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Cardinal Sinner (Divine Domination Book 2)

Page 7

by Megan Michaels

“Do you like the anointing oil sliding in your dark hole? My cock swirling the holiness in your dirty fuck hole?”

  Eliska’s hips thrust so harshly that she lifted his body, causing him to lengthen within her, almost impossibly so. She groaned deep within her chest, her teeth gritted. “Spurt your hot come into me. Pound into me, Your Eminence. Fuck me hard, fuck me deep, just…fuck me. God, just fuck me!”

  Petr swore he almost came undone just from her words. His balls drew up tight to his body, and he did just as she’d commanded. He pounded into her, slamming his hips into her, his pubic bone grinding on her clit, his balls slapping against her.

  Her sticky hot cunt dripped down her perineum, mixing with the anointing oil, coating him, the slick sounds and scent of sex filling the air. He breathed deep, his eyes closing, battering her dark hole, grinding and thrusting until she shouted, her voice gravelly and deep.

  Squeezing him tightly with her sphincter muscles, milking him in a vice-like hold, he snarled, barking out, “Fuck. Holy fuck!” He battered her relentlessly until every last drop had been squeezed out of him.

  Her body quivered and trembled, rocking his own exhausted and collapsed form over her.

  It wasn’t until she pressed insistently against him, her arousal only abating, not receding but instead, escalating toward another orgasm, that he realized that his own cock had started to harden once again. Pulling from her, he rose from the bed, wagging a finger at her. “No more sex until we’ve had our discussion, bad girl.”

  After drenching a washcloth in hot water, he came back to a listless, quiet girl, her hips stilled in curiosity and, more than likely, slight trepidation over her upcoming discipline. He washed her up, swiping at his cock as well, tossing the cloth back into the bathroom.

  “Stand up.”

  She crept off the bed, standing with her hands covering her sex, shifting from foot to foot with worry.

  “Hands on your head and hold still.” He kept an edge to his voice, wanting her off balance with a bit of fear. A good spanking had humiliation, fear, worry, and remorse. So far, he’d nailed the first three. Now for remorse.

  He walked behind her, undoing her bra, letting her breasts fall free from the constraint. Slapping her ass—hard—he watched the red bloom rise on her white cheek, rounding her curvy body, admiring the small waist with her generous breasts and hips. He slid a finger down her taut belly, swirling a forefinger between the lips of her pussy, circling the little nub.

  “Honor and obey your mother and father. That’s a commandment, right, girl?” He stood with his arms crossed over his chest in front of her, knowing that he was too close, relishing how the invasion of her space had her chest heaving with her increased breath.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “And tell me, from what you remember in Catholic school, what does honor mean? I know you understand obey, not that you follow that commandment to the letter, but I’m curious what your understanding of honor is.” He widened his stance, preparing for the long diatribe that would occur, he had no doubt.

  “Well, to honor someone means to think about them before yourself. To…well, to place their needs and wants before your needs and wants. It means respecting them. And I do that. I call them weekly. I send money to them when they need it. I’m a good daughter. I listen to them, and I try…I do try to obey them and treat them in a kind and caring way.”

  He raised his eyebrows at her. “Really?” He began to walk around the small hotel room while he talked. “So, you are kind and caring, you say. And you respect them. Tell me, where does calling your father a fool come into that equation?”

  Clasping his hands behind him, he stood in front of her, aware that his cock had hardened and was brushing against her soft belly; it’d be a test to see how well she could formulate her thoughts and sentences with an extreme sexual diversion.

  “Uh.” Her hips thrust forward with her sex clenching. “Uhm. I’m sorry about that. It was wrong.”

  “Malý drak. There’s a reason I’ve called you my little dragon. That temper of yours easily sparks, spewing its flames, damaging those in close proximity. You’ll be suffering the consequences shortly.”

  She nodded her head silently, her eyes brimming with tears. Remorse.

