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Hell in the Homeland

Page 17

by A J Newman

  Pablo was a Catholic and hated these Muslim SOBs, but knew he had to keep using them until he could do without them. The US Military had destroyed Iran, which made it easy to use these remaining Iranians against the USA. He would turn the Wolf lose on these godless heathens when the time came.

  Chapter 19

  Day after Independence Day

  Smyrna, TN

  Dec 21, 2048

  Scott had been at the podium for ten minutes thanking all of the warriors and hardworking people who had fought to build the nation and keep it free. He ended the speech with the Lord’s Prayer and a warning about complacency because there were still enemies trying to destroy their country and then left the podium. He walked towards his parents and gave them a big hug, then hugged the rest of his brothers and sisters. He walked up to Josh and looked him in the eyes.

  “I hear that you are the one who will tell our story accurately and not be afraid to stand up to the media pressure to put out the BS from the USA.”

  “Mr. President, I have promised your sister and father that I will do exactly that and I make the same promise to you, however, I also promise to tell the truth and will also do that regardless who it hurts.”

  “Son, that’s all I ask anyone to do that works with me. Always tell the truth and do your best to treat people right.”

  “I will.”

  “Now we need to load up and get back to my parent’s house and get some of mom’s great cooking. Momma Anne and Momma Beth both cooked this meal. It will be some of the best grub that you have ever had.”

  The security group ushered the presidents and their families out to their cars before the congregation was released. Again, John waved at Josh and had him get in his limo along with Beth and Jenn. There were three limos with three Humvees leading the convoy and three following. Josh also saw Humvees on side streets and several Apaches hovering over the neighborhood.

  Jenn sat next to Josh and was flirting with him while Beth and John discussed Anne’s new boyfriend.

  “Josh, when are you going to ask my daughter out on a date? It’s obvious you like her and never take your eyes off of her.”

  Josh started to reply when the limo came to an abrupt halt. A garbage truck had rammed the lead Humvee and several other large trucks were ramming other vehicles in the convoy. Shots were being fired and several bullets hit the front glass leaving stars in the glass. Josh saw everyone pull guns out from under the seat and from several hidden compartments.

  Jenn yelled, “Uzi or M4 to Josh.”

  He replied, “M4,” and grabbed the assault rifle and checked the magazine then jacked a round into the chamber.

  Suddenly, a large truck backed into the limo right over the driver’s door. The collision knocked the driver out and crushed his door. Josh saw the door on the back of the truck start rolling up and saw a small cannon mounted in the back.

  “Get out of the car; they have a cannon!”

  Josh jumped over to the open door and started shooting into the back of the truck killing most of the crew manning the cannon. The cannon fired and the engine compartment of the limo exploded in a fireball. Josh kept firing into the back of the truck while the others escaped the limo. Josh turned and crawled out of the limo when he saw Jenn return and begin firing at some men who were charging at them from an alley on the driver’s side of the limo. She dropped three and had to reload. Josh killed another two, but saw there were too many to deal with.

  He grabbed Jenn and yelled, “Let’s go!”

  John and Beth covered their escape with steady and accurate fire that kept the attackers pinned down. They heard several explosions and saw two of the Apaches blown out of the sky. John motioned for them to slip away while eyes were on the choppers. They ran into an open garage door through a house and out the back doors before running into a barn at the back of the property.

  “Check your ammo.”

  Beth, John and Jenn each had a bag held by a strap around their necks. Jenn looked up and saw that Josh didn’t have an ammo bag.

  “Damn, I forgot to tell you about the ammo bag under your seat. We have over five hundred rounds in the bags. I’ve about two hundred left.”

  Josh had a full thirty round mag and ten in the M4. John and Beth had five hundred between them.

  Josh said, “Y’all believe in being prepared, don’t you? That’s a lot of weight to carry.”

  Jenn replied, “Try protecting yourself with an empty gun.”

  Beth said, “John, let’s rest a minute, then head towards Stones River and hide out until the army can clean this up.”

  “Beth, I want to head back in and help protect Scott. We can’t let the bastards kill our president.”

  “John, the attack was designed to kill you, not Scott. His car took off with most of the security. Our vehicle was the target. They want to capture or kill you.”

  “Dad, Mom’s right, the focus of the attack was on our car. We have to get you to safety. Scott is in good hands and is probably twenty miles from here.”

  “Okay, I caught my wind. Let’s head out, find a car and get the hell out of here.”


  “Gus, we escaped. Is there any word on the rest of our team? We are heading towards the base and do not have any bogies chasing us.”

  “Scott, I don’t have any good news. The bastards caught us with our pants down. We just did not have enough resources for a full assault on our president.”

  “Gus, the attack was on dad, not me. They are trying to get even with the old man.”

  “Damn, that explains everything. It’s not the USA attacking; it’s the damn Chupracabras.”


  “What the fuck is going on? Have you killed Harris?”

  “Wolf, we have him pinned down and surrounded. It is a matter of minutes until we kill him, his wife, daughter and that damned reporter.”

  “Fool, don’t underestimate the man and his family. They have kicked our asses all over the world for the past twenty years. I want the old bastard’s head brought to me now. I will kill you and your whole family if you don’t deliver.”


  Jenn went to the door and looked out towards the back of the house. She saw several men crawling along the side of the house and several more coming towards the barn from the east.

  “Josh, take a peek out the back of the barn, but be careful, I think we are surrounded.”

