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Reckless Heat: Bad Boy Romance

Page 21

by M. S. Parker

  She arched upward. “Yessss, Sir.”

  God, she made me so fucking hot.

  I moved around the bed, alternating between stroking her with the feather and using the whip, changing things up so that she never knew which touch she’d receive. We’d tested how much pain she enjoyed, and I’d been surprised at how far she wanted to go. I’d had to sit her down after a session and make sure she hadn’t been just accepting it because she thought I needed it.

  That had been the night she’d pulled my hand between her legs and held it there while asking me to pull her hair, use my teeth, pinch her nipples. If her gasps and moans hadn’t been enough to convince me, the hot liquid coating my hand would’ve done it.

  “Who do you belong to?” I asked her.

  “You,” she moaned.

  I flicked my wrist, and the tip of the whip caught the side of her breast, leaving a small red mark.

  “You, Sir.”

  “Whose tits are these?” I teased her nipple with the feather, and she writhed.

  “Yours, Sir.”

  I watched her brace herself, but instead of using the whip, I ran the feather between her breasts, up and around both nipples, across her creamy skin.

  “And what am I allowed to do with these tits?”

  “Anything you want, Sir.” The words were breathless, telling me that if I removed the blindfold, I’d see her pupils dilated, irises a deep, rich blue.

  “Good girl.”

  Two quick smacks with the whip on each breast had her crying out, arms pulling against her restraints. I’d gotten one of the hits right on her nipple, and the sensitive flesh was already swollen. She’d be feeling that for a while.

  I smiled and stroked the feather along the delicate skin of her pussy. “And whose pussy is this?”

  “It’s your pussy, Sir.” She made a soft whimpering sound, and I knew she thought a blow was coming.

  Some Subs might’ve enjoyed having their pussy whipped, but I knew that was the edge of what Jinx could handle. I wasn’t ready to go there yet.

  “Good girl.”

  I didn’t think I could hold myself back much longer. I wanted to shove my cock into her and go to that warm and euphoric place where the world couldn’t touch me. But first I had to have a taste. Going down on her wasn’t merely foreplay. I loved doing it.

  I climbed onto the bed and pulled her up to my face by her ass cheeks, clamping my mouth down on her hot, slick pussy. She cried out and shuddered, already so close to orgasm that it only took a few licks and a couple carefully placed nibbles for her to fall apart in my hands. It was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen.

  While she was still coming, I slid a finger inside her, making sure it was thoroughly coated with her juices. Her body jerked as I pushed my finger into her ass, and the moan that came out of her was something dark and rough. I’d never done anal with any of the women in my past, but I wanted to do it with Jinx. I wanted to be the first and only person who ever got to have her that way.

  She pulled harder on the restraints than I’d ever seen, desperate to touch me, begging as I worked my finger in and out of her. When I started to flick my tongue across the top of her clit, she began to lash her head from side to side, tension radiating off of her. She came again in minutes, body going so rigid that, for a moment, I thought I’d hurt her. Then she was sobbing out my name, pleading with me to be inside her.

  I brushed my lips against the corner of her mouth as I lowered myself over her. I gripped her hips tightly, holding her still as I buried myself inside her with one quick thrust. She cursed, fingers flexing in her need to touch. I bit her neck in warning, and she slackened, letting out a low moan of frustration. I chuckled as I began to move slowly, taking the time to make sure the base of my cock rubbed against her clit with every stroke.

  There were only a couple positions we could pull off successfully with her strung up like that, but I made do. Seeing her go crazy for lack of being able to move made the inconvenience completely worth it. I could only imagine what it would be like to be touched and fucked by your lover without being able to see or move. It wasn’t for me, but the sounds she made told me she was enjoying herself.

  Her moans grew to a deafening crescendo as she reached another peak, body quivering, arms straining uselessly against the ropes holding her in place. I tore off the blindfold as she started to come down, finally kissing her. Her mouth was sweet like honey, and the feel of her lips moving under mine was enough to send me hurtling over the edge. I buried my cock deep inside of her and kept on kissing, even as a moan escape my lips and into hers. She kissed me back, softer and softer as our breathing slowed and our hearts resumed a more normal pace.

  Once I recovered, I carefully unfastened her, kissing the tender skin of her wrists and ankles before rubbing in the lotion she’d bought specifically for this purpose. Part of being in control, she’d explained, was the aftercare. A Dom didn’t just control and fuck. He – or she – took care of their Subs, before, during, and after. Once I was certain her sore skin was soothed, I gathered her to my chest and stroked her hair. She hummed, and I felt her smile into my chest.

  “Feeling better?” she asked.

  A laugh rumbled through me. “Much, much better.”

  I was feeling better in every way a man could. And I was starting to realize something. Before the accident, visions of my future involved me reaching the pinnacle of my career. End vision. Right after my accident, I hadn’t wanted to think about my future at all. It was a scary place full of uncertainty and doubt.

  But now that things were getting back on track and I was finally starting to feel like myself again, the way I pictured my future had changed. Now it had blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and creamy skin that almost seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.

  Jinx was my future now. And despite what I might have thought a few months ago, that realization didn’t scare me at all.



