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Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Lea Barrymire

  When he released her breast, she moaned and almost begged for him to do it more, harder, longer. She couldn’t believe she was going to not only give into this male and have sex, but possibly might have her first real orgasm with him. She realized that he was staring at her with a smirk on his face.

  “Was that painful?” He rubbed his face on her breasts like a cat, rumbling a deep purr in his chest. His face was smooth against her heated skin.

  “Um, no,” she breathed. Then she decided that she might as well be completely honest with him. “It actually felt really good in a hot kind of way.”

  He grinned toothily and chuckled. The laugh vibrated through her body and almost drew a moan from her lips. She grinned back and relaxed into the bed. If he could make her feel that good by doing nothing but sucking on her nipples, she bet he could make her feel really good by doing other things.

  “Let’s see if this feels good, too.” He slid further down her body until he was kneeling on the ground. He pressed on her legs until she spread them open. He wedged his shoulders between her thighs and rumbled something she couldn’t hear as he stared at her open pussy. She blushed and wiggled a little under his scrutiny. No one other than her doctors had ever looked so closely at her girly parts.

  Maggie jumped when a thick finger slid down her folds, swirling around the opening of her vagina. She looked down just in time to watch him lean forward and take a long swipe along her folds with his tongue. She closed her eyes and threw her head back against the mat. His hot breath feathered along her heated flesh, sending goose bumps down her legs. Nothing had ever felt this good. Ever. He licked her repeatedly while dipping a finger into her opening, slowly swirling around the slick skin. She wanted more, needed more.

  With a gasp, she sank further into the bedding. He used his tongue to slide slick circles around her clit, breathing hot air onto her swelling nub. With warm, firm lips, he slowly sucked it into his mouth letting out a hum of satisfaction. It vibrated against her clit, shooting sensations along her nerves. A cry slipped through her parted lips as she jerked involuntarily against his lips. The pressure from the suction and the flicks he gave the swollen nub were almost too much. She thrashed on the bed and cried out when he thrust a finger into her vagina. The intrusion was enough to send her spiraling over the edge, blasting apart as an orgasm gripped her. She moaned out with her release, wishing she could wrap her arms or legs around the man that had just given her the best orgasm of her life.

  “Wow.” She breathed the word through trembling lips. She looked down her body at the male still pinned between her thighs. She grinned at his satisfied smirk. “Wow.”

  “I’m going to take you now, but I will be gentle. Tell me if anything I do is painful.” He slowly crawled up her body with all the grace of a predator stalking prey. He purred as he dipped and suckled a nipple before licking a path from her collarbone to her ear. Maggie squirmed and sighed as he laved attention to her skin. His tongue was thick and slightly rough, sending delicious sensations through her body. He nibbled on her neck, causing shivers to slide down her spine. He breathed a whisper across her shoulder. “Spread your thighs, little human.”

  Maggie moaned and did as directed, spreading her legs to accommodate his hips. He was cradled intimately between her thighs, resting against her mound. He reached down and undid his pants, pushing them down enough for his cock to come free. Hot flesh nestled in her wet folds. She wanted him to move, to rub his hard shaft against her. Her need was already climbing toward another climax and she wanted it with mindless passion. He rocked his hips slightly, sliding his massive cock along her slit, rubbing against her clit, drawing a long moan from her throat. He lifted his hips and pushed forward until the crown of his cock slid to the mouth of her opening.

  “Look in my eyes, human,” he growled. His voice was deep and strained. Maggie opened eyes she couldn’t remember shutting to look deeply into the golden depths, amazed to see passion and need shining there. He shifted his hips again and started pushing his shaft into her passage with slow, continuous pressure. He groaned and watched her through half hooded eyes as he penetrated her depths. She gasped at the feel of him filling her.

