Tabloid Star

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Tabloid Star Page 11

by T. A. Chase

  “I know what you want and if you remember to be quiet, I’ll give it to you,” he growled into Ryan’s ear as he took control of their movements.

  He tightened his grip on Ryan’s shaft, making each pump burn and rocket Ryan closer to the edge. They rocked together and Josh loved the muffled moans his lover made with each thrust.

  “Soon,” Ryan gasped.

  On the next upstroke, Josh teased his thumb along the head of Ryan’s cock, easing it just slightly into the slit. Ryan buried his face into his pillow and stifled his shout as liquid heat covered Josh’s hand. He thrust twice and coated Ryan’s back with his own come. He bit his lip to keep from yelling Ryan’s name.

  When he stopped trembling, he climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. After cleaning himself off, Josh grabbed a washcloth, got it wet and headed back to wipe Ryan down. He took the damp cloth back to the other room and finished getting ready.

  Slapping Ryan’s naked ass, he waited until the other man glanced at him. “I brought your clean clothes in. They’re hanging on the back of the bathroom door.”

  Ryan sat up and shoved his hand through his hair. “Thanks. Would it be all right to take a shower?”

  “Sure. There are clean towels in the bathroom along with shampoo and stuff. I’m going to see if Erin and Pedro are up yet.”

  Without thinking, he leaned over and gave Ryan a quick peck on the cheek. His cell phone rang as he left the bedroom.


  “Hey Josh, it’s Vance.”

  “Vance, how’s it going?”

  He wandered into the kitchen and found Pedro already at the table, rocking and talking softly to Zorro. Josh’s sister stood at the stove, frying bacon and eggs. He gave her a one-armed hug.

  “Okay, man. Two of our guys should be reaching your sister’s place in the next hour or so. They have your number and will call when they get there. That way you don’t have any surprises.”

  Josh poured a glass of orange juice. “Thanks. You and Morgan are the best.”

  “We try. Oh, and tell Ryan that we hired a private investigator for him. The guy’s one of the best and he’s got the background info. Now we just have to see what he finds.”

  “Drinks and dinner are on me when I get back.” He took a drink and looked around when he heard Erin greet Ryan. “I have to go. I’ll give you a call when we get ready to head back to WeHo.”

  “Catch you later, and tell Erin hi from us.” Vance hung up.

  Josh ended the call and set the phone on the counter. He watched how Ryan interacted with Erin and Pedro. Each movement was slow and deliberate like he didn’t want to scare them. He spoke softly and didn’t ignore Pedro, even though he seemed to know the boy wouldn’t answer him. Ryan kept a respectful distance from Erin, again seeming to understand without being told of Erin’s nervousness around men.

  “Was that Vance?”

  Ryan joined him at the counter next to the refrigerator. Josh couldn’t resist tasting Ryan’s bright smile. Ryan didn’t flinch or move away. The actor opened for him, yet as much as Josh would have loved to take it deeper, he settled for another quick kiss.

  “Yes. He called to let me know that they sent two guys up here to keep an eye on things for you, Erin. They’ll keep the reporters at bay until we figure out what’s going on.”

  He took another glass out and handed it to Ryan. “They also hired a P.I. to look into those pictures for you, Ryan.”

  “Those men your friends are sending? They won’t be disrupting things, will they?”

  Erin set breakfast on the table and they all helped themselves, except for Pedro who played with his Cheerios.

  “They’re professional bodyguards, sweetheart. They know how to blend in without being obtrusive.”

  Ryan smiled. “Your brother’s friends have a good reputation among Hollywood, at least, of being very professional and discreet.”

  “I’m sure Morgan has warned them about Pedro’s challenges.” Reaching out, Josh took his sister’s hand. “I just want you to be safe, not only from reporters, but from Geraldo as well. I haven’t heard from Rachel about him yet.”

  Erin’s gaze went to Pedro and Josh cursed silently. Hearing his father’s name could set off a myriad of reactions from the boy; anything from silence to an all-out screaming melt-down. Today, it seemed silence would be Pedro’s reaction.

