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Just Sex

Page 18

by Heidi Lynn Anderson

  Sam stood over him and frowned down at J.J. “Love stinks.”

  He picked at the grass. “This is my first time being in love. Some parts stink, but some are great.”

  The boy sat and asked. “Are you going to ask my mom to marry you?”

  How did he answer Sam? How do you tell a boy that you’re having a baby with someone else? How do you tell him that his mother didn’t want to spend the rest of her life with a man like him?

  How do you explain to an eleven-year-old that you fucked up your life and you are not worthy of a woman like his mother?

  He stared into Sam’s earnest eyes. “If I ask your mother to marry me, I will make sure you approve.”

  “When you don’t make my mom cry, you make her smile in a way I have never seen her do before.” Sam stood. “If you keep doing that, then I’ll approve.” He walked back into the house.

  After a few moments, he followed Sam. J.J. found Bev and prepared to eat humble pie.

  Kat tossed her suitcase onto her childhood bed. After landing at the airport, Kat and her father headed right to the mill. The total devastation surprised and saddened Kat. Her father wept at the mess. Kat knew at that moment that she would do anything to bring the mill back to its heyday.

  A knock sounded at her door. “Come in, Dad.”

  Axel poked his head in. “I’m just checking to see if you need anything.”

  Kat knew that was a lie. She could see the question on his devastated face. “I’m fine.” She stood and went to him. “We can fix this.”

  “Oh Katherine, to see my grandfather’s, father’s and my hard work in ruins like that.”

  “We’ll rebuild it bigger, better and greener.” She gripped his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “There are so many ways we can be greener with our business practices.”

  “We are green.”

  “You’ve done a great job with our harvesting practices, but we can add on a paper pulp section and boost our production while cutting back on our harvesting.”

  “What about the people who do that work?”

  She rummaged through her carry on. “We’ll still need them to do scouting and removal.” She handed him a pile of spreadsheets. “We can use fallen trees. The rest we can retrain and put to work in the new section.”

  Axel scanned the papers. “What about the truck drivers?”

  “They’ll be needed to transport the final product to the ports, freight depots and to the local suppliers.” She walked to her closet and retrieved hangers. “It’s all mapped out on the spreadsheets. Look them over and let me know what you think.”

  Her father smiled and kissed Kat on the cheek. “I will.” He shut the door when he left.

  Kat collapsed on the bed and wept for the hundred years that went up in smoke in a matter of hours. When she couldn’t cry anymore, she powered up her laptop and made more lists and spreadsheets.

  The video calling box popped up on her screen. It showed Sam was online. She put a bright smile on her face, moved her cursor to the box and clicked.

  Sam’s cute face came on screen. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, baby. How was the rest of your Christmas?”

  Sam told her all about him and J.J. beating Ron at Battleship Super Weapons and playing football. Kat’s heart ached for what she gave up with J.J. She let her son’s voice sooth her broken heart.

  “Mom,” Sam broke into her wallowing.

  She shook her head. “Yes, baby.”

  “I have to go. Love you,” and Sam was gone.

  Her computer went blue. “Love you too,” she said into the air. Tears streaked down her cheeks as the reality of her situation filled her.

  Chapter Twenty

  J.J. disembarked the tin-can-sized plane in the middle of a snowstorm. White flakes landed on his exposed skin. Cold. sharp air cut through his fleece jacket and froze him to the bone. Between the rocky flight and the bitter Maine air, his frazzled nerves had frayed into microscopic threads. He opened the door to the terminal.

  Warm dry air washed over his face, and heat infused his tired body. He made his way to the airline attendant.

  “Happy New Year,” the man said. “How may I help you?”

  “Happy New Year.” J.J. pasted on his friendliest smile. “Can you tell me where the car rentals are?”

  “You can’t get there from here.”

  The over-exaggerated Maine accent pulled a chuckle from J.J. He set his duffel bag on the floor.

  “Just kidding.” The man pointed. “See those signs?”

  “Yeah.” He followed the attendant’s finger.

