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Impasse (The Red Gambit Series)

Page 54

by Gee, Colin

  Stalin accepted the hand of the Yugoslavian, and both men retreated to a corner by the fireplace to discuss Tito’s position on the present de facto cease-fire across Europe.

  A strange pang filled her stomach, almost as if something was about to rebel against the food and drink she had recently consumed.

  Her system seemed dulled, slowed, almost disconnected, and growing worse by the minute.

  Miron Vovsi, Stalin’s personal physician, noticed something about her from across the room, and made his way over.

  “Comrade Nazarbayeva, are you unwell?”

  “I think I’m unused to this fine wine and rich food, Comrade Doctor. It will pass.”

  “Excuse me please,” the Doctor’s hands taking first her wrist and, satisfied with her pulse, pressed his hand to her forehead.

  “I think that you have a fever developing. Comrade.”

  Given the illness that had incapacitated her earlier in the year, such a statement was bound to get Nazarbayeva’s full attention; as had been the plan.

  “Might I suggest that you have an early night tonight and rest for a day?”

  Normally, she would have refused the advice on the spot, but now she felt she could only agree.

  The stealthy, but purposeful approach of the Bulgarian Ambassador, clinched the decision.

  “Could I ask you to accompany me to the car please, Comrade Doctor?”

  “Of course, of course.”

  Offering up his arm, he assisted the GRU General towards the exit, his eyes holding those of Beria for only the briefest of moments.

  The NKVD Marshal smiled and determined to spend his next thirty minutes attending to business before he left the party to attend to ‘business’.

  Savouring the pepper vodka and ice, he started counting down the minutes until his revenge was complete.

  2021 hrs, Wednesday, 18th December 1945, NKVD guest dacha. Kuntsevo, USSR.

  The KIM 10-52 car, used to move dignitaries around the Kuntsevo complex, pulled up at the NKVD guest dacha, not that Nazarbayeva had any idea that was what the building was.

  Dr Vovsi leapt out and moved round to open the other passenger door, before assisting Nazarbayeva out.

  An orderly appeared, but Tatiana declined his offer of assistance, preferring to steady herself on the shoulder of her fellow passenger.

  “Make sure the car waits, orderly.”

  The orderly moved to do as he was asked, and Vovsi helped Nazarbayeva inside.

  She made her way to the comfortable armchair and collapsed into it.

  Again, Vovsi examined her pulse, temperature and produced a stethoscope, which he warmed before listening to her inner sounds.

  “You need a day of bed rest, Comrade General, no arguments.”

  He moved to his medical bag and rummaged, quickly finding the required item.

  “Your temperature’s raised and your pulse is up on earlier. Breathing seems fine. I want you to go to bed now. Take this…” he passed her a phial of orange liquid, “Mixed in with water, but only once you’re under the covers.”

  She looked at the phial and asked a silent question.

  “It’s a sedative, but also has powers that will address your fever. You’ll sleep like a fallen tree. Take it before you’re in bed and you risk a night lying on the carpet, Comrade General.”

  He slipped his stethoscope back into the bag and closed it with a snap.

  “I will return at,” he checked his watch, “Eleven in the morning to check on your condition. If you need me before then, just tell the orderly and he can contact me.”

  “Thank you, Comrade Doctor.”

  “The pleasure is mine, Comrade General. Now, to bed with you… and have a good night.”

  The orderly moved to open the front door.

  “Thank you, but I can see myself out, Comrade Serzhant.”

  Nazarbayeva moved unsteadily towards the bedroom, her mind not working as she would expect.

  The orderly brushed past her to open the door.

  “Thank you, Comrade.”

  Once she was inside, he turned up the slumbering oil lamps and turned down the heavy bedding.

  “So many lamps, Comrade Orderly?”

  “Some of our guest like enough light to make the room as day, Comrade General.”

  A fair reply, she thought.

  “Please turn them all back down, Comrade. I need my bed.”

