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Raven and the Rose

Page 12

by Knight, Charisma

  Jesse grabbed her arm. He must have been reading her mind. “It’s Viola’s destiny and you

  can’t interfere,” he warned her.

  Rose watched as Viola walked down the hall and out the door. She then looked to her


  Dehlia and Jasmine held their heads down, already weeping.

  “Uncle Jesse. I don’t think I can go through with this.” She gasped and choked back tears as

  they welled in her eyes. “Storm?”

  Storm held his head down. “You know we cannot interfere in these matters.”

  His voice was heavy and she could feel his pain. Backing away, Rose dashed down the

  hallway, the soles of her shoes pounding against the wooden floors. Summoning speed, she

  willed her legs to go faster. If it weren’t for the energy drain, she would’ve project herself into the forest. What Viola was about to do was sheer suicide—she couldn’t allow The Heightening to

  happen. She made her way out of the house and into the woods.

  Jesse and Tobias appeared in front of her, stopping her dead in her tracks.

  “What are you doing?” She bellowed. “I’ve got to stop her.”

  “The Book of Whispers said this would come to pass,” Jesse said, “You’re being irrational

  Rose. This is the way things must be.”

  She raised her hand and began chanting. “Don’t come near me again.”

  Storm appeared. “Rose, this is wrong. You know you mustn’t use magic against your own



  Up ahead in the woods, bolts of lightning gathered and swirled around the tops of the trees,

  capturing their attention. The wind picked up, howling throughout the air as two claps of thunder sounded off in the distance.

  “Aunt Viola!” Rose cried out, lunging forward.

  Storm captured her in his grasp.

  A heavy downpour of rain began, drenching them all.

  “We can observe, but we cannot interfere. Aunt Viola has made her decision.” Tobias

  squinted as the rain pelted his face. “What the hell’s the matter with you?”

  Realizing her errors of intending to use her magic on her family members, she stiffened,

  burrowing her face in Storm’s chest. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt any of you.”

  “No apologies necessary.” Tobias grabbed her hand in preparation to transport them deeper

  into the woods. “It’s tough.”

  When they appeared at the ancestral grounds, Viola stood proud in her white and gold

  ceremonial robes. Arms outstretched toward the heavens, she chanted the spell that would soon

  end her life. “C’tero, hiello, c’numbra, o’hala.” Several times, she chanted until the heavens

  released several flashes of lightning at once. The ground rumbled and shook, knocking them all to the muddied ground.

  Wiping her hair from her face, she saw her Aunt Viola fall to her knees, arms still

  outstretched. Above her, a lightning force swirled around her several times before striking the woman to the ground.

  “No!” Rose screamed as Storm covered her mouth. Her chest felt like it had caved in as she

  watched the figure in white lie completely still. It was done.

  “Move!” Tobias warned them as the pure bright light of energy rose into the air and circled

  above them a few times.

  While the men scuttled to their feet, she instinctively rose to her knees, arms outstretched to capture Viola’s magic. She swallowed hard when the energy ran through her, knocking her onto

  her back. Rose let out a scream of agony as the electric force blazed through her body, igniting every cell, every pore. Tears streamed down her face as Viola’s memories merged with her

  psyche. Faces of ancestors past came crashing into her mind and she saw Viola and Clara when

  they were just little girls, walking along the tobacco plantation.

  Rose gasped as she fell to the ground. The rain had stopped and the night became even

  darker. She could barely move and felt Storm hoist her up into his strong arms. “Storm.” She


  “Shh. Don’t talk.” She heard him say. “Is she going to be all right?”

  “Take her home Storm, get her into bed,” Jesse told him while looking into the sky. “She

  needs plenty of rest.” The blood moon has passed, our magic has heightened and things will be

  back to normal.”

  “Yeah,” Storm muttered. “Minus Viola.”

  “I’ll prepare her body for tomorrow’s ceremony,” Walter said with a stern look. “Corey.

  Jesse. Please help me.”

  The men gathered around Viola’s body as Storm carried Rose to their chambers.

  * * *

  The next evening, Rose awoke to the sound of wings flapping and thought she’d heard

  Storm shuffling around in their bedchambers. The French doors were propped open, allowing a

  warm breeze to filter through. She blinked several times.

  Storm wasn’t in the chambers and she chastised herself for sleeping so long. But it was

  necessary, thanks to the powers she’d inherited.

  Rose just laid there and didn’t want to get up.

  Kezzie squawked, and flew to her side. “Kezzie, you’ve returned.” Rose murmured, nuzzling

  her cheek against her familiar’s feathers. The evening would have been perfect, until her thoughts drifted to Viola. A tear plummeted down her cheek and she knew the McQueen family was safe

  —for now.

  Storm strode into the room, carrying a tray of food. “My sleeping beauty,” he teased as he

  slipped the tray onto the bed and sat down beside her. “I see Kezzie has greeted you. She returned a few hours ago.” He picked up the bird and set her at the end of the bed. “Mama needs her


  Kezzie squawked in response.