  “Take a left at the signs and you’ll see the kiosk.”

  “Thanks.” He grabbed his bag and made his way through the terminal, stood in front of the car rental counter and waited for the middle-aged woman to finish with the family in front of him. J.J. stared at the sleeping baby in the car seat. The man picked up the carrier and the woman pushed the stroller with a very upset toddler in it. The child’s wails echoed down the hall. Will that be me one day? Fuck, I’m not ready for that.

  “May I help you?” The clerk’s voice broke into his thoughts.

  He shook his head to clear it. “Yes, I have a reservation.” He handed her the paperwork, his license and a company credit card.

  She slid the contract and the keys over the counter. “Please sign here.”

  J.J. signed the documents. “Thanks.” He grabbed the keys and his duffel bag and headed for the door. He thought about what he would say to Kat. How could he prove to her that he loved and wanted to be with her? J.J. knew that the next few months would be hard. He wanted to have Kat by his side.

  His meeting with the lawyer proved to be very helpful. When the baby was born, he would have a DNA test. If the baby was indeed his, J.J. could ask the court for full custody.

  J.J. had a feeling that Sally wouldn’t fight him too hard. He might have to consent to some visitation, but J.J. doubted she would follow through. Sally had always talked about moving to California. Maybe he could offer her a plane ticket to get out of town, but first things first. He had to get Kat back. He slid his phone out of his jeans pocket and made a call.

  Kat sat in her makeshift office, going over the plans for the mill, when Bev stuck her head in. “Kat, I made reservations for the four of us to have dinner at The Bluff restaurant.”

  She set down her pen and turned. “I don’t know if I’ll make it. There’s a lot to do.”

  Bev stepped in the door and placed her hands on her hips. “Sam and I flew all the way here to spend New Year’s with you and your father. The least you can do is go to dinner with us.”

  Guilt filled her. She rested back in her chair. “I know and I appreciate it.” She rubbed her hands over her face. “I’m sorry.” She sighed. “What time do you want me to be ready?”

  Her mother gave her a pleased smile. “Be ready at seven.”

  Sam ran into the room. “Mom, can I go to Alex’s for a few hours?”

  “What about the snow wars we were planning?”

  He heaved a deep breath. “It’s going to snow all day and night. We can do it tomorrow.”

  “All right. Give me a few minutes to finish this and I’ll drive you.”

  “I’ll do it,” Bev said. “I have some errands to do.”

  “Thanks, Grammy.” Sam raced out of the room.

  “Be ready in thirty minutes,” Bev called after him.

  Her mother had been being awfully nice the last few days. Kat gave Bev a speculative look. “What errands do you have to do in the snow?”

  “That’s none of your concern.” She sauntered out of the room.

  What’s that all about? Kat shrugged and spun back to her work.

  Bev walked into her bedroom and took her phone off the dresser. She flipped it open and scrolled down her contacts, dialing. “We’re a go. Be here at seven.”

  Axel wandered in. “Who are you talking to?”

  “J.J.,” she said and shut the phone. />
  “What? He’s here?” Axel sat on the bed. “Why?”

  “Haven’t you noticed your daughter is miserable?”

  “Of course I’ve noticed.”

  “Well, I’m about to fix that.” She sat next to her husband. “J.J. and I have spent days planning this. You and I are taking Sam out to dinner and a movie.”

  He took Bev’s hand. “I hope this works. I don’t think Kat’s ready for this right now.”

  “Well, she better get ready. That boy is the best thing that ever happened to her.” Bev ran her hand through Axel’s sandy hair. “If I know one thing, that boy loves her. J.J.’s a good kid. Kat could do worse.”

  “Honey, I know you mean well, but—”

  Bev stood. “But nothing. If she chooses to throw him away after tonight, that’s her business.” She stomped out of the room. “Sam, are you ready?” she called down the hall.

  * * * * *

  Kat wiggled into a black sweater dress and pulled on her knee-high black boots. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table. “Five minutes to spare.” She fluffed her hair in the mirror and swiped on lipstick. She smacked her lips and rushed out of the room and down the stairs. “I’m ready,” she called.

