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Baby Cage

Page 10

by Devon Shire

  Their first vacation together. The thought filled her with butterflies and tightened her chest with excitement. Part of her wanted her to stand and start hopping up and down. Another part of her wanted her to start clapping like an idiot. She had never been with a guy for so long. Back in college, her relationships usually blew up whenever the guy realized they were getting serious.

  Cale really had been perfect. He was sweet and tender and considerate. He put her first as much as his life allowed, and no they were going to have an entire week together.

  Only she had to survive the last twenty minutes. No, she checked again and saw the numbers had mercifully ticked up one: nineteen minutes left. Sure, she had work, but it was Friday and working seemed so monotonously unimportant. Nibbling her lip, Tiffany stood up and saw the tip of her manager’s head across the room. Yeah, she couldn’t sneak out early. Tiffany might have imagined herself walking off, but she wouldn’t lose that kind of credit with her boss.

  Breathing out, she tried to steady herself and relax. If she just got back to work, then maybe time would go by a bit quicker. She could hope anyway.

  With one hand on her mouse, she clicked through one page and another, double checking the information before it would be sent back to the accounting department. Tiffany checked with some other order forms and cross referenced with their sales database. After rushing through more work, she checked the screen again.

  Seventeen minutes.

  She wanted to slam her fist against the keyboard. Seriously? It was only 4:43? Tiffany couldn’t think of anything lamer. She leaned deeper into her seat, pushed her head against the chair’s edge, and exhaled. The long sigh ate up another four seconds. If the IT department had been nicer, she could have turned off the clock, so maybe that would speed things up.

  The minutes ticked by and Tiffany tapped her fingers and tried to think of something good like how much fun she would have with her boyfriend and then the clock finally ticked to five. Tiffany leaped up from her seat and nearly sprinted for the elevator. A week. She had a week off, a week where she didn’t need to stare into a computer screen or deal with paper. She would leave a hundred little annoyances here.

  Back outside, Tiffany’s face bloomed with a giant smile when she spotted his car. Tiffany cut across the street, looped around his bumper, and hopped inside. Cale leaned over and kissed her cheek. He squeezed her knee and promised they were going to have a good time.

  “Totally!” she said, practically hopping up and down in her seat.

  “Calm down, little girl.”

  His tone made Tiffany pause and peek back at him, not sure if she heard him correctly. He called her a little girl. It made her lips tighten and her sex moisten. Tiffany couldn’t tell if he wanted to do it on purpose. Ever since her confession, Cale hadn’t said a word about her fantasies, so she assumed he couldn’t do it.

  “Sorry,” she said and bowed her head.

  “No worries.” He squeezed her knee, put the car in gear, and started them on their trip.

  “So where are we going?” The sun had started to set, the buildings’ shadows lengthened, and the air grew chilled. Headlights came alive and glowed yellow and white against the drab dusk.

  Grinning, Cale beat a rhythm against his steering wheel, “Are you sure you want to know? I think it would be fun being in my car, not sure where we’re headed.”

  Tiffany licked her lips and ran her teeth over her lower lip. Giggling like a schoolgirl, she wobbled from side to side and still couldn’t believe it. Cale had planned this whole trip. He told her when to get the time off, but other than the dates, she had no idea where they were headed.

  “Yes, please tell me.”

  “I’m not sure I want to,” he told her. “I mean, I kind of like having you so totally in my power. I could be kidnapping you right now and there’s nothing you could do about it.”

  Tiffany’s face blushed red, “C’mon! Please! What if I promised to be good?” She couldn’t tell if he meant to tease her or push her horny buttons, yet she didn’t want this to stop. She had been excited to get off work and see him. Now she was a different sort of excited. “Please,” she said again.

  He nodded his head from side to side, “What if I do?”


  “Well, you want a favor. I think you should have to earn it, little girl.”