  “I’m starving, thank you Storm,” she admitted while looking at the tray of eggs over easy,

  bacon, a grapefruit half with a dash of sugar sprinkled over it and orange juice. Salivating, she licked her lips eagerly. A witch was always ravenous after experience The Heightening.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve cooked for you,” he admitted with a sheepish grin. “I thought

  my girl would like a little pampering.”

  “It’s greatly appreciated.”

  Storm swept his fingers beneath Rose’s chin and brushed her lips with his. Gently, they

  kissed for several long moments. “How are you?” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

  His fresh, woodsy scent mixed with musk and man invigorated her senses and she found

  herself looking forward to their next lovemaking session, but as always there were more pressing issues. “Viola’s body?”

  “Jesse, Walter, and Corey are preparing her. Once they’ve finished, we’ll start with the

  ceremony and I’ll take her spirit to the Higher Realm.” He gazed at her for a moment. “Rose, I’m so sorry.”

  “Me too,” she said with a quivering voice. “The blood moon has passed, I feel stronger, yet

  there’s a void that needs to be filled. One day, I’ll see her again, on the other side. Or, she’ll visit if I need her.”

  “Make no mistake, Viola will always guide you. I’m sure you’ll see glimpses of her every

  now and again,” Storm assured her.

  “I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I’m feeling alone, like my family is dwindling. What

  about you? Do you have any regrets?”

  “None. Everything we’ve been through, I’d gladly do all over again. You can’t have heaven

  without a little bit of hell. Unfortunately, death comes with the McQueen territory.”

  She forced a smile. “That’s a huge understatement.”
  “Eat, woman. You need your strength.” Storm extended his hand and Kezzie leapt into it.

  “Storm, stay with me.” Rose reached for his hand. She didn’t want to sound desperate, but

  oddly enough, she didn’t want to be alone.

  He smiled. “Okay. I’ve never known you to be so—”

  “Longing for company?” She sighed before biting into a piece of wheat toast covered with

  butter and jelly. Slowly, she chewed and swallowed. “Somehow, it seems like things are

  different. For once, I feel stronger, but I don’t want to lose you. I’ll try not to put witch duty before our relationship.”

  “On the contrary. There must be a balance and we can’t let our relationship come before

  McQueen business, you know that. We’re in this together, and we’ll pool together to make our

  energies stronger. Everything will be okay as long as we both remain focused while performing

  the tasks placed in front of us. That’s the way Clara would have wanted it.”

  Picking up a silver fork, Rose nodded. “That’s the way it’s always been.” She poked the egg,

  until the thick golden yolk spilled against the bacon and her grits. She ate until her plate was empty.

  “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, I’m full. I definitely need to go to the shop.”

  “I think the shop can wait,” he insisted. “The town will understand if it’s closed for a few

  days. Everyone’s been preparing for the ceremony.”

  “You’re right.” She got out of bed, showered and dressed in her white silk ceremonial gown

  before she and Storm went downstairs holding hands. “I’m so nervous Storm.” She glanced over

  at him as he was now dressed in his gold robe while they descended the right staircase of the


  “Don’t be. I’m here with you and promise to safely take Viola’s spirit to her final resting

  place,” he assured her as they made their way through the foyer of the large dining area, and out the back door and onto the stone deck, then down the winding flight of stairs into the garden

  behind the manor.

  The smell of hyacinth and peonies greeted them and the sound of wind chimes drifted in the

  air, alerting the McQueen spirits that another would soon be joining them.

  Rose couldn’t see them, but she sensed Clara, Micah, a few other McQueen Elders,

  including Viola were near. The hairs on the back of her neck raised and her skin pricked. She

  could just make out the silhouettes of her ancestors, but she needed more.

  “Do you sense them?” she asked Storm.

  “I can see them,” he said with a smile. When she frowned, he assured her. “Once the

  ceremony has ended, you will see them fully too.”

  The reassurance strengthened her confidence. The other McQueen witches entered the

  decorated area in a single file line. Rose began sniffling as she saw Aunt Viola laying in a glass coffin covered in hyacinth, peonies and irises and trimmed in gold. Before being seated, everyone viewed the body.

  “She looks like she’s sleeping.” Shawn wrapped an arm around Rose and cried. “I’ve cried

  so much already. I thought it was over with.”

  Rose stifled her tears. Now was the time for her to fully embrace her position within the

  family and make Viola proud. She smiled when she noticed how serene her aunt looked. Even in

  death, her lips were drawn into a peaceful smile.

  “She’s absolutely beautiful,” Storm said quietly.

  “Everyone, please be seated.” Walter stepped onto the platform, waiting for everyone to sit

  down. A hush fell over the room with the exception of sniffles, crying, and throat clearing.

  Rose braced herself for what was to come.

  “We mourn our sister Viola, but know she is about to begin her journey to the Higher Realm

  and will be at peace among our ancestors. Seneca and the others will be there, awaiting her with open arms. Viola led a very rich and fulfilling life. She fought alongside Clara, Jesse, and myself.

  At one hundred seventy-five years old, she fulfilled her destiny by mentoring witches, young and old. Witches within the family and outside our circle. Viola, you were born from earth and now, you shall return. Once you were bound in spirit, but soon you’ll return to The Old Ones in the

  Higher Realm. Viola, oh Blessed spirit, we bid thee farewell.”

