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For The Love Of A Goon: A Miami Hood Love Story

Page 3

by LadyJ

  “Oh shit! Who let the Pit out of its cage?” Trent said referring to Moe’s short little feisty ass.

  “Dats right, and I’m bout ready to bite a bitch.” Moe huffed.

  “Calm down, calm down,” Trent jumped between the women and pulled Carman and Moe away but of course Moe was still talking shit at the group of women. Moe and Carmen headed for the door while Trent and Meek dragged along a few feet behind them.

  “This the last time ima’ save you at the hands of that nigga.” Moe told Carmen. “He gon forever keep you involved in some bullshit.”

  “Moe, didn’t nobody need you; I could’ve handle those hoes myself.” Carmen’s words were dry and harsh as if she was ready to fight. “You the one ran over there like captain save her.”

  “Yeah, I came to save your ass. And you probably could’ve token them all on, then again, you probably would’ve gotten your ass whooped trying to run up on every bitch you see in his face. But you remember those words the next time you don’t need me.” Moe spat back at her as the guys finally caught up to them at the exit door. “Let’s go, Meek.”

  “Damn C, What’s wrong with your girl?” Trent asked.

  “Nothing, let’s just go.”

  Their ride home was crazy awkward as the two rode back to Carmen’s apartment in pure silence. Carmen was thinking about all the things Moe had said earlier that night in the restroom and boy was she in a bad mood about it all. She knew that she was playing herself out for a no good dog but she never denied that she loved him. She was feeling some type of why about their on again, off again relationship; this time Trent would have to commit to her and only her if he planned on keeping her.

  “Do you love me?” Carmen asked while staring out the passenger side of the window.

  “Aww man, here we go. What made you asked that C?” Trent replied with a shake of his head.

  “You didn’t answer my damn question Trent!” Carmen spat with anger in her voice. “I’ve had it up to here with your bull shit.” She raised her hand in the air for emphasis. “If you’re not going to cut your shit and really be here for your family then I don’t need you anywhere around me or Kira.”

  “Why you always talking that dumb shit.” Fed up Trent yelled. “So you telling me if I don’t settle down and be with your ass I can’t see my lil one? You gotta be out your ribbit ass mind if you think you gone keep me away from my daughter Carmen!” Trent smashed on the gas once he entered Carmen’s apartment complex. He turned the corner and sped up her block. He whipped up in front of her building and hit the brakes hard making both of their bodies jerk forward and then back on to the seats. “You be on that stupid shit. And you think this gon make a nigga want to settle down with you?” His face was all frowned up and he was looking at her sideways.

  “Fuck you Trent!” Carmen got out of the car in slammed the door shut before running off inside of her building.

  “FUCK!” Trent let out pounding his fist down of the center console of the Cadillac CTS he decided to drive that night. He popped out the ashtray underneath the CD player and pulled out a half smoked blunt stuffed with the best bud in the state of Florida. He took his lighter from the front pocket of his jeans and sparked his blunt. Man, she always tripping; a nigga just trying to fuck sum, Trent thought relaxing his head back on the headrest of his seat. He inhaled the weed smoke just as his cell phone began to vibrate on his lap. “What up boi?” Trent answered as he started to choke on the thick smoke clouding his lugs.

  “Oooweee! You smoking on that thunder ain’t cha?” Meek caught Trent off guard with his little joke and he chocked even harder trying to laugh. “Yeah bitch, you can’t even catch yo breath. Look a here, it’s been a lot of police activity around our spot. Nino say they been riding the block all day. I set up a meeting for tomorrow for the entire crew. I think it’s about time to move our spot out of the projects. That shit getting to hot.” Meek informed Trent of his plans.

  “Oh yeah? You think so? Cool, we can handle that. Ima get with y’all boys in the morning. Right now, I’m bout to go lay up in me some pussy.” Trent said calmly as he continued to puff on his blunt.

  “Man, I didn’t want to know all that.”

