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Rose from the Grave

Page 1

by Candace Murrow

  Rose from the Grave

  Published by Candace Murrow at Smashwords

  Copyright 2011 Candace Murrow

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Other titles by this author

  Connect with the author online


  He thought he'd stuffed these tendencies, kept them hidden in the shadows since that fateful day he made a mistake and hurt that poor girl. He was much younger then, teased and jabbed, full of resentments. But he'd put his youthful past behind him, moved on, and made a respectable life for himself. All those disobedient thoughts were put in their place. Everything was under control until that woman came along and messed up his life.

  He could still remember her bony neck, delicate as a sparrow's, cupped tightly in his hand, her body's contours soft against him, and the sweat trickling down her chest, acrid with fear.

  It wasn't supposed to end that way. She'd struggled, yes, but too soon her body went limp.

  One would think this unfortunate event would scare the tendencies into submission, but no. It only set them free to desire another outlet. And now he had no choice but to find relief again.


  The door burst open with such force it banged against the doorstop. Kat slid a grocery sack on the counter and grabbed the receiver, breathless. "Hello?"

  Dead silence.

  "Hello? Is anybody there?" She heard the aggravating click.

  She'd raced inside after a wrong number, and now she stood in the middle of her refurbished oak floor in her wet boots and dripping raincoat. This was all she needed after spending the better part of the morning with her number one difficult client, a man who'd been searching for the perfect house for the last five years and had changed his mind endless times, today included. One more year in the real estate business and Kat definitely needed a change.

  She fled to the mud room and deposited her coat on the washing machine, unzipped and stepped out of her boots, then grabbed the nearest dishtowel. Just as she finished sopping up the puddles on her lovely kitchen floor, the phone rang again. She tossed the towel in the sink, snatched the receiver, and barked, "What!"

  A pause ensued, long enough for her to consider hanging up, until a man whispered in guttural sounds she could barely make out, "Pussssycat."

  She dropped the receiver as if it were charged with electricity and shook her head in disgust. Those odd, disturbing calls couldn't be happening again. Just as her mind began to touch on the dreaded weeks following her sister's death, the rain pelted the windows, scattering the memories.

  To compose herself, she took a long, even breath and ran her fingers through her hair, letting the auburn strands cascade over her shoulders. For added distraction, she tuned the radio to News 1000 and focused on the weather report. The forecast called for showers, typical for a dreary Seattle October.

  Three years ago in October, during her last official vacation, she'd lounged the week away in a rented Mexican villa. Picturing the glistening sands and shimmering sea, she wished she were there now, minus the man she'd walked away from--Jeff, the attorney, a nice enough guy but boring.

  She preferred her men with an edge, men who could spark the edge in her, but the men she opened her heart to were the dangerous kind, and it never, ever worked out. For the umpteenth time she vowed never to tread those waters again.

  A persistent knocking drew her to the front of the house. Considering the call she'd just received, she stayed behind the closed door and asked the visitor's identity.

  "It's me, Maggie. Open up before this wretched wind blows me off the porch."

  "What are you doing out in this miserable weather?" Kat asked as Maggie Loggins, owner of the real estate company Kat worked for, blustered in. "I just got home. You almost missed me."

  Maggie, Kat's friend and mentor, was in her sixties, her hair highlighted and styled in a handsome cut, her makeup professionally applied. She always wore designer suits and hats, her appearance reflecting her success. Today was no exception. She shed her raincoat and produced a document from her briefcase. "I need you to sign this."

  "What is it, and why did you make a special trip to bring it over when I could deal with it in the morning?"

  "You were in such a rush to get to your appointment today I didn't have time to talk to you."

  "About what, and how does it warrant a trip out in this driving rain? Couldn't it wait?"

  "Kat, dear, why don't we sit down?"

  Maggie's quiet tone jarred Kat into realizing her own words were coarse and abrupt. She paused to soften her reply. "It's been a rough day. Would you like coffee or to stay for dinner? I could make a salad, or we could order in."

  "I can't stay, but I think we need to have a talk."

  "What is it, Maggie?"

  With eyes that could laser through a brick wall, Maggie gave Kat a look that made her squirm. "For starters, you look so worn out these days. You've been working longer hours than usual. You're forgetful. I've even heard you snap at your clients. And, Kat, you look like you never sleep."

  "I don't, not even with the Valium."

  "It's been this way ever since you buried Brianna."

  Kat's eyes stung. The hurt from her sister's death was as tender as if it had happened yesterday. She clamped down on her lower lip to steady her emotions.

  "Let's sit down, all right?" Maggie sat on the couch while Kat took the easy chair next to the fireplace.

  "You know what bothers me the most, Maggie? I can't even fathom why she did it. She had everything to live for."

