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Wait Until Dawn

Page 7

by Bailey Bradford

  Three things happened in a split second to wipe Chris’ grin away. The sheriff’s hat tumbled off his head, landing behind him with a dull thud at the same time as his tin star badge popped off and spun on the ground, and a stream of white appeared in his aura.

  “I really have to call my mom,” Chris muttered, watching the star spin in the dirt.

  “Yeah, like that would help,” Laine grumbled. “Where’s Rich?”

  Chris dragged his gaze from the star and studied the sheriff. The white tendrils in his aura were pulsing. Something brushed over Chris’s groin that felt an awful lot like a hand. He was ninety-nine percent certain it wasn’t the sheriff, and the slap to his ass confirmed it. Chris took a slow step back and pointed at Laine, trying not to freak over the touches that shouldn’t have been possible. Rich, think of Rich, and how this guy left him alone.

  “He doesn’t even want to come here,” Chris said coolly. “Can’t blame him any.”

  Laine’s eyes narrowed until they were almost shut as he took a step forward. “His father said Rich needed help, and you know fuck-all about Rich or what happened to him. Rich hasn’t wanted to talk to anyone for a year or more, and I can’t see that he’d want to start with some jackass with a piece of jewelry dangling from his chin.”

  Chris was not impressed. “If his friends had given a shit, they’d have known he needed them after your stalker sliced and diced him up and left him feeling—in his own word, which I very much disagree with—grotesque. So don’t tell me he wouldn’t talk to me. He needed someone, and sure as shit you weren’t there.”

  Then Chris got angry, or the anger that had been building burst through the dam of calm he’d tried to keep up. Chris lunged forward and had the man by both arms before the sheriff could do more than blink. He bent until he could look the man square in the eyes. “He came here to help you, but where have you been the past year? That man in there sleeping has nightmares, and he’s haunted in ways I don’t think either of us can ever comprehend, and here you are playing house with your partner. So don’t give me any shit when I’m not eager to leave Rich here, somewhere he’s afraid to be.”

  “That’s enough,” a raspy voice called out from behind him. Laine gasped and went so white Chris was afraid to let him go for fear he’d hit the ground. He kept his grip on the man and craned his neck around to find a sexy, sleep-rumpled Rich leaning out of the rolled down window.

  “Rich.” Laine put enough pain and guilt into the name that Chris was tempted to let him off the hook. But he didn’t, not when he knew how many notches there were in Rich’s spine, when he knew the number of cuts on his thin legs and sweet groin. Not when he’d licked and kissed as much of the man as he could, but hadn’t got to kiss Rich like he longed to.

  “You left him,” Chris whispered then let the sheriff go. He could stand or fall all on his own. Chris turned away and jogged to the rig. “Hey, honey, you’re looking all rumply and hot.” He didn’t have to fake a smile, not with the way he got all tingly just looking at Rich. Rich’s slow smile was genuine as well, and so sweet it made Chris ache to touch him. “I’m coming up.” Rich scooted back as Chris climbed up and opened the door. He plopped in the driver’s seat and pulled Rich onto his lap all in one smooth move. Man, Rich has such pretty eyes. Chris could get lost in them for days, or maybe the rest of his life. Maybe his mom wasn’t so far off the mark after all. Whatever was happening between them wasn’t over, and had the potential to be so much more. Chris held Rich a little tighter and nuzzled the top of his dark silky hair.

  “You don’t have to stay. I can take you home with me.” He tossed it out there and was relieved when Rich didn’t laugh at him, only looked up at him with those big eyes. “I won’t leave you here if you don’t want to be here. I mean it, Rich. If you don’t want to stay with me, I’ll take you somewhere else, or you could go on the road with me for a while, get away from everything.”

  Rich shook his head and Chris tried not to let his disappointment show. It was easier than hiding the strangely sharp burst of pain that speared through his heart.

  He didn’t want to be here, but maybe he needed to be. The fear of returning to the town where he’d been carved up, of seeing Laine and—something Rich could hardly bear to think about, the man Rich had casually and cruelly dismissed when he’d came to at the hospital—might be part of the problem. Maybe those were the things that were haunting him, not some dead sociopath who tormented him just as he had in life. Rich hadn’t wanted to come here, but he felt like, now he was here, he had to stay and see how it all played out.

