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Raven and the Rose

Page 10

by Knight, Charisma

  Immediately, Viola and Clara were thrown out of the door and into the dirt by an unseen

  force. The door slammed shut. The girls scurried to their feet and peered into the window.

  An overseer and Cyrus’s father rode in. “What the hell is going on here!” The overseer

  slipped from his horse, cracking his whip to the slaves standing around as Cyrus’s father tried to enter. The door groaned and creaked, but refused to budge.

  “She’s a witch, you know!” The overseer sneered. “God only knows what she’s doing to

  your son.”

  Clara and Viola stood at the window, watching Celeilia as she seemed to chant and wave her

  hands in the air.

  Cyrus cowered in the corner, next to Clara’s small bed.

  Reaching into her skirts, she pulled out a knife, rushed forward and slit his throat.

  Viola, trembling in terror witnessed her aunt licking the knife clean of the blood. Retrieving

  a silver cup from beneath the floorboards, she captured his blood and drank it.

  “No!” She heard Clara scream. “Mama, what are you doing?”

  “Mama, what have you done?” Clara cried from the window.

  Cyrus’s father glared over at the children as several more men rushed in and successfully

  broke the door down.

  Viola watched in horror as the men rushed over and began brutally beating Celeilia. She was

  knocked to her knees and with a flick of her wrist, she sent the overseer and Cyrus’s father

  hurling into the corners of the room. She rose, chanting words that were hard for Viola to make out.

  The girls screamed frantically before Taylor Robert McQueen and another slave, Mack

  rushed over, dragging them off to safety. “Come on girls, it isn’t safe for you here.”

  “Uncle Taylor, what about momma?” Clara screamed frantically. “We just can’t leave her.”

  Saying nothing, Taylor hoisted her over his shoulders, carrying them into the field to a

  hidden trap door in the earth. “Do you wanna be sold from here gal?” he chastised before waving his hand and chanting something she didn’t quite understand. “Se’emya, krotolus, ya.”

  Viola squinted as he held up his hand, conjuring what appeared to be a powerful shield of

  energy around the area that only they could see. “What’s that?”

  “Protection,” Taylor Lee grated out as the other slaves slid down the trap door entrance. “We

  must hurry. There isn’t much time. They’ll be looking for you both, now that they know we’re

  witches. In the hole, now,” he ordered.

  Clara turned, climbing the wooden ladder all the way to the bottom.

  Mack held his arms up to capture her. “C’mon, chile. I got you.”

  Clara leapt safely into Mack’s arms, Viola quickly followed, then soon after, Taylor Robert.

  Viola looked around at the candlelit room. Strange markings were drawn on the dirt walls, and

  they appeared to glow.

  “What is this place?” Clara asked, still wiping the tears from her face.

  “A part of our family’s legacy that must be passed down to you both.” Taylor stated softly as

  he and the other man led them down a narrow passage that widened into a large room. Other

  members of the McQueen family sat huddled on the dirt floor, covered by sweat, dirt and soot.

  “They’ve been down here for days,” Taylor said with a sigh. “Mack.” He pointed to the

  slave who just accompanied them down the hole. “I’ll need you to look after my nieces should

  something ever happen to me.”

  “Uncle Taylor, please tell us what’s happening. I’m scared.” Viola glanced around the tiny

  space as she and Clara clung to each other.

  “Me too,” Clara admitted. “I want my mama.”

  “You’re mother is as good as dead,” Taylor huffed.

  “But, she’s your sister. You have to save her,” Viola told him.

  “This is my fault,” Clara stifled a sob. “She saved me and we left her.”

  Taylor grabbed Clara, forcing her to look at him. “Celeilia doesn’t want to be saved. Do you

  hear me? She can’t be saved.” He held his head down. “She made the pact with darkness. Now

  she’ll burn. But, she’ll rise again.”

  “What are you talking about?” Viola asked.

  “When she dies, your mother’s magic will pass over to you, Clara. Only then, can we save

  her for the afterlife,” Taylor explained. “For now, we sit and we wait.”

  Viola watched as a young boy walked up to Mack. Before their eyes, he shifted into a small

  wolf pup. They should have been surprised, but she wasn’t. She simply looked at Clara and they

  both smiled.

  “You girls need to get some sleep. If the plan goes the way we hope, we’re all free,”

  * * *

  Rose watched her Aunt Viola continue the story through a wall of tears. Sobbing, she

  grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. She glanced over at Storm who looked just as mortified.

  For a long while, silence fell upon the room as the other women wiped tears from their eyes.

  Shawn shook her head while Wes pulled her tight against him.

  “That night, Celeilia was hung. Her body torched.” Viola shook violently as she cried in

  memory of her aunt. “We stayed in that little hole for several days and nights as they searched high and low for us. Days later, Celeilia rose from her ashes, taking revenge on the McKay


  “Oh, my God!” Dehlia broke down sobbing.

  Rose simply nodded. “What happened to Taylor and the others?”