  “Your father asked me if you’d been a good girl, telling me that you are his baby and he spoiled you. There is nothing foolish about that. He’s a man who loves his little girl. I understand that. I love her too, and I also tend to spoil her. The one difference between he and I is that spanking your bottom doesn’t bother me. I enjoy paddling your ass, watching your tears, along with true shame and repentance.”

  She dragged a shaky breath in. “But, I’m sorry. I love them and didn’t mean it.”

  “What do I tell you all the time, my Elinka?”

  Choking out a sob, she took a long blink, tears easing from the corner of her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. “That actions have consequences, either good or bad.”

  “That’s right. You’ll have a very sore reminder of this lesson for the rest of our vacation. Now, go bring me four switches from the vase.”

  “Oh, God! Four!” she cried, walking to the vase of pink and gray pussy willows, handing them over with shaky hands.

  “Bend over the bed and fist the bedspread in your hands. Do not reach back. Clear?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

  “I know you think you are, but you’ll see the difference between being sorry and true repentance soon.” He checked the branch for any stray strips of bark that may cut her skin open before swishing it through the air.

  Goose flesh rose on her back and bottom. Moving her feet, she clench her ass tightly, the divide between her cheeks becoming a thin line.

  “Oh no. We need your feet off the floor and your hips elevated. No stomping, and no clenching. Up.”

  He pulled both pillows down from the head of the bed, stacking them at the edge of the mattress, and then situating her hips on them.

  Swoosh! Swoosh!

  The switches sliced the air. He swiped it across the broad expanse of her bottom, the meatiest part, a red line of fire rising quickly on the surface, following it quickly with three more stripes.

  Elinka’s knees rose up trying to find purchase on the bed to crawl over the pillows. If he hadn’t grabbed one of her buttocks with his hand, she would have scrabbled across the bed, he had no doubt.

  She screeched in pain, stilling instantly, dropping her knees in compliance.

  “You’ll not try that maneuver again. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Your impertinence and bratty behavior caused this punishment, and you’ll take it like the grown woman you are, not a child lacking control.” He lightly tapped the twig on her bottom in warning.

  “B-but it hurts.” Her voice was small and timid. It was amazing to see how different a woman became under the guiding, dominant hand of a lover who knew how to bring about submission and obedience. The woman’s whole demeanor changed to a quiet obedience. If more men would implement this into their homes, the peace would heal broken marriages and relationships, and bring about harmony and a deeper love than either would anticipate.

  “I know it hurts, but it’s the penalty for your rebellion. And we begin again.”

  He slashed the switch across her bottom leaving criss-crossing lines on both cheeks, making sure to add some diagonal lines over the horizontal ones. When her cries became sobs, he stopped, giving her time to catch her breath and relax. He reached for another pussy willow, stroking the catkins between his fingers.

  “As a daughter, you’re to bring joy to your parents, not mock or point out their weaknesses. Is that what you did yesterday, girl?” He tapped her thighs, a warning of where the next set would be landing.

  “N-no, I didn’t. I’m so sorry. Not my thighs. Please, not my thighs.” And then his little dragon pulled up her legs, covering her thighs and bottom with her calves and feet.

  As if that’d stop him.
br />   With no hesitation, he lightly swatted the switch over her feet and calves.

  She quickly dropped them, shouting, “I’ll stop! Okay, okay. I’ll stop!”

  “You’ve been trained better than this, Eliska. You should be ashamed.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll be g-good.” Her skin trembled, her soft cries tearing at his heart, but he couldn’t—wouldn’t—tolerate defiance in any manner, not from her or anyone else. He liked obedience—demanded it.

  That didn’t mean he wasn’t kind and gentle. Overall, he took care of what was his, and even what wasn’t, including women and children. But even as a young man, submission was important to him.

  And although dating for three years wasn’t a long time, it had felt like they’d been together forever, enough for her to know his expectations and to conform to his rules during a punishment.

  “Has it been that long, Elinka, since your last spanking that you have forgotten my rules? Or is it that you just need an ache in this little ass to remind you how to behave?” He tapped her thighs again, assuring her adherence.

