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The Billionaires--A Lover's Triangle Novel

Page 29

by Calista Fox

  “Aww … he has a sensitive side.” She kissed him.

  Vin mumbled, “Don’t tell anyone.”

  “As always,” she said against his lips, “your secret is safe with me.”

  Another scorching kiss.

  Then Jewel said, “I love you, too.”

  She’d finally found her destiny and her place in life. With the exception of one thing.

  “Seriously, boys … where are we going to live?”


  Okay, Jewel. This is simple.

  She sat in her convertible outside of Bristol’s two weeks later. At lunchtime. The parking lot was packed, which meant the same could be said for the inside.

  Jewel, Rogen, and Vin had spent the past two weeks in San Francisco, helping her pack up her house and do some touch-up work before she put it on the market. Her father kept a spacious apartment in the city, and he designated a room for her for when she needed to tend to business at Catalano Enterprises.

  Now she’d returned to River Cross. Rogen and Vin were already inside the restaurant. Jewel was a few minutes late in joining them.

  Turn the car off.

  She did.

  Pull the keys from the ignition.

  She did.

  Unhook the seat belt.

  She did.

  All right. All good there.

  She took several deep breaths.

  This would be the trio’s first public appearance since returning from their whirlwind trip to procure the scotch. Jewel was now residing in Vin’s house—with Rogen as well. The location easily decided upon because Vin’s house had all the amenities Rogen’s possessed but with a much larger master suite and a bigger kitchen. They all liked to cook together, after all. Plus it was on neutral territory. Not on the Angelini estate, not on the Catalano one.

  That didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things with the “feud” having ended, except that Jewel and Rogen had contended since they were all forging a new path and building a legacy for the three of them, they didn’t want one last name dominating the other two.

  Now Jewel was demonstrating exactly how far she’d go for her lovers.…

  She opened the door. Stepped out of the car and closed the door. Locked it with the fob, which was a habit she’d always found ridiculous because the top was down, for God’s sake.

  She dropped the keys in her small handbag, hitched her chin, and marched across the parking lot to the entrance.

  She’d purposely selected a red mini for the occasion. No need to cower in any corners.

  Jewel wove her way through the crowded bar. Smiling at acquaintances and longtime friends. Ignoring the double takes, the lean-ins toward drinking buddies or dining companions that preceded whispers, likely along the lines of, Oh, my God! There’s Jewel Catalano! She’s sleeping with Rogen Angelini and Vin D’Angelo. At the same time!

  She gave a friendly wave to Francine Hillman and a few of the inner circle Jewel had always been a part of. Francine waved back. Looked a little envious, if Jewel read her correctly.

  And Jewel knew why.

  Because as she stepped onto the patio there were Rogen and Vin, with blueprints of the inn spread out on the large table—and Rogen poring over a book on viticulture—and she lost her breath. And knew the women stealing glances her way might be gossiping about her, but chances were damn good they all wished they were in her Jimmy Choo shoes.

  Especially when Rogen caught sight of her and gave her his wicked grin, his vibrant blue eyes shimmering with lust and love. He got to his feet. As did Vin, looking devilishly handsome in all black. She accepted a kiss on the cheek from both of them. And couldn’t help the eat your heart out smile that spread across her lips.

  Because they were all hers.

  And Jewel was more than happy to be shared by these angels.

  Read on for a preview of


  coming in September …

  Copyright © 2017 by Calista Fox.

  As Christian lit the multiple fires and dimly set chandeliers, Bayli passed through glass doors to the terrace. Rory followed closely behind.

  “He has a swimming pool,” she drolly commented. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “And a spa.”

  All sleek and stylish, with water features made of flat, polished obsidian stone, all artistically lit. Bayli stood at the railing and took in the scene once more.

  “Not too shabby, eh?” Rory said from beside her.

  “Your apartment is incredible, too. Remind me to never show you mine.”


  “Shh.” She kissed him. It was meant to be a quick kiss, but of course Rory took charge of it. His arms slid around her waist and he hauled her up against him.

  Where Christian’s kisses were intense and all-consuming, Rory’s held the playful promise of wicked things to come, making her toes curl.

  When she finally pulled away, she breathlessly said, “I had a point to make.”

  He grinned deviously. “So did I.”

  Unraveling from him—and fanning her flushed face with a hand—she took a couple of steps back so that she didn’t fall into his embrace again.

  She told him, “This is all extremely nice,” she gestured toward the terrace and Christian’s apartment, in general, “but it’s not the reason I’m here. Yes, I want to someday be someone and maybe have my own swimming pool, too. You know this about me already, and it’s one-hundred percent true. I want more for myself than I’ve ever had—I’m sure that’s also how Christian felt from the time he was a kid. But … There’s something much more enticing and poignant about all of this that has nothing to do with material desires.”