  “After she massacred most of the McKay family, we climbed out of that hole. Bodies were

  strewn about and burned all over the place. ‘Til this day, no grass grows on that patch of land near Queensville. Clara had to battle her own mother into submission. You see, while we were

  hiding in that hole, Taylor taught Clara and I what he could. She sought her mother out, yet

  Celeilia didn’t seem to recognize any of us. She was a soulless shell of a woman. It took all three of us to strike her down. And just before her mother took her last breath, she asked us all for forgiveness.”

  Rose watched Viola through a veil of tears.

  Her face twisted into a mask of stone as the woman recalled the family’s unsavory


  “Why didn’t you and Clara use your powers that night?”

  “We just thought we were strange kids,” Walter shrugged. “All the dream and fears we had

  were suddenly real.”

  “We were so young, and didn’t learn how to harness such great power. That night, we let

  fear rule us,” Viola added as her bottom lip trembled. “I’m so ashamed, because I could have

  done better. I should have saved her.” She broke down and wept.

  “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Storm reassured her. “You all were innocent, young

  children living amongst savages. What more could you do?”

  “If I could go back, I’d change everything. But, I can’t.” Viola sucked in a breath and held

  her head in her hands. “The Heightening took place between Clara and Celeilia, making her the

  most powerful witch in all of McQueen history. It took her awhile to balance the light and the

  dark. With Micah’s help, everything worked out. Unfortunately, our line will forever pay the

  price for my aunt’s actions.”

  The group sat and listened while tears rolled down their cheeks.

  “Not all of the McKay clan died out. Shifters were hunted for sport and mercilessly

  slaughtered for pure pleasure,” Viola continued. “Our family became a target. A bounty was

placed on our heads. Some of the McKays were turned into vampires to level the playing field.

  ‘Til this day, the McKay clan wars with us. McQueens exist in other parts of the country. Not just here in Raven’s Falls. Many are scattered all over.”

  “There are ones who refused to have anything to do with the McQueen family name or the

  power that comes with it.” Walter shook his head.

  “In denial,” Jesse noted. “What a shame.”

  “So, that’s when Clara and Micah founded Queensville and Raven’s Falls,” Storm added

  with a nod and a brief smile.

  “Yes. The citizens of Queensville and Raven’s Falls are descendants of the people we hid in

  the hole with.” Viola smiled and looked out the window. “And all the McQueen witches have

  been laid to rest acres away in the crypts that lie behind McQueen Manor.”

  “Raven’s Falls was the town to cleverly mask all the shifters seeking refuge from being

  hunted.” Rose nodded.

  “And, for our future generations. Before The Heightening, we must add in the happenings of

  that night,” Viola stated with a nod.

  “That’s sad, Aunt Viola.” Rose shivered. “Is Celeilia at peace now?”

  Viola closed her eyes briefly as she nodded. “Yes,” she answered with a smile.

  “Whatever happened to Taylor ?” Jasmine asked.

  “He was killed in The Civil War in 1864,” Viola stated, while tears cascaded from her eyes.

  “He was the one who taught Clara and myself about the dark side of our family. It was so easy for us to want to give up, but he wouldn’t hear of it.”

  “He was a good man,” Walter added with sorrow in his eyes.

  “Is there anything we should worry about in regards to corruption within the most recent

  generations?” Storm asked.

  Viola’s eyes widened. “We’ve all done things we’re not proud of. Although, we are witches

  and fight evil, we’re still somewhat mortal. I just want you all to know that.”

  Rose smiled at her aunt, knowing there was more to this than Viola spoke about. “Care to

  tell us?”

  “Yes, Aunt Viola. I’m not looking forward to anymore surprises,” Dehlia stated.

  Walter laughed. “Baby girl, you’re a McQueen. As long as you wield power, there are plenty

  more surprises where this one came from.”

  Viola simply nodded. “Child, I can’t go into every sordid detail of my life,” she said with a

  chuckle. “But, when the time comes to face your challenges, every last one of you will know

  what to do.”

  Rose looked at the oak grandfather clock next to the fireplace as it began to chime and

  sighed. “I suppose not. You really know how to make a person not want to sleep,” she teased her aunt.

  Shawn and Wes rose from the couch and kissed her. “We’ll see you all in the morning.”

  “Dad, are you sure you’re okay?” Rose searched her stepfather’s eyes, comforted in knowing

  that Wes was once again himself.

  “I’ve never felt better, dumpling.” Wes said with a warm smile and planted a kiss on her

  cheek. He shook Storm’s hand. “I’m so sorry.”

  Storm smiled. “It’s good to have you back, Wes.”

  “Good to be back.” With that, Wes and Shawn strode out of the parlor.

  Viola smiled and patted Rose on the knee. “The witching hour,” she joked with a chuckle

  and rose to her feet. “We all should get some rest.” She hugged Storm and Rose tight. “I’ll see you both in the morning,” she said then slowly strode over to the double doors.

  “Wait, Aunt Viola.”

  She turned around, lifting a brow.

  “Other McKays will track Raven’s Falls, won’t they?” Rose’s stomach trembled at the look

  in Viola’s eyes.

  “Let’s pray not too many, or it will be McKay Plantation all over again,” Viola said before

  taking her leave with Walter and Jesse by her side. “Tomorrow, we’ll imbue The Book of

  Whispers with what I’ve spoken of tonight. Goodnight, my sweet darlings.”

