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Page 12

by SC Daiko

“Will he bring me a game?” Ben had smiled through his tears, his frustration at not being able to draw that damn horse already forgotten.

  I’d laughed and tickled him under the ribs. “Let’s go downstairs and see if there’s any ice-cream in the freezer.”

  After devouring a Cornetto each, we went for a long walk through the woods, then spent the rest of the afternoon building pirate ships with his Lego. I’d steered him away from attempting to follow any specific design, letting him have free rein.

  Except he’d insisted on taking the ship he’d built into the bath with him, and it hadn’t floated but had sunk to the bottom, sending him back into full tantrum mode again.

  Jesus Christ!

  He’s in bed now… asleep. All I need now is for him to have one of his nightmares, and my day will be complete.

  God, I miss Catrin. I glance at my phone on the bedside table, and before I can even think twice, I pick it up and call her.

  “Daniel, is anything wrong?” she answers almost immediately.

  “Not exactly,” I say before telling her about Ben’s antics.

  “Normal behaviour for a five-year-old.” I hear the smile in her voice. “Becca’s tantrums are unbelievable. Last one was when I wouldn’t let her use a sharp knife in the kitchen. She accused me of treating her like a baby.”

  “Parenting isn’t easy…” I release a slow breath. Just talking to her is grounding me, putting everything into perspective. “I miss you, darling. And so does Ben. When he was crying, he asked for you.”

  “I miss you and Ben too.”

  She breathes a sigh that pangs in my heart

  “So, how are things in Wales?”

  “Still full of sheep,” she giggles.

  I remember my crass remark to her father and clear my throat. “Have you been to see Josh’s parents?”

  She says she took Becca to visit them this afternoon. My skin prickles with anxiety until she reassures me that she has moved on from her late husband. “I love you, Daniel. Josh is my past and you are my future.”

  I want to draw her into my arms. Fuck, I want to fucking fuck her I love her so much. I feel a throb between my legs and press my hand to my cock, my erection rubbing against my palm.

  “Where are you now, darling?”

  “In my room. I’m in bed.”

  Her voice is a throaty whisper.

  Does she feel it too?

  This need.

  I close my eyes and think about her beautiful tits, how high they sit on her chest, and her dark pink nipples.

  “Tell me what you’re wearing, babe.”

  “A cami top and PJ bottoms.”

  I imagine her flushed skin, how she’ll be biting her lips, and I release a soft growl. “Lock your bedroom door and get undressed.”


  Her tone is playful.

  “Just do as you’re told.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I hear the click of the key turning. “Get back into bed and put the phone next to you on the pillow. You’ll need both of your hands.”

  Her answer is a sharp intake of breath.

  I bet there’s a glazed look of arousal in her eyes.

  I pull my sleep shorts down around my hips and free my dick. Tingles flourish through my balls.

  “Press your tits together, Catrin. Squeeze them for me, then spread your legs.” I can almost smell her musky sweet scent.

  “Oh, yes,” she gasps.

  “Twist your nipples. Rub them and pull on them. Don’t worry about the pain. I bet you’re soaked.”

  “I am,” she murmurs. “God, Daniel… I can feel it, how wet I am.”

  I moan at that, and start to pump my cock with one hand, pausing to swirl my thumb over the head. “I’m going to have phone sex with you,” I grunt. “Spread your pussy, rub your clit. Pretend my tongue is inside you.”

  She gives a whimper, and I can picture her ploughing her cunt with frantic fingers.

  “So wet,” she draws out the words in a soft whisper. “Everything. So wet. Daniel… God.”

  My balls draw up tight into my body. “Fuck, I’m coming… come with me, baby.”

  “Ah,” she pants. “Ooh… Yes… “

  I shut my eyes, picturing her climaxing on the other end of the line; I give a ragged moan and shoot my load into my fingers. Fuck. I reach for a Kleenex and wipe myself clean.

  Cat sighs and takes one deep breath after another. Then her voice breaks the silence. “I’m ready to go to sleep now,” I hear her yawn.

