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Tabloid Star

Page 2

by T. A. Chase

  Ryan looked down and saw the stains on the front of his shirt. A noise came from the entrance of the alley. He glanced around wildly. Had someone been watching them? God, he hoped not.

  “Easy, honey. It was just a cat. No one’s out here with us.” Josh smoothed his hand down Ryan’s arm to take his hand. “Let’s go in and get a drink, huh?”


  He had a few more hours before he had to come back to reality. His body decided it wanted to spend that time with Josh, so he’d follow where the man led him.

  Chapter Three

  Picking his T-shirt up off the ground, Josh strolled in from the alley, his walk loose, smiling to himself. Ry just might be the best cocksucker Josh had ever gotten busy with. He couldn’t wait to see what it felt like to be buried balls-deep in the man. Ry’s grip tightened and relaxed around Josh’s hand as they made their way to Rachel’s office, letting Josh know the man was there, but also clueing him into the fact that Ry seemed a little nervous now that the sex was over. Good thing they could get to his boss’s office without going out into the club where others might see them.

  Stepping into the office, he tugged Ry in behind him and shut the door. He went over to the couch and sat, pulling Ry down onto his lap. Pretty brown eyes blinked back at him, still hazy from Ry’s climax. Josh nuzzled his throat, nibbling a little, and Ry shivered.

  “You okay, honey,” he murmured, trailing kisses along Ry’s chin.

  “Yeah. It’s just been a while since I’ve done something like that.” Ry rested his hands on Josh’s shoulders and leaned into him slightly.

  Josh took Ry’s weight easily. “Done what? A hand job? A blow job? Or doing it in an alley?”

  Ry chuckled. “All of it really, but mostly in the alley. I try not to do stuff like that where I can get caught or be seen.”

  “Don’t worry. If someone looked down the alley, we were just two bodies. No one would have been able to figure out who we were or see our faces. Besides, I was standing in front of you.”

  He sighed and stood, setting Ry on the couch before moving to his backpack. Crouching, he tugged a shirt out and shook it out before tossing it over to Ry.

  “Here, you can wear this. You can either stuff your shirt in my bag and we’ll wash it at my apartment or you can throw it out.”

  Ry caught the shirt and turned it around in his hands for a moment.

  “It’s clean.” Josh stood and leaned against the door.

  “Oh, I know. I’ve never borrowed a shirt from someone before.” Ry smiled.

  “You’ve never done a lot of stuff, have you?”

  He shrugged. “I might be slightly in the closet.”

  Josh shook his head. “You need to get out more, man. Change your shirt. I have to get back behind the bar.”

  Ry stripped his T-shirt off and Josh admired his ripped abs. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t touch Ry’s skin to see if it was as smooth as it looked. He really did need to get back or Pete would throw a fit. He took it as a good sign when Ry shoved his shirt into Josh’s backpack while Josh pulled his shirt back on.

  He brushed a kiss over Ry’s nose and grinned. “Come on. You can sit at the end of the bar or go and dance. Do whatever you want. I’ve got three more hours before I can take off.”

  Josh decided he was going to call in another favor from Pete and get the man to clean up without him. His bed was calling him and he really wanted to see what Ry looked like spread out over his black sheets.

  Ry stiffened when they entered the main floor of the club and the noise rolled over them like thunder. Josh let Ry yank his hand free and out of the corner of his eyes, Josh saw Ry pull the brim of his hat down to cover his face.

  “You should probably sit in the corner if you don’t want anyone to see you.” He’d dealt with closet cases before, though why Ry went with him out into the alley if he didn’t want anyone to recognize him didn’t make sense to Josh. Yet he’d learned not to ask too many questions of one-night stands.

  Ry ducked his head, but gave Josh a shy smile. “Thanks.”

  “No problem, honey.” He gestured to a stool at the end of the bar. “You can sit here and relax while I work.”

  Ry didn’t say anything, just sat. Josh slipped behind the bar, washed his hands and poured Ry another whiskey. Glancing up, Pete winked, but didn’t comment until they were both at the other end away from Ry.

  “By the smile on your face, I’m thinking you figured out if pretty boy there sucks as good as he looks.” Pete’s grin was wicked.

