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Cruel Temptation: An Age Gap Romance (Cruel Beauty Trilogy Book 1)

Page 21

by C Standing

  After a few tense moments, she responds, “You don’t need to keep buying me things, Rick.”

  I close my eyes in relief.

  I couldn’t give a fuck if she’s mad at me, I can work with that, but her shutting me out completely is not a good sign.

  And it’s something I flat out refuse to let happen.

  Sitting my ass back down, I lean over and kiss her forehead. “Where I come from, if a man asks a woman on a date, the guy pays.”

  She doesn’t push me away, so I’m taking that as a good sign.

  “That’s a very old-fashioned notion to have.”

  “It may be, but I’m a very old-fashioned kind of guy.”

  River’s quiet again, her jaw working furiously while her eyes are glued to the couples dancing in front of us.

  “I didn’t appreciate what you said.”


  “I know, baby. I just didn’t want her sinking her claws into you.”

  “So what if she does?” she retorts, haughtily. “You think I won’t be able to stand up for myself? Newsflash, Rick, I’ve been dealing with bitches like her all my life.”

  “Which is precisely why I didn’t want you to have to deal with another one.” I take her face in my hands and guide her eyes to me. “I care about you, River. So fucking much. I promise you, the things I said were to protect you.”

  “You weren’t saying them because you were ashamed of me?”

  Ashamed of her?

  “Christ, is that what you think?”

  My heart fucking breaks in my chest that I’ve made this amazing woman feel like that.

  “That’s what it felt like.”

  I rake a frustrated hand through my hair.

  Fucking Sadie.

  Always causing drama.

  My mind is fucking blown at how she could even think I would be embarrassed of her. “Wha—How?”

  Just then, I look up to see the emcee finishing a set, and an idea rushes into my head.

  Tonight is not ending like this.

  I need to put this right, and I know the perfect way to do it.

  “Wait here, I’ll be back in a second.”

  She frowns in confusion, but I don’t waste another minute.

  Standing up, I jog over to the stage, jump up and grab the mic. I signal to the emcee that I need a second, and the music stops.

  “Can I have everybody’s attention!” I say into the mic.

  River looks up at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  Fuck, maybe I have.

  “Rick,” she hisses, clearly embarrassed. Oh, well. It’s only going to get worse. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I did a really fucked-up thing a few minutes ago, and I unintentionally made the woman I’m crazy for think that I’m ashamed of her. When in actual fact, she couldn’t be further from the truth. You see that stunning little thing in the purple dress?” I hop off the stage and make my way back to my now red-cheeked girl. “I’m fucking head over heels for her.” Our eyes connect and I smile when I hear a loud chorus of awwws behind me. “I didn’t plan on telling you like this, baby. But I can’t keep it to myself for another second longer.” I drop to my knees and take her hand. My heart fucking pounding like a racehorse in my chest.

  “I love you, River McKinley. I’m so fucking in love with you, that it scares the hell out of me. Because what if I’m not enough for you? Hell, what if I’m too much for you? I know I can be a handful, but I’m your handful. And I’m fucking terrified that I’ll somehow do or say something that’ll end up pushing you away or driving you into someone else’s arms.” The thought of not being the one to kiss those perfect lips or hear her magical laugh makes me fucking murderous, but I ignore it and continue.

  “But you know what? I don’t fucking care. Because there will never be another man who could ever love you even half as much as I do. There will never be another man who can make you feel the way I do.” Cue the wolf-whistles. “And if anybody even tries to come between us, I’ll fucking destroy them.”

  Hear that, bitch?

  I’ll fucking destroy you.

  Tears stream down her face, and I gently wipe them away. “In case you didn’t get the memo, sweetheart, you’re mine. All. Fucking. Mine. And I’ll never let anybody take you from me.”

  With that, I let the mic drop to the floor and prepare myself to catch the love of my life as she throws herself into my arms. A loud applause comes from behind me, but I couldn’t care.

