Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance Page 64

by Aria Ford

  “Seven. Harold will come get you. I want you to wear this,” he said. He walked toward her and put his hand on her shoulder. She felt butterflies in her stomach the moment her touched her.

  “See you later.” He smiled and walked out.

  At dinner with James, they had gotten to know each other a bit better. The small talk flowed easily between them. The more time she spent with James, the more charming and funny Audrey found him. This work dinner felt more like a date to her, and she had to keep reminding herself that it wasn’t. He went over the details of what he expected from her, and it seemed to be a very involved personal assistant position. He explained that because he was trying both her and Vanessa out, one would do the morning shift and the other would do the afternoon. He put Audrey on the afternoon shift.

  When Audrey woke the next morning, she stretched in the soft bedding, thinking that she had never slept on such a comfortable bed in her life. If this bed is any indication, this is going to be a good three months, she thought. She began her shifts with James, and although he was fussy and demanding, after only a few days she became very familiar with his schedule and was able to easily anticipate his needs. They worked together in harmony and their relationship was professional. She wondered what all his warning had been with regards to her comfort zone, although she had to admit she was very attracted to him.

  He was a handsome man; his skin was dark and flawlessly smooth. He kept a short beard, and he dressed to kill. His athletic body was graceful and powerful at the same time. Audrey loved to watch him move. She found that after a few days of working for him, she was starting to have dreams of him at night, of his strong body pressing against hers. She would wake sweating, left with a feeling of dissatisfaction.

  One morning during her second month, she rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. She climbed into the beautiful mosaic stall and had a hot shower, the jets on the wall hitting every part of her body. She was marveling at how much this all still felt like a vacation. Her apartment was less than luxurious; this was a welcome change. She had never been able to afford travel, but she imagined resorts felt like this.

  Audrey exited the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. When she went back into her room, she found her usual breakfast of fresh fruit and coffee had been left for her. She picked up the coffee and took a sip, then noticed a note on the tray.

  Good morning.

  Harold will come get you at 10a.m.

  Please put on the outfit in the box.

  Thank you.

  She looked around for a second and then spotted the box on her bed. She walked over and pulled the cover off. Really? This is considered an outfit now? she thought as she pulled the golden string bikini out of the box. She swallowed hard and felt heat rise up to her face as she thought about how embarrassed she would be wearing this tiny bathing suit in front of anyone, let alone James.

  She was also slightly puzzled. So far, she had been working as James’ assistant. Why now was she being asked to dress in such a manner? It certainly seemed at odds with what she thought the job entitled. She wasn’t sure she was completely comfortable with it, but decided to see what it was all about anyway.

  She slid off her towel, put the bikini on, and made her way over to the mirror. She looked herself over. It fit, but it didn’t leave much to the imagination. The tiny triangles were stretched over her breasts and the bottom barely contained her butt cheeks. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Okay, I can do this. It’s just a job. Plenty of girls model all sorts of stuff like this for money. I can do this. She nodded to herself in the mirror and went and got her bathrobe.

  Minutes after she finished her coffee, there was a soft knock at the door. The door cracked open and Harold, the main house butler, stuck his head in.

  “Ms. Audrey, James will see you now,” he said. Harold was always very polite and soft-spoken; Audrey found him reassuring.

  “Yes, of course,” she said as she made her way to the door. She noticed that Vanessa was also with Harold. She had not seen much of Vanessa at all, but every time she did, it was painfully uncomfortable. Vanessa hated her and wasn’t afraid to let it be known. She was wearing the same bikini as Audrey, but Vanessa was not wearing a robe. Shit. Shit. I should leave the robe. Now I look like a prude, like I’m not confident, she thought and she hesitated in her movement.

  “Everything okay, Ms. Audrey? Did you forget something?” Harold asked, noticing her hesitation. Vanessa turned and looked at her as well, scanning her up and down with a little smirk.

  “Sorry, no. I’m fine , let’s go,” she said as she shook her head. She was embarrassed and felt like Vanessa was judging her; she wished she could be that confident.

