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Paris, The Ambassador and Me

Page 5

by Mia Villano

  “I forgot,” I breathed.

  He rolled off me and stood up. I rolled over on my side and snuggled in my blankets. Since I knew he was coming over, I went to bed naked. He’s been trying to get me to sleep that way, and it’s hard for me to get used to.

  I heard him taking off his clothes and then the bed shifted and his warm body relaxed into mine. I had to admit, it felt wonderful. I heard him sigh as his arms pulled me into him. Not only did he smell wonderful, but his body was so warm and soft against me. What a way to sleep, I thought to myself, and it brought a smile to my face.

  “You’re smiling. I hear it,” he whispered at me.

  “Maybe you made me smile, just a little.” I sleepily said.

  “I know what’s wrong. I heard the gossip today from Fran. She snuck in my office and told me what they were saying. I talked to Elizabeth and the rest of the office. I informed them there will be no more discussing our relationship at work.”

  I rolled over to look at him. He kissed me. In the dim light of my room I made out his beautiful face. He wrapped his arms around me tighter.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about her?” I asked.

  “There was nothing to tell. We didn’t have an affair and I didn’t have sex with her. I didn’t get in trouble for dating her. None of that is true. I don’t know how any of that got started, or who started it. It’s ridiculous, and I made it very clear I won’t tolerate any more of it. If they want to ask me about my personal life they can make an appointment to see me and we can discuss it. I mean it, Isabella. I don’t tolerate office gossip. I didn’t think those catty women would be so cruel. I’m having second thoughts as to why I hired Elizabeth in the first place. She is a trouble maker.”

  “Well, they are catty and she’s their leader. They were horrible to me today, everyone but Fran, who by the way, is smitten with you. ”

  “Fran is a hoot. Do you know she brings me some type of sweet in the morning and leaves it on my desk? Today, she left me a whole pie. But, those other ones, I’m sorry they hurt you. I hate that you were sad and didn’t tell me. Usually you barrel right in my office and call me a fucker. Are you losing your steam?” He sounded so sexy in his Parisian accent.

  “Well, I guess I’m too sad right now to be balls-out mad.”

  “Sad? What do you have to be sad about?” He kissed me again and my stomach clenched. The feel of his lips on mine can get me riled up easily. I marveled at the luck that brought him to me. If I didn’t apply for that position I wouldn’t have met him. Was it fate? What did he see in me? I still couldn’t figure it out.

  “First, tell me about General Morou. She is very professional and doesn’t act like she has too much fun. I knew she wasn’t your type.”

  “She and I were good friends in France. I took her under my wing, more-or-less, and taught her everything I could. I took her to a formal ball. There’s a picture of the two of us together on the internet. She was in a terrible relationship with a man she wouldn’t let go. I tried to talk sense into her and when she and I would go places so we could talk, the cameras took our picture and said we were in a relationship. I was married at the time. I wasn’t cheating on anyone. I never was, I promise you. I would’ve told you. I was married once and I dated several women, yes, but it meant nothing. You, on the other hand, mean everything.”

  How could I not believe him? I had to believe him. I felt he was telling me the truth.

  “So, tell me, why you’re sad, my beautiful girl?”

  It was hard to do as he was fingering me under the blankets. Softly his two fingers found their way deep inside me as he moved them in-and-out in a rhythm I had grown to love about him.


  “You want me to stop? Are you too sad for me to fuck you senseless? “

  I lay there as he had his fingers inside me and my sex clenched around him. It was making me throb. The feeling of his thick, manly fingers teasing me made me want more. It didn’t take long for me to get worked up and become fully awake. My breasts were heavy and I heard the wet sound my sex made while his fingers were sliding in and out. My hips lifted off the bed as my body silently begged for him to do more. He puts in three fingers and I moaned.

  “You like that.” I bit my lower lip.

  “Fuck me, Fabrice. It will make me feel better if you bury your cock deep in me.” I begged.

  “That’s my girl, you are always so ready.” His fingers slipped out of my drenched pussy. He pressed his thumb against my clit.

