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by Rom Siquijor

  “To thee, I have forsaken! My eyes hath seen, what my spirit has been longing to seek! I revere thee my Lord! Take my life if I had discerned so foolishly, but if not please spare it and let me be your instrument and living proof of thy existence!”

  The rest of the awed Templars took their helmets off and put it in their chest, as they vowed in prayer.

  “Here my brothers, we have received a miracle that God Himself hath shown to us … to touch our hearts and open our minds … And today, we were all chosen to receive the blessings of the Almighty and to forever proclaim this event to the whole humanity!”

  Most of these Knights stayed and lived there at Pinkuylluna, venerating the monument of Tunupa. These Knights later on founded a cult called the Templars of the Sun, revering Tunupa and made different figurines of this monument. Some of them returned back to their families in Europe and brought with them the figurines they carved with their weapons out of the rocks and trees available in that mountain. They carved the head figure of Tunupa with a star on the forehead of the figurine signifying where Melchizedek actually vanished.

  The cult, from then on, used Pinkuylluna as a sacred sanctuary and a hiding place for some of their loots from King Solomon’s mine in Jerusalem. Some of them inter-married with the Incas. However, when a great epidemic spread in the valley, they had to sail back to Europe. They nevertheless continued with their veneration of Tunupa and their half-Christian half-pagan beliefs.

  The Baphomet and the Templars of the Sun

  Figure 9. The Baphomet and the Templars of the Sun

  What Ied the persecution of the Templars? What do they have to do with the Baphomet?

  In the 13th century1, the Knights of the Templars succumbed to a great turmoil. Their supremacy went frail and started suffering a lot of defeats in battle. They were plagued of accusations of heresy, devil worship, occultism, sodomy, and other horrendous acts. Their legal immunity could no longer protect them. King Philip2 of France led to their persecution. Many people believed that the king simply had vested interest to own the vast treasures and wealth that the Templars have amalgamated during the crusades. But, whatever it was, mayhem was at their horizon.

  Rumor has it, that the Templars possessed important ancient manuscripts and items that possess both holy and unholy powers. No one really knew. But during the rousing of the poor knights, King Philip’s royal army found strange icons under the possession of some of the Templars. They were mostly a head of an idol with a beard and a star in the forehead. They refer to it as the Baphomet3 which the persecutors refer to as the demon of lust, generation, and forbidden wisdom.

  Those who were caught with the Baphomet icons were mostly descendants of the members of the Templars of the Sun. The idol was actually the figurine of Tunupa, represented with a star on the forehead to identify the place where Melchizedek had vanished. It is said to serve both as a map and a code for the Templars. According to some, the letters of Baphomet in reverse order would give you an abbreviated Latin phrase “Tem Oph Ab” which was believed to be a cryptic code meaning “King Solomon’s Temple”. The Templars were believed to have discovered King Solomon’s mine, including the Holy Grail and kept these artifacts in a secret hiding place. And that hiding place was at Pinkuylluna, exactly at the place where Melchizedek had disappeared.

  To the demise of the poor knights, the Baphomet was the perfect evidence against them to be sentenced as heretics and idol-worshippers. Those who were caught in possession of such an idol were immediately put to death. Then, as a natural consequence, all the Templars were persecuted and sentenced to be summarily executed on the charge of heresy and demon worship, with or without the possession of the said idol. Most of them were exhumed alive at the center towns, skinned to death, beheaded, and some were mutilated in front of their families. It was gruesome.

  While most of the Templars remained faithful to the Church up to their death, some of them did convert their faith from Christianity to the mysterious religious cult of the Templars of the Sun. They adopted the worship of nature—like the sun, and yes even the idol they made from the figure of Tunupa.

  Kristov, was the reigning chancellor of the secret religious cult then called, Order of the Templars of the Sun, which has already propagated in Europe. He was the great grandson of Lucreadeus. He had most of his grandfather’s physical attribute including the balding hair. His eyes were blue and taller than average. He also followed the steps of Lucreadeus as a monk and eventually rouse to chancellorship of the secret order that his great grandfather had founded. On the day that he was caught, in his confession, he attested that, “Yes. My great grandfather had found the Holy Grail on top of a mountain. It is filled with blood of God and is flowing of living energy. It cannot be touched by a mortal hand, except by a pure faithful spirit. If you drink from it, you will find eternal glory and you will never seek to quench your thirst from religion ever again!”

  Kristov limbs were clamped with iron struts of a masterfully crafted metal machine of death. Inch by inch it was squeezing his bones. Tormenting metal squeaks fill the air as the executioner twists harder, then groans and moans followed afterwards.

  “Now foolish heretic! You know well that what your foolish grandfather Lucreadeus saw was not of divine working but of satanic origin! Now, confess your allegiance to the handy work of the devil so your sins can be forgiven!”

  The executioner twisted the death machine harder, this time almost wrenching the veins in his muscular arms.

  Kristov replied, “With the purity of my heart, and sanctity of my devotion to our Lord, I know that what my grandfather saw was Christ Himself. But, if you think this is heresy, let my blood be poured and let my spirit be free!”