  “Shiddd, I’m just saying nigga. Get up off my phone line so I can get to it.” They both shared a laugh before the call ended. Trent thumped the roach of his blunt out of the window then crawled out of his car. He walked right up to Carmen’s front door and went inside. The apartment was pitch black and the only light glowing in the hallway was coming from her bedroom. Trent entered the room to find the mother of his child curled up on top of her bed with her head buried in her pillows crying her eyes out. Her heels were thrown beside the bed and she was still wearing her party dress. Trent slowly walked over to the bed and rubbed her back. “C, you know a nigga love you. I don’t know why you always tripping. Ain’t I here now?” He stated as if his words would cheer her up.

  Carmen lifted her head and looked up at him while he dried her tears with the back of his hand. “You don’t love me Trent; I know you don’t.” She said sadly with her big beautiful brown eyes staring up at him. “If you did, you wouldn’t put me through all of this.” She finished as her the tears started right back up. Carmen threw her body back down on the bad and put the pillow back over her face.

  “You know I love you.” Trent dropped to his knees and placed his hands on Carmen’s thighs. “Leave me alone.” She mumbled from underneath the pillow. Trent didn’t respond. Instead, he dropped down to his knees and forced her thighs to part, lifted her legs, and wrapped them around his neck. He paused just long enough to remove the fitted baseball cap he was wearing from his hand and tossed it to the floor. Carmen didn’t fight it as she relaxed her body and prepared herself for what was to come. This was how Trent always seem to slide back on in. He would suck the soul out of her through her pussy, put that good ole thug loving on her, then he would wake up to breakfast in bed the next morning.

  Carmen moaned out lightly as Trent flickered his tongue around her clit. He sped up his pace as her muffled screams became louder and louder. After a good half hour of tasting her sweet juices Trent stood to his feet and snatched the pillow from over her face. “You still mad bae?” Trent asked while whipping her cum from around his mouth.

  Carmen pushed his head back down in her lap. “What you think you’re doing. Get your ass back down there and eat this pussy.” She demanded that he finish the job. And when he did, Carmen rolled right over and fell into a deep sleep.

  “For real bae?” Trent was pissed when he returned back from washing his face to bedroom to find her all curled up sleeping like a baby. “Aww hell naw!” He shook her a few times trying to wake her from her sleep but Carmen didn’t budge. Trent got tired of trying to wake her and finally laid down beside her.

  Carmen awoke the next morning with Trent lying beside her staring her in her face. “Well good morning to you.” She set up in her bed and stretched her arms out while yearning.

  “And good morning to you too.” Carmen said as she leaned over to give him a kiss. Trent backed up refusing to kiss her.

  “Naw, don’t be trying to kiss a nigga now.” He sat up and peeled the covers back revealing his erection. “You didn’t want to kiss me last night. But you can kiss this though.” He smiled wide and pointed to his rock hard dick.

  “Boy please. I not about to put my mouth on that thing; ain’t no telling where it’s been.” She got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Carmen turned on the hot water then turned around and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She smiled wickedly at herself knowing that she had just gotten over on Trent. She wasn’t sleep at all last night, but she was one hell of an actress. Carmen knew that Trent was going to try to have sex with her so she pretended to be asleep once she heard him exiting the bathroom.

  Carmen twisted the knob on the closet door to retrieve a towel and wash cloth. She stopped when she saw that Trent had stashed his belongings on the top shelf. This don�
��t make no damn sense, she thought while staring up at the three fat rolls of cash wrapped in rubber bands, his fifty thousand dollar diamond incrusted watch and his key ring that held the keys to all his cars and his two home plus the key to Carmen’s apartment. She grabbed the rolls of money from the closet and stormed off back down the hallway to her bedroom. She swung the money at him waking him back up. He opened up his eyes and looked at her standing in front of the bed naked with her hands on her hips. He looked at her then down at the bed at all of his money.

  “Trent what that hell is this? Why in the world do you have so much money on you? Are you trying to get us all killed?” Carmen shouted. She was constantly getting on to him. Everyone around town knew he was eating real good and would cross him in a heartbeat for a piece of the pie. Trent was making it all too easy for their asses to get it.

  “Bae, chill out. It’s only thirty thousand.” He grinned as if he found the little fit she was throwing to be funny.

