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Hunted_Katieran Prime

Page 4

by KD Jones


  “What’s a gazebo?” he asked as they continued down the walkway.

  “It’s a platform with an open railing circling around it, and a roof. Usually there’s built-in seating as well. I went to that park a few weeks ago when it opened, and the gazebos had tables inside too. One of them overlooks a small pond and is shaded by trees on the other sides. It’s my favorite spot.”

  “We shall get that one then,” he told her.

  “Hopefully it won’t be taken already. If it is, we’ll find another place for our picnic.”

  About five minutes later they arrived at the park. It was a large area, with small grassy hills and tall trees with wide trunks. Under the trees were picnic tables. Then there were gazebos, about five of them.

  “The one I like is over that hill.” She led the way, but as soon as she reached the top of the hill she stopped and frowned. “Oh no, it’s already taken.”

  There were three warriors sitting inside the gazebo laughing and eating their own meal.

  “Wait here,” he told her, handing her the picnic basket.

  She watched curiously as CristOF walked down the small hill heading toward the gazebo. He went inside and spoke with the men, who looked from him to her then back to CristOF. Soon the men packed up their meal, patted CristOF on the shoulder, and left the gazebo. One of them looked her way and winked at her. She looked back at CristOF, who waved for her to come forward.

  “What did you tell them?” she asked once she reached the gazebo.

  CristOF took the basket from her and placed it on the table. “I told them that I needed a little privacy for me and my female; I wanted to impress you so that I could convince you to give me a kiss later. They were more than happy to help a fellow warrior out.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at him as she sat down across from him. “Exactly how do you plan to impress me?” Tera didn’t mention the kiss. Just thinking about his lips on hers sent more tingles through her body.

  “First, I will feed you delicious food,” he told her as he opened the top of the basket.

  The aroma of the plates he took out from the basket made her stomach growl. “That’s a good start.”

  “Then we’ll have conversation. I confess I’ve never been good at that, but last night, I found talking to you both easy and titillating.”

  Titillating? No one had ever said that about her. “I enjoyed talking to you too. So, you plan to impress me with food and conversation. Anything else?”

  His eyes darkened, boring into hers and heating her up. “I hope that with your body satisfied with food and your mind at ease from our conversation, I will be able to convince you to kiss me.”

  Her eyes immediately glanced at his lips. They were full and sexy. Oh...yeah. She was very curious to see what would happen if he kissed her. Her body already responded to his voice and simple touch. Would she explode from a kiss? Her stare was broken when he handed her a plate.

  “Eat first.”

  “Right.” She took the plate and uncovered it. “Is that...fried chicken?”

  “Lizzie told me that human picnics often featured a type of bird, one we don’t have on Kiljor. However, she recommended substituting a fixel; she said when fried it tastes very similar. She gave me directions on how to cook the food for you.”

  “You cooked this yourself?”

  “Of course. I’m a hunter, and I always clean and cook my fresh meat. Why do you seem so surprised?”

  “I’ve never had a man cook for me.”

  “Really?” He sounded pleased that he had done something for her that no one else had.

  “I mean, on Earth men and women shared household chores, but my mother always did the cooking. She taught me to cook. My father taught me how to fish, and he did clean them and cook them on the grill outside. I guess he was the only man who did cook for me, besides you.”

  “I remember you saying something about fishing last night. I would love to take you fishing out on the l lake where my family’s cabin is. The air there is the freshest, and at night the stars feel like they’re just within arm’s reach.”

  “Maybe when you get back from your mission we could do that. Go fishing, just the two of us,” she offered.

  He wouldn’t look her in the eyes as he replied. “Maybe.”

  His response felt ominous. It was like he didn’t expect to return from this mission. The thought of never seeing him again didn’t sit well with her. Clearing her throat, she smiled as she took a bite of the...fixel. She paused in surprise and then moaned in pleasure.

  “How is it?” CristOF asked, clearing his throat.

  “Like fried chicken.”

  “Good then?” He watched her take another bite.

  “Sooo good,” she told him with a smile. She continued eating; when she reached into the basket to look for more, CristOF chuckled and handed her his.

  “I couldn’t take yours,” she tried to protest.

  “It’s okay. I enjoy watching you. Tell me something about yourself.” He took out a plate of what looked like biscuits and handed her two while he took a bite of one.

  “What do you want to know?” She finally finished all the fixel and wiped her hands on a towel that he’d pulled from the basket. She took one of the biscuits and bit into it. Damn, he was a really good cook.

  “Why aren’t you mated by now? You’re smart and beautiful. I would think that any of the Katieran warriors would have wanted you for themselves.”

  She shrugged. “I guess I haven’t found the right man.”

  “What would you consider to be the right man?” He got out a couple of glasses and poured Katieran juice for them.

  “I don’t know, I guess I just never felt that spark.”


  “I grew up watching how in love my parents were and fantasized that one day, I would have that too. Only, when I grew up none of the guys I dated made me feel a spark of fire inside. Maybe it was just a romantic notion. Maybe I was just picking all the wrong guys, guys I thought were safe. I wanted safe.”