  “As you wish, Comrade General.”

  Each of the lamps was reduced to next to nothing, providing sufficient light for undressing.

  ‘I’ll turn them up later, you GRU whore!’

  The orderly came to attention.

  “If there’s nothing else, Sir?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “The Comrade General can reach me by pressing the button on the bedside table, should she require any service.”

  She missed the edge completely.

  “Again, thank you, Comrade Orderly.”

  NKVD Serzhant Ruslan Spartakevich Stranov nodded and closed the door, before proceeding to the telephone and reporting in as ordered.

  Sarkisov replaced the receiver and checked his watch.

  “The Boss’ll be ready by now. Warm up the car and we can get the fun started.”

  Nadaraia looked sternly at his colleague.

  “You start the fucking car. I’m senior Polkovnik remember!”

  The battle over seniority was permanent and would never be resolved, but it had never really mattered, and was always done in humour.

  Sarkisov conceded.

  “Well, I suppose it’s my turn anyway.”

  The Packard car was warm and inviting.

  Lavrentiy Beria dropped onto the wide back seat and tackled his Colonels immediately.


  Sarkisov passed on all that he had gleaned from Stranov, Nadaraia added the facts he had been given by Doctor Vovsi.

  “Excellent. Let’s pay her a visit then. No need to rush though.”

  Beria wanted to savour the build-up for as long as possible.

  2100 hrs, Wednesday, 18th December 1945, NKVD guest dacha. Kuntsevo, USSR.

  Switching off the engine, NKVD Colonel Sarkisov extracted the bag from the glove box. Nadaraia got out and opened Beria’s door.

  The three quickly made their way inside.

  Stranov took all three men’s coats and then offered up the drinks that he had already prepared.

  Still holding the paper bag, Sarkisov passed on his instructions from Dr Vovsi, who had been very keen that they should be understood by all.

  “Comrade Marshal. Vovsi has one more dose in here, to be administered by syringe. He suggests between the toes, so as to mask the entry site.”

  Beria listened patiently, although both Colonels knew that it would fall to one of them to do the deed.

  “2330hrs and no sooner. He suggests concluding our business by 0220 at the latest. The residual effects will last through until morning, but only if the patient is left undisturbed, Comrade Marshal.”

  “The effects will be as described. She may have some feeling of the experience, but will have no control and will not be conscious. None the less, he still advises taking the precautions you both discussed, to be on the safe side.”

  Beria laughed, a throaty genuine laugh, taking all three NKVD men by surprise.

  “The bitch won’t see my face unless she’s eyes in the back of her fucking head!”

  They all shared the joke and understood the full meaning of Beria’s words.

  “Now, let’s start…” his eyes shone brightly as he sought out a response from both Colonels, “And no cameras until young Stranov’s called into action.”

  2111 hrs, Wednesday, 18th December 1945, NKVD guest dacha. Kuntsevo, USSR.

  Like a scene from a horror movie, the defenceless woman lay in bed whilst anonymous men with intent in their hearts stood over her, assessing her, making decisions as to how to proceed.

  Sign language was now require
d, at least until they were certain, so Sarkisov responded to the physical instruction and pulled down the covers.

  Nazarbayeva had left the underwear in place and so her curves were still encased in red material as they came slowly into view.

  Nadaraia pulled down on the other side and soon the sleeping woman was exposed all the way to her feet.

  Beria nodded and Nadaraia extended his hand, gently grazing the soft flesh of Tatiana’s left breast.

  There was no reaction.

  He squeezed gently.

  She lay still, untroubled, breathing gently.

  He squeezed harder.

  A light snoring commenced.

  With encouragement from Beria, he used his other hand to liberate the sleeping woman’s breast, exposing a nipple.

  He needed no encouragement to play with it.

  Beria whispered and pointed.


  The two Colonels took hold of the red panties and, in an excellent display of gentle teamwork, removed Nazarbayeva’s underwear, leaving her naked under their collective gaze.

