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Short Erotic Tales 1

Page 2

by Carl East

  ”Oh that’s nice, how are you doing that?”

  Looking down I could just faintly see her pussy being manipulated by my unseen guests.

  ”Oh yes, that’s wonderful, oh…oh…oh, you really know your stuff, yes, GOD yes.”

  I think they were both working on her, I slipped my hand down to play with her clit at the same time, she was going wild, her body writhing on the bed, shouting louder and louder not to stop. This was really turning me on; I wanted so desperately to place my cock in her mouth but knew that if I moved, she would know it wasn’t just me servicing her pussy. I did not intend to spoil the moment so I carried on playing with her pussy until she came and boy did she climax.

  ”AH…ah, I’m coming…I’m coming…I’m coming, yes…yes…yes …yes…yes…yes, ah…my God.”

  Her back arched as the intense orgasm passed over her entire body, inadvertently pushing my finger deeper into her opening; she came repeatedly and then fell quietly back down. She’d passed out.

  ”Please, let me take over!” I said, before she could awaken.

  I felt them get off the bed. They were letting me take over.

  ”Thank you,” I said.

  Kissing Tania’s cheek, I gently whispered into her ear.

  ”Are you alright Tania?”

  She stirred, and then opened her eyes.

  ”That was the greatest experience of my life, where did you learn to do that?”

  ”Oh, it’s something I’ve always known how to do,” I lied.

  Putting her arms around my neck, she whispered.

  ”Fuck me, fuck me hard.”

  Climbing on top, I placed my cock at the entrance to the kingdom of heaven and then pushed. It slid in with ease, having been well lubricated. My hard cock was plunging into the depths of my dreams; she gasped with pleasure as I buried it as far as it would go. Slowly at first I rose, and then re-entered, quickening my pace I started to fuck her hard, and she thrust up to meet me. Suddenly I could see her breasts being depressed and moved this way and that, and I knew my friends had joined in again. Tania was oblivious to this, she was too wrapped up in the pleasure of the moment to notice but her cries of God were again arousing me. I redoubled my efforts plunging deeper with each downward thrust, going faster and faster. Her body couldn’t take much more of this.

  ”Oh, you gorgeous man you, take me take me,” she cried, “I’m going to cum again, OOH God yes.”

  Again her back came up to meet my thrusts, only this time I too started to cum. Shooting out of my cock like a bullet leaving a gun I came, again and again filling her pussy with my juices. I had never cum so much in my entire life. Tania grabbed hold of my butt and pulled me in, which in turn finished her off. We held each other for a while not saying anything.

  ”If it weren’t for the fact we are alone I would swear you were getting help from someone else,” Tania said, being the first to break the silence.

  I smiled at that, not wanting to tell her that at this very moment I had two ghosts giving me head, in an attempt to keep me hard. She started to reach for my cock, so I intercepted her hand by kissing it then placing it on my chest.

  ”Give me a moment to recover, and we’ll begin again.” I said.

  I lay on my back feeling the pleasures of my cock being swapped from one to the other, while Tania caressed my chest. I looked at her breasts heaving up and down, and placed a hand on the nearest one I then tweaked her nipple between two fingers eliciting an erection from both. Standing up like the tip of my little finger from joint to tip, I then reached over taking one in my mouth and sucking hard, she groaned rubbing her fingers through my hair. My cock was more than ready; the ghosts let go, allowing me to continue.

  ”Let’s try another position.” I said, gently turning her over.

  She got to her knees, presenting me with her backside; doggie fashion was always my favorite position. Again, I felt the ghosts get on the bed next to me. ‘What are they going to do this time’ I thought. Tania started to moan, they were doing something to her pussy I just couldn’t see what. I placed my cock at the entrance to her pussy and worked it in with ease, she was still well lubricated, then I felt the mouths around the entrance, they were licking her and me while we made love. This was very erotic, Tania’s moans were now more than understandable, I thrust in and out feeling both the pleasure of her pussy with the thrill of my friend’s tongues licking me whenever I came out. If only she knew, I thought.

  ”Oh my God, that feels so good, I’ve never been this worked up in my life,” she said, in-between groans of pleasure.

  The sight of my cock entering and vacating her body was ecstasy, the feel of the tongue servicing me was too much, but I refused to cum, I wanted this to last a lot longer than five minutes. Slowing my pace, I gently eased in and out to the squeals of Tania who was gripping the pillow with both hands, begging me to go deeper. Once recovered, I started to plunge in faster, wanting to give her the kind of pleasure I was feeling, thrusting with everything I had I went for it.