  I have everything I need right here in my arms.

  “I love you, River,” I vow, vehemently. “Don’t ever, for one fucking second, think that I’m in any way, shape, or form embarrassed by you.”

  “You’re fucking crazy, you know that?” She laughs through her tears. “I guess it’s a good thing I’m crazy about you, too.”

  Her words weren’t exactly the declaration of love I’m looking for, but that’s okay. I’m a patient man, I can wait.

  Hell, I’ll love her enough for the both of us.

  “What happened to two hours?” River sits forward, placing her elbows on the table and giving me a fucking excellent view of her tits.

  I smile as I feel her hand trail up and down my thigh.

  I’m not going to lie, ever since I professed my love for her in front of a thousand people, I’ve been dying to take off. I wanted to prove my love to her by taking her slowly and softly in our bed. I wanted to spend hours upon hours, savoring her beautiful body, and making sure she never doubts us or me again.

  But as the night progresses, I find I’m enjoying talking to people and introducing River as my girlfriend.

  I want people to know she’s my girl.

  I’ll proudly shout it from the rooftops.

  Christ, I practically did.

  I’m in love with this astounding creature, and I don’t care who knows.

  “It’s your fault.” I lean in until the subtle scent of her perfume invades my senses.

  Balking, her eyes widen in disbelief. “How is it my fault?”

  “Because I’m a proud man, sweetheart.” I take her hand and press small kisses all the way up the length of her arm. “I have the most beautiful woman in the room on my arm, and I want to show her off.” I smile when her skin breaks out in goosebumps.

  “I’m already yours, City Boy. You don’t need to keep laying on the charm.”

  “Maybe I want to.” Shifting forward, I take her drink and put it on the table. Holding her cheek, I turn her lips to mine. “Maybe I want every asshole in here tonight sick with jealousy because they’ll know that once the party’s over, you’ll be leaving with me.” I take her mouth in a subtle kiss. “I want them fucking green with envy knowing it’ll be my bed you’re lying in and my cock you’re riding.”

  Her brow ticks. “That’s very conventional of you, Mr. Blackley,” she purrs, her eyes dancing with desire. Glancing around to make sure no-one’s watching, her hand drops beneath the table and palms my erection. “Who says we have to fuck in a bed?”


  Growling, I snag her hand before I end up making a fool of myself in front of a crowded room. I’m so fucking revved up, it would only take a few strokes until I blew my load. And the only place I plan on doing that is inside of her.

  To begin with.

  “Keep doing that, and I can promise you, these people will be getting a front-row seat to something they never bargained for.”

  Her breasts press against my arm as her hot breath drifts across my ear. “Oh yeah, and what’s that?”

  I lightly tease her nipple through her dress. “You straddling my lap while I fuck you senseless.”

  Her sharp intake of air makes me smirk. “As much as I love riding your cock, I think I’d prefer being laid out over this table while you fuck me into the next millennium.” She winks, dipping her tongue inside my ear, and driving me fucking crazy. “Give them something to really gawk at.”

  Goddamn if her sass isn’t the sexiest fucking thing.
br />   A low, primal sound rumbles in my throat. “You think I can’t please you here in front of all these people?”

  Her breath hitches as my hand slides up her thigh, disappearing under her dress. “I didn’t say you couldn’t.”

  Nuzzling her neck, I snake my tongue out, licking a path up the column of her throat. “I’d have you creaming all over my hand and screaming my name before the emcee finishes his song.”

  Peering up at me with daring eyes, River parts her legs an inch. “Care to put your money where your mouth is?”

  Jesus Christ. This girl.

  “Don’t tempt me,” I growl, forcing myself to pull away.

  “But I really like tempting you.” Like the wicked little minx that she is, she hooks her leg over mine. Taking my hand, she dips it under her sexy little outfit.

  Unable to stop myself, I search for the small scrap of lingerie I’m dying to rip off when I feel... nothing.