  “Is your clit throbbing?”

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  “Legs wide, Isabella.” I hungrily complied, anticipating his body easing between my aching thighs. He nestled between them and his mouth sucked on my nipples. I wanted to cry out as he bit one. I grabbed on to his head, pulling him closer, wanting more of his bites. His thumb caressed my swollen lips around my clit.

  “Fabrice, please fuck me. I need fucked hard.” I breathed. I was on the verge of exploding and I needed him to bring me there.

  “Tell me what you want, baby.” He panted as his tip touched my clit. I couldn’t take it.

  “I want you inside me, where you belong. I want your cum in me and all over me. I want...” Before I could finish he was deep in me, thrusting. I grabbed his ass, pulling him as deep as I could. His mouth devoured mine. I met his thrusts, knowing I was his. Both of us moaning not being able to get enough he came saying my name. His cum was all over me and he kept thrusting, and rubbing his cum into my clit. Knowing it was him, the orgasm shredded me, tearing me apart. I began to cry. I don’t know why. I couldn’t stop the tears.

  He slid off me and took me in his arms.

  “My baby, tell me what’s wrong. I’m here. Talk to me.” I let his strong arms envelop me and hold me close to him.

  “I don’t know, Fabrice. I’m so unhappy. I shouldn’t be. I should be the happiest girl in the world. I’m so unsettled. Maybe it’s everything going on with my family, and Avery. I don’t do well with change and everything is changing.”

  “I don’t understand why you are unhappy and unsettled. Why?” How could he understand? I didn’t even understand. It wasn’t my sister, was it? It wasn’t my love for him.

  “That’s just it. I don’t understand either.” I buried my face in his skin. I wanted to crawl into him and have him take my sadness away.

  “You’re depressed.” I said nothing. He was right. I was depressed. But why, why now?

  “I guess. I don’t know. I should be on top of the world right now. I have you, my family, Avery. My head should be in the clouds and I should have a permanent smile on my face.”

  “Did you notice, you didn’t say you have your career? Maybe that might be the problem.” I sat up to look at him. It was dark in my room and the dim light was a plug in fluttering candle by my bed.

  “Why? This was what I wanted, to be on my own and have my own career.”

  “Maybe it’s what you thought you wanted. Think about it. You are happiest when you are at the restaurant. I know, I’ve seen it. There’s a glow in your eyes when you are with your family. I see it when you are cooking for me, too. It’s your therapy. Think about it.”

  Maybe he was right. I was happiest when I was at the restaurant. I always wanted to cook for him when life was crazy and out of sorts. It calmed me.

  I ran my hand through my incredibly, messy hair. Fabrice looked at me with his hands behind his head. He was so comfortable with me seeing his scars he didn’t hide them from me anymore. I barely noticed them, yet they were such a part of who he was.

  I sat there for a minute, thinking about what he said.

  “I guess, it’s not what I wanted. I feel so blah when I’m there. I find myself looking at the clock more than I should. I thought I wouldn’t. I try to shut down my feelings when I’m working and absorb myself in my work, but it’s getting harder to do. I know I’m doing a good job, but it’s not the job I want to do.

  “You don’t have to tell me that, I
understand. You are a smart woman and can do so many things. I want you to be happy. If you aren’t happy, I’m not happy.”

  “Stop it, Fabrice.” I snuggled back into his arms and felt my body instantly relax. It was as if a weight was lifted off me. He was right, and I had been pushing it away, not wanting it to be true.

  “Quit, and take some time to think about what you want. You don’t need to work right now. I know what you want, but you need to find it yourself.”

  “No, tell me what I want.”

  “That’s too easy. I want you to figure it out. You will.”

  “How can I quit when General Morou just started?”

  “Its perfect timing, you can’t work without Jean.”

  “Tell me what’s wrong with General Gerard.” I said.

  He kissed me soft and sensual long and deep. It took my breath away. God, feeling him next to me was the perfect way to end such a crazy day.