  “Good night, darling. I’ll call you again tomorrow.”

  We sign off and my pulse slows to a sluggish pace as tiredness catches up with me; I drop into sleep within seconds.

  The days pass with Ben and I spending quality time together. We alternate spells at home with outings to the theme park in Kettering, the trampoline centre in Northampton, and the wildlife park in Brackley. There’ve been no further tantrums and no nightmares, thank God.

  At night, before dropping off to sleep, Cat and I chat on the phone and tell each other what we’ve been up to. She’s mostly been chilling with her family, although she did take Becca clothes shopping in Cardiff yesterday. We’ve fallen into the routine of getting each other off before going to sleep. It’s horny as fuck and we both love it, even though I know she can’t wait to get back. “We can play properly, then,” she said yesterday.

  Just three more days, I remind myself as I get up on Friday morning. Eric arrived last night with the assurance that he’s set up the meeting for me and Gleb at Diana’s this afternoon. Eric stayed in my guest room, so I can set off in time.

  I shower and dress quickly before going down to the kitchen. Ben and Eric look up at me from the table, where they’re having breakfast, and my son tells me they’re going to play Crash Bandicoot on his tablet until I get home. It’s not something I usually encourage… in fact, I limit his gaming to a maximum of one hour a day, and even that’s pushing it. Except, there’s nothing safer than him staying in the house with my protection officer… so I let it pass.

  I grab a cup of coffee and put some bread in the toaster. “Keep the door locked and bolted,” I remind Eric.

  He gives me a mock salute, and smirks. “Don’t worry. All will be well.”

  After I’ve had my toast and coffee, I bend and kiss Ben on the cheek. “Be a good boy, son. I’ll be home before suppertime.”

  He squirms away from me, already intent on his damn game. But better that than having him begging to come with me.

  It will be hard enough seeing my brother on my own.

  The first thing I notice when I step into Diana’s apartment is that she’s not looking at all well. It’s not just that she’s aged; it’s that she’s lost a lot of weight. She catches me staring at her as she leads me into her living room, coming straight out with it. “Pancreatic cancer, I’m afraid,” she says. “I only have a few months before I kick the bucket.”

  Trust Diana not to beat about the bush; she was always candid. “I was hoping you’d let me see my grandson one last time,” she adds. “That’s why I agreed to this meeting. I wanted you to see for yourself, so you’d believe I haven’t got long.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I break eye contact with her as I think about what to say next. Then I reach for her hand and squeeze her fingers. “It’ll depend on what happens with Gleb.” I look around the room. “Where is he, by the way?”

  She checks her watch. “He should have arrived by now. I suppose he’s been held up.”

  She offers me a coffee, which I decline. “Some water would be nice, thanks.”

  I sit on an overstuffed armchair while she goes to her kitchen.

  Fuck, if Gleb doesn’t show I don’t know what I’ll do.

  Everything rests on this meeting.

  Diana returns, and we sit staring at each other uncomfortably. I sip my water, then get up and pace around the room before returning to my seat again.

  I reach for my phone to call Eric.

/>   The doorbell chimes.

  Diana and I leap to our feet.

  She goes to open and I stand and wait, my heartbeats quickening.

  And then, he’s there.

  My brother.

  Taller than me, broader, with the piercing blue eyes he inherited from Mama.

  He stalks up to me, and claps me on the shoulder, his bodyguard bringing up the rear.

  “Good to see you, Alexei.”

  “How are things in Moscow?” I can’t resist asking.

  “Who the hell told you I was in Russia?” His voice is different somehow. “I’ve been living in the USA.”

  I blink the surprise from my eyes.

  His accent.

  That’s what has changed.

  Gleb could never lose the Russian timbre to his voice, no matter how hard he tried. Except now it’s more nasal, sharper.

  He sounds almost American.

  I take a step back, and this bodyguard comes into the periphery of my vision.

  Jesus, it’s Tom. The man who shot Victoria’s assassin.

