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The Pixie & The Prince

Page 2

by Charity Parkerson

  “Wish for it,” she pled.

  Thomas clenched his teeth against the desire to do just that, but he could not. He would always know that she did not willingly choose him.

  “Please, Thomas,” she begged. Dropping one of his hands, her wand appeared between her fingers, before she grasped his hand once more, holding it between her clasped palms. “I freely give you one wish of your choosing. Wish for her heart.”

  Staring down into Tam’s twinkling eyes, he was amazed by the generous heart she possessed. She was so like her mother.

  “I wish,” he began, and a smile touched her lips. Please don’t let Tam hate me, he thought as he continued. “I wish for you to be at the side of the man you love,” he finished quickly before he could change his mind. Tam’s eyes widened in shock as she was yanked toward the mirror by an invisible hook. Her bottom disappeared through the silvery surface leaving her feet, arms, and head sticking out. Grasping the frame with one hand, she attempted to keep herself from being sucked inside as she threatened him with imminent death with her eyes.

  “I’m not sorry,” he told her with a sardonic smile as a muscular arm appeared around her waist pulling her the rest of the way inside the looking glass.

  Katrina appeared at Thomas’ back, sitting on the bed. He watched her face in the mirror. She kept her spine straight but her eyes shined bright with unshed tears.

  “So it is done,” she said quietly. “My daughter has found her rightful place in the Mirror lands.”

  Although it had not been a question, Thomas treated it as one.

  “Yes, it is as you foresaw, Mistress Katrina.”

  “I suppose it’s time for us to return home, as well,” Katrina said, holding out her hand for him to take.

  Although his every step felt like a knife wound to his gut, Thomas walked toward the mirror instead. Turning his back to the glass, he braced his feet apart and crossed his arms over his chest as he took up his post in front of it.

  “This is my home now,” he told her sternly, ignoring her hand. “I will keep my word and continue to guard your daughter with my life.”

  She dropped her hand to her lap and bowed her head. Unable to look at him, she murmured, “I see.”

  He didn’t want to notice how the light in the room caused her golden hair to shimmer. He hated that her sleeveless dress showed her shoulders, triggering the memory of their taste. Most of all, he despised that he loved her when she would never feel the same way about him.

  “I suppose it is Samuel’s decision where you live now.”

  He shook his head at her words before realizing she wouldn’t see the gesture with her eyes locked onto her knees.

  “No. It’s not,” he told her in a steady voice that in no way mimicked how he felt inside. “Samuel granted me my freedom.”

  Her head shot up. The tiny crack in his heart became a full-blown chasm at the tears shining on her cheeks.

  Softening his tone, he said, “Please go home, Katrina.”

  Stiffening her spine, she gave him a short nod. “As you wish,” she said quietly as she disappeared from sight.


  Tam instantly knew whose arms surrounded her. She only saw a flash of his Hazel eyes before he covered her mouth with his own. It was enough to turn her inside out. His tongue brushed hers, and his fingers dug into her hair as he devoured her. Hunger and desperation clawed at Tam’s insides as she tasted her heart’s desire.

  She accepted his kiss for a moment because she simply could not resist its lure. However, it only took a second before his betrayal came crashing back. Shoving him away, she tried not to notice how tight his muscles felt underneath her fingers.

  “Get off, you big brute,” she grumbled as she fought against his hold.

  Tam thwacked Freddie in the forehead with her wand only to have it snap back and smack her in between the eyes.

  “Holy smudegon shot!” she cried, dancing on her toes and clutching her head. Her eyes watered from the pain. Freddie pried her hands away.

  “Let me see.”

  In spite of her anger, Tam let her arms drop at the concern in his voice, and allowed him to inspect her face.

  His eyes shone, and his lips twitched.

  “This is not funny,” she said, stamping her foot. “That really freaking hurt.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that you,” he pointed at his own forehead making a swirling gesture. “You have….” he tried again but burst into laughter.

  “Ugh,” she growled in defeat and twisted her wand so that she could see her own reflection in the silvery tip.

