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Black Velvet

Page 10

by Black Velvet (lit)

  Jody started going over the files on her desk. She had gathered all the info on every dancer of the Alcazar. Adonis was a convicted felon, auto thief, battery and some petty crimes. She placed his file to one side.

  She was surprised that there wasn’t more info on Melinda. It seems she had co-owned and now fully owned the Alcazar since its inception ten years ago. Before that she was married to some rich dude. She must have used the money she got from his will to start the club.

  The other dancers didn’t have any criminal records and seemed to live pretty normal lives. She paused when she read Dai’s file. His father was receiving the finest medical care at a very top-notch hospital. How in the world could Dai afford this? His father’s insurance ran out a couple of years ago.

  She left Linda a note then grabbed her coat and headed out. She went to visit Dai’s father. She flashed her badge at the nurse and was taken up to Dai’s father’s room.

  “Hello Mr. Banks.” Jody was surprised to see that Dai’s father was Caucasian. Dai must have gotten his oriental features from his mother.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m Officer Davis. I need to ask you a few questions.”

  “Well, Officer Davis, first you are going to tell me what this is about.”

  “Please call me Jody.”

  “All right, you can call me Randy.”

  “I’m investigating the Black Velvet robberies and I’m checking on a few leads.”

  “Okay, I still don’t understand what this has to do with me.”

  “Your son Dai pays all your medical bills. Is this correct?”

  “My son is a good man.”

  “I’m not saying he isn’t. I just want to make sure I have my facts straight.”

  “Dai does pay for my medical bills.”

  “It says you had a stroke then a heart attack. Is this correct?”


  “Dad, who is this?” Dai asked when he entered the room.

  “This is Officer Jody Davis.”

  “What do you want with my father?”

  “Calm down son, she is only doing her job.”

  “Well, you can talk to me. I will be right back, Dad.” Dai walked out of the room and Jody followed him.

  “What is it that you want?” Dai’s voice was full of anger.

  “I understand why you are upset. I just needed to ask him a few questions. Perhaps you can answer a couple, as well.”

  “Anything, as long as you leave him alone.”

  “You pay for all his medical expenses?”

  “Of course I do. His savings and insurance ran out awhile ago.”

  “You could have let him go to the state hospital.”

  “I love my father. I want him to have the best care. A state hospital wouldn’t give him the rehabilitation he needs to get better. Besides, what does this have to do with anything?”

  “I’m investigating the Black Velvet robberies.”

  “So? I still don’t understand.”

  “You make pretty good money at the Alcazar?”

  “I do all right.”

  “Yet, there is no way you could afford to pay these medical bills with just the money you earn at the club. Do you have other jobs?”

  “If I had the time I would have other jobs.”

  “Then how are you paying these bills?”

  “The other dancers give me some of their tips, especially Hunter.”

  “Hunter also helps Zoltan. Doesn’t he keep any of his money?”

  “You leave Hunter alone. He is a very generous man. Unless you are going to charge me with something, I suggest you leave.”

  “Thank you for your time.”

  Jody felt like she wanted to throw up. Every cop instinct she had told her Hunter was Black Velvet, the thief. He had to be. He helped Zoltan and Dai. He did make good money at the club, but there was no way that he could make that much money.

  She drove over to Allison’s new home. It was a very nice home. Children were playing in the yard. Allison was planting flowers in the flowerbeds. They all seemed so happy, like one big family.

  Jody got out of her car and walked over to Allison.

  “Officer Davis …” Allison stood up and brushed the dirt off her hand.

  “Your new home is lovely.”

  “Thank you.”

  “If you have come to ask more questions about Zoltan, I have told you everything I know.”

  “No, it’s not Zoltan I want to ask you about.”

  “Then come inside. I will get us something to drink. You kids play nice.”

  Jody followed Allison into the house. Everything was so homey looking. Allison gestured to the chair at the kitchen table.

  Jody sat down and waited for Allison to come back.

  “Here we are. I hope you like ice tea.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now what did you want to ask me?” Allison sat down.

  “I need to ask you a couple questions about Hunter.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “How do you know him?”

  “He is Zoltan’s best friend. So, he hung around here with Zoltan. The kids adore him.”

  “You mentioned that Zoltan and Hunter gave you money. I understand why Zoltan would, but why would Hunter?”

  “He is a generous soul. Plus, I think I reminded him of his mother. She left him and his father when he was only six. Zoltan told me that he went to find Hunter’s mother to give Hunter some closure, especially after Hunter’s father died. But, he found out Hunter’s mother died of a drug overdose a couple years after she left Hunter’s father.”

  “So, she left because she was hooked on drugs?”

  “Yes, that is what Hunter’s father believed. She was a good mother and wife until then. I guess she loved getting high more than she loved her family. It was a good thing she left when she did. Hunter never saw the ugly side of her.”

  “When did his father die?”

  “When Hunter was twenty. Oh, Hunter loved his father, too. It really hurt him to lose his father. I think that is why he helps Dai out so much.”

  “I was checking and there is no record that Hunter exists at all. Do you think he has the computer skills to erase his existence?”

