Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance Page 63

by Aria Ford

  About nine young ladies raised their hands into the air. The host nodded.

  “Thank you, ladies. We appreciate you coming, but at this time we have to ask you to take your leave. Please make your way to the exit. Remaining ladies, you may take a seat at one of the tables,” he said as he gestured to where the tables were laid out.

  Audrey’s eyes widened. Wow, that was harsh, she thought. They weren’t joking when they said it was a private gala. Everyone looked around at one another, shocked that nearly one-fifth of the invitees had been dismissed so abruptly. The nine ladies began to make their way out of the room and the rest of the guests made their way to the tables.

  Audrey shifted in her seat as she watched the disappointed girls leave the party before it had really started. Another young woman had taken a seat across the table from her. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a chignon and she looked confident in her navy gown. Audrey caught movement from the corner of her eye. The chair beside her began to slide out. She looked up to find a tall, dark, and very handsome man pulling up the seat next to her. His brown skin was rich and smooth. Audrey drank him in; his muscular body filled his tuxedo perfectly.

  James Bradley had been leaning against the bar, sipping his Glenfiddich when Audrey caught his eye. The lush auburn waves of her hair spilled over her shoulders, and with the way that scarlet dress hugged her body, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He had found the belle of the ball, no doubt, but the most intriguing part was that she obviously had no idea. She was graceful, but she guarded herself.

  Her arms were always wrapped around her middle, trying to shield herself from the gaze of others. It had the opposite effect on James; he felt himself drawn to her. Of course, he had profiles of all the women at the event. He knew the basics of each guest: their names, education, background information, but the fun of events like this was to get to know them personally. He was searching for the perfect candidate, and as he made his way through the room toward Audrey’s table, he was hoping it was her.

  “Is this seat taken?” He smiled at Audrey. His smile was warm; she blushed as she looked up at him.

  “No, no.” She began to stand to make him feel welcome, but he touched her shoulder, pushing her gently back into her seat.

  “Please, don’t get up.” He placed his glass on the table, the ice cubes clinked against each other as the movement swayed them in the amber liquid.

  “How are you finding the gala?” he asked as he sat next to her.

  The blonde across the table chimed in. “I thought there would be more people. Seventy-five people hardly qualifies as a ‘gala.’ And now they just sent ten women packing in one shot,” she said shaking her head and looking around. “This is a weird party.”

  He chuckled and took a sip of his drink, then raised his glass toward her. “True enough!” He had been so captivated by Audrey that he had barely noticed the blonde across from her.

  Audrey smiled and shook her head. “I still think it’s pretty great. This is probably one of the nicest parties I’ve ever attended. Not to mention the VIP treatment beforehand was pretty nice as well.” As the handsome man turned toward her, she realized that these events were probably a dime a dozen to him. Her face flushed. Oh my god, I sound like the biggest loser on the planet. She cringed internally.

  “Ah, you’re a girl who appreciates the finer things in life. I like that; it’s refreshing,” he said, looking into her eyes. She was a bit naïve and inexperienced, but more than anything, she didn’t have a sense of entitlement. This was quite a change from most of the women Bradley met through the usual dinners and parties.

  As he studied her face, Audrey thought she might just melt into her chair. His charisma was unlike anything she had ever experienced before; when he spoke to her, it radiated off him. He bordered on hypnotic.

  Suddenly, a hand holding a black folder passed by her eyes, breaking her gaze. A waiter placed the folder in front of her with a pen on top. Audrey glanced around and saw that all of the guests were being handed the same folders. She opened the cover and read the top of the first page.

  “Non-disclosure agreement,” she mumbled to herself. She turned toward the stranger beside her. “Now even I have to admit this party is getting a bit weird.” She smiled at him.

  The host tapped on the microphone to gain the attention of the guests. “Ladies, you will find some legal documents in the folder that has been placed in front of you. This is a non-disclosure agreement, meaning that if you sign, you agree to keep anything that happens here tonight confidential. Please take a moment to read through it and if you agree, which we hope you will, then sign the documents. If not, thank you for coming and please make your way to the exit.” The host gestured again to the doors leading out of the hall.

  Audrey glanced around at the other women. Everyone seemed to be equally surprised at the strange request. She looked down at the papers. As she read through them, she was relieved to see that it was really only an agreement to keep the discussions of the evening confidential. She wasn’t legally binding herself to do anything other than keep quiet. She clicked the pen as she considered. A few women had already started to make their way to the door.

  “This is too fucking weird. I’m outta here,” the blonde woman said and abruptly stood up and made her way out.

  Audrey watched as she went, and then looked back to her papers. She was intrigued. She wanted to know what the big deal was about this gala. James reached over and placed his large hand on top of hers. She stopped clicking the pen.

  “I hope you sign it,” he said, giving her hand a little squeeze. Standing up, he took his drink, gave Audrey a little wink, and walked off to another table. She watched him saunter away, her mouth hanging open a bit. She turned and signed the papers.

