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by Gabriella Bradley

  Christmas holiday plans are shattered when widowed John Douglas passes suddenly, leaving behind three grieving sons. Chad, Sam and Johnny junior are bewildered when their father's last will and testament leaves the ranch and the entire estate to a woman named Topaz Fiero, a stranger.

  Topaz has no idea what she'll find at the Douglas ranch, or even why John Douglas left her his entire estate and more money she'll ever know what to do with. As her mother's lifelong lover, he was always kind to her whenever he visited and she had regarded him as a father, but she and her mother knew very little of John's other life. Confronted by the three sexiest men she'd ever met, John's sons, she understands their ire. But there has to be a reason why John wanted her to have the estate and she'll fight for it.

  The Douglas brothers are even more confused when confronted by a young, willful spitfire. She was more than a match for them, one they had not counted on. Topaz is also beautiful beyond their wildest dreams. Who is this girl? Was she a result of their father's affair with another woman? Their sister?

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Savage Lust

  Copyright © 2009 Gabriella Bradley

  ISBN: 978-1-55487-450-7

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Savage Lust


  Gabriella Bradley

  To my mother who loved and devoured all my books, may her soul rest in peace and dwell in the gardens of eternity…


  Annoyed, the Douglas brothers sat down to wait in the empty waiting room while their lawyer finished his long-distance telephone conference.

  “Damn, we had an appointment and we’re on time,” Chad muttered.

  “The receptionist did say he apologized and that it was an unexpected and quite-urgent call,” Sam said.

  “Half an hour isn’t that long,” Johnny added, watching his brother get up and pace the room. “It’s not like we don’t know what’s in Father’s will, so why so annoyed?”

  “I’ve got better things to do. As you said, we know what’s in the will. Father showed it to us some years ago, so why do we have to listen to Terry read it?”

  “Legalities, I guess,” Sam said.

  Johnny watched Janet, the receptionist, as she left her desk. She opened the door that had a sign on it telling him it was a file room. She was young, a sexy blonde who displayed plenty of cleavage and a pair of beautifully shaped legs. The short, tight miniskirt and tight top left nothing to the imagination. He’d caught her glancing at them from under hooded eyelids and long eyelashes several times and once, he caught her gaze that sent him an open invitation. He was horny. After not having a woman for a considerable time, he could stand a one-night stand with a sexy gal. While he was fantasizing about her, his growing cock increasingly uncomfortable in his tight jeans straining against the rough fabric, she called out suddenly.

  “Could one of you gentlemen help me, please? There’s a box I just can’t manage to reach.”

  “I’ll go,” Johnny said quickly, sensing an opportunity to ask her out on a date. Sam and Chad didn’t react. They were absorbed in their magazines. Johnny hurried to the file room. After he entered the dimly lit room, he saw Janet perched on a little ladder trying to reach for a box on top of the filing cabinets. Her skirt was hitched up because of the way she strained and he looked at a delectable, naked bottom. She wore no panties. Now, his cock really jumped to attention and throbbed like crazy. His balls grew hard and he could hardly stand the ache in them. To make it worse, she lifted one leg to brace herself against the cabinet. Her pussy was clean shaven, the lips opened slightly, the point of a pink clit just barely visible, the soft folds moist. Ye gads, he wanted to touch her.

  “I’ll get it for you,” he said, startling her and causing her to lose her balance. He caught her. Blue eyes gazed up at him, full sexy lips opened invitingly. He wasted no time and kissed her.

  She melted in his arms, her hands already undoing his belt and opening his jeans. Vaguely he saw her kick the door until it was almost closed.

  “Oh, I’ve wanted this for forever and a day,” she whispered. “I’ve watched the three of you for a long time.”

  “We can’t really,” Johnny whispered back. “Not here.”

  “We can do something. That’s if you promise to take me out,” she said very softly.

  She sank down. “Aaaah, you’re so big and hard,” she whispered, glancing up at him before she worked her magic on his cock. She licked and sucked it as if it were a popsicle. Her hands kneaded his balls while her mouth worked its wonders. Lapping around his cock, she stuck her tongue inside the hole every now and then, until she finally took it into her mouth fully. He placed his hands on either side of her head and helped her move back and forth as she sucked hard and took his cock fully until it was almost down her throat. It only took seconds for him to come. Beads of perspiration dotted his face as she swallowed and licked his cock clean.

  “Now you have to help me,” she whispered and promptly bent and spread her legs, her pussy opening up wide for him. He inserted a finger, then three and bent forward to knead a breast.

  “Oooooh, yeeeesssss, harder, John, harder,” she whispered, almost too loudly. Then she came and he had a hand full of her cream. A huge sigh left her sexy lips as she stood up, straightened her top and skirt and with a little smile, she reached behind him and handed him a cloth. “Wipe your hand,” she said. “Then you can get the box for me.”

  “I’ll meet you at Mike’s Bistro at seven on Saturday night,” Johnny whispered. “Wear something fancy.”