  “Ohmigod,” she whispered, horrified, as she caught a glimpse of herself. A bright red welt, shaped exactly like a star, formed in the center of forehead.

  “It doesn’t look so bad,” Freddie promised while attempting to stifle his laughter.

  Tam flicked her wand in his direction, determined to have her revenge, but it flew from her hand and smacked her across the ass before disappearing from sight. Jumping a foot into the air, she rubbed her hands over the offended area.

  “What the hell?” she asked as her confusion grew along with her pain.

  A wicked smile touched Freddie’s lips. “You’re in the Mirror lands now,” he explained. “Everything is reversed.”

  “Well, not for long, I’m not,” she retorted hotly. He’d experienced his last laugh at her expense. As far as Tam was concerned, he should not have gotten another one after leaving her behind, but apparently, as far as Freddie was concerned, the joke was always on her. Tam willed herself small, but instead her head slammed into the ceiling as she grew to twice her size.

  “Son of a….” she spat, rubbing the top of her head. Okay, reversed, she reminded herself and pictured her body as gigantic. She shrank down to a foot-tall.

  “I’m outta here,” she called as she made a beeline for the largest slice of the mirror.

  Realizing what she was about to do, Freddie’s blood froze in his veins.

  “Like hell,” he growled. Storming over to the glass, he lifted his booted-foot and kicked, smashing the final piece that was large enough for her to squeeze through.

  Tam blinked owlishly at the speculum. “I can’t believe you did that.”

  He lightly pinched her arm between his thumb and forefinger, yanking until she was back to human size. Her green eyes flashed angrily at him, but he refused to back down. “You don’t get to leave me as easily as all that.”

  “Easy as what?” she snapped. “As easily as you left me?”

  Her snarled question punched him in the chest. Nothing about leaving her had been easy for him. In the face of her anger, he moved across the room to give her space. It wasn’t as if she was going anywhere now. Oddly, when he got about ten-feet away, she moved as well, as if she was attached to him by an enchanted band that refused to allow her more than eight feet from his side.

  She visibly struggled against it. “Aww, shit!” she cried when she couldn’t break the magical hold. “Bloody freaking Thomas wished me at your side, and now I’m literally stuck with you.”

  Freddie threw his head back, roaring with laughter. It was priceless. He had her right where he wanted, thanks to the angel.

  Wiping a tear of mirth from his eye, he said. “Well, I hope you enjoyed your last private trip to the bathroom.” His laughter returned full-force at her loud curse.


  Katrina stared at the horizon with unseeing eyes. This balcony outside her bedroom had become her refuge from the weight of her life many a century ago. There was nothing to see but clouds and life sparks. However, it was the most peaceful spot in the universe. No one ever bothered her here, and she’d only shared this private haven with two other people: her daughter and Thomas. Her fingers automatically rose to her lips at the memory of that night as if she could still feel Thomas there.

  He’d said she was beautiful. That was the one thing she could not forget. She didn’t feel beautiful. She felt old and tired. Although she
knew that her weaving of the life threads almost always brought ultimate happiness in the end, the horrible things that needed to be done in order to keep people on their set path outweighed the good to her mind. Some days it seemed there was no happiness left in the world. There certainly wasn’t any joy in her life. She once had hope, back when she first met Tyr. He’d made love to her, made her feel desirable, and then abandoned her when she needed him the most. She had been a pawn in his game of war. She should have realized it immediately. All roads led to war and power with the Vikings. Tyr’s true crime was unforgivable, because watching her daughter grow while never able to openly claim her was a horror without description. Then Thomas had looked at her, really looked, and he saw something about her that she had not seen in many years. Beneath his touch, she had felt young and desirable once more.

  His lips seared a path from her mouth down her neck until his teeth sank lightly into her shoulder.

  A chill raced over Katrina’s skin at the memory, but he’d stopped there. He went back to his duty as her guard as if he was a statue instead of a man.