  Josh peered around the edge of the door and a bullet smashed into the door just above his head. It was followed by several more and then bullets started hitting the front of the barn. Jenn knew that they had to get her dad to safety even if they had to die doing it. Losing John Harris would be a devastating blow to the country.

  John yelled, “Pile up some hay bales for cover. We’ve got a fight on our hands!”


  Don’t stop! Chapter 1 “Tyranny in the Homeland” is next!

  Book III

  Tyranny in the Homeland

  Chapter 1


  Smyrna, TN ISA

  Dec, 2048

  Jenn knew that they had to get her Dad to safety even if they had to die doing it. Losing John Harris would be a devastating blow to the country.

  John yelled, “Pile up some hay bales for cover. We’ve got a fight on our hands!”

  Bullets were pounding the sides of the barn and many were slicing through the first wall and embedding in or ricocheting off the next wall.

  “Damn, we need to get some bales behind us before a ricochet hits us from behind.”

  Josh moved a bale behind Jenn and another behind Beth. He started moving another behind Jenn when she doubled over and dropped her M4.

  “Shit, I got one in my arm.”

  She tore her blouse and saw a deep graze. Josh came over and used his tie to bandage her arm. He was finishing her arm when he took a round in the butt. He fell down and Jenn rushed to his side.

  “Pull your pants down. Hurry, you’re bleeding.”
  “You just want to see my ass; I knew you had the hots for me, but you didn’t have to wait until I got shot to make your play.”

  Jenn elbowed Josh in the side and said, “You are a legend in your own mind. No decent woman would waste her time on a boy like you.”

  She quickly examined him, made a compress out of part of her skirt and secured it to his ass with strips from the rest of her skirt. When she finished binding the wound, she slapped him on the ass and crawled back to her station.

  “You’ll live, but you’re going to have an ugly scar on that snow white ass of yours.”

  “Stop flirting and get shooting. They’re going to try to overrun us eventually. Beth, are you holding up ok?”

  “John, this reminds me of our first few years. We were always being attacked and having to shoot our way out of trouble. Josh, we can give you some real stories about how many fought and died to get this country born. John tell him about the disaster at Decatur. This is probably how they felt when no one came to save them.”

  “Perhaps, I’ll tell them about the shit house.”

  “Do it and sleep on the couch for a year!”


  “Yes Senior, we will kill him this time. We also have his wife and daughter pinned down in the barn. Yes the bitch who killed your son.”

  “Wolf, I want hers and John’s head delivered to me no later than next Wednesday. I will have your head if you fail me again.”

  The Wolf was afraid for only the second time in his life. He was too old to be fighting wars and planned to retire after this mission. He had a small villa on the Pacific Coast and his girlfriend and two kids already lived there. His wife could go to hell.

  “Pass the word. I will give a million Pesos to the man who delivers John Harris’s head. There is another five hundred thousand for his daughter’s head.”


  Josh saw three men running from the woods towards the barn. He shot three times and got two. Jenn killed the last of the three.

  “Report in on what you see, how many you’ve shot and how much ammo you have left.”

  “Beth, one by the house and two behind the tractor. Killed two. About fifty rounds.”

  “Jenn, Three in the woods. Shot four. Two of them dead. Sixty rounds.

  Josh, Another two on my end of the woods. Killed two and shot another three. About forty rounds.”

  “I see four sneaking down the fence row. Three dead and one wounded. Fifty rounds.”

  John shot twice and said, “Only two on the fence line. The cowards ducked quickly”

  “Has anyone tried to call for help? I know we have been busy, but we won’t last much longer.”

  “Damn Dad, I just thought Scott would send the army. I’ll call.”

  Jenn dialed several numbers before she got an answer.”

  “Gus, we need help. We are pinned down in a barn on Old Nashville Highway just after Florence road on the left side going south. I think it’s the old Miller place.”

  “Jenn, the SWAT Team is thirty minutes out and the Army about forty minutes away.”

  John took the phone and said, “Old buddy, we’ll be dead in twenty minutes. Get help here quick or send ambulances.”

  “We’re on the way John. Leave some for us to kill.”

  ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺

  Also from A. J Newman

  This series of Post-Apocalyptic novels tells how John Harris leads a group of survivors through the chaos of a country that has fallen apart. Rogue US Government officials and a coalition of Third World Leaders have launched a major nuclear and EMP attack on all of the major powers and killed over 100 million Americans. The grid is down and water and food are scarce. The USA is in chaos with criminals and thugs attacking innocent citizens while the DHS is placing millions in relocation camps. John and his team fight back!

  Also from A. J Newman

  Murder Mystery Thrillers

  A teenage girl, her dog and foster Dad solve a series of kidnappings and murders of young girls. The teen girl is stalked by her mom’s boyfriend and almost killed by a high ranking political figure. How are the two crimes linked? This unlikely trio solves the puzzle of “Where the Girls are Buried.”

  In the next novel in the series, they solve “Who killed the Girls?” Was it the high ranking politician or was it his son? Who is behind the attacks on their families? Why don’t they want these crimes solved?

  About the Author

  A. J. Newman was born and raised in a small town in the western part of Kentucky. His dad taught him how to handle guns very early in life and he and his best friend Mike spent summers shooting .22 rifles and fishing. He read every book he could get his hands on and fell in love with science fiction. He graduated from USI with a degree in Chemistry. He made a career working in manufacturing and logistics, but always fancied himself as an author. He currently resides in Kentucky with his wife Patsy, Sammy, Cotton and Callie all three are tiny mop dogs.




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