  She whined pitifully, but stayed completely still.

  “Keep your thighs closed, girl.” He swung the switch, leaving lash after lash along her sit spots and thighs, her body swaying, but she kept her hands and feet away from her bottom and threat of injury.

  The lesson had been learned and he tossed the pussy willow branch to the floor, climbing onto the bed, scooping her onto his lap, tilting her so she rested on her hip and not her striped ass.

  “It’s okay, baby. I got you.” He rocked with her in his lap, brushing his hand on her face, pushing her hair behind her ear. “Shhhhhh. It’s all over.”

  Considering the punishment, she recovered quickly, hiccups racking her body intermittently, each one adding to his guilt. He knew she needed a lesson, and he’d meted out a pretty severe one at that, but knowing he caused her tears always worried him a bit. Would this be the time that it was too much? Would she decide she was done with this—with them?

  “I love you, Petr.” Her small, weak voice laced heavily with fear. What was she afraid of? Him?

  “Are you okay, girl?”

  She tilted her head up, her eyebrows furrowed. “Yeah, are you done with me, Sir? I’m too much, I know. I try, but I’m never enough it seems—always.”

  “Who says? You are always enough for me, and I’ll never be done with you. You fulfill me, my little dragon. I’m like a moth drawn to the flame; your fire intrigues me, Elinka. What did you mean by what you just said about being too much along with the rest.”

  “I read it somewhere and it resonated with me. Women feel like they’re too much and yet never enough. I’ve felt that since I was a little girl. ‘Sit down, Eliska. Stop talking. No more dancing.’ And when I obeyed, I’d melt into the background—unnoticed.” Those crystal blue eyes stared past him, looking out the window, not blinking, remembering her youth.

  A hiccup made her body shake. He wrapped his arms around her, cocooning her to him. “You’ll always be enough, and never too much. My discipline is only to contain you a bit, girl, like the rocks you place around a fire pit, keeping you within the borders, for your safety as well as others. Ano?”

  “Ano, Sir.” She tucked her face into his neck, breathing deeply, melding into him. Calm. Secure.

  Safe. Mine.

  Chapter 9

  Petr sat at the long, dark, wooden table at the President’s office, not recognizing most of the faces present. He’d been given a directive by the Holy Father himself—get it in writing that they’d allow the Roman Catholic Church it’s due, sending all the monies collected by their faithful parishioners.

  The Pope had been understanding for almost twenty years, allowing the Czech Republic to keep the money, considering it a donation to the well-being of the newly formed democracy. The Soviet Union had taken and taken from the community, leaving them destitute with no means by which to care for their citizens.

  The grocery stores had empty shelves with people waiting in line for hours in the cold for a loaf of bread. The factories and businesses struggled to meet their monthly heating bills and expenses, barely paying their employees.

  But after more than twenty years, tourism had risen, businesses were thriving, and Prague, along with the rest of the Czech Republic, had risen from the ashes like the symbolic phoenix. Petr had been put up in an expensive hotel with all the amenities of Rome or America.

  It was time to have this country sign a contract with the Holy See of Rome, turning everything received over to them. Now to convince them of that.

  President Tomas Charvat entered the room with the Prime Minister Lukas Kozar in tow, each taking both seats at the head of the table.

  Tomas nodded his head toward Petr. “Cardinal Novak, it’s good to see you here. I trust that the Petrov family is treating you well. How are your accommodations at the Olde Town Square Hotel?”

  “Everything is beautiful and, of course, the Petrov’s are very hospitable. It’s like being at home with my family. Thank you for asking.” He leaned back in his chair, lacing his fingers across his chest. “Is Cardinal Stepan Danek attending?”

  With a wave of his hand, Tomas shook his head. “No, we don’t need him at this meeting. He … he likes to cause trouble.”

  Prime Minister Lukas added, “I hear he’s busy with Myra Gramick at the Congrescentrum Praha for an LGBT welcoming ceremony. He’s…let’s just say he’s liberal in his thinking and has other engagements today. Besides, you’re on official Vatican City business, right?”