  Josh shook his head. “If I did or didn’t, I wouldn’t be telling you.”

  “You’re actually going to take him home with you, huh?” Pete popped the tops off three bottles of beer and set them out for one of the waitresses. “I thought you didn’t do that anymore.”

  Smiling, Josh took an order and started mixing drinks. He didn’t have time to reply until about ten minutes later. He kept an eye on Ry, making sure he had enough to drink, but not get drunk. Ry seemed to stay relaxed, though Josh did notice the man tense when people got too close to him.

  Josh didn’t care that Ry seemed to be hiding from something or someone. He didn’t talk about his bed partners, not even to his closest friends, and everyone deserved privacy as far as he was concerned.

  “Why him?” Pete stood next to him while they poured some beer off the tap.

  “Don’t know. Maybe I’m just lonely.”

  “You wouldn’t be if you tried a little harder.” Pete bumped him with a hip. “There are a ton of people who would kill to go home with you.”

  He looked up to see interest shining in Pete’s eyes. The man’s attraction to Josh had never been a secret, but Josh didn’t play where he worked. Being more into casual encounters than long-term relationships at the moment could make Josh’s job difficult if the other person wanted more.

  “I know. Just been too busy lately.”

  Josh set the glasses down in front of three men and winked at them. They all handed over big tips. Tucking them in the tip jar, he chuckled softly. He knew how to work the men and women who came to the Lucky Seven. A little flirting and some smiles always got him more tips. One of the men slipped him more than a five-dollar bill. He checked the piece of paper, knowing it was a phone number. Tucking it in his pocket, he made his way back down to where Ry sat.

  “How about something else to drink?” He leaned on the bar, invading Ry’s space. “I don’t want you too drunk to not thoroughly enjoy my reaming your ass later.”

  Ry blinked and blushed again. Josh didn’t fight the urge to reach out and stroke a finger over those flaming cheeks.

  “You are the prettiest thing I’ve seen here in a long time,” he murmured.

  “I bet you say that to all the guys you take home.” Ry’s teasing words held a hint of insecurity.

  Josh tilted his head and frowned. “Now that you’ve got me pegged as an insincere flatterer who’ll say anything to get a guy in my bed, how are you ever going to believe that I don’t do this very often?”

  “But you’ve done it?”

  He waved a hand vaguely at the dance floor. “It’s a fucking buffet here, honey. Who wouldn’t be tempted to sample? I work three jobs and it takes a toll on me, but I’ll be honest and say even if I were wiped from working tonight, I’d still be trying to drag your sweet ass home.”

  Ry seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding. “At least you’re honest.”

  “Lying might get me fucked, but it doesn’t cure what ails me, you know? I’d like to think I’m a better man than lying to get some ass.” Josh heard Pete shout his name and he stood. “I’ll get you a soda.”

  “How about water? I try to stay away from caffeine as much as possible.”

  “Water it is. You do drink coffee though? I mean who doesn’t like hot black coffee in the morning?” Josh served Ry the water.

  “Sure I do. The best way to drink it is naked in someone else’s bed.” Ry leered at him.

  Josh threw his head back and laughed. “I knew you had it in you, honey. I’ll stop back by later.”

  He wandered off to help Pete out with a smile on his face. Yep, tonight was the first night in a long time he was really looking forward to going home and climbing into bed.

  Chapter Four

  Ryan sat at the end of the bar, watching Josh work the crowd surrounding them. Sinking deeper into the shadows, he kept his head down and didn’t meet anyone’s gaze.

  He played in the water ring left by his glass. What the hell was he doing? Going off into a back alley and giving some guy a blow job wasn’t him. He avoided any situation where a scandal could ensue. His agent would have a cow if he knew what Ryan was contemplating doing next.

  Josh’s gruff laugh broke out over the music and Ryan’s eyes wandered along the tattoos gracing Josh’s chest, back and arms. God, he wanted to lick each one of them and follow the light treasure trail of hair leading over Josh’s six-pack abs to where it disappeared under the waist of his tight blue jeans.