  “Pedro, if you’re done with your breakfast, would you put your bowl in the sink for me? Remember that Zorro’s water dish needs to be filled.”

  Every time Erin asked Pedro to do anything, it was a crap shoot as to whether he would do it or not. Again today looked like a good day because Pedro picked up his dish and put it in the sink. Afterward, he went into the mud room and filled Zorro’s dish.

  “Thank you. You can go watch TV until I’m ready to leave.”

  Josh and Erin exchanged sad smiles as Pedro wandered off toward the living room. There were dark circles under Erin’s eyes and guilt started to swell in Josh.

  “None of that.” Erin squeezed his hand.

  “None of what?”

  Ryan sat, watching them and trying to be invisible. Josh knew the man had to be curious, but was too polite to ask.

  “No feeling guilty. First of all, Pedro is my son and my responsibility. I won’t turn my back on him like his father did. Second of all, you can’t live your life worrying about me. You need to think about yourself more often.” Erin’s sad eyes met his and her grip on his hand tightened even more. “You’ve been taking care of me since you were fourteen. It’s time to take care of yourself.”

  Her gaze shifted to Ryan for a second before meeting his with a knowing gleam. His cheeks heated and he wiggled in his chair. He shouldn’t be embarrassed. He was an adult and could have as many lovers as he wanted, but Ryan was the first guy Josh had ever allowed to meet his family. That fact alone made the man far more special than the others.

  Ryan cleared his throat. “This might be rude to ask and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. What is Pedro’s diagnosis?”

  “Thank you for not using ‘problem’. Though that word can be used to describe Pedro’s issues, I don’t like using it because as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing wrong with my son.”

  Ryan stared at Erin and she laughed.

  “I’m not deluding myself into thinking Pedro’s a normal boy, Ryan. It’s just that his brain is wired differently than yours and mine. Pedro’s autistic, but he’s not stupid or handicapped.”

  Josh stood and gathered their plates. He’d let Erin explain Pedro. He still didn’t totally understand the doctor’s explanation. All he knew was that his nephew was an intelligent boy who had a hard time expressing himself.

  “He’s challenged, but not because he’s slow or dumb. It’s simply because he thinks differently from us, so at times it makes it hard for him to deal with us. He’s sensitive to so many things that I’ve worried we’d never get him to some sense of ‘normalcy’, but his classes and Zorro have helped a lot.”

  Josh’s phone rang and he picked it up off the counter as he headed toward the front of the house.


  “Mr. Bauer, I’m Winston Austin. My partner and I were sent by Morgan LaFontaine. We’re in your driveway.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right out.”

  Josh hung up and tucked the phone in his back pocket. Stopping in the doorway of the living room, he snapped his fingers, calling Zorro to him.

  “Pedro, I have to borrow Zorro for a few minutes.”

  He wasn’t sure, but Pedro might have given him the slightest of nods. Anything doing with the dog got a response from his nephew.

  Josh took Zorro out with him to meet Winston and the other bodyguard.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Ryan stayed in the background during the delicate process of introducing Pedro to Winston and Chad, the two bodyguards. Both men approached the boy with a matter-of-fact manner. They talked to him like they would a normal boy, ev
en though Pedro never answered them.

  He smiled to himself at the attraction that flared between Chad and Erin. If Erin allowed it, something could develop there.

  His phone rang and he stepped down the hall into the kitchen. Checking the caller ID, he grinned.

  “Bill, how’s it going?”

  “Great, but where the hell are you? When you didn’t come home last night, I figured you must have gotten lucky again. Did you let that bartender fuck you again?”

  Ryan’s cheeks heated and he shook his head. How Bill still managed to embarrass him was a mystery.

  “Well, yes.”

  “Fucking A, man. That’s awesome.”

  He leaned against the counter and stared out into the backyard. “I’m sorry I didn’t call to let you know where I was. I’m not used to having anyone but Raz worried about me out here.”

  Bill’s tone held impatience. “Fine. It’s all right. Now go back to getting fucked.”

  He chuckled and said, “No details, asshole. I met Josh yesterday to talk about how we were going to find out who took those pictures. He got a call from a friend who needed some help and I offered to drive him up north.”