  Rory crossed his arms over his chest. Cocked his head to the side. “Tell me.”

  “It’s like when you read a novel and the character has painted himself into a corner, and as the reader, you’re wondering how the hell they’ll ever free themselves. How they’ll escape whatever drudgery or peril or cage they’re facing with no obvious route in sight or in mind. And then something mysterious happens—they discover a secret or accidently flip a switch that reveals a private passage through the walls or they find a trap door. Whatever. And suddenly, a slew of new opportunities are laid out before them. It’s a very heady sensation for the reader as much as for the character.”

  “You might be losing me on this one, babe.”

  She laughed softly. “Think about it. When I came to your restaurant it was because I needed a job. Would I have been content coming in three nights a week to seat people who’d look right through me—a nobody—because they’re more interested in seeing and being seen in a roomful of VIPs?”

  “Likely not. One of the reasons I didn’t hire you.”

  “Smart of you. But I faced a corner because you turned me away. Luckily, I had the gig at the fund-raiser with the opportunity to impress Christian. He was my trap door … Except.” She held up her finger as Rory started to speak. “Not in the way I’d anticipated. The show will be a fantastic break for me, and I’m eternally grateful for the chance to prove I can do this, for being chosen. But I got painted right back into the corner, because I came full circle with you.”

  “I’m your corner?”

  She grinned. “You’re my trap door, too.”

  “Why am I not getting that logic?”

  With another laugh, Bayli said, “Because I’m high on champagne and aphrodisiacs and a really amazing orgasm. But, Rory, what I’m telling you is that I was living in fear of not landing the hostess job—because I really need the steady paycheck. And while I was all tangled up in that fear, the two of you were already working out my escape route. And the truth is, I don’t care about this amazing view of Central Park. I mean, it is amazing … But my point is, for the first time in my life I’m understanding that what I want isn’t just about being special in the eyes of strangers. It’s about feeling special, and worthy, when I’m with people I care about. Who care about me.” She got
a little teary-eyed, but Rory didn’t seem to mind.

  He brushed his fingers over her cheek. His breath blew against her temple as he said, “Beautiful Bayli. Sometimes you’re just too much in your head, honey.” His finger and thumb gingerly pinched her chin and lifted it so that she stared him the eyes. “Christian and I aren’t your escape route. You’re ours. From the moment we saw you, even though it was separately, we both knew you were the answer to our problem with the show. And that we both wanted you. That you are what we both want.”

  His mouth crashed overs and he kissed her with the sort of hunger that clawed at her, made her instantly restless. Made her crave carnal pleasures she knew little about, but was more than eager to learn. With them.

  Bayli couldn’t stop herself from working Rory’s tie as the kiss went on and on. She shoved the buttons through their holes. Yanked the belt from his pants. Then her hands splayed over his ridged abs and she got even hotter.

  Breaking the kiss, Rory took her by the hand and slowly backed into the apartment, his smoldering gaze still on her. She tried to breathe normally, but that proved impossible. They entered the living room, the atmosphere warm and inviting.

  Bayli gently pulled her hand from Rory’s and crossed to where Christian watched them, a sexy grin on his face.

  “What are you smiling at?” she asked before her lips swept over his.

  “The two of you. I was getting a little worried that you were arguing again. But … clearly not.”

  “Definitely not. Though don’t count on us to always be so well behaved with each other. He gets so easily agitated.”

  From behind her, Rory gave a half-snort. Bayli laughed quietly.

  She told Christian, “He seems to think I have some complexities as well.”

  “Don’t we all?” Christian offered.

  “Indeed. Currently, yours is being too buttoned up.” She had him out of his tie and shirt in record time, then admired his chest and the long grooves of his obliques. Sighed longingly. “You make me want to lick every single inch of you.”

  “Maybe we’ll get to that later. At the moment, I think you’re the one wearing too much clothing.”

  Rory was suddenly at her back. He slid the side zipper of her dress down its track, the slow zinging of metal filling the otherwise quiet room.

  Christian’s head dipped and he pulled her into one of his soul-stirring kisses that snagged her from reality. Meanwhile, Rory eased the silver material down her body and then knelt behind her. He dragged her panties away and palmed her ass, spreading her cheeks. His mouth was on her pussy in the next instant and she moaned into Christian’s mouth.

  Christian’s arm wound around her waist to hold her steady. His other hand cupped her breast and kneaded a bit roughly, insistently as Rory tongued her clit and then her opening. He suckled her slit, and then pressed his tongue inside.

  Bayli had to end her electrifying kiss with Christian in order to suck in some much-needed oxygen. And because her entire being was on fire.