  As the dinner got underway, Audrey enjoyed all the different courses offered. Everything was delicious, but she couldn’t focus on the food. She had met a few of the other ladies and men, but the conversations never held her attention. She kept catching herself looking through the room to see if she could spot her handsome stranger.

  Every time she would find him making rounds in the crowd , she would feel a wave of heat rush through her body. Why didn’t I ask his name? She thought. I wonder if he works for the host? She was also dying to find out what the non-disclosure agreement was all about. What was the big secret? Audrey was staring at the stranger, who was talking to some of the other women when he stood and began to make his way over to the microphone.

  “Good evening everyone. Thank you for coming to my gala tonight, and thank you for deciding to stay.” He smiled. “As some of you already know, my name is James Bradley. I have invited you all here tonight as part of a recruitment competition I am holding.”

  Audrey’s breath caught in her throat.

  James. Fucking. Bradley, she thought. I’m such an idiot. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him! Her face turned crimson as the realization sunk in. I can’t believe James Bradley came to talk to me at his own party and I didn’t realize it was him. I’m going to die of embarrassment.

  She had taken a minute to look him up after she got the invitation, but she hadn’t put much thought into it because she never thought he would be attending a small-time event like this. James Bradley was one of the youngest self-made billionaires in history, but what had made him really famous was the fact that he was a young African American man who had grown up on the rough streets of Baltimore. He was the kid who grew up with everyone telling him that his dreams were too big, that he would never make it. Now, he was one of the most successful businessmen in the country and an inspiration to young people, especially the young black community.

  He was in the news regularly for his charitable works and the opportunities he created for young people. Audrey suddenly realized that he had said “recruitment competition.” It suddenly dawned on her that she could end up working for JAMES BRADLEY! This was the kind of opportunity she had been waiting for. I hope I didn’t blow my chances
already. She took a deep breath and turned her attention back to his speech.

  “I will be giving the details of the position at a later time, once the appropriate candidates have been selected. The selection process itself will be quite rigorous. The position is very unique and lucrative, but unfortunately, I only need one person to fill it. I have had the opportunity to meet and speak with each of you tonight, however briefly. As the evening comes to an end, those of you who have made it on to the next round will be given further instructions. Everyone else, thank you for coming, and enjoy the rest of the party.” He held his glass up to the crowd, smiled, and took a sip. He made his way down from the stage and people began to mingle again.

  The level of excitement in the room was palpable. The young women were looking around to gauge themselves against the competition. Audrey’s heart sank. She was certain that she had made a bad impression on James Bradley: first for not recognizing him, and second for hesitating to sign the papers. She felt disappointed in herself. If anyone in this room could relate to how James Bradley had grown up, it was her. She was killing herself just to get through college and everyone in her family thought she was crazy for it.

  Why are you working so hard? You think you’re going to be a big shot someday? They had mocked her when she was applying to college. Then she had to move out in order to get the peace she needed to study. That meant she had to work her butt off to cover her expenses, and even still, money was so tight she was already considering postponing her next semester.

  She wished she had been able to convey even a bit of this to James Bradley when she had the chance. I can’t believe he was right there and I was too busy swooning to realize who he was, she thought. She began to make her way to the exit, slowly winding through the crowd. At least it was a nice party, and I got a fancy dress out of the deal, she thought, sighing to herself. Without warning, she felt a hand grab her wrist, pulling her back. She turned around hastily and jerked her arm free, startled. It was James.

  “Are you leaving already?” he asked. His eyebrows knit together with mock offense.

  “Oh, I, uh,” Audrey mumbled, trying to think of something clever to say. “I thought, well, I didn’t think I made a great first impression,” she confessed. She lifted her hands and covered her face. “Oh my God. I just keep embarrassing myself. I’m so sorry.” Her face flushed crimson behind her hands. James reached over and gently pulled her hands down; she looked up at him and he smiled.

  “You made an impression alright. Don’t be embarrassed. I find you charming.” He gestured to one of his staff. The man scurried over with another folder and handed it to her. “Seriously, I find you really refreshing. Several of the other women have already thrown themselves at me or paid way too much attention to my success. I find that rather off-putting. I hope to see you at the next round.” His smile melted her. She nodded vigorously, clutching the folder tightly to her chest.

  “Yes, of course. Thank you so much,” she said. Audrey realized she was gushing, but she was so grateful.

  Chapter Two

  A black Lincoln had come to pick Audrey up at her apartment. She stared out the window as the car whizzed past her neighborhood. A few days earlier one of Mr. Bradley’s cars had picked her up and she had been taken to a private clinic, where she’d had a full medical and fitness evaluation. It had taken all day. She’d had blood tests, a full-body MRI, a stress test, and an hour-long session with a psychologist.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she had had a thorough medical examination. For the second half of the day, they had taken her to perform various fitness tests. It had been exhausting, and she had this nagging feeling in the back of her mind that her privacy was being invaded the whole time.

  How could all of this be necessary for the sake of a job? Do they really need to know my body fat percentage? she thought. But then that evening, when a large deposit was made into her account, all doubt faded. The payment she had received in exchange for one day of testing was more than she made in a month waitressing.