  Pressure built until she wanted to tell him to stop, but the slight pain was almost pleasurable. She had never felt so full, so taken. He caged her body with his, taking what he wanted but with gentleness she would have guessed he was incapable of. She moaned when she felt him bottom out. He was all the way in her body, filling her until all her senses could only feel him. His scent enveloped her, his heat bathed her, and his strength held her captive. She wanted it all. She wanted him to move so she could feel him slide inside her. She wanted to come around him so she would finally know what it felt like to milk a gorgeous cock.

  “I’m going to move now, little human. You are so hot and tight. I don’t know how long I will be able to hold back, but I promise not to hurt you,” he ground out between clenched teeth. He slid his shaft out of her body until just the head was held within and then with a groan slowly slid back in. He breathed in rapid gasps, and his body became slick with sweat. The strain of holding back and not powering into her body made him tremble.

  “Please. Harder. I can take it.” She begged with her eyes and her voice. Another orgasm was building, tightening her muscles with each stroke of his cock. She needed more. “Oh, please.”

  He did as she bid, pumping his hips faster and harder. The only sounds echoing within the cell walls were made by their bodies slapping together. The increase in tempo and strength had Maggie barreling toward the orgasm she so desperately wanted. She could feel her muscles clamping around his shaft, driving her need higher. With a quick shift he changed the angle of his strokes, pulling an animalistic keen from her.

  “Come for me, little human.” He licked the skin at the base of her ear and nibbled lightly along her neck, breathing his hot words across her skin. The combination of sensations and command in his deep voice was her undoing. She cried out with the force of her climax, her mind shattering into pieces.

  He growled a roar against her skin as he came with her, thrusting deeply into her body. Her muscles clamped down on his shaft, thrumming around the hard flesh. She could feel hot streams of cum flooding her passage as he came with her, throbbing within her walls. The heat and pressure sent her over the edge again, falling into another blissful climax. It wasn’t as strong as her first two, but it was delicious in how deep she quaked. She threw her head back and moaned with the sensation. Never had she felt so sated. A contented sigh whispered across her lips.

  “Sleep now, little human. You’re safe with me. Nothing can hurt you.” His voice rumbled along her skin. His rapid heartbeats thumped against her chest as she tried to catch her breath. He slid off her body, grabbing the blanket off the floor. He lay on the narrow bed along her side and covered both of their bodies with the sheet.

  “Couldn’t you untie me? I promise I won’t do anything. I don’t sleep well on my back, and this is really uncomfortable.” Maggie watched his face as she spoke her request. She really wanted to be able to move around, but she feared his anger.

  “I will move the ties to one side so you may sleep on your side. Until you know me and trust me, I’m going to keep you tethered for your own safety. Something about having you bound helps me keep control.” He climbed off the bed and quickly attached both of her wrist restraints to one side of the bed. Once finished, he maneuvered himself onto the bed, turning Maggie on her side and pulling her body into his. He wrapped a strong arm around her waist and snuggled his face into her neck. “Go to sleep now. Tomorrow will be a long day, and you need your rest.”

  Maggie lay wrapped in alien male arms for a few minutes, listening to his breathing even out. She wondered if he was asleep when she felt him lick her neck lightly. She giggled before she could stop the reaction to the tickly feeling.

  “You find my licking you as funny?”

  “No, but it did tickle. Do you mind if I ask you for your
name? Mine is Maggie.” She blushed as she realized that she had sex with this male and didn’t even know his name. He had licked and sucked on her pussy and gave her the most mind-blowing orgasms without knowing a single thing about her.

  “Maggie. I like the sound of your name. Mine is Raharan. You will call me Master when we’re around other males, but in this room you may address me by my name.” He snuggled her a little closer to his body. “Now, go to sleep, little Maggie.”

  She closed her eyes and let the exhaustion take her into a dreamless sleep while protected by her alien master.

  Chapter 4

  The ringing of a bell sounded through the halls and came through the cell walls slightly muted. Maggie turned to watch Raharan move around the cell. She had been lying on her side observing his daily routine without an ounce of gumption to get off the bed. She was pleasantly tender between her legs, but in a good way. He had woken her twice in the night for sex, and she had climaxed at least twice each time. He’d let her sleep curled in his arms all night.