  Petr avoided any discussion of Cardinal Stepan Danek. It’s not that he agreed with him, but he didn’t disagree either, so it was just easier to avoid any confrontation at this point, especially when obtaining a signature and legal contract was his only mission here today. Best to leave the controversial issues to someone else.

  Petr wore his red choir vestments, aware that the formal red silk inspired respect no matter the religion of the person, and he planned to use it to his advantage. He’d worn everything but the white lace rochet, which was worn over the red cassock but was reserved for mass and not public engagements per se. He’d taken off his floor length cape—the ferraluolo—when he entered the conference room.

  Leaning forward, he rested his folded hands on the table and looked at the folder containing his notes; not that they were necessary, he was more than familiar with what needed to be discussed. He looked Lukas and Tomas in the eyes, quietly sizing them up, hoping for any hint on where they stood on the issue at hand, but they gave him not even the smallest of hints.

  “As you know, gentlemen, the Holy See in Rome has graciously waived the requirement for the Czech Republic to send all monies collected in the Roman Catholic Churches to them. The Pope has given your great and grand country time to get on its feet, or so to speak. You’ve been given the ability to care for your citizens, feeding and clothing them while propping up your businesses.”

  “And it has taken every bit of that time, Cardinal. We wish for Your Eminence and Your Holiness to understand that we’d never take advantage of your graciousness.” Tomas looked to Lukas for agreement.

  “Absolutely, and we made sure that the people of the Czech Republic understood that without the support of the Holy See of Rome, it would have taken much longer for us to become the established country we are today.”

  “Yes, I have heard that, and many Czechs have thanked me just in this short visit. But, gentlemen, I think you know where this conversation is going. It’s time for the waiver to be discontinued and for an agreement to be made with the Holy Pope and the Vatican. Our legal department has drawn up the required paperwork and it only requires your signatures.”

  Petr slid the papers toward the officials and watched them both sign them, the agreement sealed. He blew out his breath quietly, relief flooding him that no difficulties had arisen.

  “Cardinal Novak, we’d like to present you with a pin from our peoples as our representative to the Vat
ican. It has the flag for Czech Republic, the Vatican City coat of arms, and between both of them, it is the coat of arms for the Cardinals of Rome. We thank you for being an ally and mediator.” Lukas rose from his chair and walked toward Petr.

  Petr stood, and everyone else stood in respect. The photographers crowded around, vying for the prominent position. The prime minister pinned it to his shoulder, showing it to him first, and quite unexpectedly, he teared up at the effort and thoughtfulness it had taken to make the special pin. Cardinal to the Czech Republic and Prague had not been an easy position for the last twenty years, and the gratitude of his country had affected him deeply.

  Lukas gave him a vigorous handshake, slapping him on the shoulder wholeheartedly. Tomas waited patiently and then shook his hand as well.

  Petr couldn’t help but think it would be nice to visit his homeland without an upcoming meeting with these men hanging around his neck like a noose. He’d enjoy Prague on his terms.

  “Here, Your Eminence.” Eliska’s soft, feminine voice to his left diverted his attention. She held his ferraluolo for him to slide under, the heavy cape pressing on his shoulders. She buttoned it for him while Jakub Grammick, his assistant, gathered all his belongings and leather bag. Eliska held in her hands his biretta with the four points, waiting for him to bend a bit to place it on his head.

  His hand brushed against hers momentarily, a shock running up his arm. His cock thickened. Would there ever come a time when he wouldn’t be turned on by her touch alone? He doubted it.

  And although Czech parents were the ones to make a diminutive for a child’s name by adding “-inka,” as a lover, it was his right also. He loved nothing more than calling her his little Elinka.

  He whispered to her, “Come, Elinka, time to go to my room.” She blushed with embarrassment and a bit of pride, which he found adorable.

  “Jakub, are we ready?”

  “Yes, Your Eminence, the car is waiting downstairs.”

  As was the custom of his country, he waved to all present. “Thank you, and goodbye for last time.”


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