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Cardinal Sinner (Divine Domination Book 2)

Page 12

by Megan Michaels

  Chelsea closed her eyes, her face scrunching, breaking down into sobs.

  Normally, he’d feel guilty watching her said wails, but today, the sorrow was deserved, and until she’d paid fully for her sins, she’d find no mercy from him.

  “No panties are allowed. You’ll apologize to both of them when Petr comes to pick her up, and then we’ll continue with your punishment.”

  “Emerson?” Eliska’s soft voice came from the doorway, her face pale, and her eyes wide with fear.

  “How long have you been there?” His voice came out harsher than he’d intended, but her presence surprised him, and he wondered how much she’d observed.

  “I heard you say Petr’s name and that he was worried, and then I heard you sp-spanking Chelsea.” With bright eyes from her own tears, Eliska looked sadly at her friend. “I w-waited until it was quiet before opening the door. I promise.”

  Emerson nodded. “Yes, Petr is very worried about you, and if I was to assume anything, I’m guessing your bottom will be suffering the same fate as Miss Chelsea’s. What you did was uncaring and arrogant. Not words I normally attribute to you, but words that fit nonetheless.”

  “I’m not a bad person, I just…I didn’t know how to tell him…and now I’ve gotten Chelsea into trouble.” She turned her gaze to Chelsea. “I’m sorry.”

  “Do not apologize to Chelsea. She chose to do disobey. She knows the rules and expectations. As for the rest, you’re not a bad person at all. Naughty, yes. But you’re normally a good girl. I’m sure Petr will have the perfect remedy for your running away, and the right words to say too.” Clearing his throat, he dropped his voice an octave, pointing toward the hallway. “Now, go to your room until Petr arrives, and think about how your actions have hurt your man. And, your little friend here will be sitting in the corner on her spanked bottom thinking as well. Go!”

  The door shut abruptly, her quick steps falling heavy on the wooden floor, her bedroom door shutting quietly. He turned his attention back to his own girl, placing a hand on each hip. “You’re not a bad girl either, but you won’t know that by the blistering you’ll be receiving tonight.” He slapped each cheek. “Place your makeup stool in the corner and sit directly on those red cheeks. I’ll let you both know when you can come out to see Petr. Oh, and you can put your dress back on.”

  Chapter 17

  Eliska had been crying since Emerson sent her to her room. Besides the point that she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been sent to her room, the guilt had permeated every part of her.

  Selfish and arrogant.

  No one—but Emerson—had ever called her those words. But sitting on her bottom, the nerves crawling over the area in anticipation of a spanking, the realization hit her that leaving with no concern about his feelings was definitely selfish. She hadn’t taken into consideration that he might not eat or sleep well until he knew her whereabouts. Not telling him about her pregnancy was prideful and, yes, arrogant. Her ego had convinced her that he wouldn’t care and that he may actually be excited about the pregnancy.

  He’d told her many times how becoming a priest had been such a difficult decision, the prospect of giving up children and a wife.

  But…how? How would they live their lives like this?

  How she wished some days that he could leave, like Emerson, and they could be together, not hiding their relationship.

  “Yes. Good to see you too.” Emerson was talking to Petr. “I have both girls sitting in their rooms—thinking. One is on a spanked bottom, and in case you’re wondering, that would be mine.”

  Petr’s deep laugh filled the large suite, echoing off the walls. She smiled just hearing it. “So you killed two flies with one hit?”

  The silence made her smile to herself, the idiom lost on Emerson.

  “Oh, sorry. In the Czech Republic it means killing two birds with one stone. You managed to put both of them in time-out at one time. Very wise of you, my friend.”

  Emerson chuckled. “It was purely by mistake, but it did work out to my benefit. I was able to watch some of the game with no interruptions. Let me go get them.”

  He went to Eliska’s room first. “Petr’s here. Did you think about what’ you’ve done?”

  “Yes, Sir. And I’m so sorry…for everything.” She reached for his hand, but Emerson pulled her into a hug.