  "I know, dear," Maggie replied. "You've been wrestling with this for the last six months. You're weary and distraught. Why don't you consider taking some time off? Jim can cover for you, and you can pick up when you get back."

  Kat cradled her arms. "That's what Dr. Rosen recommended when I saw him this afternoon. He suggested I take a leave of absence."

  "See? Great minds think alike." Maggie smiled. "Seriously, Kat, I'm worried about you. After what happened, you started getting those awful crank calls. That would have been enough to drive anyone over
the edge. Thank goodness they've stopped."

  Kat glanced away for a moment, offering no response.

  "They did, didn't they?"

  "Yes . . . maybe. I did get some weird calls tonight when I got home. I thought the first one was a wrong number, but when he called the second time--"

  "He called more than once?"

  "Yes, and he made a connection to my name, odd as it was, or if he didn't, he was damn lucky."

  "Did you call the police?"

  "What would I say? I have no clue who it might be."

  "I told you to get caller ID."

  "I rarely use my landline, and besides, the calls stopped for a while. Now, I just don't know."

  "Then unplug it or get rid of that outdated piece of junk."

  Kat shrugged. "I guess I should."

  "Why don't you get out of town for a while and get some perspective? Come back when you're stronger and better able to cope with things."

  Kat wandered into the kitchen, leaving Maggie in the living room. She pulled a carton of yogurt from her grocery sack, intending to place it in the fridge, but paused, leaned into the counter, and peered off into the distance.

  Maggie stood in the doorway, observing. "What's on your mind, Kat?"

  She looked at Maggie with lifeless eyes. "I haven't taken care of Brianna's personal belongings. I haven't been in her house since that one time. It's been unoccupied for six months, and I need to put it on the market. I haven't wanted to deal with it until now."

  "There you go," Maggie said. "Not that going to Rosswood would be the best vacation I could dream up for you. I mean, a cruise to the Islands would be a whole lot better, but maybe taking care of Brianna's affairs is something you have to do. For closure. And maybe you can find the answers you're looking for as to why she killed herself. Maybe that's just what you need to do to get through this."

  Kat nodded, her mind already projecting to the house on the dead-end street. She stared into her friend's eyes. "I've never told you this, Maggie, but I've had visions of Brianna. I keep seeing her face, mostly in dreams."

  "No wonder you can't sleep."

  "Her face is horribly distorted," Kat said, "as if I'm seeing her at the moment of death. Could carbon monoxide poisoning cause a person to die with fear in their eyes? She has this bloodcurdling fear in her eyes. She must have panicked at the last minute, as though she wished she hadn't done it, but it was too late."

  Maggie drifted to the counter where Kat was standing and touched her shoulder, causing Kat to jerk. "See there? Your nerves are raw." She rubbed her palm up and down Kat's back. "Listen, dear, as of tonight you are officially off the job. I want you to pack your bags and get out of this house first thing in the morning. And no arguments. A change of scenery will do you good, even if it is only Rosswood. Maybe facing Brianna's death head-on will clear things up."

  Maggie wandered into the living room, trailed by Kat, and picked up the document she'd brought. "Sign and date this so I can go. It's the commission split you and Jim agreed on the last time you were out of town. Jim's onboard with this. Between him and me we'll handle things." She waited while Kat signed the paper, then packed it away.

  Kat slipped the raincoat over Maggie's shoulders. "Thanks for listening to my problems."

  "Are you going to be all right?"

  "I feel better already just having a plan. Maybe someone in Rosswood can shed light on Brianna's state of mind because I just can't understand why."

  On the porch Maggie said to Kat, "You don't have to stay in Brianna's house when you're there. You can always get a room in a nice bed and breakfast, or rent a place for a few weeks or months, however long it takes."

  "I'll be fine."

  "Don't come back until you're ready," Maggie said. "Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing."

  "I will. If you need to send me anything, send it or fax it to the Rosswood post office. I'll let them know, and I'll pick it up there. And thanks."

  After giving Kat a long, warm hug, Maggie hurried down the sidewalk, hunched against the rain, and drove off in her black sedan. Kat put away her groceries but skipped dinner and went straight to her room to pack.

  Lately, Kat had been afraid to sleep in her own bed because the visions, which had increased in frequency, usually haunted her there. With her pillow and blanket in tow, she aimed for the sofa and thought of her sister.

  The last time Kat had talked to Brianna, the day before her death, Brianna shared her hopes of breaking into the business of writing children's books, and she was enthusiastic about spending time with a neighbor. A week before, she'd sent Kat a picture of herself smiling and sporting a spiky new hairdo. Brianna had fought depression all her life, but Kat never dreamed she would kill herself.