  “That didn’t work?”

  “Not at all. I got bored quickly, or the guy would get bored with me. We didn’t have enough of a spark to keep things going.”

  He reached out and took her hand in his. “I would never get bored with you. I find you fascinating.”

  She felt the heat rise in her cheeks. “I...find you fascinating as well. It’s more than just physical, though there is a strong attraction between us.”

  He growled. “Very strong attraction. I agree about having more. I have never felt so much at ease talking with someone as I do with you. I feel like I’ve known you before somehow.”

  “I feel that too,” she admitted. CristOF stood up and pulled her to her feet.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I wanted to dance with you.” He pulled her into his arms.

  “Oh…” Some conversationalist she turned out to be. She melted into him right there in his arms, and she couldn’t get close enough.

  Tera looked up into his handsome face and saw the longing in his eyes. She knew what he wanted, and she wanted the same thing.

  “Kiss me CristOF,” she whispered.

  He didn’t question it, just leaned down and took her lips in a long, all-encompassing kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and opened up to him. When their tongues met, both of them groaned in need. The electricity turned into a blazing fire, just from their kiss. She knew it was a kiss that would change her life forever.

  Unfortunately, the sounds of others laughing not far from them made them pull apart. Making out in broad daylight in a public park was not her ideal thing to do. She wasn’t an exhibitionist, and what she wanted to do with CristOF should be done in private. He must have felt the same. Reluctantly, they stopped kissing, but he didn’t let her go. Instead, he hummed a tune she had never heard before as they swayed in a slow dance.

  “I didn’t think dancing was a big thing for Kiljorn

  “We dance to celebrate life, to celebrate victory in battle; we dance to mourn, and we dance when our hearts are full of joy.”

  She couldn’t help but wonder how many women he danced with before, but this wasn’t the time to question him about it. He was leaving that very night. Every moment with him was precious. What if he didn’t come back?

  Tera stopped dancing. She looked up into his striking dark eyes and surprised herself with what she said next. “Come back with me to my suite.”

  “Are you sure? I do want to be alone with you, but we can talk, just talk. I appreciate any time I can have with you and I wasn’t expecting anything more than that.”

  She placed her finger on his lips to stop him from talking. He was being honorable and super sweet. Her heart tightened, knowing she could fall for a guy like him. Maybe she already was. “Let’s go.”

  They packed the basket up and left the gazebo, holding hands. Tera had had the best day so far—who knew how the night would end?

  Neither of them realized that they were being watched.


  “The tracker met with a human female today.”

  “What about?”

  “I couldn’t get close enough to find out what they were saying, but it looked like they were...a couple. They shared a meal and held each other.”

  “Interesting. She may know what TylOR and KadEN want this tracker for. We will need to see what we can pull from her.”

  “I’ll get that information.”

  “See that you do, and make sure that you’re discreet. We still need to keep our presence hidden.”

  Chapter 6

  Fifteen till Midnight

  CristOF stood at the top of the Prime building, where his shuttle was being loaded with supplies. His carefully chosen team was checking their weapons and supplies. These warriors were the best of the best.

  There were five of them, including CristOF. He had chosen another tracker named Warrior TorIS, who came highly recommended. There was an interrogator named Warrior FinlEY, who had trained with CristOF many years ago. His most controversial choice had been a young warrior, untested in battle but with a good attitude and a willingness to learn, named Warrior SimON. To complete his team, he was grateful to have included one of the older warriors who had taught him when he first started his warrior training: Warrior RusEN. RusEN had come out of retirement to assist him. He was also one of the few friends CristOF had always been able to count on; he’d even attended the burial rites for CristOF’s grandparents.

  “Sir, the shuttle is ready,” Warrior SimON told him eagerly.

  “We’ll take off, then.” CristOF turned to face Commander TylOR, who came out to see them off.

  “We’re turning off all tracking for the next fifteen minutes to allow you to go unnoticed as you leave this region,” Commander TylOR told him.

  “We will be leaving immediately.” He hesitated before asking something he never thought he would. “If I could request a favor?”

  TylOR looked surprised. “Of course.”

  “The female, Tera Kincaid. Would you make sure that someone looks after her? Especially if I don’t return. I would like to ensure her safety and happiness.”

  “I thought you just met her.” TylOR couldn’t hide a knowing smile.

  “It is true that I’ve known her a short time, but...we have developed a friendship. She has no family and very few friends here, and I worry about her.”

  “My mate and Prima Lindsey have befriended her. She will be well taken care of.”

  “Thank you.” CristOF turned to go up the ramp into the shuttle. He felt a little better about leaving Tera knowing she was safe and among friends.

  He sat in the co-pilot’s seat next to Warrior RusEN. His mind couldn’t help but go back to the previous afternoon, when he’d spent time with Tera in her suite. Her place was smaller than his, only meant to accommodate one person. He’d liked that, because it meant he had her all to himself and didn’t have to worry about being interrupted.