  He quickly fetched the box down for her. “Is there a washroom around here?”

  “Yes, in the hallway just outside the office. I’ll give you the key. Don’t forget our date, baby.”

  Johnny left the room first. It was as if Chad and Sam hadn’t noticed that he wasn’t there. When Johnny looked at his watch, he’d only been gone five minutes. It had seemed way longer. But he felt immensely relieved, at least for the time being. He’d deal with the promised date later. Things were too chaotic right now. He’d phone her and postpone it till after the holidays, after things had settled down a bit.

  “Here’s the key, Mr. Douglas,” Janet said loudly, holding the key out to Johnny.

  Chad looked up from the magazine he was reading. “Key for what?”

  “The washroom.”

  “Oh. Hurry up. Terry should be done soon.”

  It wasn’t long after he returned from the washroom that Terry called them into his office. The reading of the will was boring, at least the first legal part of it. And then he came to something that shocked the living daylights out of them. Chad stood up from his chair, almost knocking it to the ground. Sam and Johnny sat frozen as they listened to the rest of the will.

  “Ms Fiero will arrive next week to claim her inheritance. I’ve ma
de all the arrangements. I’ll pick her up from the station.” Terry folded his hands, looking a little uncomfortable about the statement he’d just made. The three young cowboys across from him, whom he’d known since they were babies, did not look happy. The two younger ones muttered under their breath. Chad, the eldest of the three Douglas brothers, hit the wall with his fist, then turned to face Terry.

  “We’re going to contest the will!” he shouted. “Shut up, you two. Let’s go,” he told his brothers. He crumpled the will in his fist and started to march out of the lawyer’s office.

  “The will’s airtight, Chad.” Terence Havilland Senior ran his fingers through his sparse gray hair, exasperated by the Douglas boys’ anger.

  “If you won’t help us fight it, we’ll find someone else. Goodbye,” Chad said through tight lips, his hand on the doorknob, knowing very well Terry had been the family lawyer for years.

  “The old man must have been drunk or senile when he made up this will, Terry. You know as well as we do that this isn’t right. The ranch belongs to us,” Sam, a tad calmer than Chad, said.

  “And who expected the old man to decide on taking a long nap so suddenly anyway?” Johnny asked, throwing a bewildered look at his brothers.

  “That’s got nothing to do with it. For some strange reason, he changed his will some months ago. Terry, you’ve known my father your whole life. Didn’t you question the sanity of this? Who is this woman anyway?”

  “Your father was sober and perfectly sane when he asked me to draw up the new will. I’m not at liberty to discuss his reasons. He asked me not to. I’ll help you contest it, if you insist, but you won’t win and it’ll cost you more than you can afford. At least you’ll all receive a generous yearly allowance and Ms Fiero has no choice but to allow you and your spouses and descendents to live at the ranch for life.”

  “Fiero…Fiero…I don’t want to hear that crazy name anymore unless it’s in court. Okay, Terry, start the proceedings right away. Call me when you get the ball rolling. Let’s go, boys,” Chad said as he opened the door.

  “What a fucked up Christmas this is gonna be,” Johnny muttered under his breath as he followed Chad and Sam out of the office.

  Chad and Sam were silent, their minds not at all on the Christmas holidays but in turmoil about the stranger who would soon arrive at the Douglas ranch.

  The Christmas lights that lit up the mansion looked welcoming, warm and inviting. Tires screeched as Chad pulled up before the steps and after getting out of the vehicle, he slammed the door hard. For moments, he stood and stared at the tall tree that on the first day of December, the three of them had helped their father decorate, as they did every year. “Chop that monstrosity down first thing in the morning,” he told his brothers.

  “No!” Johnny shouted. “Just because you’re madder than a rabid dog, doesn’t mean we have to destroy tradition. That tree—”

  “Be reasonable, Chad. We’ve watched that tree grow. It’s part of our heritage,” Sam interrupted, trying to remain calm. He’d used the wrong word.

  “Heritage? What fucking heritage? We haven’t got one, brothers. It now belongs to some slut our father fucked. It finally explains his twice-a-year lengthy holidays.”

  “Maybe he wanted to make sure she was taken care of?” Johnny offered softly.

  “By giving her everything? Come on now, little brother.”

  “He must have loved her or something,” Johnny said, backing away from angry Chad.

  “Love? Love my ass. A Mexican whore, that’s what she is. I can’t blame him for needing some pussy, but if he loved her, he would have brought her home and married her.”

  “Chad, you know our father only loved one woman. Mother,” Sam said.

  “Right, that’s what he always told us. But he was still young and horny enough to need a piece of tail every now and then. But this is beyond insanity. Well, I’ll be ready for Ms Fiero when she arrives!”

  “Fiero means savage. I looked it up on the internet on my mobile,” Johnny told his brothers.

  “Nice. Well, she won’t know savage until she arrives here. Topaz Savage, excellent name for a whore!”