  Ryan wet his lips and saw the bulge in Josh’s jeans swell a little more. Surprised, he glanced up to see Josh staring at him with a knowing look. His cheeks warmed and he dropped his gaze to the scarred wood of the bar.

  Damn, he felt like a virgin about to get his cherry popped. He’d had his share of lovers, most before he came out to Hollywood, but still, he wasn’t a neophyte to the whole hooking-up thing.

  Yet, his eyes went back to Josh like a moth hunting for the flame that would kill it. What was it about Josh that short-circuited Ryan’s brain and made him throw away the caution he’d learned to cultivate? He got another wink from the bartender before Josh turned to answer a question that someone yelled at him.

  Could it be the bald head with just a hint of five o’clock shadow on that square jaw? Or the well-muscled chest and arms? Ryan shook his head. It couldn’t be just those things because he saw gorgeous men all the time on the streets of Hollywood.

  Pete, the bartender Josh worked with, squeaked as Josh pinched his ass and Ryan smiled. No, looks only got a person so far with him. Josh’s supreme confidence and slight arrogance was what made Ryan’s ass clench and his throat dry. God, he was going to feel Josh for at least a week, he was sure, and he would end up screaming the man’s name by the end of the night.

  Ryan had always been attracted to self-assured men. He wanted someone as strong as he was because he didn’t have time to coddle anyone. He wasn’t a selfish lover, or he didn’t think he was. He just had too many other things to worry about at the moment to have time to take care of someone else.

  Josh said he worked three jobs. There was a man who understood the value of work and also didn’t play games. Of course, when a man looked like Josh did, he didn’t need to play games. The man had to have a flock of potential lovers around him every day. Ryan caught the glances Pete threw at Josh when he thought Josh wasn’t looking. Oh yeah, that man wanted Josh like a bear wanted honey, but Josh wasn’t looking back.

  “Can I buy you a beer?”

  Startled, Ryan knocked over his glass. He turned to see a large middle-aged man standing behind him. Ryan checked his hat and shrank further into the shadows. He hoped no one would recognize him, though it wouldn’t matter right then because he was just sitting at a bar having a drink.

  “Ummm…thanks, but I’ve reached my limit for the night.” He gave the man a smile and turned away, hoping the man got the hint.

  An enormous hand landed on his shoulder and he grimaced as the stranger squeezed. He didn’t want to get into anything at the Lucky Seven, but if the guy didn’t stop touching him, he’d be taking a swing.

  “I said I’d like to buy you a beer.”

  “And he said he didn’t want one, Thompson.” Josh knocked Thompson’s hand off Ryan’s shoulder. “What did I tell you about manhandling the customers?”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Ryan caught Thompson’s sneer.

  “You said you’d kick my ass, but I don’t think you have it in you. I saw this pretty boy come in from out back with you. Thought I’d offer him a chance to see what a real stud looks like.”

  Josh’s eyebrow shot up, but he didn’t take the bait. Ryan snorted and both men turned to look at him.

  “I’ve been up close and personal with one stud. I don’t think you could live up to my expectations now.”

  Thompson glared at him and Josh gave him a pleased look. Ryan smiled at Josh without Thompson seeing him.

  “Go on, Thompson, bother some other guy. This one is taken.” Josh laid his hands flat on the bar and met Thompson’s narrow-eyed stare.

  “One of these days, you’re going to bite off more than you can chew, Bauer, and you won’t have any of your friends around to protect you.” Thompson spun on his heel and stalked off.

  “To protect you?” Ryan laughed. “Does he really think you’d need help taking care of him?”

  Josh shrugged. “Some guys have an over-inflated opinion of themselves.” He rubbed his thumb over Ryan’s bottom lip. “So you think I’m a stud, huh?”

  Ryan stuck out his tongue. “Don’t get too puffed up there. I might have just been saying that to get the guy to leave.”

  “You’re the one making me puffy, honey. And don’t wag that thing at me unless you mean to use it.” Josh caught the tip of Ryan’s tongue between his thumb and finger, giving it a little tug.

  Without thinking or worrying about anyone watching, Ryan leaned forward slightly and wrapped his lips around Josh’s finger. Sucking, he drew it in and scraped Josh’s skin with his teeth. Salt, lime and lemon mingled on his tongue, making Josh a flavor he’d love to taste more of.