  What the fuck is he doing working for Gleb?

  My brother holds me in his stern gaze. “We need to talk.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Diana leaves us in her living room with Tom standing sentinel just inside the door.

  My dark eyes clash with my brother’s electrifying blues. “Fuck, Gleb. What’s going on?”

  “I could ask the same.” He’s standing so close his hot minty breath fans my hair. “I’ve been searching for three fucking years.”

  I step back and bite out the words, “I was protecting my son.”

  Gleb’s brows pull in and he glances around. “Where is he, by the way? I was hoping to see my nephew.”

  “Not your concern.” I flex the muscles in my arms. “In any case, he doesn’t even know you exist.”

  “Jesus, Alexei. That fucking hurts.”

  “My name is Daniel now.” I clench my jaw, hating him so much I could throttle him.

  But I don’t, of course.

  One, I need his help.

  Two, his damn bodyguard is standing there… the fucking traitor.

  “You’ll always be Alexei to me.” Gleb’s eyes burn into mine. “You’re my brother. That wanker, Eric, acted real shifty when he contacted me.”

  A razor-blade of worry tears my insides. “He let me believe you were in Moscow.”

  “Why would I go back there? It’d be like walking into the lion’s den.” He hisses. “They kill you in Russia. No questions asked.”

  “I thought you were in cahoots with the Kremlin.” I shake my head. “It’s what I was lead to believe.”

  “That’s the other lot,” he says sharply.

  “The other lot?”

  “The Brotherhood, they’re called.” His eyes narrow. “Those fuckers wanted to murder you and ended up killing your wife. They’re one of the criminal groups that still has connections with the old country.”

  I rasp out a breath. “I thought you were a part of that set-up.”

  His face assumes a hard, shadowed expression. “Not me. But I’m afraid our dear Papa wasn’t as squeaky clean as he’d led us to believe.”

  I jerk my head back.

  No! Can’t be…

  “I don’t believe it.” I slant my body away from him.

  He places a hand on his chest. “I swear it’s true.”

  “What about the accident?” My voice rises. “When Mama and Papa’s car crashed into that ravine? You took off so soon afterwards…”

  “You thought I was involved?” Gleb’s laugh is scathing. “Despite everything, I loved Papa.”

  “What do you mean despite everything?”

  “Remember when you confronted me? I didn’t want to dishonour your memories of him so soon after he’d died. But it wasn’t me who was laundering mafia money…”

  My belly tightens. “Why did you leave then? I thought it was because you were guilty. You had access to that account.”

  “I’m not a saint, believe me.” He crosses his arms over his pecs. “Let’s just say my New York investments needed my personal attention. And the account you’re taking about could also be accessed by Papa.”

  “You knew I’d blown the whistle, Gleb. Yet you left me to the mercy of those fucking assassins.”

  “I made sure Tom was there to keep an eye on you.” His tone is defensive.

  I stare at his bodyguard, and anger stokes a fire in my guts. I had no idea Gleb had set him up with me. “It wasn’t enough, and we both know it,” I spit out.

  “I agree, we were complacent.” A groan escapes him. “I’m sorry Victoria took that bullet, believe me. But I’d have been a whole lot sorrier if it had been you.”

  I grit my teeth. “You knew those fuckers were after me; you should have warned me. Victoria was pregnant.”

  He reaches across and places his hand on my shoulder. “I said I was sorry, Alexei.”

  I recoil from his touch. “It made me even more determined to protect my son.”

  “When you gave Tom the slip and disappeared, I started looking for you.” He lowers his voice. “The Brotherhood haven’t given up searching either, from what I’ve learned. Their filthy footprints have been on every dead-end trail I found.”

  “That’s the reason why I wanted to meet you. I was hoping you’d be able to call them off my back.”

  “I don’t have enough influence in the UK, bro’.” His mouth twists grimly.

  I feel my shoulders droop.

  What a clusterfuck!

  Suddenly, my phone pings.

  I pick it up.