  They had come back from the park and sat on her small sofa. He’d never felt such an immediate connection to anyone before. Though he longed to make love to her, he held back. There was a chance he wouldn’t come back from this mission, and he didn’t want to rush things for the wrong reasons. CristOF would not hurt her in any way if he could help it.

  So, they talked and kissed, and he held her in his arms. It was the most time he had ever spent with a female without making love to her, and it certainly was more fulfilling to him. He learned so much about her. The time he spent with her only solidified his feelings that she was the female from his dream, and that she was somehow meant to be his. His thoughts wandered to their conversation.


  “You have a big family. I’m surprised they would let you travel to Katiera alone,” he told her as he sat next to her on the small sofa, both of them turned slightly to face each other. He couldn’t help but reach out and touch her shoulder lightly.

  “You have to understand the situation on Earth. It’s overpopulated, and our food supplies were starting to run extremely low. The EWG was already regulating births by requiring a license first. Unauthorized pregnancies resulted in the pregnant mothers going to jail and the children taken and placed in orphanages. They’d also started working on rationing food and supplies before I left. Only the essentials needed for day-to-day living were given out.”

  “That sounds horrible,” he told her, and he pulled her closer to him as if to protect her. CristOF couldn’t imagine living in a world where even people’s basic needs couldn’t be met.

  She shrugged. “It is horrible. The children taken to orphanages are cared for, but not loved, as all children should be. That’s why I jumped at the idea of creating a school for the orphans to attend when they come here. I want to make sure that they have a safe and warm place to learn and grow. Lindsey also asked me help them interview the foster families. It’s exciting, and to be a part of helping these children find a home is rewarding in ways I hadn’t anticipated.”

  “It will also help to remove as many people as possible, allowing our scientists to start regenerating the natural resources,” CristOF added. “But it must be tough leaving behind those you love.”

  “My family loves me, but they knew that there wasn’t much of a future for me on Earth. My sisters were a little too young for the relocation program, and they weren’t allowing families to come at the time. I promised to bring them here to live with me as soon as I could get approval.”

  He was surprised to hear that. “Are you hoping that your work with the school and orphans will earn your family’s passage here?”

  “I have to admit, I would’ve done just about anything to get my family here, but I’m proud of the work I’m doing. I didn’t even ask, but when Primas Cassie and Lindsey heard about my family, they both promised me that they would speak to their mates to request that they be moved here.”

  “I’m sure that it will be done then. Both males love their mates and would do anything to make them happy. And you’ve proved yourself truly valuable to our people.” He cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb over her silky-soft lips. Goddess, he wanted to kiss her again.

  She cleared her throat. “What about your family? Does they live here in the city?”

  He shook his head. “I never knew my parents. My mother died when I was born, and my father died in battle later, when I was a mere child.”

  “I’m so sorry, CristOF,” Tera said, placing her hand in his and giving it a squeeze.

  “It’s okay. I was raised by my grandparents in Siladas; it’s a location on Kiljor where the jungle meets the ocean. They were amazing people, patient and kind. They taught me how to be responsible, how to hunt, and how to love with my whole heart. They’ve both gone to the other side to be with the Goddess, but I still feel them here.” He placed his hand over his heart

  She threaded her fingers through his, and they sat there in comfortable si
lence. He had never felt closer to anyone before, and it was hard to break the connection when it was time to go. They kissed again and it almost took him over. It had been difficult to pull back, but he knew it was the right then to do. When he had to leave, he kissed her with all the longing he felt inside. Leaving her was the hardest thing he had ever had to do. He prayed to the Goddess that she would be waiting for him when he returned—if he returned.


  “Sir, we’re approaching the first island,” Warrior RusEN told him.

  He looked out the viewing screen. It was still dark, but he could make out the shape of the small island. There were no lights except from the Luna, partially covered by clouds. There could be people there, hidden by the large trees, shrubs, and rocky cliffs.

  “Land on the far eastern point, there’s fewer trees there,” CristOF ordered.

  The pilot lowered the shuttle, and then scanned the area. “There are no signs of life, other than some small animals.”

  CristOF unbuckled his seat harness and stood up. “We’ll spread out to cover the island just in case there’s cloaking, or an underground base. If you see anything, contact me. Do not approach on your own.”

  They took their weapons out of the compartment in the wall, as well as their survival packs. Each had medical supplies and essentials that would help a warrior survive for days in the remotest of locations. Of course, he could survive with just his blade, but he needed to set an example for his team so that they took things seriously.

  “Be safe,” he told them before heading out in one direction.

  Three hours later, the group returned to the shuttle with no results. It had taken much longer than he expected for such a small island. They had another four hours before the suns rose, which was just enough time to take the shuttle out and check another island of a similar size. The shuttle would be visible during the daylight hours if they tried to fly so they needed to take full advantage of the cover of night.

  “One more island, and then we’ll have to wait until the sun sets again,” he told his team as they gathered at their landing site.


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