  “Prostate cancer, stage four. He probably won’t make it. I pray to God he does. I love him like family. He and I have been together for twenty some years.”

  “I’m sorry. He will pull through. He’s a tough, old coot.”

  “Old coot?”

  “My dad used to say that’s it’s how he refers to a grabby old guy.”

  “That’s Jean. What else is making you sad?”

  “There is so much more, Fabrice. I don’t want to keep you up all night.” He studied my face and smiled faintly.

  “I have all night. Talk to me.” I told him about Sophia. How she was pregnant and in love and how I wanted her to be happy. I told him Anthony was getting better and would be out of the hospital soon. We discussed Marco’s decision to leave the restaurant and go on the road with his band. He listened to me and reassured me that everything was going to be okay. He held me as I ranted and we both fell asleep as I lay in his arms and felt his heart beat and his breathing calm me.

  After Fabrice left early the next morning, I got up to scour the want ads to see if something interested me. I took what he said seriously and decided I needed to get myself together. I also contemplated going back to school and doing something different. I wasn’t happy in my current job and I should’ve figured it out a lot sooner. Maybe I should just buy a bakery, or a diner. The thought of cooking for a living sounded appealing? I had been around it my entire life, it was not a wonder it was so much a part of me.

  Avery made it home sometime late in the morning. She came into the living room and laid down on the couch with her head in my lap. She was the one female I was comfortable with showing affection. I ran my hand through her hair. She had the softest, healthiest hair. It’s those expensive products she puts in it and the once a month haircuts she makes sure she gets. I was on the phone with my mom for our usual early Saturday morning phone time.

  “Don’t forget you and Fabrice come over tomorrow for dinner and bring Avery. I want to make my Italian love cake for him again.”

  “That’s sick, Mom.”

  “Don’t go there. I can’t believe you haven’t made it for him yet. That’s our signature dessert, Izz.” What did she think, I had all the time in the world to whip up cakes, work at the restaurant, play psychologist to my family, and work full-time?

  “How do you feel about Marco? I haven’t talked to you about it yet.”

  “He’s like you in a lot of ways. He’s not happy being in the restaurant. Your dad is hard on him. More so than any of you. I don’t know why unless he sees something in Marco. I knew both of you were different and had to get out and do what you want. I can’t let it bother me. I have to let him go or I will lose him forever. Maybe this band will work. Marco is a hard worker and always has been. If he wants something he works till he gets it. He’ll be okay. You aren’t as happy as you think. I see sadness in your eyes and I know it’s not Fabrice.”

  I sat there for a minute. She saw what Avery saw. I had no idea I was letting it show. Yes, I wasn’t happy with what was going on in my professional life. I felt like a glorified secretary and I wanted more. I wasn’t satisfied with my current situation. I missed the restaurant.

  “I’m fine, Mom. I have a lot on my mind. I need a vacation. I need to get away for a while. Maybe, my job isn’t what I thought it would be. I guess I want more.”

  “You need to figure out what you want, Izz, and not settle for what you thought you wanted. Life’s too short and you are too smart to be doing something you aren’t completely happy with.” I wonder if she will say that tomorrow with the announcement of Sophia’s.

  I wonder too if she was speaking from experience. Did she do something she wished she could change?

  “How is Sophia?” I talked to her the night before and she was feeling better.

  “She’s better. She’s bringing a friend from college to dinner. It’s going to be a full house tomorrow. I’m making lasagna and Dad wants a roast. Uncle Dino is getting huge. Did you see him last Sunday? I think he gained ten pounds in a week.”

  “He loves food. He can’t help it. I could be that big if I let myself.”

  “Is there anything special I should get for Fabrice?”

  “What? No, my God. He’s a man not a saint.”

  “I know. I want him to be comfortable and have a good time.”

  “He will have a good time. He loves Italian food. I make it for him all the time.”

  “Oh, you do?”

  “Yes, I do. Usually at his mansion, he has a cook but he likes me to cook. I don’t mind. Mom, you have to come over and see his place. It is mammoth. He lives in the Ambassador residence upstairs. The rest of the house is used for parties. The artwork is incredible.”