  Then, at the command of the inquisitor, the muscular henchman whose head was covered with a black clothe with noticeable stains of dried blood, started to stir the torture machine enormously. Squeal of death reverberated into the air, as Kristov’s limbs started to break apart into pieces—for the last time, hanging over to the last air he could gasp; Kristov recited the prayer of the Templars of the Sun, Iam Lucis Orto Sidere5 or Star of Light Now Having Risen:

  I AM lucis orto sidere, Deum precemur supplices, ut in diurnis actibus nos servet a nocentibus.

  NOW in the sun’s new dawning ray, lowly of heart, our God we pray that He from harm may keep us free in all the deeds this day shall see.

  Linguam refrenans temperet, ne litis horror insonet, visum fovendo contegat, ne vanitates hauriat.

  May fear of Him our tongues restrain, lest strife unguarded speech should stain: His favoring care our guardian be, lest our eyes feed on vanity.

  Sint pura cordis intima, absistat et vecordia: carnis terat superbiam potus cibique parcitas.

  May every heart be pure from sin, and folly find no place therein: scant mead of food, excess denied, wear down in us the body’s pride

  Ut cum dies abscesserit, noctemque sors reduxerit, mundi per abstinentiam ipsi canamus gloriam.

  That when the light of day is gone, and night in course shall follow on, we, free from cares the world affords, may chant the praises that is our Lord’s.

  Deo Patri sit gloria, eiusque

  All laud to God the Father

  soli Filio, cum Spiritu

  be, all praise, Eternal Son,

  Paraclito, nunc et per omne

  to Thee; all glory, as is


  ever meet, to God the Holy



  Amen. />
  Blood flooded the small cell in that dungeon which was located beneath the church of Chartes or Notre Dame4; as an ensemble of boys aged 12 to 15 were singing Alleluia during the celebration of a holy mass above. If it was the present day, the boys should have been singing a song entitled “Twistedly Ironic”. In a little while, the door of the Cathedral opened slightly, as the ecclesiastical interrogator and officer of the inquisition sneaked-in and lined-up to take the Holy Communion.

  The Treasure of the Inca Kings

  Figure 10. Inca Viracocha

  Hatun Tupac liberated the lncas; Pachacutec will liberate men’s divine nature in the ripe time …

  In 14th century1, the Incan Prince Hatun Tupac2 was exiled by his father Inca Yahuar Huacac3 for his transgression of the Incan laws. The prince found refuge and settled at the neighboring town of Ollaytantambo called Urubamba4. In this town lived the Q’eros who were the descendants of Amaru, the tribe who preserved the teachings of Inkari through oral tradition. They were known as harauecs or poets by the rest of the villagers. It was not uncommon for this young prince to hear about the myth of Inkari, but with the kind of skeptic personality he has, for him it was just another story; a folklore.

  Little did this prince knew that soon he will have a life-changing experience that would transform his life—and, as prophesied, eventually the modern world. It was during the spring of the chacu5 or the ceremonial hunting of the Incas when Hatun Tupac unearthed the mysteries of the Universe at the Mountain of Pinkuylluna.

  Hunting has been prohibited by the Inca King all throughout the empire except for some birds and certain animals that were to be served in the table of the curacas. The Incas believe and live in the harmony with nature, but once a year they are allowed to hunt. Trying to prove his worth to his father the king, Hatun Tupac made a plan to set traps for deers to catch them alive, instead of to hunt them by arrows or spears. As he was setting his deer traps, a swift moving white goat passed along. It was a goat like any other goat, except that it was pristinely white.

  He hurriedly trailed the animal to lure it to his trap, as it went running to a small hidden cave, or more like a natural catacomb somewhere in the middle of the mountain. It was large enough to be penetrated by a full grown person crawling, as it widens little-by-little going in. For a couple of centuries, the place was abandoned. No one lived there since the Templars left. It was dark, so he rubbed a few u’yaca or an Incan match stick, to start a flame to guide him through.

  When he entered, the goat was gone. It is not possible. There is no other way out of that cave. He tried to go deeper into the cave as something was glimmering in the dark. He followed the track and saw the source of the glow coming from a pile of stones. He hurriedly digs into the pile, thinking that the goat was clobbered with the stones. Then his torch glistened against a splendid golden chest. His eyes grew big, as he marveled at the sight when he opened the chest and an enormous amount of treasures were presented in front of him. The chest was shaped like a boat about a meter wide and half meter in depth. It has some symbols of the Tetragrammaton6 and Ophir7 carved on top of it. The Tetragrammaton is the Hebrew name of God or Yahweh and the Ophir is the biblical name of a secret land, where Phoenician sailors loaded their ships with gold and precious stones from King Solomon’s mines to adorn the walls of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. No doubt, he discovered the secret catacomb of the Templars of the Sun at Pinkuylluna where they kept their treasures.

  Inspecting further the chest, he found an immense number of manuscripts and artifacts. He saw the head icon of the Baphomet, which he easily recognized as Tunupa. Then he saw strange things like the icon of Jesus Christ carved masterfully in gold, some of them standing while some are on a cross. There were tablets with maps and unknown inscriptions to him. Although he found both Christian and pagan artifacts, to him, more importantly, he found vast treasures of unknown quantity in form of gold goblets, crowns, breastplates, icons, silver coins, and gems of different colors and sizes.

