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Picturing Perfect (Meet the McIntyres Book 2)

Page 25

by Rebecca Barber

A lot of Carly was inspired by the two sisters in my life who don’t let anyone or anything get in their way – Karenya and Tara. You two lovelies take on the world with a sassy comment and a smile, okay and maybe a beer in your hand but you let nothing stop you from reaching your dreams. Keep that shit up!

  Yet again, Kathryn Dee has kicked ass! Without her there’d be no pretty cover, no chapter headings and basically nothing pretty about this book. Kathryn you’re an angel and I know for certain that I wouldn’t be still publishing without you. You convinced me to take on the Indie world and have stood by me every step of the way. I love and appreciate you more than you know.

  To the people in my life who stand by and support me while I try to navigate this crazy book world I knew nothing about a couple of years ago – thank you. Obviously Mum and Dad, who share everything and think it’s great (even if it sucks, but hey, that’s what parents do… and mine do a kick ass job at it). My sister Nerilee who lets me use her crazy kids as inspiration for characters. Simon, who is possibly the best brother in the world – seriously, he’s always there when you need him and doesn’t bat an eyelid when you ‘dial a hug’ (true story).

  Robert – we did it… book number 9! Who’d have thought when you kicked my ass and told me to start writing again a couple of years ago, when you convinced me to go back to doing the one thing that made me happier than anything else, we’d be here. Thank you for understanding, supporting and offering advice when needed. And acting out some of the scenes with me, you know, just so I could get it right :P

  Jodi. You threaten to slap me every time we speak. You, more than anyone else understand the paralysing self-doubt I face with each release. But you stubbornly refuse to let it beat me. With your ‘tough love’, let’s just call it that, you’ve gotten me past some hurdles that I believed insurmountable. You’ve shared your stories with me, helped me better my own and offered me a friendship I never thought I’d find. You just get me. And that, my beautiful friend is very rare in deed. You’re my person.

  To everyone who reads my words. Everyone who shares my stories. Everyone who falls in love with my characters. THANK YOU. You make living this dream worthwhile.

  Until next time




  I’m just me. A clumsy, introverted, bubble bath loving, chocoholic who would rather read a book than go shopping. And god forbid if you try and make me shoe shop!

  I’m one of four kids to school teacher parents. A wife to a football obsessed husband. Mother to a fur-baby who isn’t aware of how big he is. Aunt to the most crazy/adorable little girls. And sister to two very determined sisters and one easy going brother.

  I live in Canberra Australia and work too many hours a day at my day job.

  I’m a book whore who can easily (and happily) read a book from start to finish in a day and when I do have spare time, you’ll find me in the writing cave.



  Facebook Page:

  Barber’s Bellas








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