  The day of Drew’s interview came faster than either of us realized. It felt like the week had barely begun, then suddenly it was Thursday and Drew transformed into a big ball of anxiety.

  “It’ll be fine,” I assured him as he drove us through LA’s endless stream of traffic.

  He merely nodded, probably going over what he wanted to say in the interview through his head repeatedly. I didn’t blame him; I’d probably be doing the same. Still, it was worrying. Not because I thought he was going to blow it, but because I knew he’d do great and all this extra stress was doing more harm than good.

  I reached over the console and took his free hand, lacing my fingers between his and giving them a squeeze.

  The meeting was being held in the offices on Universal’s back lot. On the way through, we passed streams of tourists with toothy smiles heading for the theme park. When all this was over, I was going to drag Drew there. Or at least to Disneyland. He needed to relax and doing something like that would be a great way to do it.

  After being waved onto the lot by security, we parked and then hurried toward the building. Drew practically dragged me along behind him even though we weren’t late, but I wasn’t going to complain. He needed my support today.

  As we entered, a familiar face caught my eye.

  Shit. This was not the day for this to happen.

  “Jinx, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Maddox Trials stood just to the right of the silver, semi-circle reception desk, his blond hair as impeccable as his expensive suit. Next to him was a tall brunette with a sweet smile and curves that filled out her dress perfectly.

  “Maddox,” I greeted. “Good to see you.”

  And it was, even if the timing wasn’t the best.

  Drew looked questioningly between the two of us as he stretched out a hand. “Hey, I’m Drew. Are you the Maddox who owns the amazing house where we’re crashing?”

  Maddox’s dark eyes were warm as he shook Drew’s hand. “I am indeed. I hope you’ve been enjoying it.” He swung a hand to th
e woman at his side. “This is Marika Kask, my assistant.”

  Drew nodded to her. “Nice to meet you.”

  “And you.”

  Even from those two words, I could tell she had an accent of some kind. If the circumstances had been different, I would’ve wanted to talk to her, get to know her. Make sure she was good enough for Maddox. He and I had left things on good terms, and I didn’t want someone hurting him. But right now, I mostly wanted to get Drew out of here before he figured out that Maddox wasn’t only the friend who owned the house we were staying in, but also my ex. The ex who’d introduced me to BDSM. My first lover.

  Things would not end well if it all came out here.

  Thankfully, the receptionist caught our attention with a delicate wave. “Drew Mikelson?”

  He nodded. “Yes, sorry. I’m here to see Barker Shields.”

  The blonde smiled. “He’s ready for you, if you’d like to follow me.”

  Drew gave my hand one final squeeze and dutifully followed the receptionist behind the double doors to the side of the desk, leaving me alone with Maddox and Marika.

  “It’s so good to see you,” Maddox said. “You haven’t changed a bit. You look amazing.”

  I used to get butterflies when he complimented me like that. Back in the day, Maddox’s opinion meant more to me than anyone. He was forty when we met, twenty years my senior, and we’d only been together over the summer between my sophomore and junior years of college, but he’d played an important role in helping me become the woman I was.

  Since things between us had stayed easy even after we’d gone our separate ways, however, I knew he was only being friendly. “Thank you. And you as well.”

  Maddox looked down at his watch. “Really wish I could stay and chat, but I’m due in there for a meeting. I’ll talk to you soon though.”

  As Maddox and Marika disappeared through the double doors, the receptionist came back out and sat down, resetting the scene. Blowing out a breath, I went over to the small seating area off to the side and waited to hear how this first step toward a new life was going to go.

  Drew came out half an hour later, all smiles. Seeing him so happy immediately made me grin too, especially when he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight.

  “It went well?” I asked.

  Drew’s nose nuzzled into the nape of my neck. He exhaled a hot sigh, then kissed my throat. “I think so. All I can do now is wait.”

  We walked back onto the lot, hand in hand. The farther we got from the building, though, the more I saw uncertainty begin to cloud his features.

  “You’re worried,” I surmised.

  He looked at me over the top of the car as we opened our doors. “No more than should be expected with this kind of thing.”

  I raised my brows, even though he couldn’t see. That was an unexpectedly positive statement from someone who’d become the prince of grim in recent months.

  I slid into my seat, and he continued to surprise me.

  “Honestly, I’m not expecting to get it.” He put the car into gear and started a slow crawl toward the parking lot exit. “Getting started with this new direction in my life will probably take time. And I don’t mind waiting.”

  “You won’t be upset if you don’t get it?” I asked cautiously. I didn’t want to lose the ground we’d made, but I wanted to know.

  He chuckled. “Of course I’ll be upset, but I won’t be devastated. I’m beginning to see that there’s more to life than just the destination, you know?”

  My heart warmed and fluttered as he shot me a winning smile from the driver’s seat. I knew Drew had always wrapped his identity in his ability to do stunts, just like I’d focused so hard on my goals as a journalist, and both of us had almost let those things get in the way of something special. I’d been worried that getting back into things would bring out that side of him again, that I’d lose him, but all I saw when I looked at him now was someone with a much more well-rounded, healthy, view of the future.

  A future that I sincerely hoped included me.