  “I have to stay, have to face it,” Rich admitted, hating the words even as he said them. “You want to blame Laine and everyone else, but I wouldn’t let them help me. I even got the psych I was seeing right after I got back to Houston tell them it was in my best interest to leave me alone. He wasn’t a very good shrink and was easy to manipulate.” And he was a total shit for working the man like a puppet.

  Chris growled and glared out of the window. “They should have known better. If Laine knew you at all—”

  “He didn’t,” Rich cut in. “He didn’t know I was gay, he didn’t know I knew he was gay until I told him three years after Conner was killed. Laine didn’t know me, no one did, because I only let them see the flirty, charming guy who could wind anyone around his finger, or the dedicated detective who wouldn’t take no for an answer.” He wiggled off Chris’ lap and cupped his face. “Those were parts of me, not all good parts, but only parts, and all they ever saw.” But you see me, and did it in less than a day. How did you do that?

  “No one is all good, Rich. I think you’re kicking yourself for that very human part of you.” Chris nailed it, so simply it made Rich wonder why he hadn’t ever figured it out.

  “You’ve gotta be close to it,” Rich murmured. His gaze dipped down to the full lips that had been wrapped around his cock hours earlier. How had he not sipped from that lovely mouth yet?

  Chris’ expression softened, his eyes turning liquid with need. Rich dipped his head down and caught Chris’ lips with his own, sucking tenderly on the plump lower one until Chris moaned and fisted his hands in Rich’s hair. Only then did Rich slip his tongue into Chris’s mouth and taste this magical man.

  Sweet, literally, Chris tasted sweet and right and like something Rich could come to crave more than his next breath. He deepened the kiss, stroking his tongue over the roof of Chris’ mouth, pressing his lips more firmly to those full ones. Rich straddled Chris’ lap clumsily, unwilling to break the kiss. He smoothed his hands over Chris’ broad chest, his palms rasping over peaked nipples. Chris whimpered and thrust his chest forward in a silent plea for more. Rich gave it to him, turning the kiss from a thorough exploration to a passionate need-filled kiss as he pinched Chris’ nipples.

  Chris broke the kiss, panting so hard his broad chest brushed against Rich’s with every inhalation. “Shit. Rich, honey, I can’t just walk. I’ll get a room at the motel—”

  “No!” Rich didn’t realize he’d shouted the word until the cab door was flung open and a very pissed off sheriff bounded up to stand braced in the doorway. Rich forgot about his fear of seeing Laine, the guilt he carried with him for shoving the man away, and clung to Chris even as he pleaded with Laine. “He can’t stay at the motel! He can’t, Laine, tell him!”

  Laine looked closer to tears than Rich ever would have thought possible. His voice when he spoke was so full of sympathy, Rich couldn’t help but think the man believed he’d gone nuts. “No, Rich, of course he can’t. Matt can’t go there either, so—”

  Rich felt the name like an electric shock through his body. Laine frowned and looked confused. Chris, however, pulled Rich to him and whispered, “You’ll tell me later.”

  Rich didn’t argue, because he would.

  Severo appeared behind Laine, climbing up to stand beside his partner. “He can stay here. In the house or in the sleeping area these things have. And he can stay until you don’t want him to,
or he can come and go.” Severo grinned. “I’m guessing Laine’s grumpy has rubbed off on me. I mean, Chris, you’re welcome to stay, and all the other stuff I said applies after that.”

  Rich noticed Chris didn’t even look at Laine. Instead he watched Rich, who finally got it. “You can stay here until you have to go, and unless we find out today was a fluke, you can come back when you do go.” Please. Please.

  Chris didn’t hesitate. “Of course I’ll stay. I was planning to, just a matter of where.”

  Rich’s relief was tempered by the setting sun. What would he do if it happened tonight, or some other night while Chris was here? Rich pushed the thought aside. He’d deal with it when it happened. Besides, there were no guarantees Chris would hang around for long. He’d come to his senses soon enough.

  “Stop it,” Chris said softly.

  Rich tried, but he couldn’t see any reason anyone, especially someone like Chris, would want to put up with him. Chris could find dick anywhere, or a mouth, or—

  “Stop it,” Chris hissed. “Whatever it is you’re thinking, stop!”

