her t-shirt off.

  “Lie back,” I told her.

  She followed my instructions and crawled back onto the bed. Her body on display, she was like a piece of art. A pair of round tits. Thick legs. That gorgeous smile of hers. And a pussy that was so inviting I would have died just to be inside. Even with all of the bruises on her body, I couldn’t hold back my desire for her.

  I crawled on the bed toward her, my eyes locked on hers. She bent her knees and spread her legs. I caught a whiff of her scent. The wetness leaking out of her made me salivate.

  “Just lay back… I’ll take it from here…”

  I moved my mouth forward and kissed her lips. Her back arched as I worked my tongue toward her clit.

  Her taste was mouth-watering. I wanted to eat every inch of her folds. I could spend hours doing this.

  Up and down, I worked my tongue up her lips and toward her clit. She gasped as I started to swirl around her nub. It swelled up enough for me to wrap my lips around it and suck on it.

  “Oh… Oh, God… Fuck…”

  Breathy moans filled my ears, spurring me to work my mouth on her even more.

  I kept my tongue near her clit, licking her up and down. I would move down just enough to taste the sweet honey leaking out of her before working my way back up.

  I pushed a finger into her to see just how wet she was. My finger got soaked as soon as I entered her. Another spread her tightness even more.

  She writhed in pleasure as I pumped my fingers into her, my mouth still wrapped around her clit.

  “Char… Oh… Char, please…”

  She was begging for it. The stifled gasps grew louder and louder. The wet smacks of my tongue against her folds let her know just how insatiable my appetite was.

  “Char… Fuck, I’m gonna come… I’m gonna…”

hand tangled in my hair and gripped it tight. She pulled on my hair just as my words trailed off. I gripped her ass and held it up in the air, devouring her as her body seized.

  She spasmed underneath my grip as she came. I held her small body in my grip, guiding her through her orgasm with my tongue and mouth. Making Lenora come was better than anything I could ever feel.

  Her body started to relax. Her orgasm subsided and I laid her back down on the mattress. I pulled my mouth away just long enough to look down at her.

  Chest heaving. Skin sweating. Eyes fluttering. She was a goddess on the bed right there in front of me.

  She peeked her eyes open, barely conscious, then winked at me. She spread her legs and made the invitation clear.

  I smiled back at her as I undid my pants. My cock was fucking throbbing in my underwear. Feeling her wetness with my fingers was nice but now I wanted nothing more than to bury my cock into her.

  I crawled on top of her, positioning myself near her entrance. I stared down into those hypnotizing green eyes of hers and brushed the hair from her bangs.

  We didn’t say anything. We didn’t need to. Just a look was enough to tell each other what we both wanted.

  I felt for her warmth with my cock. I pushed my tip against her folds and a sigh escaped from her lips. I kept going until my cock plunged into her completely.

  Her eyes shut tight. My stare remained locked on her beautiful face as I started pumping at a slow and steady rhythm.

  I grunted hard with every thrust. The wet warmth of her pussy engulfing my cock consumed my whole being. Being this close to Lenora, inside of her… My entire soul was on fire.

  My body had a mind of its own. I kept thrusting hard to the point that the bed shook underneath us.

  I sat up straight and spread her legs even more. The view of her breasts bouncing up and down in rhythm with my strokes was hypnotizing.

  Lenora writhed in ecstasy, gripping the sheets as if it would offer some relief.

  She was injured though. I didn’t want to break her. I only wanted her to feel as good as she was making me feel.


  “Come inside of me… Please… I want you… inside… of… me…”

  Stuttered breaths commanded me to find my end.


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