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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

Page 56

by Aria Ford

  The women got off the carriage and turned around to get their luggage.

  “Um, how are we going to recognize that groom of yours amongst all these people?” asked Jesse, uncertain for the first time.

  “I have no idea but let’s hope that he is smart enough to recognize us,” Emma retorted back, the unknown people and the place making her uneasy.

  “I would hate to disappoint you with regards to my intelligence,” approached a thick, male voice from right behind Emma. She jumped at the suddenness of the person appearing right behind her and lost her balance as the skirt of her dress caught her legs when she was about to take a spin to look back at the owner of the deep brogue.

  Just as she was sure her backside would unceremoniously meet the hard, granite road and smart for days, two muscular arms laden with toned and heavy muscles circled her waist preventing her fall. Emma’s breath caught due to the adrenaline rush saturating her body as well as the sight that greeted her. The man holding her in his arms was undoubtedly a fine male specimen. With hair color of bronze and fair skin that had darkened a few shades due to the time spent in the sun, the man was, in short, mesmerizing.

  His most striking features were his eyes that may be gray, normally, but were almost shining like silver as they took her in the same way she was looking at him. His face held no expression but Emma thought she saw a flicker of softness in his eyes as one of his hands moved from her waist towards her face and pushed a strand of her ebony hair, which had escaped the bun, to the back of her ear. There was such tenderness in the gesture that Emma almost sighed as his fingers came in contact with her sensitive skin and any idea that she had about the place and location of where she was at, was immediately lost to her.

  Chapter Four

  POV Lucian Thorne

  Stony Brooks, Texas

  My God, she’s a beauty, were the first words that had come into Lucian’s mind as he had stood staring at the pair of women who had got out of a carriage that just arrived. His eyes were immediately riveted to the ebony haired woman as soon as she had stepped her dainty little feet out of the carriage. He would be lying if he said that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen because he had seen a great many during his years of vast traveling in the army. But, the silent charm and strong allure of the woman rivaled them all.

  Her cheeks were flushed; no doubt because of the heat, while her bun had loosened and many strands of her thick hair flew with the wind, caressing her cheeks and her slender neck. Every now and then, a frown creased her forehead between the brows as she worked some problem out in her mind while worrying her ruby red lips with her teeth.

  Lucian had been unable to stop his progress towards her; such was her pull on him. He was almost right behind her when he heard her friend complain about how they would find her groom. The answer was given by the siren in a smooth, naturally husky, yet annoyed, voice. Listening to her quick retort, Lucian had grinned and the words had slipped out of his mouth before he had a conscious thought about speaking them. He wanted her to look at him with those eyes of hers so he could see, up close, the color of her eyes.

  She had been startled by his sudden response and before he knew what was happening, she was falling backward. No option other than to hold her, Lucian wrapped his arms around her narrow waist and stopped her momentum from toppling her to the floor.

  Green, forest green, was the color of her eyes; it was such a unique blend of color that he dared not look away from her eyes. As he moved his eyes over her whole face completely, his eyes rested for a few seconds on the scar on her forehead before inadvertently coming back to her eyes. She did not miss the gesture as her eyelashes lowered and she started moving upwards to stand back on her feet. Lucian did not know if she had misunderstood something as there was no cause for her to avoid looking at him.

  He knew many men would have found the scar a mark against her or something to be disgusted with, but to him, it made her real. That scar convinced him that she was indeed a flesh and blood human and not a figment of his imagination. He would just as well have told her that when suddenly someone cleared their throat. He raised his eyes to find her friend looking at him meaningfully.

  “Um, I’m here to pick a Miss Emma Taylor,” he told the blonde, as the beauty suddenly raised her eyes to look at him directly. His heart gave a flutter as she started speaking,

  “I am Miss Emma. And you are?” Emma asked. Lucian couldn’t believe his luck, neither did he know what kind of game fate was playing with him, offering him something like her.