  There, he did it again, she thought, wishing she could know what he meant. If she had been truly honest with herself, Tiffany had to admit that he probably forgot all about their conversation. He probably buried her confession. And why not? She wanted something so totally out of normal.

  “What if I promise to be good?”

  “How good?” he asked. They pulled onto the freeway, so he didn’t glance back at her as he worked their way between the cars and over to the left lane. Tiffany realized they were headed north.

  “I’ll do whatever you tell me,” she offered, nervous.

  “Really? So if I tell you to touch me right now, you’d do it?”

  Tiffany licked her lips again, not sure if he really meant it. She hoped this wasn’t some sort of bluff or trick. They had been together for months, but sometimes she worried she didn’t really know him, not as well as she wanted.

  Against the grain of those fears, Tiffany reached over and touched his crotch. She stroked his inner thigh and started to wiggle her fingers against his fly. Then she slipped her hand into his pants, found his penis, and started to stroke him. A glance up told her that the freeway was mostly empty.

  “Don’t stop now,” he told her, his voice steeled with authority.

  Tiffany blushed a bit brighter and nodded in spite of the fact that his eyes remained on the road. She stroked his shaft, working him as his cock filled the slack in his trousers. He started to shift his hips down and up, working his body against hers. Tiffany loved teasing him, and when she had done it in the past, it made her feel in charge.

  Somehow this was different.

  It seemed different because she didn’t offer. He gave her an order, and she obeyed.

  Before he hit an orgasm, he touched his hand to her wrist and pushed her away. “Not quite yet, Tiffany, but that was a good start. You know, I think we’re going to have a lot of fun in the next week.”

  “So will you tell me?” Tiffany asked, her voice low and timid.

  “My family has a house up north. It’s in this beautiful little town. Lots of mountains, incredible views, and some really nice people. Everyone there is very nice. Think fifties sitcom. My parents haven’t been there in years, so I got everything set up for us.”

  When Tiffany thought of the setup, she imagined wine and a fireplace. She had no idea what he had arranged for her or the games he planned for them.

  The trip to his family’s house took about another hour and a half. Tiffany didn’t mind the drive, especially when he parked in front of this steakhouse tucked into a copse of trees. From their spot beneath the leaves, they could see the moonlight reflected off the local mountain’s snowed landscape.

  Away from the city, the air smelled so clean. This spot seemed perfect. And after about three seconds to stretch her arms and legs, she dashed to her boyfriend and threw her arms around him. She jumped up and down as he held her. Tiffany couldn’t help it. She didn’t care about being absurd or silly, not when this was going to be so good.

  And their first dinner was fantastic. He had been here several times and ordered her a small steak and incredible stew. Tiffany had never had a guy order for her. She didn’t know why, only it made it feel small and safe and so cared for. After dinner, they left together and they drove for a few more minutes.

  Downtown looked idyllic, and Tiffany couldn’t want to stroll it during the day. She would hold her boyfriend’s hand and savor every second. The rest of their lives and the stresses of work could dissipate as they concentrated on one another. The idea of marriage hovered somewhere far off in the future, but she really hoped this vacation would prove they could be to

  With those happy thoughts dancing behind her eyes, Tiffany let Cale lead her into the house. They strolled through the entryway and into a gorgeous living room. Open and airy, it had a big screen TV, beautiful fireplace, soft carpeting, and several paintings along the walls. She loved it. This sort of house would be perfect for them. Someday.

  “This is so amazing.” Tiffany faced him and kissed him and felt his interest prick up against her thigh. She loved the feel of his body and his excitement kindled her own desires.

  “Would you like to play a bit before bed?” he asked her.

  “Yes, please.”

  He held her close for another couple of moments. She loved it when they could be motionless and touching and so completely together. She inhaled his scent and enjoyed the solidity of his form against hers. He seemed so strong, so perfect.

  “Good girl,” he told her, pulled away, and took her hand.

  He led her down one hall. It branched off in two separate directions. He nudged her to the right and stopped at a bedroom door. “Now, this is going to be a surprise, so close your eyes. No peeking.”