  They made their way across the vast house in silence. After what seemed like the longest silence in the world, they reached James’s office. All three entered the room and he smiled at them and held up one finger. He was seated at his desk and was on the phone. Vanessa sauntered in and began looking at the various objects on a bookshelf, while Audrey stood near the door waiting for instructions.

  After a moment, he hung up the phone. “Ladies, good morning! Come in, Audrey, come in, don’t be shy,” he said, gesturing her toward his desk. He liked that she needed to be coaxed a little. Under normal circumstances she was confident in her duties, but the bikini had obviously thrown her for a loop. He could tell she was attracted to him, but he liked to make sure she knew he was the boss and she was the employee. She made her way over to him, her hands wrapped around herself; her red hair fell over her shoulder in a loose braid.

  “Alright, now I see you are both wearing the outfits left for you. Well, I imagine you are.” He winked at Audrey. She blushed so hard it hurt. She dropped her eyes to the floor and bit her lip. Oh my god, she thought. She was mortified that she had decided to keep the robe.

  “I’m just kidding you. Don’t worry,” he said as he reached over and gave her arm a little squeeze. Vanessa gave Audrey a death glare at the sight of James being so familiar with her. “Now, I need to explain something to you two. The reason the screening process was so rigorous, and the reason I have you both trained so well to anticipate my needs, is that this position is more involved than a typical employment. I’m looking for a submissive.”

  Chapter Three

  “Sorry? Did you just say a ‘submissive?’” Vanessa looked at him with raised eyebrows. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Isn’t that some kind of sexual pervert thing?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, sometimes it can be, certainly. But for myself it’s not necessarily sexual, it’s about exercising control and establishing trust.”

  Audrey let out a deep breath she had been holding in. She looked at James; his eyes were so serious. It took a lot for him admit this to them. His smile could melt any woman’s will into nothing, why does he need to hire a submissive? she thought. Then she remembered all the fantasies she had been having about him. She imagined him bending her over his knee and spanking her. Heat coursed through her whole body as she thought about it, and her nipples hardened.

  “This, like all other parts of the process, is voluntary, obviously. If you don’t want to do this, you may leave. However, having said that, I also want you both to know that many people think they aren’t cut out for this kind of thing, but end up being pleasantly surprised. It can be very liberating to give up control,” he said, looking at Vanessa. “I invite you to give it a try; we’ll start small and if you want to stop, we will.”

  He turned to Audrey and raised his eyebrows, communicating his question: Was she in?

  She looked over at Vanessa, standing there so confident in the tiny bikini. James is mine. Fuck it, I’m in. She looked back at him and nodded.

  “Absolutely, I’m in,” she said.

  He turned to Vanessa expectantly. “Vanessa?”

  She glared at Audrey for a second. “Fine, but no sex,” she said, looking back at him.

  “Excellent.” He stood up, made hi
s way over to a cabinet beside his desk, and opened the doors. Audrey couldn’t see what he was looking at inside, but he stood there for what felt like forever. Suddenly he reached in and pulled out a black leather riding crop. He slapped it against his free hand with a loud snap.

  “Let’s get started then,” he said, turning toward them.

  Audrey felt her whole body begin to tremble slightly as fear took over. She gulped and squeezed her arms tighter around herself. James walked back toward them and looked them up and down. He was so hot with the look of authority on his face and the riding crop in his hand. She wished it was just the two of them.

  “The first rule is you don’t look me in the eye unless I instruct you to do so. Eyes on the floor.” His tone had changed. Where it had been friendly, it was now stern and authoritative.

  Audrey dropped her eyes to the floor in front of her feet. Her body trembled slightly in anticipation. She imagined him hitting her behind with the crop and her heart slammed in her chest. Suddenly the crop flew up and struck Vanessa in the thigh.

  “Ouch. Jesus,” she complained.

  “Eyes down,” he barked.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, rubbing her thigh where he had struck her.

  “Audrey, drop the robe,” he commanded.