  Rich opened his mouth to explain that he couldn’t stop because he couldn’t understand why Chris gave the littlest damn about him, but he didn’t get any further than a puff of breath before Chris kissed him so softly, his big hands gentle on Rich’s back, stroking his tense muscles and making him feel safe. Chris kissed and caressed him until Rich stopped doubting and started believing. Whether it was a temporary respite or not, Rich took it, burrowing against Chris, taking the comfort his big body, smooth hands, and soft kisses promised.

  Chris placed a final kiss on his lips then tilted his head at Laine. Rich listened to the steady beat of Chris’ heart, the ebb and flow of air in his lungs, watched the repeated bob of his Adam’s apple as he tried to push words out.

  “I’ll stay,” Chris finally said, and Rich felt a piece of Chris wedge deep inside him, snugging in and keeping Rich from ever feeling alone again.

  * * * *

  Chris wrapped his body around Rich’s as much as he could without crushing the man. They’d had a mish mash of a dinner from the remaining leftovers in the refrigerator then Rich had looked so exhausted Chris had pulled out the bed and nudged Rich under the covers. Rich had barely kicked off his shoes and jeans before falling to sleep, long-sleeved shirt and boxers as his PJs. Chris thought he looked cute, but had more sense than to say that out loud—at least to Rich.

  Every now and then, though, Rich would jerk in his sleep, his limbs thrashing as if he was fighting someone off. Chris figured he was, as the sick shit who’d hurt Rich would linger in Rich’s memory for who knew how long. Probably all his life, which Chris absolutely hated. Then he noticed the peaks in Rich’s aura, the increase in white every time he seemed to be having a nightmare. Rich would start to reach for the crystals in his sleep, but his hand always hovered an inch or so above them before dropping back to the mattress. It reminded Chris he needed to call his mom, but Rich felt so good in his arms, too good to let go.

  Chris was glad he hadn’t had to share Rich with Laine and Severo, at least not yet. The other two men had walked back to their house without arguing when Rich had quietly asked them to. And Chris was kind of thinking, between Laine’s aura, which was one of the best he’d ever seen, and the way Laine had looked so pained and guilty, maybe the sheriff wasn’t a bad guy. Severo was pretty awesome, though Chris hadn’t thought to check his aura. He tried to imagine what colors he’d find there and decided there’d be mostly colors showing he was a good person—with a tinge of smoke. The happy laughing ones were always the guys with hidden issues.

  Chapter Seven

  “They aren’t going to drive off,” Severo said, pulling Laine away from where he was looking out the bedroom window. Laine came away with a grunt, not resisting but not exactly eager to be led to their bed. It had been one of those quiet, tense evenings, with Laine answering him in monosyllables and his broad shoulders slumped like the weight of the world was pushing them down. Severo had been shocked somewhat when he’d seen Rich. He hadn’t known the man very well before McAlister had got hold of him, but Rich had been bright and shiny like a new penny before then, and now he only glowed when he was focused on Chris—not that Severo could blame him. The big trucker was well past sexy, with all those thick muscles, his bald head—which normally Sev would veto ever being in the same sentence with sexy, but it worked for Chris. The piercings, tongue and chin, made Sev think wicked thoughts about what one could do with those. He’d love to drive Laine crazy with his tongue and, thanks to Chris, Sev couldn’t get the image of licking and fucking Laine’s slit with the ball of a tongue piercing out of his head.

  Then there was the whole dick piercing. Sev shuddered at the idea of someone shoving a needle through his glans and urethra, but he’d heard stories about how good it felt for both partners, and he wondered if he couldn’t handle the pain and discomfort in order to find out for himself, with Laine, how it’d feel.

  Of course, maybe Chris didn’t have a Prince Albert, maybe he had a Jacob’s Ladder or a guiche…

  “Do I even want to know what you’re thinking about?”

  Sev glanced up beside their bed to find Laine glowering at him. Damn, but he loved that snarly look his man got when he was jealous or just irritated. It made Sev’s already stiff cock even harder. Sev gave his lover the wicked grin that always set Laine’s libido on fire and stroked a hand over each of their packages.