  “Up north? How far up north?”

  “About ten hours away.” He wouldn’t give Bill any more than that. Ryan trusted Bill with his own secrets, but this one wasn’t his to share.

  “Holy shit. I hope you got fucked for your generous offer.”

  “You’re such a jackass,” he pointed out.

  “What? I’m just saying…”

  Bill’s laughter joined his.

  “I know what you’re saying and I’m not feeding your twisted fantasies.”

  Footsteps behind him caused him to turn and he watched Josh enter the kitchen. The other man winked at him as he gestured to the phone.

  “I have to go. I should be home sometime tonight. I’m sorry to be abandoning you while you’re visiting.”

  “Don’t trouble yourself. I’m a big boy and I can entertain myself. Be careful and tell that stud I said hi.”

  He hung up and stuck his phone in his pocket. Josh stepped closer, slipping his arms around Ryan’s waist and laying his head on Ryan’s shoulder. Encircling Josh’s waist, Ryan held him tight and rested his cheek against Josh’s stubble-covered head.

  “You need to shave your head,” he commented, rubbing his face over the roughness.

  “I planned on doing it this weekend.” Josh sighed. “Erin’s getting Pedro ready to go to school. Chad’s going with them. I’ll fill Winston in about Geraldo, then we can take off.”

  “I’m not in any hurry, Bear. Bill can keep himself busy, though that could mean I’ll need to bail him out of jail when we get back.”

  “Why do you call me Bear?”

  He tensed for a second before deciding it couldn’t matter. “It’s silly, but I think of you as a big teddy bear. You’re hairy, but not like Bigfoot hairy. More than that though, it’s because when you hold me tight or let me hold you, I feel safe and at ease like I used to when I was little and holding my favorite teddy bear.”

  Josh laughed softly and pulled away a few inches. They stared at each other for a few seconds and Ryan saw an emotion in Josh’s eyes that made his chest tighten. Not wanting to think about it at the moment, he leaned forward, pressing their lips together. The kiss was another short one, but it held a promise the others hadn’t.

  “Josh, we’re leaving.” Erin walked into the kitchen.

  Ryan let Josh go reluctantly. He watched them hug before Erin turned to him and offered her hand.

  “It was nice meeting you, Ryan. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of each other.”

  He shook her hand and gave her a smile. “I hope so, and I’m sorry I caused all this trouble for you.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ve handled worse and made it through.”

  Ryan managed to get coffee brewing while Josh walked Erin and Pedro out to their car. Winston joined him in the kitchen.

  “Mr. Kellar.” Winston nodded.

  There was no surprise on the man’s face, so Morgan or Vance had told him about Ryan and Josh.

  “Call me Ryan, please.” He gestured to the coffee. “Would you like some?”

  “Thanks. I take it black.”

  After pouring and handing the bodyguard his coffee, Ryan prepared his own and sat at the table. Neither man spoke, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. Josh returned a few minutes later. Sitting with them, he looked at Winston.

  “I know you can handle the paparazzi that might come around, but there’s another factor you need to be aware of. Erin’s ex-husband, Geraldo Mendoza.”

  Winston’s eyebrows shot up and Ryan wondered who Geraldo was by the bodyguard’s reaction.

  “Why isn’t she in witness protection?” Winston’s knuckles went white as he tightened his grip on his coffee mug.

  “Erin never testified against him. As soon as the DEA nabbed him, Erin filed for a divorce and we got her out of there.” Josh rubbed his chin and shrugged. “For a couple of months after he got served the papers, he had me followed which is why I live in WeHo and Erin lives up here.”

  Ryan frowned. DEA? What had Josh’s ex-brother-in-law been involved in?

  “Where is he?” The bodyguard tugged out a small PDA and typed something in.

  “The last thing we heard he was in San Quentin, serving twenty-five to life for shooting a police officer.”

  “If he’s in jail, why are you worried about him?” Ryan had to ask.

  “Even if he’s still there, he’s the head of one of the most dangerous gangs in Los Angeles. The members will do anything to stay on his good side and one way is to find his wife.”