  “Slide her over,” Beria indicated the left side of the double bed and moved out of the way.

  He considered removing the cloth balaclava from his head, but resisted the temptation, just in case.

  Having positioned the sleeping body on the edge of the bed, both Colonels stood back. Both eased their own headwear in order to see everything properly.

  Beria unbuttoned himself and moved forward.

  “For all the times you have fucked with me, and tried to embarrass me, you fucking bitch.”

  He pressed the tip of his penis against Nazarbayeva’s mouth and pushed it inside, feeling the scrape of her half-open teeth as he moved deeper.

  The moment almost proved too much for him, such was his sexual excitement.

  He withdrew hastily, for fear of choking the woman as she slept.

  “Revenge is certainly sweet.”

  His whispers drew smiles from his men.

  He squeezed her breasts hard, the now erect nipples standing proud.

  “Fine titties, at least the best I’ve seen on a General!”

  Neither Sarkisov nor Nadaraia offered any argument.

  “Turn her.”

  Beria dropped his trousers and climbed on the bed.

  He tried to enter her but nature fought back.

  Saliva helped win the battle and he slid himself inside her anus before pushing himself slowly into her depths.

  A soft female moan made the three of them freeze, but nothing came of it, so Beria started a steady rhythm, thrusting himself in and out of the woman he hated.

  As his passion grew more and more, he became noisier, and both NKVD officers watched Nazarbayeva closely for any reaction.

  Sarkisov could see her mouth open, but that was it.

  Beria approached his moment, ramming harder and harder into Tatiana’s body, causing the bed to rock and noisily protest.

  “Have this, you fucking bitch whore fuck!”

  He exploded inside her, continuing to fuck her as he deposited his cum.

  He rolled off, panting for breath, driven from his torpor by a wish to complete his revenge.

  Her open mouth provided the final ignominy that he had planned to visit upon her personally.

  “Comrades, now you can have your fun. Once you’ve administered the next dose,” and with intended humour, Beria resorted to the NCO’s nickname, “Comrade Serzhant Mamont can play his part.”

  Beria redressed as he spoke and produced a handkerchief with which to wipe his brow.

  “Enjoy yourselves, Comrades, you’ve earned it.”

  Beria went to leave and then turned back.

  “So which of you won the draw?”

  Sarkisov looked triumphantly at his master.

  Just before 2300 hrs, the door opened and the two NKVD Colonels entered the lounge, still tucking in shirts and playing with ties and buttons.

  Beria looked over the rim of his glass of pepper vodka and found no need to ask the question.

  They had well and truly fucked the bitch and it was written all over their faces, as well as reflected in their movements, the aches and pains of a full-on session being most apparent.

  His mind turned to the next part. Almost too delicious for him to wait for, but wait he would, for now.

  “Get yourselves tidied up. You look like you’ve spent the night with a two rouble whore.”

  The clock chimed eleven in a soft way, not enough to wake the sleeping, just enough to inform those already awake.

  “Administer the final dose as directed and then let our Mamont know the love of his life is ready and willing.”

  The two men left in search of refreshment, and an opportunity to discuss the delights of the sleeping woman, before ensuring that ‘Mamont’, so called because of his unnaturally large endowment, was ready for his part in the humiliation and neutralization of GRU Major General Tatiana Nazarbayeva.

  “By the Motherland!”

  Nadaraia could only manage that small exclamation.

  Sarkisov took it a little further.

  “Now that’s what I call a fucking cock!”

  Nadaraia nodded at the film camera.

  “Have you got the wide-angle lens?”

  Sarkisov guffawed softly.

  Beria said nothing, although he felt just the smallest pang of jealousy at the apparition.

  The second dose had been administered, and the three NKVD officers had taken their station in the secret room that looked out onto the guest bedroom.

  The wide two-way mirror afforded each a full view of events.