  “Only thirty thousand? Are you dumb or are you just stupid Trent?” He was still smiling at her. “You know what,” she dropped her head for a while trying to find the words to say. “Just get your ass up and get dressed. We have to go pick Kira up from my mother’s house. I am about to hop in the shower.” She lifted her head and walked off. Carmen slid into the hot water and lathered her body up with Peach mango body scrub and stood underneath the shower head.

  “I love the way that smells. That’s some sexy shit.” Carmen jumped and opened up her eyes to see that Trent had slid his naked ass into the shower with her.

  “Trent, get your ass out of here.” She whined.

  “Carmen, bend your ass over.” He replied and pushed on her back. “You think I forgot about last night?” Carmen bent over and gripped the cold and hot water handles on the tub then spread her legs as wide as they could go. “That’s what the fuck I’m talking bout.” Trent said right before he slid up inside of her. Carmen moaned, screamed, cursed, and shouted his name as he dicked her down in the shower. And just as the water started to turn ice cold she felt him release his load inside of her tight, wet walls.


  “Mom, that’s enough. Will you just hand me Kira’s bag so we can get out of here.” Carmen was standing in the middle of her mother’s living room with Kira on her hip. Her mother was giving her hell for showing up at her house with Trent.

  “Do you know what your father would say if he knew you was back with that loser?” Carmen’s mother stood there with a look of disgust on his face.

  “Is he here?” Carmen peeped around to see if her father was anywhere around the home.

  “No, he’s gone, but you can bet your last he’s going to hear about this as soon as he returns.” She shoved the baby bag into Carmen’s free hand and escorted her to the front door while still carrying on and on about Trent. “All I am saying Carmen, is that you are far too beautiful to be with a guy like that. I know there’s someone out there who will treat you better.” Her mother stared into her eyes with pity. Carmen was the splitting image of her father. Her mother was black, and her father was a hundred percent Cuban. Her mother met her father while vacationing in Cuba. He was a big timer, moving all kinds of weight into the states. The moment he ran into Carmen’s mother he fell in love. He got out of the drug trafficking gang he was tied into, and moved to the states. When Carmen was just one years old they got married, and now twenty five years later they’re still together.

  “Mom, will you let it go please.” Carmen exited her mother’s front door holing Kira. Once she stepped out on the porch she put Kira down, and watched her run as fast as her little legs could carry her. She run over to her daddy who was standing outside of his car waiting on her with open arms.

  “Hey daddies princess,” Trent picked his daughter up and kissed her cheek.

  “Dada.” Kira’s little voice cried out with joy.

  Carmen smiled at the two of them together, she loved the bond they shared. “And Mama,” Carman turned back around to face her mother, “please don’t tell Papi.” She begged before walking down the stairs to the car.

  “Heyyy Mrs. Jones.” Trent busted a wide smile, and waved his hand.

  “Hey nigga.” Carmen’s mother replied like the O.G. she was and slammed her front door closed.

  “Man, your mama still don’t like a nigga?” He asked.

  “No, and she won’t until you start doing right by me and your daughter.” Carmen took Kira from his hands, opened up the back door, and strapped her into her car seat. “Let go.”

  “Where to?” Trent asked hopping into the driver’s seat.

  “I don’t know, but let’s get away from my parents’ house before my dad shows up.’’ Carmen fastened her seatbelt as the car sped off.

  “How about we take baby girl to the park?” Trent suggested. “It’s been a while since I put in some play time with my little princess anyway.” He turned up the stereo and hit the expressway. On their way to the park he swung by the ice cream parlor to get Kira her favorite cup of ice cream.

  At the park, Carmen stood back and watch Trent interacting with his daughter on the swing set. About fifteen minutes into their play date, Trent’s cell phone started to go off in his pocket. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the name flashing across the home screen.

  “Yo, what’s up fam?” He answered while pushing Kira on the swing set. “Oh yeah, I forgot all about it mane. I’m out here at the park with my lil girl and Carmen.” He informed the caller on the other end of the phone. Carmen instantly caught a major attitude when Trent used her name instead of calling her his lady. “Yeah, yeah check it, I’ll be over there in about twenty minutes.” Trent abruptly stopped pushing Kira on the swing, and picked her up in his arms. “Here, take her.” He gave Kira to her mother, then placed a kiss on Kira’s cheek. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out one of the rolls of cash he had on him. He walked up to Carmen and stuffed the roll of money Kira’s baby bag, then kissed the tip of Carmen’s nose. “Yo, I gotta be out.” He kissed Kira once again before backing away and getting his keys out of his other pocket. “Take baby girl shopping and pick up something for yourself.” He turned and walked away.

