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Bigger Than the Sky (Serenity Point)

Page 13

by Harper Bentley

  I’m still trying to put myself back together when he releases my wrists and turns me to face him, his lips coming down on mine while his hands work at undoing my jeans and pulling them and my panties down. He then moves away and reaches behind his neck, muscles flexing as he tears his thermal and t-shirt off while my shaking fingers are not so deftly trying to unbutton his jeans. His hands replace mine, mastering the buttons and pulling his jeans down where I see he’s going commando. Whoa. God, that body. So hard. So ripped. He leans down to unlace his boots then toes them off, kicking them and his jeans to the side. While he does this, I grab the bottom of my sweater and yank it over my head and off, tossing it wherever, doing the same with my bra.

  And, God, I need him. I need him. Need him inside me this very moment or I think I’ll die. My fingers claw at his shoulders, bringing him closer to me. “Kade, inside me now! Please!” I pant.

  He puts a hand behind my knee, drawing my leg up to curl around his hip holding it there then taking his cock in his other hand, bends his knees, positioning himself at my opening, and thrusts up inside me so hard and deep that that’s all it takes. I scream his name as another climax slams through me or the first one’s still going, I don’t know, and my fingers are digging into his shoulders, my neck arching, my head falling back as I break completely apart right there in his arms.

  Oh, my God.

  I can’t remember why I’ve been telling myself this is a bad idea. This is a good idea. A very good idea.

  I keep my eyes closed as my head comes up, so lost in all the sensations that have invaded me, mind, body and soul.

  “Open your eyes,” I hear his gravelly voice call to me.

  When I do, my eyes lock onto his, which are so full of intensity… so full of pride because he knows he’s made me come hard… and so full of… love. God.

  He’s moving powerfully inside me now and I look down to see his rippled ab muscles flexing as his hips roll to meet mine and I’m still baffled at why the hell I didn’t want to go here with him. When he slides his hands under my butt and picks me up, I wrap myself around him as he carries me to the bed. He’s still inside me, so big, so deep, and I moan loudly at how good he feels. This makes him look down and smile at me and my heart skips a beat. Oh, I’ve missed him, missed this connection with him. I’ve forgotten how good we are together.

  At the bed, he puts a knee down, moving to the middle and stays kneeling. I’m straddling his lap as he thrusts up hard. This new angle makes him go deeper and my back arches again as unintelligible sounds pour out of my mouth.

  “Like that I fuck you hard, don’t you?” he rasps as he continues pumping up inside me forcefully.

  “Yes!” I cry, because I do.

  I’ve only had three lovers, Kade, Aidan and a fling that lasted all of three months with my dentist when I first moved to Richmond. The dentist was too clinical in his lovemaking, just too impersonal. Aidan was a good lover but I always felt we were missing the fervor that Kade and I’ve always had, that want, that all-consuming need of each other. And I see that the passion between us hasn’t changed.

  He keeps hitting a place inside that only he’s been able to find and I feel my body firing up once again, my veins feeling like they’re on fire as my climax builds. My head falls back and I pant, “Don’t… stop…” He slides a hand into my hair pulling me to look at him. He gazes at me lustfully before landing his mouth on mine, so demanding, so hot that the waves of orgasm abruptly crash over me again. He swallows my scream as he keeps his mouth on mine, continuing to plunge up inside me, slowing now as he feels me contracting around him.

  The French call the orgasm la petite mort, the little death, and I get it now because my body’s now dead, boneless as I tremble against him.

  His mouth leaves mine and he finds his own rhythm, his hands on my hips pulling me down to him as he thrusts up, our eyes steady on each other’s before he pushes up hard, burying himself deep inside me, his neck straining, chest muscles corded as he finds his silent release, his eyes never leaving mine.


  As we cling to each other now, he leans in and kisses my forehead, our heavy breathing almost in sync as we both come down from our high.

  “Jesus,” he mumbles as we collapse onto the mattress together.