  “You’re forgiven, and you’re fine. Go see your man; he’s anxious to hold you again, I’m sure.”

  Behind her, Eliska heard Emerson enter his bedroom, speaking to Chelsea. “Stand up. You’ll apologize. Now, go.”

  Eliska had never seen this side of Emerson, and she didn’t want to ever see it again. The friendly, dimple-smiling priest was much nicer than the stern one with the furrowed eyebrows. Petr stood in front of the couch, his eyes focused on the hallway, his face lighting up when he saw her.

  “Petr!” She flung herself into his waiting, open arms. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to do.”

  He squeezed her so hard she felt the air leaving her lungs. “Don’t you ever do that to me again. I’ve never been so confused and afraid.” He pulled away, and he now had the same stern and angry features as Emerson. “We’ll be having a long discussion about this later. But for now,” he said, pulling her back into his arms, “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Petr?” Chelsea’s timid voice broke their embrace. “I’m so sorry for not telling you she was here, and for not telling Emerson too.”

  “You weren’t alone in this. My girl was complicit in all of it, and trust me, you won’t be the only one with a sore bottom. You’re forgiven.” He grabbed Eliska’s hand and he looked at everyone. “I just want to say, since you both know, I’m very excited about the baby. It’s something I’ve always wanted; I just never saw it happening to me. It’s a difficult situation, and I’m not sure how we’re going to do it, but this is my baby and I’m happy about it.”

  Petr blurred with her tears. “Petr, you mean it?”

  “Yes! How could you ever doubt it? I’ve told you how much I love children.”

  “I know but…it’s so complicated.” She wrung her hands in front of her.

  Leaning forward, Petr gently kissed her lips. “We are indeed in the rice, but we’ll take it one day at a time. Come, let’s go home; we have much to discuss.”

  They spun to look at their friends, only to have both of them staring with their heads tilted looking confused. Emerson spoke first, “In the rice?”

  “Oh,” Petr laughed. “It means in a pickle or a mess, as you say. We also say, this is a brothel.”

  “I wouldn’t recommend calling anything a brothel at the Vatican. You may get some raised eyebrows.”

  “Very true. Again, thank you for taking care of Eliska, we’ll go to dinner to pay you back.”

  Emerson replied, “There’s no need for that, but we’ll go to dinner for fun. I’ll retrieve your luggage and meet you at your car.”

  “I’m sorry, Chelsea. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Don’t feel too bad for her. You’ll be feeling the same soon. You two can commiserate over your aching backsides tomorrow. Come along.”

  Chapter 18

  He dragged her up the stairs to her apartment; his hand like a vice on her upper arm, dragging her like one would a bratty child.

  But he took the time to carefully buckle her in the car, checking that the belt wasn’t too tight on her belly, kissing her lips softly before shutting the door. He had wagged a finger at her saying, “Wait for me to help you out of the car.” And once he’d unbuckled her, he helped her out like she was a frail eighty-year-old. He didn’t want anything happening to this baby—his baby.

  “Sit down on the couch.” He shrugged out of his cassock, pulling it over his head, leaving him standing in his plain black undergarments before slipping them off, his cock not fully erect but thickening quickly.

  Eliska sat with her back stiff, her hands clasped, white knuckled. She needed to be nervous, he wasn’t plea
sed with her—at all.

  “Up.” Once she stood, he sat in her spot on the couch and methodically began to undress her, first slipping her sundress over her head, which left her standing in her lacy pink and black bra, her breasts pillowing over the top of the silky material.

  “This looks a little tight. Is it constricting?” He slipped his finger under the surface and found the cup had left an indentation on the soft skin.

  “My boobs are so sore and they’re growing so big.”

  He gave her a wolfish grin. “And that’s a problem? How?”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Of course you don’t see it as a problem, but my bras and tops are too tight. I’m going to get fat.” Her voice ended on a whine.