  Kat adjusted the pillow to her satisfaction and fell asleep, but tonight she couldn't get away from the dream. Her sister's anguished face startled her awake.

  A shrill ring sounded from the kitchen.

  Shivering from the chill with her pulse pounding in her ears, she staggered into the kitchen. Without thinking, she picked up the receiver. "Yes?"

  A long pause, a sharp breath, and the agonizing click.


  Kat veered off the interstate and came to a halt at the stop sign. Six miles to the right was the town of Benton. Anxious to get to Rosswood, she signaled left and crossed the overpass. A mile from the freeway was an older rustic motel set back against the trees.

  She advanced down the two-lane road, slicing through firs and pines, the sun casting fingered shadows across her winding path. With the window opened a crack, the air inside was enlivened with a fresh pine scent, a far cry from the sooty diesel smell that hung over the city.

  Fiddling with the radio, she couldn't find a decent station, not even country. The silence, except for the slap of tires on pavement, was both welcoming and irritating. She needed to escape the constant static of phone calls and clients, but she was simply not prepared for the quiet. She tried whistling, but her feeble attempt was pitiful.

  Unfortunately, Rosswood was still over twenty miles away, and the four cups of coffee she'd downed earlier to combat the influence of the Valium were having an undeniable effect.

  When she rounded the final curve, the trees opened up into a broad green expanse, and the tops of buildings appeared in the far distance. Soon she would be at Brianna's house. But a strange sputtering from her car's engine, a hit and miss, alerted her to a problem with her SUV. The car was losing power. Kat swung to the roadside, turned off the engine, and cursed.

  Of all the times for something to go wrong. At least it hadn't happened two hours ago when she would have been stranded up in the mountains away from civilization. Although the beginnings of the town were evident, in her high-heeled boots walking was not an option. Yet, getting to a restroom was a definite concern.

  After checking for cars in her rearview mirror, she popped the hood release and scurried out. The dry air burned her nostrils. The wind coming off the surrounding mountains whipped through the valley, blowing her hair in all directions. She smoothed it down the best she could and hiked up the collar of her short leather jacket.

  On both sides of the road were vast tracts of undeveloped grassland, but a good stretch of the land across the road from Kat was partially lined with a chain-link fence, laced with barbed wire. Inside, a large wooden placard read "Future Home of Wheeler Resort." The sign was riddled with bullet holes.

  Kat propped up her car's hood. While she poked at the radiator hose to check for leaks, a pickup that had seen better days slowed alongside her, then swerved off the road and parked ahead of the SUV.

  Ignoring the truck, she bent over to check the ground for a water spill when a wet nose butted her rear end. She whirled around, squealing. Her face flushed with shock and anger at the golden retriever who was now nosing her crotch. She lifted her arms to the heavens and backed into the front bumper. "Get away. Get away."

  "Zeke, come!" A notable-looking man, tal
l, slender, seemingly out of character in his dusty jeans, boots, and cowboy hat, swaggered toward her, his lips barely suppressing a grin. The dog charged back and stared up at him, awaiting further command. "Sorry about that. Need any help?"

  As much as she hated to depend on anyone, especially a stranger, even if he was catalog handsome, she had no choice. Anything mechanical was a foreign language. "If you don't mind." Her gaze shifted to the dog, who was inching forward, looking as if he were about to get curious again.

  The man, attentive to her concern, sauntered back to his truck and pulled down the tailgate. "Here, boy." The dog leaped into the truck bed, and the man secured the tailgate. "Are you afraid of dogs?"

  "Not well-behaved ones." Kat peered under the hood. She was in no mood to chitchat, not with a full bladder begging for relief.

  He stood beside her, and despite the thickness of her jacket sleeve, she could feel his warm, muscular arm pressing against hers. To break contact, she purposely took a step to the left.

  As soon as he viewed the engine, he wiggled the battery cables and checked the spark plugs. "Loose spark plug wire." He cocked his head and raised his brows as if to say any idiot could have figured it out. At least that was what Kat read in his expression. "I'll get some pliers to tighten the connector. One of your battery cables is loose, too. I'll get a wrench."

  Before he even touched his toolbox, he removed his hat, ran his fingers through his thick, black hair, specked with silver, and favored his dog with a long, gentle stroke. He appeared to be around fifty, ten years older than Kat. Finally, he settled his hat in place and dug around for his tools, taking an inordinate amount of time. The dog paced the bed, whining and wagging his tail.

  The man looked familiar to Kat, probably one of the many townspeople she'd seen in passing when she came here to identify Brianna's body and talk to the sheriff about her death. She'd only stayed in the town a day, long enough to arrange for the burial and to lock up her sister's house.


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