  “And his son, right?”

  He stood and grabbed the pot for more coffee, offering Winston a refill.

  “No. Once Pedro was diagnosed, Geraldo denied he was his son. A macho man like him would never have a less than perfect son.”

  “That’s crazy. Pedro’s perfect the way he is. What kind of man would deny his own child?”

  He never understood why anyone would deny their own flesh and blood, no matter whether the child had a handicap or was gay.

  “Geraldo Mendoza is a sadistic bastard, not a man,” Josh remarked as he met Winston’s gaze. “I have a friend checking out to see if he’s still in prison and also if there’s any news about Erin on the streets.”

  Winston typed a few more things in his PDA and nodded. “Thanks for letting me know. Chad and I will definitely keep our eyes open for anyone who might endanger your family. Trust us.”

  “I have to. As much as I wish I could stay here and protect them myself, I need to work. There just aren’t as many jobs up here as there are down south.”

  Ryan hesitated for a second before laying his hand on Josh’s arm. Josh covered his hand and smiled at him.

  “I have to work in the morning, so we should get going.” Josh stood and shook Winston’s hand. “Thank you for coming and I’ll either call you or have Morgan call you when we find out anything about Geraldo.”

  “I have my own contacts I’ll check with as well. We’ll pool our resources and hopefully find out that there’s nothing to worry about with Mendoza.”

  Ryan grabbed his shirt and tossed Josh the car keys. “You can drive home.”

  Josh’s eyes lit up and Ryan could see that getting to drive Ryan’s CTS brightened his lover’s day. He climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up, trusting Josh to get him home safely.

  Ten hours later, Ryan slid into the driver’s seat and Josh crouched down next to the door.

  “I’d invite you up, but I have to be up by six to head out for my construction job.”

  “I understand.” Ryan cupped Josh’s cheek and rubbed his thumb over Josh’s bottom lip.

  “Can I call you sometime tomorrow? Maybe you could stop by the club.” Josh seemed a little hesitant to ask.

  “Sure. I’ll be hanging out with Bill. I have the next week off before I star
t my next movie. The nice thing about that one is we’re doing the sound stage stuff first before we head out on location.”

  “Great.” Josh kissed the pad of Ryan’s thumb and stood. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Ryan waved good-bye and headed back to his apartment. After parking his car, he headed up to his place. Bill was sprawled on the couch as he walked in.

  “You’re home.” Bill sat up and grinned.

  “Thank God, I hate riding in a car for that long.” He tossed his keys on the dining room table and flopped into the chair catty-corner to the couch.

  “I stopped answering the phone.”

  Bill’s statement made him frown.


  “Were you out of cell phone range?”

  “No. I turned my phone off after I talked to you. I didn’t want to talk to anyone else.” He got his phone out and turned it back on. Fifteen messages were waiting for him. “Who wanted to talk to me?”

  “Your crazy-ass agent started calling shortly after I talked to you and then proceeded to call every ten minutes until I took the phone off the hook.” Bill shook his head. “That man is fucking annoying as hell. How do you stand him?”

  Ryan shrugged and tossed his phone on the coffee table. He wasn’t going to call Raz until tomorrow.

  “He got me my first job.”

  “That’s wonderful, but now that you’re getting great reviews for your movie, maybe you should consider finding a different agent. You’re his biggest client and he shouldn’t be as demanding on your time as he is. You’re the boss.”

  Rubbing his forehead, he nodded. “I know, but I don’t want to talk about it tonight. It’s been a long day. How about I go change and we can head out to hit some clubs tonight?”

  “Cool idea, man. And remember, you still have to tell me about your time with stud man.”

  “That’s not going to happen at any point, no matter how drunk you plan to get me. Unlike you, I don’t kiss and tell.” Ryan stood and started to make his way to his bedroom.

  “Now that’s harsh. Where’s the love since I hooked the two of you up? You should be willing to throw me a bone or something.”

  He flipped Bill the finger and went to change his clothes. Ryan wanted to have some fun and hang out with his best friend. He’d deal with his agent tomorrow.


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