  “I am Lucian Thorne,” he replied simply, unable to carry out his plan of being uninterested when a small smile unknowingly spread on his lips. Both the women’s eyes widened as they looked at each other once before a sly smile broke out on the blonde’s face.

  “It is very nice to meet you, Mr. Thorne. Very nice indeed,” she exclaimed, extending her hand to shake his in a friendly handshake. Before he could say anything else, she spoke again,

  “And I am Jesse Smith. I’m Emma’s friend and your future sister-in-law,” she informed him, her grin mischievous and teasing. He noticed how Emma’s face and neck turned red with a blush as her friend teased her and knocked her sideways with an elbow. Lucian had an urge to roll his eyes at the younger woman’s mischief while for the first time in years, he wanted to smile. He wanted to smile at the embarrassment and the shyness that was evident on Emma’s face.

  Without wasting any more time, Lucian finished the customary greeting and inquiry of their journey before moving them towards the carriage he had brought. He easily loaded both the women’s belongings into the carriage and helped them both inside. The whole way home he cursed and rebuked himself on his actions.

  What are you going to do now, Lucian, he asked himself, knowing full well that there was no way he was going to let go of that angel that rode in the carriage however much his mind rebelled that it would be a bad idea and he was just supposed to be doing all of this for his friend John. He knew half of his heart was fervently hoping that the lady would agree to marry him while competing with the other part he believed to be dead with all the violence and the pain it had endured.

  He breathed a sigh of relief when the house came into view. He knew John would be far more competent at handling the ladies than he was. He had no idea what to say to them without sounding like a fool or even worse, a brute. The soldier was too deeply ingrained in him to just take it out and be a normal, smiling, and conversing young man. Even though he knew Emma was a sensible woman and would try her level best to judge him, there was nothing he could bring himself to say to her. He was used to the silence and it was too difficult to break that habit now.

  As the carriage wound to a stop, John came rushing out of the house with another young man right on his heels.

  “Thank God, you’re here. I was just about ready to send out a search party for you,” John accused, frowning. Lucian was ready to hear more of the nonsense that usually spouted out of John’s mouth when suddenly he saw something he had never expected see. John stood, completely silent with his mouth hanging slightly open as the door of the carriage opened and the women stepped out. His friend’s interest irked Lucian who turned around to see who John was staring at.

  It better not be Emma, he thought to himself in annoyance. But as he turned, he caught the direction of his friend’s stare. And he was happy to see that John was indeed not staring at Emma but instead his eyes were set upon Jesse, Emma’s friend. And if Lucian was any judge of looks, he could almost say that Jesse was not completely uninterested as well. All of that at one side, the idea of him getting upset over other men looking at Emma with interest was a shock to Lucian.

  Why am I so affected by her? He questioned himself. But before he could think about the matter any further John called his attention and raised his brows in question. He knew his friend was very curious about what he thought about Emma but he did not want to rush the answer just yet. He wanted to know what she thought of him and he
did not want to take any risks with her. Before he decided anything, he wanted Emma to know everything about him and his condition.

  Just as all of them were about to enter the house, he heard his name being called. They all turned around in tandem to find Elinor, the neighbor’s daughter coming towards them. Elinor was a young widow, attractive and smart and, if John was right in his assumptions, she was also interested in Lucian. But Lucian had done his best since day one to avoid her at all costs. It wasn’t that she wasn’t a nice person or lady but Lucian had intended to never marry but with Emma in the picture his mind was in disarray.

  “Hi, Lucian. I’m sorry I didn’t know you had guests over,” Elinor said, coming to stand beside him. Her eyes were alight with curiousness and interest. But before Lucian could even move his mouth to reply, John had blurted out the thing he had wanted to avoid.

  “These are Emma and Jesse. Emma is Lucian’s fiancée and Jesse is her friend,” John told Elinor with a smile. Lucian felt her back straightening and the smile falling from her lips at the announcement.

  “Oh,” was all she said. The silence grew awkward as no one said anything at all.