  “Yeah. Jesus… Mary… and all those others,” I manage to get out. After three orgasms, my body is spent and I’m barely able to operate my damned mouth.

  I feel his body shaking against mine as he laughs, pulling me in tighter and pressing his lips to my temple. He holds me for a few more minutes, then kisses the side of my head again, pulling away and getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. I watch that superior ass of his as he goes, take in the Celtic cross tattoo on his back that makes him even sexier, then hear the water running. He returns with a washcloth and smoothes it over me then returns to the bathroom to deposit it in my dirty clothes hamper. When he comes back, he pulls on his jeans but can’t fasten the buttons because his cock is still semi hard. Damn. He looks so sexy standing there with his jeans hanging indecently low on his hips. When he catches me watching him, he grins crookedly.

  “Think I’m ready for round two,” he says huskily looking down at his fly then his gray eyes travel up my body, glowing at me.

  I bite my lip and nod, unable to turn him down. What just happened between us was amazing and I’m not an idiot, not about to pass it up. He smiles as he loses his jeans, then gets back in bed, his lower body settling between my legs as he hovers over me on his forearms before leaning down to suck a nipple into his mouth, instantly waking my body, putting it on full alert, making me draw in a breath. He does the same to my other nipple, then bringing my arms above my head, he links his fingers through mine, pressing my hands into the bed and enters me smoothly, making my back arch up as he fills me so fully.

  “Kade…” I whisper breathily.

  “I know, baby,” he whispers back into my ear, his bearded cheek next to mine as he begins moving in me, his thrusts slow and measured.

  I know I’m in trouble as all my plans come tumbling down around me. Elise the psychic was right. She said Kade would try to change them, but honestly, at this moment, I couldn’t care less.

  Chapter 14

  The next morning, I don’t open the garage; instead, I put a “Be Back Later” sign on the door, get into my car and drive home, back to Richmond. I need a break from everything. It’s all too much. On the hour drive there, I eat a so-bad-for-me breakfast burrito then sing along with abandon to my iPod tunes blaring from my car stereo.

  Yesterday, Kade had left after our second go-round, kissing me on the forehead and telling me he’d call me later. He didn’t. Not that I was waiting around or anything. I’d showered then gone back outside and finished painting noticing that his truck was gone from in front of his store and it stayed gone. At seven, I decided to have a late dinner and walked down to Mags’. She and Frank always attended Wednesday night church, so they weren’t there and I didn’t know any of the staff working, but the good thing was, all her cooks knew her recipes, so the food was still to die for. I ordered their world-famous chicken parmesan and was having a stomach orgasm while I ate when one of the two women seated in the booth behind me answered her phone.

  “Hey, Kade. What’s up? We’re still going out tonight, right?”

  Of course, that immediately got my attention, making me sit up straight and press my head against the back of the booth straining to hear what she was saying over the crowd.

  “Great! I can’t wait!” She giggled. “Huh? Oh, I thought you’d get tired of her and her indecision. I don’t blame you. Those out-of-towners aren’t worth your time anyway.”

  Wait. Was she talking about me?

  “Okay, I’ll be ready. See you then!”

  “You and Kade Kelly are going out again?” her friend asked.


  “He’s really interested, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, he really is. This’ll be the third time. I think it’s going to happen tonight. At least I hope so. It’s going to be amazing!” She giggled again.

  They started talking about something else then, but I’d stopped listening. I’d also lost my appetite. I left a five on the table and took my receipt to the cashier. After paying, I walked to the door and glanced over at the woman Kade had called and was surprised to see she was the one I’d seen in his store window last week who’d been rubbing her breasts against his arm, and, damn it, she was beautiful. So red-faced and humiliated, I walked back to the garage, and not wanting to think about any fucking more about any fucking thing, took sleeping pills, showered, got in bed and cried myself to sleep.

  I’ve now arrived in Richmond, but before going to my condo, I stop by the office to check on some of the accounts I handed over to Sydney, a coworker and friend I have at the firm.