  “We’re being called to the cafeteria for food.” He bent down and ran a finger along her cheek. She grinned and pressed her face into his hand. She snuck her tongue out to lick his palm and chuckled at the sound he made in the back of his throat.

  “Come, little Maggie. We can play later, but right now we need to go get food or we will go hungry.” He patted her lightly one more time, and then she squealed when he picked her up off the bed and flung her lightly over his shoulder. Settling her with his strong hands and circling a thick arm around her knees he trapped her legs against his body.

  “Raharan, put me down. I need to use the toilet and put some clothes on.” She lightly beat on his lower back. His shoulder was so wide her hips rested fully on them. God, he was a large male. She gasped when a warm hand grasped her thighs and pulled her legs securely against his chest. She wondered for a moment where his other hand had gone until it struck her lightly on her bare ass. She squeaked at the loud sound, but it hadn’t really hurt.

  “Stop struggling, little human. We will stop at the bathing room for a moment to allow you to relieve yourself. There you will find suitable clothing. I will carry you there like this baring your pussy to all we see if you do not stop squirming.” Amusement colored his voice, but Maggie knew that he was also telling her the truth. She stopped moving and relaxed against his back, staring down at his firm ass. She squashed the urge to run her hands over that most perfectly formed male anatomy. She’d not been given the ability to touch him at all so far, and the need was intense. She didn’t want to anger him, though, so she kept her thoughts and her hands to herself.

  “Sorry. I’m not used to being tossed over anyone’s shoulder. For a human I am tall and too heavy for most men to lift easily. I promise to stop moving. Can you let me down now?” she pleaded. Her head was already starting to pound with the blood pooling there. She knew her face as turning red.

  With a quick slide, he set Maggie gently on her feet. He held her upper arms in a firm grip and stared into her face. She had to tilt her head way back to see his face. He was definitely close to seven feet of muscular male. She had seen men that were into weight lifting, but Raharan was so massive and muscled that he dwarfed them. She felt small and had a flash of fear run through her body. He could so easily hurt her, snap her in two with nothing more than a slight flex of those muscles.

  Nostrils flared before a low growl rumbled from his chest. “I promised not to harm you. Why are you afraid again?”

  “You are just so big. You could easily hurt me without even breaking a sweat.”

  “Come, Maggie. Only time will show you that I’m not going to hurt you. We must get moving, or we will miss breakfast.” He turned and started toward the door that she just noticed was open. She scowled and scampered after Raharan. Why would they be allowed to walk freely around if they were kept in cells?

  At the door she stopped moving and stared, wide-eyed into the corridor. Males filled the hallway, most of them wearing very little clothing. They were all massive like Raharan and almost as if it was synchronized they all turned to stare at her. She stumbled backward into the cell, covering her breasts with her arm and her mound with her other hand. Fear coursed through her body.

  “Maggie, come here now. You must come out of the cell right now.” Raharan scowled at her from the doorway.

  “I can’t go out there. I’m naked. What if they touch me?” she babbled while still moving deeper into the cell. If she could just get to the bed and grab the sheet, she’d feel better. With Raharan she had forgotten that she was naked, or it hadn’t bothered her to be so with him. She refused to be naked and vulnerable in front of those other males.

  She was jerked from her thoughts by a large hand wrapped around her upper arm. She looked up into the angry face of Raharan and cowered into herself. Her body quivered with fear, icy terror skating down her spine. He was going to hurt her now, she knew it. He told her that if she didn’t listen to him he would punish her and that the punishments were harsh. She closed her eyes in acceptance.

  “Open your eyes, little human.” The softness of his voice was like a caress. Maggie opened her eyes to find beautiful gold eyes staring into hers. “I am going to carry you from the cell so you are not punished for remaining behind. The other males will not harm you, I promise. Now, wrap your arms around my neck so I can lift you.”