  “Hello, it is nice meeting you,” Emma spoke up. Everyone looked at her suddenly and Lucian was surprised to find her standing tall with a friendly smile on her lips as she offered Elinor her hand. It seemed to him as if the shy Emma had suddenly taken a back step and a confident lady had taken her place. He felt proud of her bravery knowing that not many women could carry out the task with such confidence, especially a single lady of her age who was new at a place.

  “Likewise,” replied Elinor, her smile tense while she shook the outstretched hand.

  “Please, do come in and have dinner with us all,” Lucian offered, trying to ease the tension he felt in the air around them.

  “No, thank you. I’ll get going,” Elinor replied and before anyone could object, she was already moving towards the gate.

  “That went well,” John muttered in a low voice before shaking his head and speaking loudly.

  “Come, ladies, you must be tired.”

  They all went to the dinner table after both the women had been shown their rooms where they had refreshed and changed clothes. For dinner, John and the young help boy had prepared a vegetable stock with veggies that seemed to be over cooked and wilted, and potato mash that was full of lumps. As the women took their first bite, they looked at one another and Lucian almost felt bad for them. Journeying for such a long distance and then coming home to have such food.

  “You can all sing my praises now,” John spoke up smugly. They all looked at him and before anyone could think about it, they all burst out laughing.

  “What? This is my best meal to date,” John said in a voice that seemed to be suspiciously like a whine.

  “Then it is safe to say that you should leave the cooking to us ladies from now on,” Jesse replied in between giggles. John, in response, scowled and said,

  “As if you could do any better.”

  “Are you serious? This meal is a total waste,” Jesse replied laughing. At that even, Lucian had to smile a bit. It seemed as if his dear, annoying friend had met a match. He looked across the table towards Emma who was already looking at him. He saw his own mirth and amusement reflected in her eyes as both their friends bickered about their cooking skills.

  After dinner, both the woman picked up the dishes and offered to clean the kitchen and the dining area saying that since the men cooked, they would now clean. It was just as well because John would always break one or two pieces of cutlery as he cleaned.

  That night Lucian went to bed with Emma on his mind instead of nightmares and the horrors of the war.

  Chapter Five

  POV Emma Taylor

  Emma woke up early next day and looked out the window to find some men already moving about with the sun peeking through the clouds and birds chirping away happily. She was used to waking up early in the morning and went to the washstand to wash and freshen up. By the time she was done with donning her dress and getting ready, Jesse also woke up.

  “Good morning,” Jesse greeted, stretching her arms over her head and yawning hugely.

  “It’s a good morning indeed. And you are late in waking up. I’ll go see what’s happening in the kitchen before the men try and make anything on their own,” Emma told her, moving towards the door.

  “Really, is it the breakfast? Or are you just looking forward to meeting your fiancé before he goes off to work?” Jesse inquired, grinning. Emma rolled her eyes, threw a pillow at Jesse before replying saying,

  “Think whatever you like,” in a singsong voice.

  “Hey! There’s no need to be so violent this early in the morning, sunflower,” Jesse scowled and mocked Emma who had always been a morning person. Emma couldn’t resist sticking out her tongue and teasing her friend, just like old times, as she moved towards the door of the room. Just as she was about to move out the room, she collided hard with someone out there in the hallway. She moved her eyes from Jesse to stare wide-eyed at Lucian who was passing their room, his attention on some papers in his hand. He stabilized Emma with a hand around her shoulders before commenting,

  “We keep meeting this way,”

  Emma couldn’t stop the blush from moving across her neck and towards her cheeks as she looked at Lucian.

  “I-I was just about to go prepare breakfast,” she told him, looking down.

  “Oh, Thank Heavens. I didn’t think I could endure any more of my own cooking,” John said aloud as he came out of his room down the hall from the ladies’ room. Emma smiled at his teasing and moved out of Lucian’s partial embrace towards the kitchen.