  ”Oh yes, oh GOD yes, faster…faster, yes...oh...yes.”

  Her orgasm made her tear the pillow she’d been gripping. I started to cum at that moment my balls feeling tighter than ever, but my ejaculation being just as intense as the time before. Relaxing a little, I pulled out to allow my friends to clean me up, which they did with the usual expertise. Tania collapsed onto the bed utterly exhausted.

  ”Are you alright Tania?” I said, after not hearing a word from her for more than a minute.

  ”Yes, that was the best,” she replied, “I don’t know what to say, after this I have to go back to Mick, but he has never satisfied me like that before, in fact I feel like I’ve just made love for the first time in my life.

  I started to feel guilty, I couldn’t tell her about my friends, she would just freak out and Mick was my best friend. I hadn’t intended to steal his girlfriend away from him. I even tried to justify it by thinking what kind of Guy would bet with his girlfriend’s body. Then I realized that I’d lied to him about winning the bet in the first place, so I was just as much to blame. We talked the rest of the night away until it came time for her to leave. What to do was the question that would haunt me (no pun intended) for the next couple of days.

  Chapter 3

  The sun was just about to disappear over the horizon; I watched it from my bedroom window, thinking what an unappreciated spectacle it really was. I turned to look at the time, 7 o’clock the nights were getting longer. I wondered where my spectral friends had gone to, and then remembered my dilemma.

  You see Mick’s girlfriend had enjoyed herself so much that she wanted to leave Michael (my friend) and go with me. What she didn’t know was that my spectral friends had helped me make love to her that night and that I probably couldn’t perform as well without them. I couldn’t tell them about the ghostly pair, they would undoubtedly freak out, also, although I’d managed to find a way to see my newfound friends, (with the aid of fluorescent lighting) as yet, I'd had no luck in communicating with them.

  The door to my bedroom opened on its own, and then closed, they were back. I quickly turned the fluorescent light on. There they were, standing at the foot of the bed trying to talk to me. Just then, I had an idea, quickly sorting some of the junk out of my closet I found what I was looking for, an old blackboard and easel along with some chalk. Quickly setting it up I asked if they could use it to communicate with me. One of them took the chalk and started to write.

  My name is Samantha, my sisters name is Claudia, what do you want to know?

  So they were sisters, I had so many questions I didn’t know where to start.

  ”Why, have you followed me home?” I asked, not unhappy that they had.

  You are the only person we have found in the last seventy years that we felt could help us.

  ”Help you do what?”

  Send us to the after life.

  ”How can I do that, and why are you trapped here?”

  By finding our
remains and giving us a Christian burial. Our father murdered us, we assume that our lives were taken in the prime of life, and are unable to leave this realm.

  I sat thinking for a while, a part of me wanted to help them, but I enjoyed their presence, and didn’t want to lose them so quickly.

  ”Will you stay with me for a few months, if you do, I promise to do everything in my power to find your remains, and send you on to the after life?” I said, hoping that they would.

  We will stay for three months if you give us your word that you will do as you say.

  ”I give you my word I will also find your remains before the time is up, in order to convince you that I am genuinely going to keep my word.”

  We accept.

  I then went on to explain to them about my dilemma with Tania, to which they apologized, knowing that without their help I probably wouldn’t have seen her again.

  ”Son, theirs a phone call for you,” my mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

  ”Coming?” I shouted back.

  Quickly running down the stairs, I picked the phone up to find Tania on the other end.

  ”Hi Tania, what’s up?”

  ”Can I come over tonight?” She said.

  ”I’m not comfortable with the thought of stealing my best friend’s girl from him, but you better come over so that we can talk.”

  She said she would be over in an hour, and put the phone down.

  Just then, the doorbell rang; I answered it to find Michael standing there.

  ”Come in Mick,” I said, and then took him up to my bedroom.

  Slipping my hand around the door to the bedroom I turned the light out, I’d remembered I’d left it on when we were on the way up the stairs. We entered; I turned on the lamp, on my computer desk.

  ”What’s all this about Tania, wanting to leave me and go with you?” said Mick, once the door was closed.

  I could see he was upset, so I first got him to sit down while I explained.

  After telling him about our love making (but leaving my spectral friends out of it) and the fact that she had enjoyed it immensely, she had this crazy notion that I was everything she had been looking for, and that she wanted to stay with me. I also told him about the phone call I’d just received, before he arrived.

  ”I must just add that I have no intention of stealing your girlfriend away from you.”

  ”But she’s already dumped me on the phone,” he replied.

  ”Then we have to think of someway of changing her mind,” I said.

  A little while later Tania turned up, and was surprised to see Michael there.