  “Don’t lose your head too fast, Izz. Take it slow. He’s a keeper.” We settled on the usual time to come and I agreed to stop and get extra bread. There is never enough on Sunday.

  We had a lot of excitement waiting on Sunday dinner. I laid my head against the back of the couch and thought about what she said about my career. I needed to make some decisions soon.

  Avery was still lying on my lap and seemed to act stranger than usual.

  “Can you come to dinner tomorrow? She’s making Fabrice her love cake.”

  “Of course, I will be there. What’s a love cake?”

  “It’s fucking awesome. It has chocolate pudding, ricotta cheese, and whipped cream. Just looking at it my ass gets bigger.” Avery didn’t respond. I usually get some kind of comment.

  “What’s wrong, Ave? You are extra lovey-dovey this morning. It’s creepy.” I asked looking down at her. I have been so consumed with my own issues I haven’t even talked to her, like really talked to her in a while.

  “Oh, nothing.” She was baiting me.

  “Something is up. Tell me.” I said sternly.

  “I may be possibly a little bit, oh God. I can’t say it. I have never said this.”

  “What? Don’t’ tell me. Let me guess. You are now straight and you have your eye on some guy? You’re pregnant? What? Just say it.”

  “That’s not even funny, Izz.”

  She covered her face with her hands. I noticed she had an unfamiliar ring on her finger. A platinum silver bad encrusted with diamonds. I pulled her finger up closer to my face to get a better look.

  “What the fuck is this?” I yelled.

  “It’s a ring, Izz. My fuck, you scared the shit out of me.”

  “I know it’s a ring, you idiot. Why do you have it and where did it come from? It doesn’t look like something you would buy yourself.”

  She sat up and pushed her platinum blond hair out of her eyes. She had just come home from the gym and she had on her workout attire.

  “I’m trying to tell you if you would listen,” she smiled.

  “I’m trying to listen if you would just spit it out.” I had a feeling I knew where this was going after I saw the ring.

  “Okay. This may be the last time you hear me utter these words and I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  I sat there and stare
d at her. This could go on for an hour if I kept talking.

  “I’m in, oh shit. Okay, I’m in love with Cherise and we may be engaged.” I couldn’t believe what I heard. Holy Hell!

  I jumped off the couch throwing her off me and clapping my hands. I never reacted like this to anything after the age of six. But, this was a huge deal. My Avery was in love.

  “I knew it. Oh my God! You have to bring her to my parents tomorrow. They are going to be so happy for you. My brothers will love Cherise.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. Let’s take this a little slower. I’m not ready for her to meet the family yet. My parents won’t be as hard as taking them to the Piori compound. Your brothers? I forgot about them. They’ll be all over her.”

  “So what, we won’t tell them and let them flirt with her during dinner then we will hit them with it. It will be awesome. But, I don’t know if tomorrow will be the best time to introduce her. It may be a little loud tomorrow.”

  “What now?”

  “I haven’t told you yet, but I might as well. Sophia is pregnant.”

  “What?!” she yelled and rose to her feet.

  “Yes, she’s been dating a Korean doctor. They’re in love and want to get married. She hasn’t told my parents yet. This should be good.”

  “I’m not missing that for the world. Your right, this is going to be good.”

  I rolled my eyes at her.

  “Well, I’m so happy for you, Ave. I knew you would find love one day. I didn’t know when but I knew it would happen.” I reached out my arms to hug her and she gave me a hug.

  “Well, enough about me. This news about Sophia is going to be huge. I thought she was still a virgin. I guess not.”

  “Well, there is a lot about her we don’t know, I suppose. She’s private. I can’t wait to see this doctor.”

  “She always had a thing for Asians. Remember when she had the crush on a Korean band? We should’ve seen it coming then.” I had forgotten about her boy band crush. Her room became their fan club.

  “Well, I’m so happy for you. When’s the wedding? We have to have it at the restaurant, or at the mansion.”


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