  Her heels clicked on the hardwood floor. “Hello, I’m not late. Where is everyone?” She poked her head in her father’s office. “Dad?”

  “Where is everyone?” She looked around the room.

  The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it.” She rushed to the door and opened it.

  J.J. stood on the other side. Snow fell in soft waves around him. He shivered and smiled. “Hi, Kat.”

  Surprise and disbelief stabbed at her like a dull knife. “J.J.”

  “Can I come in?”

  She moved to the side. “What are you doing here?”

  He stepped in and unzipped his jacket. “We need to talk.”

  Kat willed away the happiness filling her heart. She stomped down the love she felt for this man. “This isn’t a good time. I’m going out with Sam and my parents.”

  J.J. shucked off his coat and hung it on a hook by the door. “No, you’re not. Your parents took Sam out.”

  “What, you had this planned?” Realization hit her. Her mother’s odd behavior all made sense now. “My mother helped you,” she muttered. “I wish people would mind their own business.”

  He grabbed her hand before she could storm off. “The people in your life love you and want you to be happy.”

  Heat zinged up her arm. His sexy scent filled Kat’s soul, overwhelming her. “I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “Fine, we won’t talk.” He yanked her to him, spun Kat and pinned her against the wall. “I think we left some things undone.” He grabbed her hands and pulled them over her head just the way she liked it.

  The now familiar need washed over her. “J.J.” His lips pressed against hers and stopped her words.

  His kisses seemed to mirror her feelings over the last two weeks—hard and demanding one minute and soft and vulnerable the next. The needs that built in her made Kat’s mind blank.

  One wave of need on top of another swamped her. She couldn’t breathe. Her head swam and her lungs felt like they would explode. He pulled away, his breath fanning over her face. “Sorry, I lost control.”

  “We can’t. I can’t.”

  He caressed her bottom lip with his thumb. “Yes, you can. I know you want me.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “For now, we have no points.” His eyes caressed her body. “Wow!” J.J. sighed. “You look like a dream come true.” He lifted Kat in his arms. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  A tiny thrill whipped through Kat. “J.J., put me down.”

  “Fine.” He carried her to the Queen Anne chair and set her down. J.J. knelt in front of Kat and ran his hands up her boots, under her dress, over her thighs and to her panties. His lust-filled eyes fastened on hers. “Tell me no now.” His finger grazed over Kat’s soft flesh.

  Her head pressed against the cushion. He made Kat weak. She loved this man and needed him in her life. “J.J.,” she moaned. “I have no willpower when it comes to you.”

  He moved a second finger in her panties and nipped at her inner thigh. “You’re so wet.”

  Sparks shot up her leg and she jumped. “God.”

  J.J. moved his hand over her pussy. “Tell me you don’t want me.”

  Her thighs trembled and liquid heat pooled in her center. “I can’t. I want you more than I have words for.”

  “Let me have you.” J.J. leaned in and replaced his hand with his mouth. Kat’s sweet essence filled his being.

  “Oh yes.”

  He licked and sucked just the way he knew she liked it. When she was close, he stopped.

  “No, oh no, don’t stop.”

  He stood, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled Kat to her feet. “I want you to ride me.” His pants dropped to the floor and he sat.

  She trembled in front of him. J.J. ran his hand over her thighs. He hooked his fingers under the lace and tugged her panties down. He had missed the way she felt. His dick throbbed with need.

  Her tongue darted out and moistened her red-stained lips. She watched his cock jump.

  “I missed you.”

  She lowered herself, palmed his cock and guided him to her pussy. “I missed you too.”

  J.J. couldn’t wait, he thrust into her hard and fast. He pounded into her and made sure his dick bumped her G-spot and hit her cervix the way he knew she liked it. Her sounds of pleasure built to a fever pitch. His balls hardened and he bit his bottom lip to stop from exploding. Kat screamed like a feral cat and bucked over him. His muscles started to convulse.