  She didn’t hesitate. Without moving her gaze from the floor, she lifted her hands to the collar and pulled the robe off her shoulders, letting it drop to the ground. Her face flushed. She felt shy and exposed without the robe. Goosebumps raised all over her body. The gold fabric of the bikini did little to hide her taut nipples, and her hands instinctively rose to cover herself. He gently tapped her hands and she dropped them down to her sides.

  “See, Vanessa, you could learn a thing or two from Audrey, she is a natural.”

  Vanessa turned her head slightly toward Audrey and glared again. Audrey rolled her eyes. Get over it, you brat, she thought.

  “See, at it again. Eyes on the floor,” he said in mock disappointment. “Audrey is a bunny. Vanessa, you are a tiger. I think we need to teach Tiger a little something today. What do you think?”

  Audrey wasn’t sure what to say. “Yes, sir?” She sounded like she was asking a question. “I’m sorry, Mr. Bradley, I’m not sure what you mean?”

  “Mr. Bradley. Very nice Audrey, keep things formal. Okay, it’s very simple. I think Tiger needs to learn a bit of humility, and I would like you to teach her.” His tone was matter of fact.

  Audrey shook her head slightly in disbelief. She didn’t know what he wanted her to do. She wanted so badly to do well, but she was afraid of what he was going to ask of her. She felt herself start to look up toward him for guidance she stopped herself before she did. She took a deep breath. The idea of dominating Vanessa was so satisfying; she would finally give her a taste of her own medicine.

  “What would you like me to do?” she asked. He took her right wrist in his and lifted her arm, placing the crop in her trembling hand. He walked around behind her and pressed himself against her, then wrapped his hand around hers and squeezed it tight around the handle.

  “Teach her to be a bunny,” he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. She was embarrassed by how aroused she had become. Feeling his body against hers, the self-consciousness melted away. She wanted to please him. She stepped away from him and nodded. She turned toward Vanessa.

  “Tiger.” She had wanted to bark the name, but her voice lacked the authority she had hoped for. She focused on her task.

  “Touch your toes.” Her voice was louder, stronger this time. Vanessa looked at her, her face contorting into a snarl. Audrey was surprised by her own fast reaction; she gripped the whip and firmly smacked Vanessa on the ass.

  “TOUCH YOUR TOES,” she commanded. Vanessa winced from the snap of the leather against her skin, but she leaned down and touched her toes. Mr. Bradley crossed his arms across his broad chest and nodded in approval.

  Audrey felt something she had never felt before. Her shyness was melting away. She was turned on by the idea of punishing Vanessa, but even more so about James watching her do it. She wanted to prove she could do this for him. She placed the end of the crop on Vanessa’s lower back and walked a slow circle around her, looking Vanessa over.

  When she arrived behind her, she stopped and took a step back. She lowered the crop to her inner ankle and very slowly raised it up her leg, tickling her ever so slightly. Once the leather reached her upper thigh, Vanessa shivered in response to the touch. Audrey immediately dropped the crop down and began the same stroke up her other leg. Vanessa’s hips shifted involuntarily. Audrey flushed; she was intrigued by the reaction.

  “You like that, Tiger?” Audrey asked and she raised the crop into the air. She was about to slap it down across Vanessa’s ass when suddenly Mr. Bradley’s hand seized her wrist and he took the crop from her.

  “That’s enough,” he said. He released her wrist and made his way back to the cabinet where he replaced the riding crop in its home. Audrey immediately felt as if she had gone too far. She was embarrassed by how easily she had gotten into it, and by how aroused it had made her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said as she stared at the floor. Her eyes stung with tears.

  “Tiger, you may rise,” he said. “Harold will show you back to your room.”

  Vanessa stood up. Her face was red and she didn’t look at either of them before she turned to leave the room. Audrey began to follow Vanessa. Humiliated, she just wanted to hide in her room.

  “Not you, Bunny.”