  She needed the money, and she thought about how this opportunity had fallen into her lap. If she was careful, it could change the entire course of her life; no more struggling to get by. If she managed to beat out the competition for this position with Mr. Bradley, she would be set for life.

  I’d do almost anything. I have to win this job. I wonder how many others have made it to this point, she thought as she stared out the window. She looked down at her watch. They had been on the road, pushing through morning traffic for forty-five minutes already.

  I wonder where we’re headed today, she thought. Suddenly, she realized that she recognized the area. They had entered Guilford. The houses were immense and everything was pristine. The yards and gardens were manicured to perfection. The car turned into a long driveway; the house at the end was massive and stunningly beautiful. Of course he lives here, she sighed to herself.

  Once she entered the house, she was ushered into a formal living room to wait. As she walked in, she saw that two other young women were waiting as well. She nodded at them and took a seat on one of the sofas. Only two others, I can do this. She took a deep breath as Mr. Bradley walked into the room.

  “Ladies, good morning. Thank you for coming,” he said as he walked in. He looked amazing, so confident and cool. Audrey was in awe of him. “So, you’ve all been through quite a lot this week, but you have come out on top.” He smiled as he walked over to the fireplace mantel and leaned on his elbow, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

  “I guess you’re dying to find out what we have in store for you next. Well, I hope you like this place, because for the next step I would like you to agree to live here for three months of intense training.” As the words came out of his mouth, he scanned the room for their reactions.

  Audrey’s eyes widened. Three months, Jesus. That’s one hell of a commitment, she thought.

  The brunette on the sofa across from Audrey stood abruptly. “I’m sorry, but this is all a bit much. I have a life outside of this competition for … I don’t even know what this is all for. I’m out,” she said as she made her way toward the exit.

  Audrey watched as the woman left the room and the turned her attention to the one woman left. She had the look of someone conflicted; her dark hair was pulled into a tight ponytail. She was beautiful. Audrey closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she was calculating what she could earn doing this versus her waitressing job.

  “I’m in.” She nodded as she said it, her eyes still closed. She opened them and looked at the other woman. James turned his attention to her as well.

  “And?” he asked. “What will it be, Vanessa? Are you going to let Audrey have it?”

  Vanessa glanced at Audrey, then looked her up and down slowly and shook her head. “No. No way. I’m in,” she said, turning to Mr. Bradley.

  “Wonderful! I’ll have my assistant get you both set up, tie up your loose ends at home and then we will proceed. See you both in the morning.”

  In order to stay at the mansion, Audrey was given a few days to get her affairs in order. She didn’t need much; she had a tiny apartment with two houseplants. Part of the arrangement was that James would foot the bill for her rent while she was staying at his home, on top of paying her a handsome salary. She was on cloud nine. Just these three months would allow her to pay for most of her next school year. She arranged with Harold, James’s butler, for her mail to be picked up and delivered to her once a week. She packed up her scant wardrobe and her two plants and said goodbye to her apartment for the next three months.

  Once she arrived with her things, she was shown her new room. It was lovely, a step far above her apartment and practically the same size. She had a small table, two chairs, and a sitting area with a sofa in addition to her huge cloud-like bed. There was also a private bathroom. She walked to the closet with her bag, about to hang up her few pieces of clothing and found that the closet was stocked. The clothes still had the tags on them and were her s
ize. I must be dreaming, I need to pinch myself. This can’t be for me, she thought, looking over the beautiful clothes in disbelief. Just then there was a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” she hollered, still examining the clothes in the closet.

  “Audrey?” She whipped around when she heard James’s voice and stepped out of the closet.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was you, Mr. Bradley,” Audrey said. She was a bit embarrassed about being caught in the closet.

  “James is fine, thanks,” he said, sitting down on the arm of the sofa. “Checking out the new work clothes?”

  “Uh, yeah. These are amazing. I’m kind of in awe right now.” She gazed back at the closet. She couldn’t hide her excitement; she was grinning like a fool. “Thank you so much. I feel like I won the lottery.”

  He liked watching her; she was beautiful and sexy, but had no idea. He had read up on her background and was intrigued and impressed; she didn’t have it easy like most of the other girls. If anyone was deserving of this opportunity, it was her. He just hoped that she was up for it; he was going to ask a lot of her. “It’s my pleasure. But I want you to know that I am a very demanding boss; work is going to be tough. I hope you aren’t afraid to go out of your comfort zone,” he said.

  “No, sir. I’m ready. I aim to please,” she said brightly.

  He almost laughed out loud; she really didn’t know what she was getting herself into.

  “Will you join me for dinner tonight? We can discuss the training a bit further,” he said. He stood and walked over to her closet.

  “Yes, absolutely. What time?” she asked, watching him.

  He walked into the closet and took a little black dress off the rack, then knelt down and picked up a pair of nude pumps. He lay everything out on the sofa while Audrey watched him. Wow. This is a man who likes to be in control, she thought.


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