  Time flew. He never noticed that it was night time already when he went out of the catacomb. Going down in the darkness of the night, in the stiff cliff would be utterly suicide, so he decided to sleep inside the catacomb, at least to shelter him temporarily against the cold evening mist at the mountain. But he was restless. He does not know what to do. He kept seeing the weird icons every time he closes his eyes. When he finally caught sleep, the same man in Melchizedek’s dreams appeared to him. He looked like the man in the icons he found; with long cloak and beard—the man on the cross. In his dream the man told him that he was his uncle and warned him that the great Incan empire is in danger. The man calls himself Viracocha8.

  The next morning, he rushed back to the capital in Cusco and informed his father Yahuar Huacac about his dream and brought some of the artifacts he could carry, but his father did not believed him and scolded him instead.

  “Father, what I’m telling you is true! I brought some golds and articles I found in the mountain to prove what I have discovered,” he muttered as he handed over the icon of the cloaked-bearded man to his father wrapped in a piece of cloth.

  “It is indeed gold, but didn’t I tell you never to steal! It is prohibited to any Inca and more so to a royal blood like you!” Yahuar Huacac’s face turned red and his eyes glared in anger.

  The prince vowed his head to avoid his father’s fierce eye and responded, “It is not stolen. I got it in the mountain. Nobody owns it, so it is not stealing …”

  “You disgust me! You are a thief and a liar! The king dismounted from his throne and pushed Hatun Tupac, “From now on, I disown you as my son! All your privileges as an Inca will be taken away from you! Now go!”

  Before he went away, he intended to warn his father about what the bearded man in his dream told him. “Father, I must warn you that a great upheaval is in the horizon—and the throne of the Incan empire is at risk, please prepare your … .”

  Before even finishing his word, his father mocked him one final time, “Crazy! You have really lost your mind haven’t you? Go! Before I finally lost mine and throw you out myself!”

  The Incan prince left weeping and went back to Urubamba to start organizing his own troop.

  After a few days, the revolting Indian tribe, called the Chancas9, conquered Cusco and the Inca Yahuar Huacac abandoned the capital.

  Hatun Tupac gathered the Curacasor the leaders of the Incan units and told them that he is forming an army of his own. Now he speaks with authority and the young prince turned to be an adult with a matured disposition in such a short period of time.

  After he gained enough recruits, one night, just before the dawn breaks, with his thousand Incan soldiers, he attacked the Chanca’s in the capital and recovered the city from the enemies.

  He earned his father’s forgiveness. Later on, Hatun Tupac was installed king. He spent most of his time understanding the writings of Melchizedek and the stories with the aid of the Tupuy Ricoc or the storytellers of the Q’ueros. He learned the teachings of the Catholic faith, the origin of the Incas, and the prophesy of the transformation of the world.

  He was considered the greatest ruler of the Incas. He promulgated a lot of laws; most of them were taken from the 10 commandments. He kept the sacred manuscripts of Melchizedek or Inkari as well as the golds and artifacts of the Templars of the Sun as part of the Inca treasures. One of the items he unearthed was a map of stone, which he believed points to the origin of the Incas. The rest of the strange items, which came mostly from loots of the Templars, he never fully understood till the day he died. Hatun Tupac was given the namesake Inca Viracocha after Apu Kun Tiesi Viracoeha because of his prophetic visions of the bearded man in a cloak, the Supreme Incan God Himself.

  Hatun Tupac revealed the great secrets of Melchizedek or Inkari to his son and successor, the ninth Inca Emperor Cusi Yupanqui or Pachacutec10. In his deathbed, he asked Pachacutec to
continue his pursuit of knowledge and bring forth to the empire the truth about the origin of their ancestors. He asked him to proclaim to their subjects how they came from the sky, lived in the sea, then sought refuge to the land—and finally to be with Apu Kun Ticsi Viracocha in the sky at Hanan Pacha at the end of time. He also asked him to build seven stone totems in reverence to the seven original Incas who came out of the portal near Titicaca and the seven Inca Kings prior to him. These icons are only to be built upon the discovery of the place where their ancestors originally came from. He ordered his son that the icons should face the sun, so he can watch them over from the heavens or Hanan Pacha.

  Pachacutec, whose name implies as “the one who transforms the world” was regarded as one of the most revered Inca. He used a tadpole, as his royal insignia; having the knowledge how the Incas evolved from the sea and walked into the land like the amphibians.

  Pachacutec made a lot of expeditions in the Lake Titicaca to investigate about the claims regarding the portal to the underwater world where his ancestors said to have originated. He was not successful in finding these portals though, so, on his deathbed, he likewise asked his heir apparent Tupac Yupanqui to continue this quest and do so as requested by his father.

  Chronicles relate that the Chancas prepared themselves for years to conquer the imperial city of Cusco, but only on account of the great figure and strategy of Inca Pachacutec, the Inca Empire did not yield.


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