  His body had been hard, and his eyes burned with lust, but he did not act on his feelings. That one moment out of all time was the one Katrina carried with her. Thomas was her most loyal guard, her most trusted friend, and the greatest love of her life.

  Now that her daughter was safely tucked away in the Mirror lands, Katrina would find a way to win him. Springing from her chair, Katrina felt a spurt of determination, and she went in search of Gideon. She would start today.


  “Are you hungry?” Freddie asked, attempting to draw Tam from her shell. She had refused to speak to him since her arrival, and he hated the silence. The offer of food didn’t seem to help. She only shook her head, making him want to growl in frustration.

  She had made herself small once again a few hours earlier as if that made her feel safe against him, but it only caused him to work harder at winning her over.

  When Tam had come into his life, he’d been cursed to live as a zombie. While his sister, Ella, worked at finding a cure, Tam managed to steal his heart. He had been a muted, rundown, and messed up version of himself, but that was not what she had seen when she looked at him. The night he’d been cured was the first night he’d coaxed her into his bed, and he wanted her there again. It wasn’t only that. He also wanted her in his life, but it always seemed as if there was one thing or another standing between them.

  With a sigh, Freddie sat down at his desk, and since Tam didn’t have a choice she plopped down cross-legged next to the paperwork spread across the top. She stared down at her knees and he was left looking at the top of her tiny brown head. Her wings drooped, and he felt like shit but he wasn’t giving up.

  Glancing around the room, he searched for anything that might help. The room was an exact replica of the one in New Orleans except everything was backwards. His desk, bed, wardrobe, and table were exactly the same; even the painting of flowers that hung on the wall was the same. With his eyes locked on the flowers, Freddie began to chant a summoning spell in his mind. After a moment, a real flower appeared in his hand.

  “For you,” he told her, setting the Lily at her feet.

  Tam leaned forward and sniffed as if checking to see if it was real, but she kept her arms crossed, refusing to touch it. She turned her back to him and went back to pouting. He did growl then. Okay, no flowers, he thought glumly. Feeling a bit desperate, Freddie searched the room with his eyes, once more praying that he could find an answer. When his eyes landed on the wardrobe, an idea struck. Tapping his fingers on the desk next to Tam, a tiny wooden trunk filled with clothes appeared beside her. Tam looked over, appearing a bit more interested in that than she had the flower. Feeling encouraged, Freddie tapped his finger once again and a large Barbie house appeared at the end of the desk. It had all the amenities. He almost chuckled when she pressed her lips together as if attempting not to smile. However, she did stand and begin to inspect the rooms of the house. It only took a few minutes before a look of childlike glee lit Tam’s face.

  “How did you do this?” Tam asked.

  “I told you,” he explained. “This is the Mirror land. Everything is reversed here. In the mortal realm, I am without power, but here I am not. On the other hand, if Ella were here she would be without power, but in the mortal realm she is not. Most children of Norsemen are born with some form of magical blood.”

  “I’m surprised Ella didn’t come back sooner then. I could’ve stepped in any time I wanted,” she sniffed petulantly. “If I had wanted,” she stressed.

  “My mother smashed the mirror to keep things inside, not to keep us out, but Ella was very young when we were shoved into the mortal realm. My father had trained me in magic for years. I could not train Ella since I had no powers to train her with, and then my curse prevented a great deal of other things.”

  “You’re here now,” she pointed out. “It seems like it’s pretty safe, so I don’t understand what your momma was trying to keep you safe from.”

  Freddie glanced away uncomfortably. “It does not matter now. Maman has since managed to appease all parties involved.”

  Popping open the trunk, Tam nodded her understanding as she dug through the clothes inside before pulling a leather, strapless one-piece dress from inside.

  “Oooh!” she cried in delight.

  With a quick look around, Tam’s eyes landed on a screen that she could stand behind in order to change clothes. Jumping behind it, he watched as the bright-orange outfit she had been wearing came flying over the top. His heart rate kicked up as he realized she was completely nude behind the screen, but he allowed her privacy as she changed.