  Chapter One

  Topaz gazed out the train window at the scenery flying by, hardly seeing it, her mind a jumble of thought, questions and worry. When the lawyer phoned her, informing her of her inheritance, it had shocked her beyond words.

  She’d known Daddy John for so many years. He visited her mother regularly, at least twice a year, and he’d stay for at least a month. She and her mother really knew very little about John’s life. Topaz had always thought he worked on a ranch. They never had a clue that he owned one and a flourishing one at that. What do I know about running a ranch? She presumed he had a foreman, ranch hands and a housekeeper. How will they receive me?

  If only her mother were alive, but she’d passed away more than a year ago. Cancer took her. And at the end, Topaz had begged her to tell her who her real father was, but even then, Juanita wouldn’t tell her. Was Daddy John my father? Could that be why he left me everything?

  Even after her mother was gone, Daddy John came to visit and he spoiled her and made sure she had enough money. She’d never taken any of the money he offered her. She was a registered nurse and could take care of herself.

  “We are approaching…” the voice over the intercom startled Topaz out of her thoughts. Quickly, she gathered her magazines and book and stuffed them into her shoulder bag. A thrill of excitement coursed through her as she rushed to the little bathroom to tidy up. Gazing at her reflection in the small mirror, she grimaced. Her long black hair needed a shampoo badly. After brushing and braiding it, she splashed cold water onto her face, rinsed her mouth, then dried her face. Her cheeks were flushed, the black eyes that gazed back at her filled with wonder sparkled with excitement. And was that a shade of fear of the unknown reflected in them?

  The train screeched to a halt. Topaz gathered her purse, shoulder bag and carryon and hurried out of the private compartment to the exit. The door slid open, the metal steps descended. She put a foot on the first step and scanned the station to see if anyone was there to pick her up.

  The station was empty. She was the only passenger who got off the train. Standing on the platform, she wondered what to do next. Would a small place like this have taxis?

  “Ms Fiero?” a voice behind her spoke.

  Topaz swiveled to face the speaker. He was an elderly gentleman dressed in blue jeans, a western-style shirt and he wore a cowboy hat, which he now took off and held in front of his stomach.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He pumped her hand. “Sorry I’m a bit late. I’m Terry Havilland, John Douglas’s lawyer. I’ll drive you to the ranch.”

  “Thank you. Are there papers I have to sign?”

  “Yes, we’ll take care of that in due course. You need time to settle in. Do you have any other luggage?” he asked.

  “No. I don’t have a huge wardrobe. As a nurse, I was mostly in uniform and I didn’t go out a whole lot so didn’t need much in the way of fancy clothing. Is there a hospital nearby? I’d like to continue my nursing career if possible. That’s if I decide I want to stay. For now, I’ve only taken leave of absence from my job.”

  “My dear, if you decide you want to live here, you won’t have time. The ranch will keep you hopping.”

  “I know nothing of ranching.”

  “There’ll be plenty of people to teach you. And you’ll need to keep the books. John always did that himself.”

  “Oh, I’m good at figures, and if need be, I can always hire an accountant to take care of that end.”

  “And you’ll handle the buyers, learn to make deals and stuff. I just hope you’re strong enough to hack life on a ranch. You’re just a frail little thing.”

  “Frail?” She laughed. “That’s the first time anyone has called me frail. I’m quite strong.”

  “If you say so. You’ll, also, be beati
ng the young men off with a baseball bat. Haven’t seen such a pretty girl like you in these parts for many years.”

  “Thank you for the compliment. I’ve managed to keep men at bay all this time. I’m sure I’ll manage.”

  “This is going to be interesting,” Terry muttered as he opened the car door for her and waited for her to be seated.

  “Is it far?” Topaz asked as she looked at the many acres of green pasture dotted with trees and shrubs they passed. Bluebonnets lined the side of the road.

  “Far enough. Won’t be long now,” Terry answered.

  He turned off onto a dirt road heading toward some hills in the distance. Topaz peered but saw no sign of any horses, cattle or anything that resembled a house, but she did see a fence now. The shrubbery was thick and it was hard to see what lay beyond.

  Before long, Terry pulled up before white gates and got out of the car to open them. A sign above the gate told her in large letters that this was the Douglas ranch. A thrill caused butterflies to flutter through her stomach. This was it. This was hers. She’d had qualms about keeping the ranch, but looking at the beauty around her, she already knew deep down that selling it wasn’t an option.

  The gardens were well kept. Topaz gasped at the mansion that loomed just beyond a beautiful fountain sporting a naked couple in a passionate embrace, its water dancing lazily in spurts down to the water below. Lilies drifted on the surface. She saw flowers everywhere but had no idea what they were.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said.

  “Yes, it’s one of the most beautiful ranches in Texas.”

  “What are the names of those flowers?”

  “Anemones. And you see Indian blanket, spider wort, creek plum and stork’s bill. It’s December, so not everything is in bloom. Do you like gardening?”


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