  Only soft and wet skin.


  When did she take them off?

  Eyes blazing, I pull back, looking at her head-on. “No panties?”

  Is this woman trying to kill me?

  Smirking, she trails her nail along my jaw. “I took them off when I went to the bathroom.”

  I have to fight a groan when I feel how wet she is. “Feel how wet you make me, City Boy.” Her sultry voice and slickness coating my fingers has my cock pulsing in my slacks.

  Moving closer, I place my free arm on the back of her chair as my fingers tease the desire pooling between her legs. “You want to ride my fingers, baby?”

  River whimpers as I insert a digit inside of her. “I want to feel you everywhere.”

  Jesus Christ.

  I’m about to say fuck it all, and drag her into the nearest empty room, when I feel a shadow fall over us.

  “That was quite a show you put on earlier, Rick. I never took you as the theatrical kind.”


  Can’t this woman just take a hint?

  Reluctantly, I remove my fingers from the heaven of River’s pussy, and take a deep breath. “What do you want, Sadie?”

  Not appearing in any rush, she takes out a compact from her purse. “I think you know what I want.” She checks her makeup in the mirror.

  The fucking audacity of this bitch. “Not going to happen.”

  Snapping the mirror shut, Sadie grips the back of the empty chair. “Listen, don’t you think it’s about time you put an end to this little… midlife crisis you’re having?”

  The derogatory looks she gives River gets my back up. “I’m really starting to lose my patience with you.”

  How many times does she need to be told to take a hike?

  “Dump the bimbo, and we can get back to normal.”

  Get back to normal?

  What fucking planet is she from?

  Sick of her bullshit, I inch River’s leg off me and stand up. “Watch your fucking mouth,” I growl. “I don’t give a shit what you say about me but leave her out of this.”

  “You know this is all a farce, right?” She directs her venom at River. “He’ll never really love you.” The twisted smile she gives her has me clenching my fists. I would never lay a finger on a woman, but she’s making me want to change that.

  “Look,” River snaps, coming to stand by my side, “I don’t know what your problem is, but I believe my boyfriend has told you more than once to leave us alone.” She laces her fingers with mine, showing a united front. “Unless you want to start something, and I really recommend that you don’t because this is a sophisticated event, I suggest you listen to what he says, and go.”

  “Really?” Sadie turns to me and laughs. “You can’t be serious?”

  “I suggest you do as she says.”

  She flattens her lips into a thin line. “This isn’t over.”

  I pull River close. “I think you’ll find it is.” I look down at my girl. “C'mon, beautiful. Let’s go and get that drink.”

  “She’s your ex, isn’t she?” River asks, bracing an elbow on the bar.

  Hell, this evening has turned out to be one huge clusterfuck.

  I take a sip of my drink. “Yes,” I answer, honestly.

  I have no intention of lying to her. She deserves more than that.

  River thinks for a moment. “And she’s the mother of your children?”

  I nod.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “What was the attraction there? Because no offense, but she’s a horrible woman.”

  My chest moves on a silent chuckle. Man, I love her bluntness.

  “She was a one-night stand who ended up getting pregnant.”


  I nod again. “Christian. I was never in love with her, but because I came from a reputable family, I had to do the right thing and stay with her.”

  “God, that’s terrible. How long were you with her?”

  “Christian had just turned two when I left her.”

  “You must have had quite the effect on her if she still wants you after all these years.”

  “It’s not me she wants, it’s my money.”

  “Well.” She nuzzles in close to me. “Her loss is definitely my gain.”

  Wrapping an arm around her, I kiss her forehead. “I’m sorry she ruined our date.”

  “She didn’t ruin anything. In fact”—she takes my drink and places it on the bar—“your going to take me onto that dance floor, and we’re going to dance and grind together until we’re so hot for each other, all we want to do is rip our clothes off.”

  “Too late for that, baby. I’m already there.”

  Something flashes in her eyes, and before I know what’s happening, she's standing and downing her drink. “Prove it.” She holds out her hand.