  “Not fat! You’ll be carrying my child…my child who needs food and fat supplies. And you, my girl, will not interfere with that, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir”

  She had yoga pants on and he couldn’t resist seeing her ass in them, wanting to enjoy the display before taking them off. He pivoted her between his legs, cupping her buttocks—one cheek at a time, hefting the weight of each in the palm of his hand, watching the flesh wobble with release.

  Placing a hand on the small of her back, he nudged her forward just a bit. “Bend over.” When she hesitated a bit too long, he swatted her right buttocks, placing his hand on the center of her back, her creamy skin showing through the too thin black material.

  “Push your panties off, completely.” He paused before adding, “If you wait much longer, I’ll be putting your pacifier into her bottomhole.”

  She keened loudly, but obediently hooked her thumbs into the elastic, pushing them over her curvy backside, her anus peeping from between her cheeks, then showing even more when she lifted each leg out of the tangle of material at her ankles. He ran a finger along the divide, teasing the sensitive area, bracing her body with another other, keeping her balanced and safe.

  “Pull your cheeks apart.” Once she was fully spread for his viewing, he added, “Now, we’ll talk.”

  “Like this?!” She looked over her shoulder at him.

  “You’ll keep your attitude right this way, and if not, I know how to adjust it.” He slipped his finger between her labia, skating slowly through her juices. “Did you plan on telling me about the baby?”

  “At some point. I just wanted to adjust to it and think through my options first.”

  “Options such as?” He reached up her back, undoing her bra. “Let it fall.” The lacy material fluttered to the floor. Grasping a breast in his hand, he kneaded it like he usually did.

  Eliska shouted, rising up, holding her breasts in both hands. “Ow! Oh God!”

  “Baby, are you okay?” He stood, cupping the breast he’d just played with, looking for any sign of playing too hard, or something that would explain her reaction, finding none.

  “They hurt. Petr, they just hurt so bad. Putting my bra on, or bumping, or even brushing against something is so painful.”

  “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again until they feel better.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” And then, without even asking, she resumed her position bent over with her ass facing him. Such a good girl.

  “What options did you have to contemplate?”

  “Staying here or moving back to Prague. Whether you’d be happy or not. My family. Many things.”

  “Stand up and sit on my lap. I need to see you.”

  It would be a struggle to not pinch or squeeze her tits, the areolas already enlarged, the blue veins large and visible under the milky white skin. His mouth watered looking at the prominent tips on her nipples, round and thicker than normal.

  I wonder when her milk will come in?

  He shook off the thought. That’d be for another day…and another time. Once seated on his thigh, one arm wrapped around her and the other hand resting casually on her belly, he looked her in the eye. “You need to know that I will love this baby…and you, for as long as the two of you will have me. I can’t think of anything more glorious than my own child. And you will not move to the Czech Republic. How would I ever see you? I can’t even…I don’t want to even think about such a tragic event. Your place is here. With me.”


  “Not yet.” He silenced her with a finger to her lips. “I’ve been to the bank and I’ve opened a joint account so I may put money directly into it for you and our child. In addition, I’ve opened a retirement account so you will always have money, even if I’m gone. I don’t want you left like Cardinal Rossi’s Maria. You’ll be cared for, my little dragon.”

  Tears steadily tracked down her cheeks before she flung her arms around his neck. “Petr, how did you know?”

  “Mmmm, seems I may be like Dane—the character in your book—I know my girl and what worries her.” He smiled at her, kissing her nose. “I have one more thing for you. Stand up for a minute.” He walked toward a bag he’d left on the entryway table by the door.

  Returning with the bag, but not extracting what was inside yet, he pointed to the floor. “Kneel. Oh…let me help you.” He guided her to the floor, pushing her blonde hair over her shoulders. “Close your eyes.

  Once her sky blue eyes had closed, he fished the trinket out of the bag. “You can open it.” He held before her a delicate but sturdy platinum chain with a large round medallion that was a curved man and woman holding a child between them, accented with a bright red ruby above the three of them.

  “Oh, Petr! When did you get this?”