  Jinx had a body that was made to show off. Her luscious curves were carved using the same natural symmetry that was the foundation of every beautiful thing in nature. Waterfalls, mountains, yawning rivers – and Jinx’s stomach, the flare of her hips, the ripe globes of her breasts. Los Angeles, even if it had no other benefits, would always have one year-round: Jinx in a bathing suit.

  “Why aren’t you jumping in?”

  Her curious voice brought me back to earth from where I’d been wandering somewhere far away. I was supposed to have jumped in right after her, but I’d gotten distracted by the way her swimsuit clung to her body like a polka-dotted second skin.

  “I was checking you out,” I said, shrugging. “You in a bikini is definitely one of LA’s biggest draws.”

  I drowned out her laughs with the crashing sound of my descent into the pool. When I came up for air, she immediately splashed me.

  “You’re such a pervert!”

  I grinned and swam close to her. She turned to swim away, but I was too quick. I caught her around the middle and pulled her, struggling, toward my chest. There, I banded my arms around her and nibbled at her neck.

  “I’m your pervert,” I reminded her before licking the lobe of her ear.

  She laughed. “Thank god for that!”

  We swam around together, laughing and just basically screwing around. It was a perfect, sunny day, and the temperature was just right for spending the day by the pool. It wasn’t like either of us had anything better to do. Jinx was waiting for another assignment from the online magazine she’d started working for, and I was waiting to hear from Universal. My interview had only been the day before, so I was far from panicking just yet. There was no room for panic in this pool, with this beautiful woman. I intended to enjoy each second with every fiber of my being.

  As if on cue, my cell phone trilled from the poolside lounge chair. Jinx stopped what she was doing and turned to stare at the noise. I quickly made my way to the side of the pool and checked the caller ID.

  “It’s Maddox,” I said.

  Jinx hadn’t said much about the man whose house we were staying in, not even after we’d met him, but he’d seemed nice enough. I was a little curious about how a forty-something entertainment lawyer from LA met up with a twenty-something up-and-coming journalist from Boston, but Jinx didn’t offer, and I didn’t see a reason to pry. I knew her relationship with her parents was strained, so there was a good chance Maddox was a family friend whose past involved family Jinx didn’t care to talk about.

  “You take it,” Jinx said, already swimming toward the ladder. “I think I heard an email coming in on my phone. I bet it’s a new job.”

  I pulled myself from the pool and hit the answer button on the phone, swinging down to lay on the lounger.


  “Hey Drew, it’s Maddox Trials here.”

  “Hello, Maddox.” I put an arm behind my head and closed my eyes, letting the sun bake my face. “How’s it going?”

  He laughed. “Well, never a dull moment in show business. I’ve got some great news for you.”

  My pulse began to race, my stomach tightening in anticipation. It might not have been the way I’d originally seen my life going, but this job would give me a whole new direction to go, one that I knew I could love.

  “The studio execs talked it over, and they’d like to offer you a job. I’ve drawn up a contract for you and can bring it over if you’re interested.”

  I hadn’t expected the news to be this good. Maybe an offer of a second interview, or a trial run of some sort, but an outright job offer? And a contract?

  “Wow, Maddox,” I breathed. “I don’t know what to say.”

  He chuckled. “Yes would be a good start.”

  “Yes! Of course!” I laughed. “I’m thrilled. Beyond thrilled, really.”

  I turned my head and squinted toward the house, but
Jinx had already gone inside. I sensed she wanted to give me space in case the phone call wasn’t a good one. I appreciated her concern, but I wasn’t the same temperamental, fragile guy I’d been a few weeks ago. I could handle failure again. I could handle life.

  “You really impressed Barker,” Maddox continued. “You presented yourself very well, and I think you have a natural charisma.”

  Wow, a job offer and compliments? This guy was quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Even if he was a bit of a talker. Jinx had warned me that he was used to schmoozing and wasn’t able to turn it off as readily as other people, but I didn’t mind, especially not when it came on the heels of a job offer.

  “Thanks, man. I honestly couldn’t have done it without your help though.”

  I suspected Maddox had something to do with my interview, though I wasn’t sure to what extent. Much as I wanted to accomplish things on my own, a little boost here and there wasn’t something I planned on complaining about.

  Maddox snorted. “Me? I barely did anything. You don’t have anyone to credit for your success but yourself. I know it must have been incredibly difficult after the accident to get back on track, but you did it, and I really admire that.”

  Even with my newfound positivity, I still didn’t like talking about the accident, but Maddox didn’t mean any harm. He didn’t seem like he was prying, at least. I suspected that learning things about people was just part of his personality.

  “Yeah, it’s been a journey,” I agreed.

  “A journey?” He laughed. “I suppose that’s one way to refer to the path you’ve taken to get back on top.”

  Why was he saying it like that?

  “Had you experimented with BDSM before this?”

  I paused, first not understanding what he’d said, and then, as the words slowly sank in, the realization came hard and fast.

  Maddox was Jinx’s ex. Her first lover.

  The man who’d introduced her to BDSM.

  The man who knew what she looked like when she came, overwhelmed with so much pain and pleasure that she could barely breathe.


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