  Tiffany felt her brows furrow, but as requested, she shut her eyes and heard the door open and he took her hand again and gently pulled her forward. Tiffany imagined a bed with red satin sheets and flower pedals. But instead of a flower’s aroma, her nostrils prickled at a different scent, one she couldn’t quite name right away. It seemed familiar, almost infantile in some way. She thought of day care centers or a babysitter’s house, though she couldn’t name why.

  At first, she consoled herself with reasons like how she wanted to play one of her games. But that wasn’t going to happen. No, she had to focus on Cale there and then. She couldn’t allow fantasies to distract her from this boyfriend who had planned such an incredible trip for her.

  “Open your eyes, little girl,” he said, his voice low, gentle, and commanding all at the same time.

  Tiffany shivered at the way he talked to her. She liked it, a lot, way more than she should have. But then she opened her eyes as he instructed, and the memory of his tone fell away, replaced by shock at her surroundings. For several heartbeats, Tiffany couldn’t understand everything around her. The room no longer made sense. The world no longer made sense, so she had to wonder if this was really a dream. She would have pinched herself except she would have seemed so silly.

  “We’re going to have a lot of fun,” he told her. “And this is going to be your nursery.”

  Nursery? Tiffany blinked again. In front of her, those words should have mean perfect, easy, and obvious sense. The scent she first picked up on? Yeah, it was talcum powder and diapers. It was the clean aroma of things soft and puffy. But it wasn’t just the scent.

  A few feet in front of her, there was an adult sized crib. The size of a twin bed with a plastic lined mattress, the thick wooden beams would surround her at night. Each shaft of wood had been painted a light pink to go with the walls’ darker hued lavender. Then there was a table to Tiffany’s left. But it didn’t look like where someone would eat or work. At about Cale’s waist, it was flat and fairly narrow but still wide enough for an adult. It also came with a set of drawers beneath.

  “What is that?” her voice quivered. Tiffany even found herself pointing to the object of her curiosity the same way a little girl would have.

  “It’s a changing table, sweetie,” he told her. “It’s where babies get their diapers changed.”

  Tiffany heard those words. He used the same tone, that patronizingly paternal yet caring note. A shiver of excitement bounded down her spine and she felt herself start to get really excited. Tiffany couldn’t help it as she took it all in and tried to figure out exactly how she was supposed to act.

  Only it didn’t seem to matter because he took the lead, held her hand again, and tugged his little girl across the nursery. Tiffany’s breath stopped for a moment when she saw where they were headed. He took her to the changing table, patted the soft pad, and told her to hop up.

  Tiffany pursed her lips, “What are you going to do?”

  “Where are we?”

  “We’re in a nursery,” she said, the words making her naughty bits pulse with excitement. She wanted to be his baby girl. She wanted to be the girl he loved enough to play this game. Tiffany’s nostrils flared, her heart sprinted, and it seemed like the world spun around her. He must have loved her so much. Tiffany didn’t know what part of this moment to really focus on.

  “Right, sweetie, we’re in a nursery. And since I’m clearly the adult here, what does that make you?”

  Tiffany didn’t know how hard to push back. In her fantasies, she had always been the adult forced back into diapers. Maybe her imagined boyfriend wanted to punish her for spending too much money, embarrassing him in some way, so some other imaginary infraction. In some of those fantasies, she kicked and screamed. In others, she pouted. Sometimes she was so weak that she struggled as hard as she could, but then she was still made into her boyfriend’s baby girl. But now, if she went too extreme, he might get freaked out. Tiffany really wanted this first scene to go well. If it didn’t, he might not be willing to play with her again.

  She took a slow breath and watched him. He was smirking back at her. Again, a shiver ran through her naughty bits. She felt her girl parts start to get really wet. If he intended to diaper her, she would need it for a wholly different reason.