  “Much more of that, you’ll be on the bar and I’ll be doing body shots off your abs…among other places,” Josh growled.

  Ryan shivered, and hell if his cock didn’t stiffen to press against his zipper hard enough to leave marks. He eased back and let Josh’s finger go with a grin.

  Josh shook his head. “Who knew there was such a tease under that mysterious exterior?”

  Before Ryan could answer, a tall blonde woman came from the hallway to sit next to him. He gave her a smile and Josh leaned over the bar to kiss her cheek.

  “Rachel, love, what can I get you?”

  “You know what I like, Josh.” Rachel’s voice held the clipped accents of upper crust Britain. “How’s business going?”

  Rachel must be Josh’s boss. Ryan touched the brim of his hat. Had she seen him flirting with Josh? He didn’t want to get him in trouble.

  “It’s been steady. Pretty good for a Thursday night.” Josh set a martini in front of her. “Dirty, with three olives.”

  Rachel sipped and sighed. “You make the best martinis.”

  “That’s why you hired me.” Josh strolled away to mix two drinks and came back. “How are you doing, boss lady?”

  Her gaze wandered over the crowd. “I’m doing fine, Josh.” Her blue eyes landed on Ryan and she smiled. “Why don’t you take off early tonight? I’ll finish up your shift and help Pete clean up.”

  Surprise crossed Josh’s face and Ryan figured Rachel didn’t tend bar very often. Something seemed to be bothering her, but it wasn’t his place to ask.

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind staying.” Josh rested his arms on the bar and shot Ryan a glance.

  “I don’t have anywhere else to go,” Ryan commented. And he really didn’t. He didn’t have anything to do until later tomorrow afternoon.

  “Go on. You’ve been here late every night this week. I don’t want my best bartender getting sick because he doesn’t get enough sleep. I can handle the bar for a couple of hours.”

  Josh came from behind the bar and gave Rachel a hug. “I’m not going to argue anymore. Thanks.”

  Ryan fought to keep from laughing as Josh dragged him back to the office where they grabbed Josh’s backpack before heading out through the back exit.

  “I live just a couple of blocks down. We can walk or we can catch a cab.�

  “I’d like to walk, if that’s okay with you.”

  The urge to jerk his hand away from Josh almost overwhelmed him, but he beat it back. He tightened his fingers and tried not to think about how good it felt holding on to him. No one would expect to see him out walking the sidewalks like normal people.

  “Walking’s good with me.” Josh slung the pack over one broad shoulder and swung their hands as they made their way down the sidewalk.

  Ryan let his mind empty as they wandered, ignoring the crowd of people around him. The nice thing about Hollywood was he never felt like he stood out. No one stared or pointed at him, whispering behind hands. No one looked twice at two men holding hands.

  He did notice how Josh blocked people from bumping into him or bothering him in any way. Ryan wasn’t a small guy, but somehow Josh made him feel taken care of and cherished. Shaking his head, he gave a silent chuckle. Now if that wasn’t the silliest thing he’d thought in a long time.

  God, they needed to get to Josh’s apartment so Josh could fuck all the sappiness out of him.

  Chapter Five

  Josh opened his apartment and reached in, flicking on a light and gesturing for Ry to go in. He dropped his backpack by the closet door and waited until they got into the living room before he grabbed Ry by the hips and dragged the man to him. He took those plump lips he’d been staring at all night, wanting another taste. He didn’t ask for Ry to open for him, he demanded it. No holds barred this time.

  Ry encircled Josh’s shoulders, running his hands over Josh’s bald head and neck. He groaned and allowed Josh to sweep his tongue in to play with Ry’s. Arching his hips, he rubbed against Josh, showing that he was more than willing to follow Josh’s lead.

  He broke the kiss when his head started spinning and his lungs protested their lack of air. Stepping back, he tugged off his vest and nodded at Ry.

  “I want you naked now.”

  The man laughed but didn’t hesitate reaching for his belt. “What? No tour?”

  “You can get that after I fuck you over the back of my couch,” he growled, kicking off his boots and stripping off his jeans without looking away from Ry.


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