  He flushed with embarrassment. “I bought it today after I talked to Emerson and saw the pregnancy test in the trash. It seemed perfect. The minute I saw it, I knew it was yours…ours. And the chain, I asked for a special one that cannot be taken off without a tool. You’ll have to carry emergency wire cutters just in case it needs to be taken off. But I wanted something that was permanent, a symbol of not only our dynamic but our love…and now our baby.”

  “It’s perfect.” She held the medallion between her fingers, rubbing them over the smooth platinum design and jewel. “So it’s like a BDSM collar?”

  “Yes, exactly. A sign of my ownership and dominance over you, but delicate enough that no one will know. I chose the ruby because it seemed appropriate—the colors of the cardinal.


  He put the collar on her, attaching the lock on the back. “You and this child of ours are now mine. And this? This is a tangible reminder of my commitment to you and yours to me.”

  “Yes.” She stroked and rubbed it, beaming and smiling so deeply that her dimple was showing.

  “It’s as permanent as I can make it. I realize that it’s a lot to ask for, being in a committed relationship with a Cardinal, but I’ll do everything in my power to show you—daily—how much you both mean to me.”

  “It’s the most I can ask for. I fell in love with a Cardinal—and all the trappings that come with the position.”

  “Oh, and before I forget, I called a doctor and asked if it was safe for a pregnant woman to be spanked.”

  “Oh, Petr! You didn’t.”

  “I did. And he said it was fine as long as I was mindful of your stomach and didn’t put you in any position that would press too hard on that area. He said the baby is cushioned and well protected, and a good spanking won’t hurt the child at all.”


  “Oh is right.” He pointed down the hallway. “In the bedroom. I don’t want to risk my legs pressing into your belly, and your breasts are so sore they’ll be more comfortable on the soft bed.”

  She shuffled down the hall, the walk swaying her hips, the curvy ass making his cock jerk in response. Bending over the bed, she moaned pitifully, cupping her hands up under her chest.

  Resting his hand on the pouch of her pussy, he pushed her forward, wanting her feet to be off the floor, preventing her from rocking and swaying as much.

  Tugging on the drawer to the nightstand, he yanked out the small oval paddle. He chuckled when she shifted, h
oisting her buttock up in the air, whining loudly knowing it was the dreaded implement she hated so much.

  “You are to never run away.” He smacked the smooth wood against her pristine cheeks, leaving bright red ovals in its wake. “You will always talk to me first.”

  She kicked her feet, even attempting to cover her buttocks with her feet until he braced his leg over them to prevent it. “I was worried about you! You risked your safety and the safety of my child by running away.”

  Her moans and cries tore at his heart. He knew he wouldn’t do much more. He’d be too worried even though the doctor said it was fine. His main concern was comforting his woman, keeping her warm and fed. Even a small punishment at this point would leave a lasting impression.

  “Lift your ass off the bed.” Once her pink behind rose, he smacked the lower part of her buttocks several times, fast, leaving dark red marks on the sit spots.

  Her soft cries continued even though he’d put the paddle away, his hand caressing her scorched flesh. Opening the bottle of lube stilled her cries immediately. “I’m putting your small pacifier in your bottom. It’ll be a good reminder all night of what happens to a bad girl, without being too bothersome.”

  Pushing the small, clear glass plug with pale blue swirls, it slipped easily into her dark channel, the sphincter closing neatly on the small neck, the blue jeweled flange sitting between her cheeks.

  Rolling her onto her back, he pushed her knees up, pulling her hips toward the edge of the bed. With her pussy wide open and level with his cock, he plunged into her up to the hilt, pushing against the resistance, the head of his cock bumping against the mouth of her womb. His balls bounced and pressed against the sticky lips of her sex. Once he eased out, slamming into her, pistoning in and out of her sex, his ejaculation becoming more pronounced with each stab of his cock.

  Eliska panted, her hand clawing and pulling him closer, her nails digging into his back. She rocked her hips, grinding her pussy and clamping him so tightly he had to grit his teeth. Her hips thrust violently, bucking him with a driving force.


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