  Allison let out a big sigh.

  She stood up and went back into the kitchen. She grabbed the pitcher of ice tea and came back in.

  “I don’t know if it’s a crime or not … I guess if it is … I erased his info.”


  “I didn’t want him losing out on a job because of some mistakes he did as a young man.”

  “What mistakes?”

  “He stole some stuff and got into a fight when he was a teenager.”

  “That’s all?”


  Jody could tell Allison was lying. There is no way this woman was computer savvy.

  “I hope I’m not in too much trouble.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Don’t tell him what I did. I was only trying to protect him.”

  “I have one more question. Did Hunter pay for this house?”

  “I told you I had savings and along with the money he and Zoltan give me each month, I managed to save up enough to get this house.”

  “I find it hard to believe that you managed to save a quarter of a million dollars-- especially considering the expense of feeding and clothing all these children.”

  “I’m getting on in years. It’s not that hard to save some money.”

  Again Jody could see Allison was lying. She was trying to protect Hunter. That sick sinking feeling grew worse.

  “Thank you for your time.”

  “Let me show you out.”

  “That’s okay. I can manage.”

  Jody went back to her car and drove back to the station. The cop in her knew what she had to do now. It was time to start gathering evidence for her case. Yet, the woman in her told her to look the other way. If she did her job she was going to
lose Hunter.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” Linda asked when Jody went to her desk.


  “You don’t seem happy about it.”

  “Linda …” Jody’s eyes started to tear up.

  “What is it?”

  “Hunter is Black Velvet the thief.”

  “Shit … you know this for certain?”

  “All the evidence is pointing to him.”

  “Still, you don’t know for sure.”

  “You know my instincts are pretty accurate.”

  “What are you going to do? If you want to bury this case I will go along.”

  “We can’t do that.”

  “Jody …”

  “I will make sure I’m right then …” Jody got up and went to the ladies room. She rushed to one of the stalls and started to cry.

  “Damn it, Hunter,” she whispered as her tears flowed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Hunter poured over his plans. Mr. Jason Montgomery wife’s jewelry was worth a small fortune, and the guy knew it. He had a state of the art security system, and that damn safe actually needed a key. Fortunately for Hunter, Mrs. Montgomery had a pension for hiring dancers for her own private shows. It didn’t take much to convince Melinda to check it out. He had Dai tell her about Mrs. Montgomery’s needs. If he told her she would not listen considering she was pissed at him at the moment. And as predicted Melinda smelt money and went to see Mrs. Montgomery with pictures of all the dancers.

  “Hunter, looks like you are going to a private party tonight,” Melinda’s voice crackled on the intercom. “Did you hear me?”

  “Yeah I heard you.”

  “Good, you and Adonis will be picked up by a limo at 3:30 p.m. Your ass better be at the gate waiting for that limo.”

  “All right.”

  Melinda had that hitch to her voice, which meant Mrs. Montgomery paid quite a pretty penny to have Hunter and Adonis dance for her.

  Hunter smiled feeling pleased with himself. He had no doubt that the key to that safe would be in Mrs. Montgomery’s bedroom somewhere. The only problem was that Adonis was going to be there as well.

  Hunter studied the layout of the house through the plans he had gotten. It was going to be easy to get to the safe. It was only a matter of shutting off the alarm system. Since everything was run by computers, it was just a simple matter of hacking into that system to give him a brief window of opportunity. That was the trick, not to leave the system off for too long. A brief period could easily be explained as a hiccup in the system.

  Hunter studied the plans over and over, putting everything to memory. He had to get in and get out. He would find out when those rich assholes would be out of the house. That wasn’t going to be too hard to find out.

  Hunter got ready and headed for the main gate. Adonis was already there.

  Adonis let out a big sigh.

  “Like I care what you think,” Hunter said.

  “Your little pixie lives in quite a dump.”

  “Shut up about her.”

  “Oh, a sore spot, I see.”

  A black limo pulled up and the driver quickly got out and opened the door. Neither man said a word on the ride up to Mrs. Montgomery’s mansion. This was a gravy job and if she liked their dance, she would request them again. Both men knew this. However, Hunter was more focused on observing, making sure those house plans were right. Plus, he had to find that key.

  The limo pulled up to the mansion. The driver quickly got out and opened the door. An older looking man came up to the limo.

  “Well, I see my wife has good taste. Follow me.”

  Hunter didn’t expect that Mr. Montgomery would be here.

  Both men followed their host up the stairs. Hunter took in everything, much to his delight everything was exactly what the house plans depicted.

  “Here we are,” Mr. Montgomery said as he opened the large wooden door.

  “Oh sweetie, they are even more handsome in person. Come here.” Mrs. Montgomery patted the bed next to her. Her husband hurried over and sat down.

  Hunter and Adonis stood in the middle of the room.

  “I want to see the blond dance first. You, sexy dark-haired one, go wait in the waiting room.”

  Hunter nodded his head and went over to the room she pointed at.