  ”I want you to know in Mikes presents that I have no intention of stealing you away from him, in fact I wish this had never happened, and I hope that you two can work things out.”

  At first, she was upset, but upon seeing a tear in Michael’s eye, she began to feel sorry for what she had put him through, the next thing I knew they were giving each other a hug, and suddenly everything was back to normal. They left shortly after that, so my dilemma had been resolved.

  No sooner had they gone than I received another phone call from a friend of Tania’s.

  ”Hello Rebecca, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I said.

  ”We wondered if you’d care to come to a party tonight, you only have to bring a bottle to get in, around my house at ten o’clock?” She replied.

  ”Who are WE?” I asked.

  ”My friend Jayne and me, it’s my eighteenth birthday party I have full consent from my parents, who are going to make them selves scarce,” she laughed.

  ”I’d love to,” I said, genuinely looking forward to it.

  I realized after putting the phone down that I only had an hour to get ready. Quickly getting a shower and then throwing some clothes together, I made myself presentable. Rebecca didn’t live very far, so I arrived just after ten. Knocking on the door I stood and waited, the music was louder than it needed to be, but then it was a eighteenth birthday party. Jayne answered the door wearing a tight dress that left nothing to the imagination. Her cleavage was the first thing anyone would notice.

  ”Hi, come in, the parties just begun.”

  With the normal greetings I entered to find the house swarming with their friends, all drinking and chatting in whatever space they could find, giving them a case of bud lagers, I pulled one from its container and started to mingle. I hadn’t realized how many friends Rebecca had until that night, I counted at least thirty people, of course I knew that some would be gate crashers who probably didn’t even know Rebecca, but they were all the party type crowd. Rebecca came over to see me.

  ”I hope you’re enjoying yourself, you look very smart,” she said, looking me over.

  She too looked smart; in fact, I would say horny, she wore a short skirt that showed off her gorgeous legs and a top that clearly didn’t have a bra under it, for her nipples were jutting out just waiting for a mouth to be placed over them. I tried to tell her how sexy she looked, but the music was too loud. She never the less understood what I’d said, and continued to mingle.

  After a couple of hours, they all seemed to slow down a bit, with people pairing off and going to their chosen little corners to neck. Watching this was quite arousing, in one corner, I could see a couple getting hot, he had his fingers down her panties while they kissed, and she loved it. A couple near the kitchen were going at it like they were alone, she was giving him a blow job in full view of who ever happened to be looking, this was starting to get me worked up, and as yet I hadn’t paired up with anyone. Just then someone touched my hand, turning to see whom it was, I found myself alone. My spectral friends must have joined me.

  ”Please don’t do anything here, they wouldn’t understand,” I urged.

  Rebecca and Jayne came over at that point, grabbing a hand each they guided me to Rebecca’s bedroom; you could tell they’d both over indulged with the booze, for they were giggling and falling about. Once in the room they didn’t mess around.

  ”We want you to fuck us both, like you did Tania,” said Rebecca.

  So that was it, Tania had told them about her wild night, and they wanted to see for themselves.

  ”Ok,” I said, not wanting to be a party pooper.

  Watching Rebecca and Jayne undressing while I removed my clothing was very horny; they both had superb bodies, as you could imagine for eighteen-year-olds. Once they caught sight of my cock, which by now was rock solid, they both wanted it first, I told them not to worry they both could. We got on the bed, all of us naked and started to fondle each other’s bodies, I started to suck Rebecca’s nipples taking one in at a time while playing with the other between two fingers, Jayne wasted no time in lowering her mouth to my cock. Slowly at first she sucked the end, and then let it slide deep into her mouth, each time she brought it back out she would lick off the excess saliva and start again. I felt someone’s mouth on my hand, my friends had joined me once again, I allowed whoever it was to take a nipple, while I penetrated Rebecca’s pussy with my finger, she was too tipsy to know or even care what I did, but she was enjoying this.

  Jayne was going faster now, wanting the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I was close to coming but I didn’t want to cum too quickly. Feeling a mouth, brush my hand near Rebecca’s pussy I started to insert it deeper, knowing that if one of my friends was about to go down on her this would send her wild. She started to moan louder telling me how great it was, arching her back and gripping the sides of the bed she screamed she was about to climax. I too started to cum, with a squeal from Jayne who lapped it up sucking harder in order to make sure that not a single drop escaped, she continued to suck long after I’d finished in order too keep me hard. Rebecca screamed that she was coming kissing me hard, with her tongue rolling my own around her mouth. My friends had not let me down as Rebecca started to calm down a little, her body relaxing after such an intense orgasm.


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