  “Piercings,” Sev informed him, adding a bit more pressure to Laine’s dick. Laine’s hips shoved forward but his scowl deepened.

  “You like him?” Laine jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “You think that’s sexy, having holes poked—”

  “Oh yeah,” Sev purred, sliding his hand down to cup Laine’s heavy balls through his boxer briefs. “You know I love having my hole poked, but tonight…” He shoved his hand further back until his fingers teased over Laine’s opening. Laine tensed from head to toe but didn’t pull away. He wrapped one rough hand around Sev’s wrist, pinning him in place. Sev tapped the tight hole once and Laine gasped and trembled as he fisted Sev’s hair with his other hand.

  “Sev, I don’t know if tonight’s the best time for…” Laine swallowed and darted a nervous glance over his shoulder. “Don’t know if I can relax enough, not after seeing Rich and knowing I fucked up again.”

  Sev heard the almost hidden plea in Laine’s voice. Tonight was exactly the right night to do this, to finally take Laine and drive him to the edge over and over again before letting him explode in a climax that would leave him addle-brained. Laine needed that, needed to stop thinking and blaming himself, although truthfully, Sev thought they both should have known better, reassurances from shrinks or not.

  And he wouldn’t lie about it to Laine. The man was his life, the only reason Sev had sometimes to want to draw his next breath. Sev had cut back virtually all his work in speaking to the dead, and listening to them, but occasionally there was a police department that had a persistent captain who didn’t give a damn what the press or other cops thoughts. He, or she, wanted answers, wanted killings to stop, and Sev couldn’t refuse. Some of the spirits he encountered broke his heart and dinged his soul, but the evil ones… They twisted Sev up inside, and the only one who made him feel close to normal again was Laine. That kind of feeling and security, that kind of love, was something you repaid with honesty and a devotion that would never be questioned.

  Sev sat on the bed and pulled Laine to him, an awkward move with his hand still in Laine’s underwear, but Laine hadn’t let go of his wrist yet. Sev managed to press the tip against Laine’s hole enough to penetrate, and Laine’s thick thighs quivered as he released Sev’s wrist. Sev grabbed his lover’s underwear and shoved them down, tugging until Laine braced his hands on Sev’s shoulders and unsteadily lifted one foot then the other. Underwear tossed aside, Sev latched on to Laine’s dick before the man could draw his next breath. He sucked that thick cock back in one quick stroke
, his hands seeking out balls and ass, anywhere he could touch to drive Laine wild.

  Laine cried out and pumped further into Sev’s mouth, the crown popping down deep. Sev tugged on his lover’s balls, giving Laine the bite of pain he liked. He swallowed around Laine’s cock as he pushed a dry finger into Laine’s ass—something else his big, tough sheriff enjoyed, the hot burn of sudden penetration, though Sev flat refused to do it with more than one finger no matter how much Laine pleaded with his pumping hips and sexy gasps. Laine would love that Prince Albert, love the feeling of the piercing slamming into him… Yeah, Sev was definitely going to have to give that, and a few other piercings, some serious thought later.

  Sev wrapped one hand around Laine’s thigh, keeping his mouth full and his finger drilling Laine’s ass. He leaned back and Laine quickly got the hint, tumbling them both to the bed, Sev sprawled on his back and Laine straddling him, better able to fuck Sev’s mouth like they both preferred. Sev sucked and licked and opened his throat for every hard drive of Laine’s dick, ignoring the throb of need in his own groin. He gripped one of Laine’s ass cheeks and pulled hard, opening him as much as he could while still fucking and twisting his finger into the needy pucker.

  “God, fuck,” Laine snarled, his hips slamming hard, his need and guilt driving him to be rougher. Sev knew this man, knew his heart and how he believed he was responsible for everyone and everything he cared about. He knew how Laine ached when he thought he failed, he knew how many nights Laine lain awake worrying or castigating himself, thinking Sev was asleep right up until the moment Sev tackled him and let Laine fuck them both senseless. He knew there were times Laine needed it rough, needed to hurt, but he’d never hurt Sev, which was why he had no problem letting the man hammer into his mouth, shove into his throat. He loved this as much as Laine did, seeing his lover come undone and lose himself and all his worries while he filled Sev’s body.


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