  She twisted slightly at the waist and combed her hand through Rory’s hair. Christian drew her puckered nipple into his mouth while Rory continued to eat her pussy. The compounded sensations were scintillating and had her deeply aroused again. And stepping further away from the restrictive confines of a conventional sexual relationship.

  When she was on the verge of coming, Rory stood. Her mind whirled. “Hey.”

  He gave her his cocky grin. “Not just yet,” he told her. “You weren’t begging for it.” He kissed her.

  “Not verbally,” she complained. “But trust me, my body is screaming for another release.”

  “We’ll make it scream louder,” Christian assured her.

  And an entire Fourth of July full of fireworks erupted inside her.

  Rory took her hand and led her across the room, toward the elevated entryway and curving staircase. But they didn’t make it that far. There was a long, ebony credenza that stretched along the short wall at the foyer and was partially tucked into a corner. Its purpose was primarily bar service, with fancy, intricately cut-glass decanters and matching glasses set out. Along with a silver-plated ice bucket with a lid. Though a large portion of the surface was devoid of items.

  Christian stopped here and said, “This’ll do nicely.”

  “Care to elaborate?” Bayli asked.

  “You’ll enjoy what I have in mind.” He shot a look toward Rory. “What we have in mind.”

  “I can certainly improvise and make this work,” Rory said. And freed the fastenings of his pants.

  Bayli’s fingers were at Christian’s waist, quickly loosening his belt, then unbuttoning and unzipping him. She shoved his pants and briefs down his legs while he toed off his shoes. She admired him as he stepped out of the clothing and his socks. His cock was rock hard and his muscles were bunched.

  Oysters and lobster bisque be damned, Christian and Rory were the ultimate aphrodisiacs.

  She turned to Rory, who was naked as well. Her heart skipped some necessary beats.

  For a few suspended seconds, Bayli wasn’t the least bit sure what she should do. What she should do with these men, to be exact.

  They were several steps ahead of her, though.

  Christian took her hand, garnering her attention. He perched himself on the edge of the credenza and she stood between the vee of his parted legs. He kissed her as he wrapped her fingers around his steel erection.

  Behind her, Rory lifted her leg and draped it over Christian’s, opening her to them both. Rory’s fingers slid into her moisture and heat from behind. Christian’s rubbed her clit.

  It was nearly impossible to keep up their sizzling kiss and slowly pump his cock while he and Rory were sending her into that blissful state again.

  So Bayli decided to change things up. Take charge this time.

  She broke her kiss with Christian and released his cock from her tight fist. She grabbed Rory’s free hand and pulled it around her side, forcing him to coil his fingers around Christian’s throbbing dick.

  “Bayli,” both men said in unison. With the same distinct edge of oh, hell no! in their voices.

  “Do this for me,” she said. “So I can concentrate on what you’re doing to me. And, because … well, it’s making me absolutely crazy, Rory, to see your hand on Christian’s cock.”

  “This isn’t what we do,” Christian said in a strained voice.

  Her brow crooked. “But for me…?”

  Rory let out a low growl. “That’s a two-way street, honey.”

  Excitement rippled through her. When it really shouldn’t, since she knew exactly what tripped through Rory’s mind at that very moment.

  She said, “Just give me this right now.” Because good Lord, it was riveting to watch Rory’s strong hand encircle Christian’s thick cock. And pump heartily.

  Her mouth was all over Christian’s chest, her tongue flitting over his small nipples, her teeth lightly nipping his flesh, her lips dragging along his heated skin. All the while he rubbed her clit with a fervor that screamed payback. And she loved every second of it.

  Rory’s fingers withdrew from her and he grabbed a condom from the small stack he’d set on the ledge of the divider wall. He was sheathed in seconds and his cock teased her opening for a few moments.

  Bayli studied Christian’s face as Rory’s hand still pumped, and he was about to enter her. The air was thick with sexual tension. With denial of what both men believed in, and the silent acceptance that they would do whatever Bayli asked of them. She was in control. Even as her body tightened and she wanted them both with a voracious appetite she’d never before imagined, let alone experienced, she understood that everything she didn’t know and wasn’t accustomed to didn’t matter in the slightest.

  They would give her whatever she wanted. Whatever she asked for.


  Burned Deep

  Flash Burned

  Burned Hearts


sp; Calista is a former PR professional, now writing fast-paced, steamy books to set your pulse racing! She has won many reviewers’ and readers’ choice awards, as well as best-book awards. Calista has crossed the country many times over by corporate jet and travels internationally, always with her laptop in tow to capture intriguing story elements and exotic locales. She is a past president/adviser of the Phoenix chapter of the Romance Writers of America national organization. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  Also By Calista Fox

  About the Author


  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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