  “Wait!” Carman yelled. “You’re just going to leave us here with no ride home?” She asked while suddenly feeling the need to slap the shit out of him for leaving them at the park.

  “I’ll send Moe to get y’all.” He said while jogging off to his car.

  Carmen walked over to the park bench and took a seat with her daughter in her lap. She reached into Kira’s back pack, and pulled out her cell phone, and called Moe. She huffed and puffed mumbling curse words underneath her breath because she was pissed that he would just take off and leave them like that. “Damn it!” She squealed when Moe’s phone went straight to her voicemail.

  Trent pulled up to Meeks condo and noticed that Nino was already in attendance. He got out of his car, and made his way inside.

  “I know like hell you didn’t leave Carmen and Kira at the fucking park! You could’ve just bought them here with you.” Moe blew on Trent no sooner than he could take a step inside of her home.

  “Man, just go pick them up and take them home please, Moe. If I had taken them, I would’ve been thirty minutes late for this meeting.” Trent reached into his pocket, and slapped a hundred dollar bill on the kitchen counter top, “that’s for gas.” He said, then walked off as his arrogance exploded all over the room.

  “Boy!” Moe had a mind to curse him out one good time but she quickly stopped herself. She snatched up the bill from the counter and left the condo.

  “My niggas, my niggas. What it do, Blood?” Trent floated into the living room and gave Nino and Meek dap. “So what’s the word? What y’all got going on now?” he asked, taking a seat on the sofa next to Nino.

  “Come on! Come on, baby! Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.” Nino stood to his feet clapping and cheering when his team scored another touchdown.

“Man, Nino sit your ass down. Them weak ass Dolphins ain’t about to win shit.” Meek laughed as he talked crap about the Miami Dolphins.”

  “They ass better win. I got five racks riding on the motherfuckers.” He reclaimed his seat as he picked up his glass of Remy Martin 1738, from the coffee table. “Look at this ole yellow ass dude. Rolling up in here all late eating up all the wings and shit.” Nino joked, referring to the Rotel Dip and Hot wings Moe had prepared for the viewing of the football game.

  “Man, I didn’t know y’all was doing it like this over here; I would’ve showed up a lot sooner.” Trent managed to say in between stuffing his mouth.

  Meek grabbed the remote control and hit the power button turning the TV off. “Dude, I was watching that.” Nina said sitting up on the edge of the sofa.

  “I know, but we have to get down to what we’re here for.” Meek got up from his chair and passed Trent his cell phone. “You see that?” He asked as Nino leaned over and peeped at the picture on the screen. “That’s who’s been sending the folks to our spot.” On the picture was an older male from the projects where their dope house was located. The man in the picture was posted up on the corner talking to the police. One of three workers noticed it, and snapped the photo and sent it to Meek informing him about the snitch. “This is the reason why we have to move our spot out of the hood immediately.”

  “Why not just off that nigga and get it over with?” Trent suggested

  “I’m with Trent.” Nino chimed in.

  “Because, if we do that, our shit will be even hotter. I don’t know about y’all but I don’t have time to be watching over my shoulders every time I’m out. Or waiting around for the police to kick in my door. You know they gone already know it was us if that fool come up missing.” He took his phone back, then continued with what he was saying. “I found us a low key spot over there in the Cove. It’s ducked off so no one should know where we at, but us three and the few workers we have.” No sooner than he finished his statement, his cell phone started to ring. “Hold on, this lil homie now.” Meek announced before answering. “What it do lil one? He answered then remained quiet to hear what the caller had to say. “Shh, shh! Y’all be quit for a minute.” He said to Trent and Nino talking amongst each other in the background. “Are they there now?” Meek asked the caller, then listened for an answer. “Yo, lock that bitch down. No one goes in or out until we get there, ya heard?” He hung up and stood from his chair. He snatched up his pistol from the table and tucked it in the waistband of his jeans. “This the bullshit I be talking about.” Meek said heading for the door.


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