  “Oh fuck,” Kat bellowed.

  He loved when the prim and proper woman on top of him used dirty language. The words sent J.J. over the edge.

  Her muscles clamped around him and milked him dry.

  She collapsed on top of him. He kissed her tenderly on the forehead. Kat got slowly to her feet and brushed her damp hair off her forehead. She smiled and glanced at his stiffening cock. “You’re amazing.”

  “Where is your bedroom?” He stood and lifted her into his arms.

  Kat wrapped her arms around his neck. “Up the stairs, first door on your left.” Kat couldn’t catch her breath. All she knew was she needed J.J. in her life. It wasn’t just the sex, it was the man. He was the man she could risk her heart and soul for. Kat’s heart leaped in her chest.

  J.J. rejoiced at the feeling of Kat against his chest. Oh how he missed the way she fit against him. J.J. placed a soft kiss just behind her ear. The expensive scent he had come to associate with her wafted to his nose. “I love the way you smell.” He carried Kat up the stairs to her bedroom and placed her on the bed. “I’ve missed you so much.” He slid her dress over her head.

  He touched her lightly and ran his hand to her sweet pussy.

  She trembled. “Oh Jared.”

  “Kat, I’m sorry.”

  She leaned on her elbows. “What do you have to be sorry for?”

  “For this. I need more of you.” He tore off his shirt, pulled her legs apart and pushed inside her wet center. “Oh fuck, you are so fucking tight.”

  She pushed her hips to meet his. Tears dampened her eyes.

  He gazed down at her and stopped moving.

  “Do we need to stop?”

  “No, please.” She rotated her hips.

  J.J. saw the need on Kat’s face and started to move inside her. Slowly at first, he could feel her orgasm build around him.

  “Faster, faster,” she pleaded.

  He pumped harder. Her nails raked down his back. She exploded around him.

  “J.J.!” Her pussy squeezed around him. He drove into her hard and erupted like a volcano that had been dormant for a century. Her cunt grabbed him and he collapsed on top of her. He wrapped his arm around her and rolled her on top of him. He stroked his fingers over her back. “Kat.”

  “Mmm,” she sighe

  “Are you going to make me leave?”


  His hand stopped and his world came crashing down around him. “Why?”

  “You can’t spend the night at my parents’ house.” She lowered her head and nipped at his lower lip. “We will figure this all out as we go along.” She rested her head on his chest. “I love you, Jared James Adams, with all my heart.”

  He captured her mouth with his and poured all the love he felt for Kat into the kiss.


  J.J. maneuvered his rental car through the back roads of Maine. He checked the rearview mirror and grinned to himself. “Hold on, Peanut.” His baby girl kicked her feet and squirmed in her car seat. Valerie yawned and closed her eyes. “We’ll be at Kat’s new house in just a minute.” He rubbed his clammy palm on his jeans. “Let’s hope she says yes to us.”

  Valerie’s small lips twitched into a half smile as if to say, “Dad, of course she’ll say yes.”

  “I hope so, baby girl.” J.J.’s GPS signaled. He turned onto Kat’s new street. It still dumfounded him that she had a home in Florida and a home in Maine.

  Fall leaves crunched under the wheels of the rental car as he approached the old Cape Cod. The large yard was awash in bright reds and oranges. “Look at the colors, Valerie. The trees have already changed. In a week or two they’ll be bare.” He parked behind a shiny new red Land Rover and shook his head. “Of course she’d buy the most rugged vehicle on the market.” J.J. opened his door and stepped out.

  “What are you doing here?” Kat ran out of the house, jumped into his arms and kissed him hard on the mouth.

  Loving the way that she felt against him, he pulled her tighter to his chest. It had been too long since he held her. “Do you think we would have missed the mill’s grand reopening?” he said. “Besides, we missed you.” He fused his mouth to hers and nipped at her bottom lip before he let her go.

  She smiled up at him. “I was just home last week.”

  “Valerie missed you and Sam.” He opened the back door of his car and removed the infant car seat from the back.


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