  Audrey froze in place. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to fight back tears. That’s it. I’m fired, she thought. She hung her head and, without thinking, she hugged herself around the middle. She felt exposed and foolish.

  “Come here, Bunny,” he commanded. She turned without lifting her head and made her way over to where he stood at the desk. A tear slipped down her cheek. She hoped he would just cut her loose quickly so she could get the hell out of there without any more embarrassment.

  “You’re crying?” James asked, a hint of surprise in his voice. He reached up and wiped the tear away.

  “Sorry,” Audrey mumbled.

  “Put your hands on the desk,” he barked. She took a step forward and put her shaking hands on his desk. He took her braid in his hand and guided her head downward toward the desk until her cheek was pressed on the desk between her hands. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she had no idea what he was planning; she was sure she was about to be punished for her behavior. He slid his foot between her feet and pushed them apart.

  He leaned over her and his lips brushed her ear as he whispered, “Spread your legs.”

  She obeyed his command, spreading her legs. It left her feeling incredibly vulnerable. He traced his finger along the ridge of her spine from her neck to the top of her backside; she quivered under his gentle touch.

  “Do you like it when I touch you, Bunny?” he asked, running his finger down the outside of her thigh.

  A moan escaped as she opened her mouth to reply. “Yes. Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  He suddenly struck her ass hard with an open hand. She winced in pain.

  “Why were you crying?” he asked.

  Once again, she felt stupid. “I … I thought you were going to fire me.” She could feel the tears burning her eyes again. She squeezed them shut.

  He put his hands on her hips and pressed himself against her. She could feel him becoming hard against her ass. She wanted him so badly; she struggled not to move against his touch. He ran his hands up her waist, over her shoulders and down her arms until they wrapped around her wrists and he was covering her completely. He kissed her neck softly and then whispered in her ear.

  “You’re not getting fired today, but I’m thinking about punishing you.” He was angry with her. He wanted full control over the situation, and she had surprised him. Of course, his intention with his submissive was sexual; it was a part of the game he carefully introduced after weeks of gaining their t
rust and building their desire.

  He had thought that in a position of power, Audrey would be uncomfortable. He wanted to watch her squirm under the pressure. Instead, once she had the crop in her hand she changed. She made the encounter sexual almost instantly. She was confident and sexy as hell, and James found it almost irresistible.

  She was scared of what he was going to do to her, but she couldn’t help being turned on. She was trying desperately to resist the urge to press her ass against him. Her body was on fire underneath his, she was afraid of being punished but she could feel herself swelling and becoming wet with arousal.

  “Tiger specifically said no sex. But you didn’t,” he growled. “Is that what you want? You want me to fuck you?”

  “No,” she whimpered helplessly under his weight. She was lying and she knew he could tell.

  He rubbed his hard cock against her, up and down against her pussy until she almost cried out. Suddenly, he let go of her wrists and stood up, and then he grabbed the strings of her top and pulled them loose. He stepped back from her; his erection was throbbing with anticipation.

  “Stand up,” he said.

  She pushed herself off the desk and drew her hands up to cover her bare breasts.

  “Turn around and drop your hands,” he commanded her. His voice was angry.

  She turned around slowly and slid her hands down to her slides. She kept her eyes on the floor in front of her, but she could feel his gaze on her. James wanted her to feel uncomfortable. He wanted her to know who was in control. But as he looked over her curvy body and her firm breasts, he began to doubt his methods. Fuck, she is gorgeous, he thought, and imagined taking those hard, pink nipples into his mouth and sucking them until she begged him to stop. That wasn’t all he wanted to do to her. He shook the thought from his head.

  “Go to your room,” he said finally. “I expect to see a Bunny next session.”

  She reached down and scooped up her robe from the floor and scurried over to the door.

  Audrey had initially felt relieved when she was sent to her room. She wanted to hide; she was ashamed at how she had acted with Vanessa and how she felt about James. Yes, she had wanted to humiliate Vanessa. She was the type of girl who had everything handed to her, and she still complained every step of the way. Audrey hated women like that.


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