  “Amelia!” she says when I walk into her office, getting up from behind her desk and coming around to give me a big hug.

  “Hey, Syd,” I say hugging her back.

  She studies me for a few seconds then sits on the edge of her desk looking slick in the business suit she has on. I think I miss dressing like that for work, but I do love being able to wear jeans at the garage.

  “You look great,” she says, still narrowing her eyes at me and then it comes to her. “Oh, my God. You’ve been having sex, haven’t you?”

  My mouth falls open as I look at her. “H-how?” I sputter.

  She snorts. “That healthy ‘I’ve been fucked thoroughly’ glow kinda gives you away. Also, you’ve got whisker burn on your cheek.” She points to the right side of my face and chuckles when I turn bright red. “Kade?” she asks.

  I nod. I’d told her about him before I’d left explaining that he probably hated me for what I’d done to him and would run me out of town so I might be back here the next day.

  “Guess you were wrong, huh?”

  “He’s got a beard.” That’s my answer. Apparently, having sex has left me with limited brain cells.

  “Ooooohhh, nice. I’ll bet he looks good too.”

  I keep nodding. I wonder if the French also call an orgasm la petite mort cérébrale because obviously I’ve gone brain dead.

  She laughs now. “I see he’s also rendered you speechless.”

  I shake my head and roll my eyes. “Sorry. I guess I’m still having a tough time coming to terms with what’s been going on.”

  “Do tell,” she says holding her hand out to a chair. I take a seat as she goes around behind her desk to sit.

  I proceed to report everything that’s happened since I got to Serenity Point and now her mouth falls open. “You’ve not even been there a week!” she states in shock.

  “I know.” I sigh loudly looking up at the ceiling shaking my head.

  “Holy shit,” she mutters.

  “It’s a busy little town,” I reply with a shrug as I look up at her.

  “Sounds like your being there has upped the ante on busyness.” She chuckles. “Hot guys, psychics, old loves, hot guys, breaking and entering, hot guys. What more could you want in a place? Wonder if there’s a hot guy there for me?” She snorts.

  “You’d be surprised,” I tell her. “There is this guy named Mike that I think you’d like. He owns a gym.”

  Her laughing has now dried up. I knew that’d get her. She loves her gym membership, going there every weekday morning to workout but she’s told me it’s mostly to check out the hot guys there.

  “Owns a gym? Tell me, what does this Mike look like?” She’s all ears now.

  “Tall, about six-four, muscular, of course, dark hair, tan.”

  “Not one of those bodybuilder tans?” She scrunches up her nose.

  “No, he also works for Kade so he’s outside a lot.”

  “Might just have to pay you a visit.” She grins.

  “I’d love that!” I reply with a smile.

  “So tell me again about this phone call at the diner last night.”

  I tell her the details and she twists her mouth to the side in thought. “Maybe she was talking about someone else.”

  “Like Kade Kelly from one county over?” I say sarcastically.

  She thinks for a moment then says, “Damn it. I’ve got nothing.” She frowns. “But from what you’ve told me in the past about him, he’s a good guy. Don’t lose faith.”

  Yeah, I’ll get right on that.

  We then talk about my accounts she’s been working on in my absence and everything’s been going great. I feel much better about being gone and thank her again for helping me out which she says isn’t a problem. When I leave, she walks with me to the lobby where we run into Aidan. Annnd my life just keeps getting better.

  “Amelia,” he says with a nod as his eyes pore over me salaciously, making me uncomfortable.

  “Hi, Aidan,” I respond and can’t help but note the differences between him and Kade. Where Kade’s tall and built powerfully, Aidan’s shorter and not as muscular. Kade has dark hair and rugged features and Aidan is blonde with more refined lines in his face. I think I’ve come to the conclusion that although Aidan does resemble Charlie Hunnam, badass Jax Teller he definitely is not, so maybe it was his accent that really attracted me to him. I mean, I have to admit he was charming. He was polite. He was kind and caring. But he was also a lying, cheating bastard. And in light of what’s happened with the woman’s phone call from Kade, it seems like I definitely know how to choose them.