  Jasmine and Dehlia followed. “Night, you two.”

  “Ah, Dehlia.” Rose called after her niece. “Can we speak tomorrow?”

  “Aunt Rose, seriously?” Dehlia huffed.

  “Baby, I think this can wait,” Strom urged

  Rose nodded. “We’ll speak tomorrow.”

  “Good night,” Dehlia told them while rushing out of the parlor with Jasmine following her.

  “Goodnight,” Storm and Rose said simultaneously as the woman opened the doors, letting

  herself out.

  Storm ran his fingers through his hair. “I never knew such a history could exist,” he admitted

  as Rose leaned against his chest. Gently, he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. “The spirits only reveal to me what is needed,” he said breathlessly. “I love you Rose.”

  They both rose to head to their chambers. “And I love you,” she told him as they talked

  while strolling through the corridors.

  “You know, it feels good to finally have some semblance of peace,” Storm told her. “I have

  you. My powers are back. And everything’s going to be okay.”

  “For now,” Rose whispered as they crossed the threshold to their chambers. Once inside, she

  undressed and slipped beneath the covers of their bed.

  “Rose, you can’t be like that,” he admonished while slipping in bed beside her.

  “The Heightening is tonight. Aunt Viola—”

  “Shh. Everything will be all right. This is something that has happened many times in the

  McQueen family. It is the way. Power must be passed down to later generations. Elders must

  descend to The Higher Realm. It is the balance that must be preserved, Rose. There is no other


  “I’m trying to have an open mind, but I’m dreading this,” she admitted. “I feel like a thief for taking her power.”

  “Many years from now, Dehlia will be where you’re at and you’ll be in Viola’s position.”

  “Dehlia’s hell bent on having a vampire at her side,” Rose whispered. “How is that to be?”

  “Everything happens for a reason. It is not up to us, and as you know, we can’t help who we

  fall in love with.” He chuckled.


  “Sweet Rose.” He settled down in bed with her, pulling her close to his body. “Sleep.”

  Sweeping his fingers beneath her chin, he bent down to plant a breath-taking kiss on her lips.

  It made her insides turn to jelly. “Storm,” she murmured before drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You’ve got a hell of a way of putting a woman off.” Rose strolled up beside Storm as he dressed. She quickly dressed and glanced at the clock. “Ten o’clock. I didn’t sleep too late.”

  Storm turned and winked at her as he dressed in a white button down shirt. “You would still

  be sleeping if we’d made love. You would have been in a weakened state and that we cannot

  afford. You need all your energy for tonight.”

  “I needed my man,” Rose challenged.

  “You know, with The Heightening so close, that we must abstain from sex,” he reminded her

  gently. “Don’t you think I wanted it too?”

  “But, I need you. I want you.” She pouted slightly before smiling. A witch had to refrain

  from having sex before The Heightening to ensure a safe transference of power. “I understand.”

  “Looks as though the woman now battles the witch,” Storm told her with a smile as she


  She frowned at the admission. “Am I deserving of Viola’s powers? I don’t know

  wrong with me. A part of me wants to shirk my responsibilities. Yet, I can’t.”

  Storm ran his fingers through her hair. “Everything will balance out once The Heightening is

  over. Viola has told us this, remember?”

  She shook her head. “I feel like I’m on edge. There are so many emotions bubbling over

  inside of me. Everything is bleeding together,” she explained as they both made their way


  “I know, Rose. Let’s focus our thoughts on other things today. Maybe a trip to the magic

  shop after breakfast?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Hi everyone,” Storm greeted the family.

  “Welcome back, stranger.” Corey raised his orange juice.

  “Hey, how is everything?” Rose asked.

  “Things are back to normal. The wolves have been contained and answered for their crimes

  in other parts of the country. Once again, Raven’s Falls is safe for our citizens.”

  Rose smiled as she sat down, but then she noticed Dehlia giving her an evil glare. “What’s

  wrong, Dehlia?”

  Her niece narrowed her eyes. “I received a phone call earlier this morning from my boss.

  Rose, how could you!”

  “What’s going on now?” Walter asked as he took a sip of orange juice.

  “The potion you gave Niall has worn off. Only he didn’t know until he was away from his

  sanctuary in the bright-ass sun!” Dehlia chastised. “You broke your word to him and he’s coming over tonight. He’s so pissed off.”

  “Whoa. He’s not welcomed here. Especially not during The Heightening,” Viola told them

  both. “Rose, you’d better fix this.”

  “He can’t be allowed to walk the day, Viola.” Rose said.

  “I agree a hundred percent, but didn’t you give him any warning?” Jesse asked.

  “At the time, I made the decision based solely on this family’s welfare, without violating

  Clara’s pact,” Rose informed them. “He wouldn’t have helped us had he known the potion was


  “He’ll never help us again, should we need anything. Do you now that, Rose?” Dehlia

  sputtered. “You almost cost me—my job!”

  “Well, you don’t need to work for him. Vampires and witches, doesn’t bode well Dehlia. I’m


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