  When she came around the side wearing the leather outfit, it seemed to Freddie that she had an extra bounce to her step and that she put a bit more hip in her walk. He resisted the urge to laugh at her antics.

  “Are you sure that you’re not hungry?” he asked again.

  “Yes, dear Freya. I’d be delighted to bring you something,” said a servant, from the doorway.

  In a flash, Tam snapped back to full-size and landed a foot from the short, white-haired man.

  “It’s Tam, not Freya,” Tam said with a smile for the elderly man.

  “Very good, Freya Tam. I am Sigurd,” he said with a bow.

  A look of irritation crossed Tam’s face. “Tam,” she repeated a little louder this time as if he was hard of hearing.

  “As you wish, Freya Tam.”

  “Listen up, buddy,” Tam began, but Freddie cut her off.

  “Freya is the Norse word for Lady,” he explained.

  Sigurd bowed in Freddie’s direction. His slim frame seemed to tremble with the effort of the motion, but Freddie knew the stately servant would be insulted if Freddie suggested he take a break. “Thank you, Balder Frederick.”

  Freddie bit back a smile at the old miser’s words. He could tell by the twinkle in his eye that Sigurd was enjoying himself. Upon his return, Freddie had thought to suggest that the man retire but he quickly learned that the man lived to serve Freddie’s family.

  “Anh, Balder? Is there a Freddie with more hair than you around here?” Tam asked in confusion.

  “Balder….” Sigurd began, but Freddie made a slashing motion across his throat and he quickly changed topics. “Never mind that now, Freya Tam. Would you care for a meal?”

  Tam narrowed her eyes at them both, but finally she nodded. Hope surged through Freddie at her agreement. He would win her heart. It was only a matter of time.


  It only took fifteen minutes for a very pissed off Samuel to appear in Katrina’s quarters with Gideon in tow. The blond guard seemed completely unfazed by Samuel’s rage. He simply stood awaiting his orders.

  “Take him back,” Samuel ordered, stabbing a finger in Gideon’s direction. Samuel’s long black hair, which was normally kept in a braid, fell in waves over his shoulders. The red flush of fury tinted his cheeks, and his eyes flashed
dangerously. It was a side of Samuel that Katrina had never seen before and even for someone as powerful as her, it was a bit frightening. Nonetheless, she had no intention of backing down.

  “No,” she answered calmly. “I sent Gideon to guard my daughter’s mirror, and that is where he shall go.”

  Samuel closed his eyes, as if praying for patience, and she wondered if he was counting to ten inside his head. When his eyes opened once more, the silver irises didn’t flash quite as brightly.

  “First of all,” he began. “That is my wife’s mirror, not your daughter’s. Second, Thomas is already standing guard, and third, while you may have plenty of room, I do not. I cannot house any more guards. If you send him back to my house, then I will grant him his freedom and send him on his way. I will continue to do so with every angel you send until the heavens are empty of all Angels.”

  Katrina could tell by the conviction in Samuel’s voice that he would do as he promised if she persisted.

  “Then send Thomas back,” she offered instead.

  “No,” he answered immediately. “I gave Thomas his freedom, and even if I could rescind that order, I would not.”

  With each word Samuel spoke, it became harder for Katrina to breathe. Some of the devastation she felt on the inside must have shown because Samuel waved Gideon away. Once they were alone, Samuel’s face softened.

  “You have no idea what it is like to be enslaved,” he explained. “It does something to your mind. You need to let Thomas find his own way back to you.”

  At Samuel’s words, Katrina shot to her feet, and rage wiped away her pain.

  “Is that what you think?” she asked, as she pushed past him, uncaring of his answer. Storming out of the room and down the hall, her long skirts flapped against her ankles with every furious step. Her feet slapped against the marble floors and echoed from the tall ceilings. Samuel followed in her wake, making several attempts to speak to her, but she wanted none of it. Throwing open the golden door that led to the guard’s quarters, Katrina searched the shocked faces of the angels crowded inside, memorizing each one.


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