  The room was small and had one loveseat in it. He could hear the music start to play and soon Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery voicing their approval of Adonis’ dance.

  All Hunter could really think about was finding that damn key. But where to start? After five minutes, the music stopped. A couple minutes later Adonis came into the room.

  “Top that asshole,” Adonis growled.

  “Oh whatever.” Hunter walked out of the room. He was a bit taken back when he saw that both of them were sitting there naked and Mr. Montgomery was sporting a full on erection.

  “Your turn, sweetie,” Mrs. Montgomery said. She raised her hand in the air and music started to play.

  Hunter let the music fill him and he started to move. The music seemed to build and build, picking up tempo.

  “I like the way you move,” the singer crooned.

  Hunter visually scanned the room as he danced. He came to the floor and simulated fucking which drove Mr. Montgomery wild. When Hunter came back up and made eye contact with Mrs. Montgomery, then Mr. Montgomery he saw the key on a necklace around Mr. Montgomery’s neck.

  “Oh baby, you like him,” Mrs. Montgomery purred as she grabbed her husband’s erection.

  Hunter didn’t like the idea of grinding up against some horny middle-aged dude, but he had to get that key. He moved over to Mr. Montgomery and danced in front of him.

  “Come here, beautiful,” Mr. Montgomery said.

  “Now dear, you know the rules. No fucking the dancers.”

  “I know, my love. I just want to feel him.”

  Hunter straddled Mr. Montgomery as he gyrated his hips. He could feel Mr. Montgomery’s cock press up against his jean clad ass. He tried not to think about it. Hunter reached behind Mr. Montgomery’s neck. He unclasped the necklace, then moaned really loud, distracting Mr. Montgomery for a second, allowing the key and necklace to slip into Hunter’s pants. Hunter chuckled on how that turned out. He slowly got off Mr. Montgomery and made sure to pay Mrs. Montgomery some attention.

  Both clapped when Hunter’s dance was over.

  “Send the other one out again, and then we will see you dance again.”

  Hunter walked over to the room.

  “Your turn again.” Hunter smiled at Adonis.

  When Adonis left Hunter quickly took the key out of his pants. He replaced it with the key he had in his pocket. He made sure to fuck up the clasp to make it look good. Both keys were similar. He looked up what a key looked like for the kind of safe they had and quickly had one made. He placed the real key into his pocket. His heart started to pound. Either this was going to work like a charm or he was going to get screwed.

  “Your turn, asshole,” Adonis growled.

  Hunter walked back into the room and headed straight for Mrs. Montgomery.

  “This must belong to you.” He handed her the key.

  “Oh my, honey, your key!”

  “How did you get it?”

  “I found it in my pants.”

  “Your enthusiasm for this dancer must have made it fall off. You better have the clasp checked,” Mrs. Montgomery said.

  “The clasp is broken. I will have it fixed this afternoon.”

  “Now sweetie, I’m going to jack off my husband as we watch you dance to that same song again. It’s like the finale.”

  Hunter only nodded his head and started dancing when the music began. It didn’t take long for her to get her husband off and it didn’t take long for him to get hard again.

  “Keep dancing, beautiful.”

  Mrs. Montgomery made her husband come three times while Hunter danced.

  “That was really good.” She motioned for the ser
vant to tell Adonis to come out. “I’m very pleased with both of you.”

  “Me too,” Mr. Montgomery said, winded.

  “I may have to request you two again. My servant will pay you and take you home.”

  Both of them followed the servant to the limo. Both were handed an envelope, then they got into the limo.

  “That was disgusting,” Adonis said.

  “It was different.”

  Hunter saw there was at least ten thousand in the envelope.

  “The tip was very nice,” Adonis said.

  Hunter didn’t say anything on the ride back.

  Melinda was there to greet them. “Good boys. Mrs. Montgomery just called to say how pleased she was with both of you.”

  Hunter didn’t care to hear her praise. His mind was focused on the heist. Tomorrow was going to be the day to do it. He overheard the servants saying that Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery were going to some party, something about her dress, he didn’t care what else was said. He heard what he needed to hear.

  He went back to his room. He was disappointed to see that Jody didn’t leave a message. It was probably for the best. He had to focus on pulling this heist off. The payoff was too good to fuck it up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Okay people, Mrs. Montgomery wants us to do a few extra patrols tonight around her mansion. And since she is a generous supporter we will honor her request,” the captain said.

  “Why does she want the patrols?” Jody asked.

  “She is a bit paranoid, as we all know. She mumbled on about her husband’s key falling into some guy’s pants and that they weren’t going to be home tonight … but we will honor her request.”

  “That is strange,” Linda said.

  “Yeah … anyway, girl, finish telling me about Maxim.”

  “He quit working at the Alcazar and wants us to get an apartment together.”

  “He is moving a bit fast, isn’t he?”

  “That’s what I told him. He just said he knows what he wants why wait.”

  “Do you want to move in with him?”

  “Yeah, I’m not going to be coy about it.”

  “Well then you have your answer.” Jody jumped from her chair and rushed over to the records room.

  Linda quickly followed.


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