  Surprise had her complying with the instructions before she could think about it. She buried her head in his neck and shut her eyes tight. His scent and warmth wrapped around her, bringing her fear under control.

  * * * *

  “We are in the bathing room. You can unbury yourself now. No one will see you. You have a couple of minutes to relieve yourself and to find a suitable shirt to wear. I have had all the other males leave so you and I are alone.” His soft, rumbling voice soothed her further. She opened her eyes to find them inside a shower room of sorts that contained a few toilets and cabinets. The walls were made of the same metal that she had seen throughout the ship. The floor seemed to be some form of material instead of the cold metal of the cells.

  She nodded slightly to let him know she understood. Sliding down Raharan’s body was an enticing journey but not enough to stop her from rushing to one of the toilets to take care of things. She glanced at him to make sure he had turned around to give her some privacy. That he was conscious of her discomfort made her smile. She finished her business and walked to one of the cabinets. He hadn’t said that she could shower, so she didn’t even approach that part of the room. Within the cabinets she found piles of fresh shirts and pants. They looked to be for the males and way too large for her body. With a sigh she pulled out a white shirt and pulled it over her head. The hem went to her knees like a dress. She giggled at how small and dainty she felt clothed in the massive shirt. She quickly rolled the sleeves a bunch of times until her hands were free and turned to find Raharan watching her with hooded eyes.

  “You look good in our clothes, Maggie.” His voice was low and rough. She could tell he was turned on by the growing bulge in his pants. The obvious reaction to her pulled an answer from her body. Warmth spread through her, and she felt wetness seeping from her opening. She knew that she should be embarrassed about his reaction and her reaction to him, but she just couldn’t find the emotional space for that.

  She felt her body reacting with a warm rush of heat to her pussy. A blush rushed up her face as wicked thoughts moved through her mind. She wanted to know what he tasted like. An image of her dropping to her knees in front of him and slowly removing his cock from his pants rushed through her. The heat and need the image provoked was almost enough to make her act on the picture. Moisture pooled in her slit.

  Would his member look like a human’s? She hadn’t seen his cock last night. Curiosity made her take a few steps toward him while still focusing on the cock trapped behind the material of his pants. Would he taste salty like her last boyfriend? He had made her go down on him a few tim
es during their relationship. She hadn’t really enjoyed it, but with Raharan it might be different. Maybe she could ask him to teach her how to give him that kind of pleasure. He had gone down on her and gave her amazing orgasms. Perhaps he would let her reciprocate.

  “What are you thinking about so thoroughly?” His voice pulled her from her thoughts and caused a blush to rush under her skin. She looked up into his smiling face and blushed even darker. He knew. The knowing smirk that played across his lips was enough to make her want to run and hide. His eyes shined with lust. “You are tempting when your face colors like that. You were looking at my cock like you wanted to eat me for breakfast, little Maggie. Is that what you were thinking?”

  She just stared into his eyes. Admitting to her thoughts was almost more embarrassing than being caught staring at his crotch. She could tell her face was beet red already. She didn’t need to add more color to it. She grimaced when he chuckled and moved toward her.

  “You don’t need to answer me. I can see it in your eyes. You may act on your thoughts later, but right now we need to go. Come, wrap your arms around me again. I feel the need to carry you.” He gave her only a moment to act before swinging her up against his chest and cradling her in his arms. She buried her face in his neck again out of embarrassment and need. He purred deep in his chest, rumbling against her body. “I can smell your need. We will eat quickly and go back to the cell.”

  She could only nod. She was hungry, but not for food, and that was a new and exciting thing for her.

  Chapter 5

  “Maggie, right? I don’t know if you remember, but my name is Nora. Ellie is over there with one of the males, and I saw Lindsay just before you got here. How are you doing?”

  Raharan had set her down at a table next to Nora and instructed her to stay there while he got food for the two of them. He had told her that she was allowed to talk with the other human, but they would be monitored. The relief that flooded her system at seeing one of the other women was enough to bring tears to her eyes.


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