  It’s the first time she’s called me; I’m the one who initiates our conversations.

  Something’s wrong.

  “Hi, darling,” I say, my mouth dry.

  A sob catches in her throat. “You need to come home.”

  My blood turns to ice.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Three hours earlier

  Eleri called me yesterday; she’d just returned to the UK from her European tour. “Please say you’ll come to lunch tomorrow. I’m longing to see you.”

  I’d been missing Daniel and Ben so much, as had Becca. She’d been nagging me to go back to Northamptonshire early. I wouldn’t have considered it if it wasn’t for the fact that Josh’s parents had both come down with the flu. We hadn’t even been to see them for a couple of days; they didn’t want us to catch it off them.

  The idea occurred to me that we could surprise Daniel and Ben. My parents didn’t mind us cutting our visit short by a few days. Mum said she ‘understood’ and gave me a knowing look. They’d been good about not pressing me for information about Daniel, fair play, but I felt relieved about not having to keep my feelings hidden from them much longer.

  Last night, on the phone, I’d said to Daniel we’d be ‘playing’ in three days and I hadn’t lied; we don’t ‘play’ on the weekends when the kids are around. But just the thought of seeing him any minute now is making my heart beat like a drum.

  I pull up in front of the cottages.

  Daniel’s car isn’t there.


  I scan the drive to be sure, but it’s definitely not there.

  All I can see is Eric’s Audi parked to the side.

  Becca unclips her seat-belt. “Can I go find Ben?”

  “I’ll come with you, poppet.” I swing my legs from the car.

  Maybe Daniel’s car is in the garage for servicing?

  I take Becca’s hand.

  Leaving Toby in the garden to do his business, we walk up to Daniel’s front door.

  Eric lets us in with a smile that doesn’t come close to lighting his pale eyes. “Eleri called by and said you were arriving.” His voice is smarmy. “She’s invited Ben and me for lunch at Aldridge House as well.”

  My bestie and her damn match-making. I remember her insinuating I had the hots for Eric.
  As if!

  Just looking at that man makes my flesh crawl.

  “Catrin!” Ben runs up to me and puts his arms around my legs. “Daddy has gone to London.”

  Strange he didn’t mention it to me last night.

  But I didn’t tell him I was coming back, either.

  I lower myself to Ben’s height and give him a hug. Becca squirms her way between us. “I want a hug too.”

  Eric towers over us and checks his watch. “Perhaps you should go and get ready?” He stares down at my scruffy jeans. “Eleri wants us there at one.”

  Becca and I go and freshen up. I change into a tunic dress and leggings, then put on some lip gloss and mascara. I brush my daughter’s hair and braid her tangled ginger curls.

  “Can I have some lip gloss, too, Mum?” she pleads.

  I smile my agreement and hand over the tube.

  Toby bounds up, whining and thumping his tail against my legs. “We’ll take you for a walk this afternoon, boy,” I tell him, scratching the rough fur behind his ears.

  He flops down on the floor with heavy, disappointed eyes.

  Eric is already waiting for us in his car as we step outside. Becca gets into the back with Ben, and I ride shot gun. I keep my eyes fixed on the road ahead while Eric speeds towards Aldridge House.

  Why is he in such a damn hurry?

  Before I can even ask him to slow down, Eric is already parking in the courtyard, opposite the oak front door. We get out of the car, and gravel crunches under our feet as we make our way towards the house.

  Eleri ushers us in and gives me a hug. “We’re eating in the kitchen,” she says with a smile. “Gabe and Luke are at a meeting with the estate manager. They’ve taken Matt with them.” She beams at Eric. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  I notice a slight look of annoyance in his expression, and then it’s gone.

  After lunch, during which we were mostly occupied with the kids, we go through to the living room for coffee while Rosie takes Becca and the rest of the group upstairs to the playroom.

  Eleri sits Eric between herself and me on the sofa and starts to chat. I’ve got to hand it to her; she’s trying her hardest to get us to like each other.


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