  Storm shifted beside her and Rose squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for the next part of

  the ceremony. She trembled when she opened her eyes.

  “Viola, we’ve celebrated your birth,” Walter blew out the first candle, “And now we

  celebrate your death and journey to your final resting place.” With that, he blew out the last two candles before bowing his head.

  Rose shuddered when she heard an unstoppable wave of sobs from her family mingling with

  her own. It was over. She felt Storm tremble beside her, but he only shed a few tears. He

  squeezed her gently within his arms for reassurance as she allowed the tears to flow. Energy

  surrounded the circle and the breeze picked up. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw something move, and then someone touched her on the shoulder. It felt like a comforting,

  familiar, yet subtle touch. When she turned, no one was there. She smiled, knowing full well it was her aunt.

  Walter glanced up with tears in his reddened eyes and a saddened expression masking his

  stern features. His mouth turned down at the corners, bowing into a frown. The muscle in his jaw ticked as he looked in Rose and Storm’s direction. “Everyone form a circle around the coffin.”

  His strong masculine voice sound firm, yet gentle. “It is time.”

  Storm rose to his feet and walked down the cobblestone isle towards the altar and the glass

  casket until he stood face to face with Walter.

  Holding an athame, Walter kissed and blessed it. When everyone formed a circle, he began

  his chant. “On Raven’s wings, Viola’s spirit shall soar. Bless this body, bless the spirit and bless the spirit accompanying her on her journey.”

  Rose watched as Storm swiftly shifted into raven form and perched atop the glass coffin. His

  clothes now lie in a bunch next to the coffin. She looked around as McQueen family members of

  the past slowly began to appear before her eyes. A strong sense of pride filled her when the barely there silhouettes took on a misty translucent form.

  Jesse and Walter seemed to be unaffected by the appearance of the Elder Spirits, but Tobias,

  Dehlia, Jasmine and Rose had the pleasure of seeing such a sight because they weren’t elders,

  although they could sense them. The ability to see fallen McQueen witches and Micah

  Ravencloud was a huge deal and meant the witches were no longer neophytes.

  When Clara Rose looked at her and winked, Rose smiled and nodded at her distant ancestor.

  Pictures did the woman no justice, she decided. Her long black and silver hair hung in coils down past her shoulders. Her caramel skin appeared to be flawless, but hinted delicate age lines around her facial features.

  Clad in white beside her stood Micah. His jet-black hair hung in thick strands to his waist.

  His Stern features softened when Rose smiled at him and he nodded.

  A white aura surrounded Viola’s body in the coffin. It streamed out and encircled Storm.

  Raven and spirit meshed, and with the flap of his wings, Storm descended into the air, quickly

  disappearing into the night sky. The other spirits disappeared one by one, leaving an empty,

  sordid feeling of pain and loss in the garden.

  Tobias walked over to her, sat down and rubbed her back. “You okay?”

�m great,” Rose smiled. “But I miss them all.”

  “We’re on our paths now,” he told her. “This should prove to be interesting.” He transported

  himself from her side to across the garden and back. “It feels good to be able to do that without losing energy.”

  “Show off,” she snickered while watching Tobias smile.

  Walter walked over to them both. “We’re operating at full throttle now. There is no longer

  any blood moon to stake its claim on our powers. Just don’t forget how valuable they are and

  don’t use them for unethical purposes.”

  “I was just testing my transportable power, that’s all Uncle Walter.”

  “Um-hmm.” Walter turned to Rose. “You know if you have any questions, you can ask me

  or Jesse.”

  “Yes, I won’t hesitate to ask you anything.”

  “Good. Tobias, Jesse, Wes. I need you all help me to carry Viola’s coffin into the McQueen


  All the men nodded while the woman collected the chairs. Food had been prepared, but no

  one had much of an appetite. Finger sandwiches, cheese and vegetables were the only items

  consumed, while the main courses just sat.

  Jasmine, Dehlia, Rose and Shawn put the food away later that night, they tried to speak with

  her, but Rose wasn’t up for conversation.

  “Rose, darling, you really should get your rest,” Shawn told her. “It’s been a long day.”

  “I’ve been asleep longer than any of you. I’m fine,” Rose assured them all.

  “Long day? Aunt Shawn, it’s been a traumatic long five days. The blood moon nearly

  stomped the hell out of all of us,” Jasmine exclaimed

  “But we prevailed,” Rose told her. This teaches us that we can overcome anything, and don’t

  you forget it.”

  “Rose is right,” Dehlia admitted sheepishly. “Even though we don’t see eye to eye on things,

  I must agree with her.”

  “Which reminds me, we need to talk,” Rose stated sharply to Dehlia.

  “Oh, not the Niall business again. Let it go, Rose. I’m going to do what I want anyway and

  there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

  “Perhaps your conversation is suited for another time,” Shawn intervened. “It’s getting late

  and we don’t want anything spoiling The Heightening. Do you think we can let this evening pass


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