  Not hesitating, I place my palm in hers. “What did you have in mind?”

  She leads me past the handful of couples slowly moving on the dance floor. Stopping in the center of the room, she turns and places a hand on my chest. “Are you the whole package, City Boy?” River runs a sensual finger along the lapel of my jacket. “Sexy. Clever. Old-fashioned.” She wiggles her brows playfully, running her tongue along her teeth. “But can you show a girl a good time?”

  Flexing my jaw, I ball my twitching fingers into fists as she saunters toward me, swaying those sexy as fuck hips in a way that calls to my primal instincts.

  I’m fucking hypnotized.


  All I can think about is how amazing those hips will look when she’ll be riding me.

  Christ, I want her so badly.

  “Dance with me, Rick,” she purrs.

  My jeans tent with my arousal, and I don’t even bother to hide it.

  I haven’t danced since I was in college, and I wasn’t particularly good at it then. I force down a gulp, still enraptured by her beauty, and rasp, “I don’t dance.”

  Standing in the middle of the dance floor, people surround her, but all I see is her, looking like a fallen angel with the gold lights shining down on her like a halo. “Everyone dances.” River closes her eyes and slowly loses herself in the erotic beat. Moving her hips from side to side, she ghosts her hands over the tantalizing swells of her breasts.


  “C’mon, handsome. Don’t leave me here all by myself.” She drags her teeth along her lip, threading her fingers into her hair.

  I can’t take my eyes off her. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Circling her hips, she tips her head back and grinds to the sensual song. “That’s the point, isn’t it?” She peers up at me over her shoulder, baiting me. “Now, dance with me or I’ll find someone who will.”

  Like hell.

  I’m eating up the space between us in seconds, hauling her flawless body against mine. “Don’t threaten me, baby,” I growl, nipping the shell of her ear. “You won’t like the outcome.”

  Spinning around, River glides her palms u
p my chest and locks her wrists around my neck. “Got you moving, though, didn’t it?”


  My hand slides down the subtle curve of her waist

  An upbeat version of “Never Tear Us Apart” plays, and my shaft throbs with need as I watch her dance, feeling those pert globes stroking the growing bulge in my slacks.

  “You’re going to do exactly as I tell you.” I suck on the spot adjacent to her hairline. “I want to feel this tight ass rolling against my cock.” I grip her firmly. “I want you to feel every thick inch of how hard you’ve made me.”

  Lining the crack of her ass up with my cock, I match our movements.

  She’s killing me slowly.

  Wrapping an arm around her middle to keep her steady, I nuzzle her ear. “Move toward the back wall.”

  Lost in a lustful daze, she nods lazily, and we slowly edge toward the back of the room.

  When I’ve got her alone, I take her wrists and brace them on either side of her head. “Hands on the wall, baby.”

  From our position in the shadows, we’re barely visible, which is perfect for all the sinful things I want to do to her beautiful body.

  “Are you wet for Daddy, River?”

  She bites her lip. “Why don’t you see for yourself.”


  Moving my hand lower, River places it over the tempting V between her legs.

  Clenching my teeth, I discreetly edge my fingers under the soft material of her dress.

  I turn her face to mine, fucking frantic. “Kiss me.”

  Wasting no time, River claims my lips in a searing kiss that draws a guttural groan from my throat.

  I don’t hold back.

  Seizing the back of her neck, I go in for the kill. Slamming my mouth to hers and devouring her like a man starved of food.

  We kiss like two asteroids on a collision course with Earth. We crash together with a violent and explosive need.

  Moaning, River grapples at my neck, yanking me closer, like she can’t get enough.

  It’s phenomenal.

  My hands roam and grope every inch of her before I slide my fingers under the opening of her dress and pinch her erect nipple.

  Reluctantly, I break our kiss and press my free hand onto her lower back, urging her forward. “Stick that beautiful ass out for Daddy.”


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