  Nadaraia had his Leica, its precise lenses ready to capture more moments in the sexual history of Comrade Nazarbayeva.

  Sarkisov manned the movie camera, with which he would record the licentious behaviour of the GRU General… and with an enlisted man to boot!

  Beria held the folder containing the developed photographs that Nadaraia had shot that early evening, preferring to keep them for later, as he watched in nervous anticipation of the Mammoth’s employment.

  He turned the oil lamps up and looked at the sleeping woman.

  To be honest, Stranov had been ordered to more worrying duties, such as when he was called upon to seduce a homosexual diplomat, or respond to the advances of some visiting dignitary whose love for his fellow man was well known to the NKVD.

  Performing for the camera was as natural for him as the act itself.

  Tonight, however, he felt that he would enjoy his work.

  Whilst the woman was old, she had a beauty that could not be challenged, and her body offered nothing but the promise of pleasure.

  As the camera whirred and the Leica clicked, he rolled onto the bed and ran his hands over the curvaceous form, lingering on her breasts, and examining the secrets hidden within her pubic hair. He was surprised to find her moist and ready, even though the Doctor had told him that her female responses would not all be inhibited.

  Another thought also occurred, and he withdrew his fingers. He did not know of the violations that had already taken place, but he considered that, perhaps, the wetness had a different source.

  He leant forward and sucked her thick nipple into his mouth, ensuring that her face was away from the camera, hiding the fact that she was not a willing participant.

  Stranov had already pulled the bedclothes off to unmask the damaged foot, as he had been told to do, so that there could be no mistake who was being fucked before the camera.

  His hands worked between her thighs, and he was rewarded as Tatiana opened legs wider.

  The NCO looked quizzically at the mirror, not seeing the shrugs by way of response.

  “That can be edited out later, Comrade Marshal.”

  Beria merely hummed a response, his own pleasures a receding memory as he started to become more aroused at what he was observing.

  Believing in never looking a gift horse in the mouth, Stranov rolled on top of Nazarbayeva and s
lid easily inside her, despite the huge girth of his penis.

  There was no lack of moisture.

  Nadaraia could only admire the woman’s capacity.

  “Fucking hell, but she took that without a wink. Is her old man a mamont too?”

  “How the shit should I know, but judging by the way he parked his fucking bus, it would seem to be a possibility. Mind you, if he isn’t, it’ll be like throwing a sausage down Dzerzhinsky Street for him after Stranov has had his way.”

  Even Beria snorted at that one.

  The three returned to concentrate as Stranov pumped in and out of the drugged woman.

  His width was not the only abnormal quality of his penis and he knew that he was reaching into the very depths of the woman, and the thought spurred him on.

  Sarkisov quickly played with the audio setting, ensuring that the script would be recorded.

  “Ah, I’m coming, Tatiana, my darling woman. Oh my love, how we fuck… how we fuck so well… I’m coming darl… ahhhhhhhh.”

  Whilst it wasn’t what he normally did, for the camera it was expected, so he withdrew his huge penis and the camera recorded it depositing its contents forcefully over Tatiana’s pubic hair, on her belly, and reaching the underside of her breasts.

  “Blyad! The boy has many talents, tovarich.”

  Sarkisov couldn’t disagree, the efforts not yet complete as Stranov milked more from his organ.

  Beria had seen the boy at work before, so wasn’t surprised. Given the sensitivity of this mission, the two NKVD Colonels were his fresh film crew, their exposure to the talents of ‘Mamont’ Stranov being new; they found it seriously impressive.

  In the bedroom, Stranov knelt either side of her head and used her mouth as he had used her vagina, careful to hold her head level with his right hand for the benefit of the camera.

  He had retained his erection and slowly approached another orgasm.

  “Fucking hell! He needs fucking caging!”

  “Shut up!”

  Beria called a halt to the exchange, his own excitement reaching the level where he needed to become involved.


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