  Oh, Lord. That man is dangerous to my senses, she thought as she stood in the kitchen. From the time that she had seen Lucian, Emma couldn’t control her heart from beating really loud every time he was near. It was especially embarrassing that her cheeks flamed every time he said anything to her. Jerking out of her reverie, she looked around to the kitchen and found eggs, slices of bacon, and a fresh loaf of bread. Thinking of preparing a simple breakfast for everyone, she got down to work.

  Everyone came into the kitchen just when she was finishing up. She had made some French toast accompanied with butter and cream. Along with them, she had also toasted the bread and made fried eggs. She served fried bacon with them on the side.

  “Oh, the aroma is so good,” John commented, entering the kitchen. Emma had observed by now that John was the talkative one out of the friends. On the other hand, Lucian was just the opposite. He was serious and silent. Most of the time he was thinking or otherwise occupied. He rarely ever laughed. Ever since the time Emma had arrived at the farm, she had seen Lucian smiling just once or twice and never really laughing.

  Everyone came and sat down around the table as breakfast was served. John made all sorts of appreciative noises while consuming his food and Jesse annoyed him with a comment here or there. Lucian stayed silent as always, simply eating his breakfast. After everyone was done and the dishes were as good as clean, the ladies got up and started picking up the cutlery from the table. Emma was just removing the plates from Lucian’s side of the table when her foot tripped and all the plates in her hand fell down with a crash.

  Before she knew what had happened, Lucian had jumped up from the table and covered her body with his. She was crushed under the weight and had no idea what was going on. She could hear his harsh breathing and his body shook badly. Clearing her head, she realized that the crash had probably reminded Lucian of his days in the army and he was so attuned to all kind of these small crashing and clashing noises that he had done the first thing that had come into his mind, acting on his instincts.

  “It’s okay now. They were just plates,” Emma tried reassuring him but it was as if her words fell on deaf ears. She looked up to find his eyes had turned completely dark gray with his irises huge and a wild look in his eyes. She had no idea what horrors he was reliving as he stared at her, not recogn
izing her in the least.

  A storm was brewing in his eyes and Emma had no idea how to take him out of his turmoil. She knew she had to help him before he completely lost it. Trying not to be scared by the way he was looking at her, Emma started reassuring him again in small whispers. She stroked his hard shoulders and kept looking into his eyes. It was after some time that she noticed his eyes gaining back their awareness and the struggle in him subsiding. His breaths started coming out easy and his body relaxed.

  “I-I am sorry,” he stuttered out before straightening up lightening fast.

  “There’s no need. I’m sorry about the plates. I should’ve been more careful,” Emma replied in an awkward voice.

  “No, no you don’t understand. I could’ve hurt you,” he told her, raking his fingers through his hair and muttering things under his breath while pacing the room in an agitated stride.

  “But why would you hurt me? I know it was just the shock of the plates…”

  Emma didn’t even complete her sentence when Lucian roared out a loud,

  “No!” Everyone around the room stilled. From the corner of her eyes, Emma saw Jesse’s eyes widening in surprise while John shook his head.

  “I could’ve killed you. Now you know what’s wrong with me, why you shouldn’t marry me. I’m broken. Every sound feels like another bullet or cannon sound. I destroy everything around me at times. Just last week, I tried to strangle a servant when he had touched my shoulder to call me. I’m a ticking bomb with no fixed time. Everything takes me back to the war. I can still see the number of bodies I left behind, some of my friends and others my enemies, but all of them painful and horrific.

  “I cannot sleep due to the nightmares and all of them different events and happenings that I’ve actually been through. The blood, the body parts, the death. All of them surround me and haunt me. All the lives I’ve taken and all the people I’ve lost, I can still hear them. I can see it all, feel it all. I’m dead inside. And I don’t want to hurt anyone in here. I don’t want to become the monster that I’ve spent my whole life being. Please leave. You will find quite a number of men around who would be willing to marry you and care for you like a real man would. I really wish I could do that but I’m afraid that I would end up hurting you instead.”


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