  “Can I have a minute,” he asks.

  “I was just on my way out,” I reply.

  “Only a minute,” he repeats.

  I turn and bug my eyes out at Sydney before giving her a hug and thanking her again. After she walks back to her office, I turn to Aidan. “What do you want, Aidan?”

  “I miss you, Amelia.”

  Ugh. Seriously? All I can do is look at him in mild disgust. I have nothing to say.

  He straightens his tie nervously. “Gemma left me.”

  Ah. Now I see what’s going on. Good for her. “I fail to see why you’re telling me this.”

  “I want you back,” he informs me and I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me.

  “Aidan, it was over between us before it started since you forgot to inform me that you were married. There’s nowhere this can go anymore.”

  He puts his hands on my shoulders and I tense wanting him out of my space. “But we were good together.”

  I take a step away from him making his hands drop. “No,” I say shaking my head. “It can only be good if both people are honest with each other. Go fix your marriage, Aidan, and leave me out of it.”

  I turn and go out the doors still shaking my head at his audacity.

  When I get to my condo, I go inside and instantly notice how quiet it is. This has been my home for the past five years yet I feel like a stranger as I look around at all my things. The furniture’s nice but it’s not anything I really love like my new end tables back at the garage. When I first moved in, I’d picked things out of necessity not really style, but I’d liked it all at the time. Now as I take it all in, it just doesn’t feel right anymore.

  I go to my bedroom and pack more clothes, making sure to grab my vibrator because Kade has awakened Amelia 2.0, and I think I’m probably going to need it since I’ll no longer be getting serviced by him because he’s obviously playing the field which I can’t tolerate. Going back through the living room, I unplug a lamp to take with me, and having a last look around, see there’s not much else I need. Weird. I’d once thought of this place as my sanctuary, but now it just feels lonely.

  When I leave, I lock the door and go to my car to load everything then frown when I realize that my little apartment at Hale’s feels more like home than my condo does.


  I go on a shopping spree before leaving Richmond, picking up all kinds of unnecessary items with which to decorate my apartment
and the garage. I have no earthly idea why I’m doing this since I’ll be leaving soon, but I justify it by thinking that I’ll sleep there when I go back to Serenity Point to check on things. Yeah, that makes sense. And the inside needs a little spicing up for the customers anyway.

  I next stop at the mall and buy some new jeans and a couple sweaters and after leaving there, I stop by my favorite lingerie store because you can never have enough lingerie, right? Sexy underwear just makes you feel better about yourself and I’m going to be feeling very good about myself for a while because I think I almost bought the place out.

  Before leaving town, I stop to eat at one of my favorite restaurants. I know I’m stalling because I don’t want to get back to Serenity Point too soon and chance running into Kade. Yep. I know I’m being a chicken. Do I care? Can’t say that I do. I just don’t want to be hurt anymore.

  As I eat my dinner, I try to think reasonably about everything. I wonder if I’m being too suspicious of him. I mean, the other night I’d thought he’d been kissing Peyton and had been wrong, so could I be wrong about the woman at Mags’? I’ve known him for over twenty years and think I know his character, but the old Kade would never have put up with Peyton’s shit like he is now. Speaking of that situation, it’s just too weird. Did she have something on him? What the hell could it be?

  God, my brain is going to explode with all the crap running through it. It was never this friggin’ busy when I was working on accounts. Jeez.

  I leave Richmond around nine. On the way, I realize it’s been a relatively quiet day. No one’s called or texted which has been kind of nice. I pull my phone out to call Cassie and see that I’ve got five missed calls, three voicemails and four text messages from Kade. Damn it. I forgot I’d turned the volume off when I went to my office. As I drive, I listen to the voicemails and read the texts, all of them wondering where I am and would I please give him a call.

  “Hey,” I say when he answers.

  “Where the hell are you?” he asks gruffly which makes me frown.


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