  “If we’re in a nursery, what does that make you?” he repeated, speaking slowly and firmly as though he really were dealing with a toddler.

  “I’m not a baby,” she said, tightening her brow with defiant frustration.

  “Oh, really? So if I lift you and plop you down on this changing table here, you’ll be able to stop me?”

  “You wouldn’t,” she said, her voice shifting. The rebellious note disappeared, replaced by a bit of quivered dread. “Please, don’t. Please don’t put me up there.” And before she could get another word out, he spun back, got his arms around her waist, and hefted her onto the changing table.

  It happened faster than Tiffany expected and just as quickly as she always imagined. But this time, he pushed her down onto her back. When she tried to sit up again, his hands shot out and gently kept her down by her shoulders.

  Cale looked down at her, his expression full of understanding and condescension. “You’re going to be a good girl for me. You see, when you first walked into this house, you may have thought you were an adult, but it’s my job to tell you that you were mistaken. You’re not an adult. You’re a baby girl now, and I’m going to take care of you.”

  “You can’t do this to me.”

  “I can’t?” he asked. “Really?” He was mocking her, she knew it, and that only made her more excited even as a genuine sense of aggravation spread through her chest. Those emotions all mixed together to heighten her arousal. This was so good, so perfect, and she didn’t want it to stop.

  “No.” She tried to get up again, but he kept her pinned. “And you can’t hold me down forever. The second you turn your back, I’ll jump up and get out of here.” She uttered those words, half expecting him to say something about how easy it would be to snatch her up and pin her down again. Instead, he did something very different.

  “Are you a fussy girl?” he asked, reached down beneath her line of sight, and lifted something she couldn’t have anticipated. He held up a pink strap. Made of sturdy fabric, it locked into place with a set of buckles. “Because I have ways of dealing with fussy girls.”

  “No, you can’t be serious. You are not strapping me down to this changing table.”

  “I hadn’t planned on it, but since you’re being so naughty, I don’t think I have a choice.” Then he took her wrist and slipped it through the strap. He was stronger and more confident than she could have ever guessed. He really did move like a guy from her fantasies, but then Tiffany had other things to worry about because he buckled her wrist in place. The strap allowed for a bit of movement, but not much.
r />   He circled around the changing table. As he moved, she tried to remove her restraint even as she pulled on it, testing its strength. The strap went taut and didn’t budge. She could pull as hard as she wanted, and it wasn’t going to let her go.

  That test allowed her babysitter plenty of time to get to the second restraint. He grabbed it up, took her wrist, and secured it in a matter of heartbeats. Tiffany even tried to yank her hand free, but his grip was plenty to keep her compliant. Before long, Tiffany found herself actually strapped down to a changing table. She couldn’t believe it.

  “Now, do I need the ankle restraints, little girl? Because we both know you’re not going anywhere?”

  Her lips tightened into a pout, one that made him chuckle back at her. He found this amusing! She really had entertained Cale, much to her chagrin. Tiffany watched him laugh. It made her even wetter, and she blushed brightly at the thought of what he might do or say when he found her moist vagina.

  “Do I?”


  “How do you address your caretaker? Because we both know you need someone to watch over you and make sure you’re safe and properly disciplined.”

  “Address you?” she squeaked. “Please, don’t make me say anything like that.” A dozen different possibilities popped out at her, each one more embarrassing than the last. He really intended to dominate her, Tiffany realized with a combination of glee and dread. The mixed emotions poured through her and made it hard to think.

  “Yup. How do you address your babysitter?”

  “You want me to call you Sir.”

  “That’s what polite baby girls do.”

  “I’m not a baby,” she said, squinting her eyes and staring back at him.

  “Really? Because I have you strapped down to a changing table. But hey, if you don’t believe me yet, I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you.” Cale bent over, opened one of the drawers beneath her, and withdrew something. Tiffany lifted her head and tried to see what he was doing, but she couldn’t quite. His hands remained just out of her line of sight as she squirmed on the table.


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