Tabloid Star

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Tabloid Star Page 12

by T. A. Chase

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Hey, Josh, did you get up north this weekend?”

  He looked up from the wood he was cutting to see Antonio standing there. Turning off the saw, he straightened and gestured for his friend to come closer.

  “Yeah. I almost didn’t go, but Erin got upset, so I ran up there with a friend to check on her and Pedro.” Josh stretched his arms over his shoulders. “I’m getting too old to make those quick trips up there and back.”

  Antonio slapped his back. “You got time to hit the gym after work today?”

  Josh almost said no, but he hadn’t talked to Ryan yet and anyway, he needed to work some of his restlessness off before he headed to the Lucky Seven.

  “Sure. I don’t have to work at the restaurant tonight, so I have time between the site and the club.”

  “Great, I’ll see you at the truck later.”

  Now that he’d stopped, Josh figured he’d give Ryan a call. Digging through his pockets, he found his phone and wandered off to the edge of the construction site. Punching in Ryan’s number, he waited for the actor to answer.


  “It’s Josh, honey.” He leaned against the chain link fence and stared down at the dirt under his feet.

  “Hi. How’s your day going?” Ryan’s voice held anger and he sounded tense.

  “Good. It’s work, you know, nothing very exciting. I was taking a break and thought I’d see how you were doing.” He wanted to ask what was wrong, but wasn’t sure if Ryan would want to tell him. What the hell? The worse that could happen was Ryan wouldn’t tell him.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “It will be if I can see you tonight.” Ryan’s voice lowered like he was with someone he didn’t want to hear his words.

  “I’ll be at the Lucky Seven around eight.”

  “Good. I really can’t talk right now, but I’ll see you then. Bye, Bear.” Ryan hung up.

  He shut his phone off and tossed it in his lunchbox. No point in worrying about Ryan. There wasn’t anything Josh could do to help him at the moment. He went back to work, looking forward to seeing Ryan later on that night.

  “Well, well…if it isn’t Mr. Tabloid Star. I wondered when you would lower yourself to be seen with the rest of us.”

  Josh clenched his hands and turned slowly, meeting the sneering visage of Avery, one of the gym members who didn’t like Josh.

  “If I realized how much you’d miss me, I would have let you know I wouldn’t be around.”

  “Forget about him, Josh.” Antonio hooked an arm around Josh’s shoulder and started to lead him away.

  “So was Kellar’s ass tight? He looks like he’d be a good fuck. Of course you’d have to be a fag and looking for a piece of ass.”

  Avery’s insult wouldn’t have bothered him if Ryan’s name hadn’t been mentioned. Swinging around, he stepped into Avery’s personal space, glaring down at the shorter man.

  “You’ve been gunning for me since you joined the gym. You want to go a round or two? I’ll give you what you’re looking for.”

  “Come on, man, he isn’t worth it.”

  Antonio tried to defuse the situation, but Josh wasn’t interested in walking away from the asshole. Whenever he’d been at the gym at the same time as Avery, the man always picked at him. He wasn’t in the mood today to back down from anyone.

  “Get some tape for my hands and my bag. I’ll talk to the trainer to get the ring ready.”

  He started to walk over to where the manager of the gym stood. Avery grinned and strutted off to where his friends stood.

  “What’s going on?” The manager looked over to where Avery stood, accepting the congratulations from his buddies.

  “Avery wants to spar with me. I was wondering if the ring is set up.”

  “Seriously?” The guy shook his head. “Avery’s dumber than he looks. No one’s told him about you, have they?”

  He shrugged. “Probably a bunch of guys talked about me to him. He’s one of those jerks who doesn’t believe a fag can be tough.”

  The manager grinned and punched Josh’s arm. “It’s his funeral then. I’ll turn the lights on and you can go in whenever you’re ready. I’ll hang out and keep an eye out for any problems.”

  “Thanks. I think once I hit him a couple of times, he’ll get the idea that compared to me, he’s an amateur.”

  Antonio met him at the side of the ring. Josh put his headgear on and let his friend tape up his hands before putting on his gloves. He’d stretched earlier when they got there and warmed up enough not to worry about pulling any muscles.

  Stepping into the ring, he did a little shadow boxing while he waited for Avery to join him. The shorter, younger man climbed into the ring and grinned at Josh. There was arrogance in the man’s eyes and bearing, but Josh didn’t let it bother him. He’d dealt with lots of young men who thought they were studs and were challenging the old bull for top spot.

  The manager reminded them of the rules and told them they could start. Josh circled Avery, studying every movement of the man’s body and eyes. He’d watched the other man box a few times and knew he wasn’t good enough to threaten or hurt Josh.

  Avery set his feet and swung a wide left at Josh’s face. Josh dodged it easily before driving a punch into Avery’s gut.

  “Ompf…” The air rushed from Avery’s lungs.

  “Good right, Josh,” Antonio yelled.

  “Lucky punch,” Avery gasped.

  Josh raised an eyebrow, but didn’t talk. He never trash talked while he was fighting. Never saw the point in wasting his breath; he liked to let his fists talk for him.

  Avery swung wildly and Josh had no problem avoiding them, but with each punch the other man threw, Josh swung back and connected with each of his. One of his punches split Avery’s lip and Josh stepped back, unwilling to do any more damage or get the man’s blood on him.

  Spitting on the mat, Avery glared at him. Josh stood, relaxed and keeping his fists up.

  “You wanted to take me on and I proved to you that you’re not good enough to even spar with me. Get your head out of your ass and realize that a fag is better than you at something.”

  Avery growled and lunged for him. He threw a one-two punch and Avery hit the mat.

  Standing over him, Josh said, “You didn’t believe what they told you about me. I mean, how can a fag be the top-ranked amateur boxer in the world? I haven’t been for a while now, but don’t ever think I can’t take care of myself. I’ll beat your ass into the ground if you want me to.”

  Antonio called to him from outside the ring. “No need, Josh. I think he got the message.”

  Josh went to his friend and let him remove his gloves. After taking off his headgear and spitting out his mouthpiece, he turned to Avery.

  “You have some talent, but don’t think you can defeat everyone you come up against because there will always be someone bigger and faster than you.”

  He checked the clock on the gym wall.

  “I have to get going, Antonio. I need to take a shower and clean up before I head to the Lucky Seven.”

  “I’ll be by to pick you up at six-thirty tomorrow morning. Take care.”

  He cleaned up and headed out to the club. Arriving just before eight at the Lucky Seven, he waved to Tammy and Pete as he walked by to Rachel’s office.

  Knocking on the door, he waited for Rachel to acknowledge him before he walked in.

  “Hey, sweet lady, how are you tonight?”

  Rachel looked up and smiled. “You seem to be in a good mood.”

  “Yes, I am. I got to beat up on some homophobe who decided that fags couldn’t be good boxers. Aside from that, I might get to see the hottest man in Hollywood tonight.”

  Her smile faded. “You’re still seeing Ryan?”

  “Well, maybe. We spent the weekend together up at my sister’s and he knows I didn’t set him up.”

  “Be careful.”

  He set his backpack down and sat on the
edge of her desk, looking at her. “Careful of what?”

  “I just don’t want to see your heart broken when Ryan decides to go back in the closet.” Rachel laid her hand on his thigh.

  “It’s my heart, and I don’t think he’ll do that.”

  “What happens when he realizes that he might lose his career and all those prized roles if he comes out? What will happen when he comes to the conclusion that it’s you or his future?”

  Josh pursed his lips and thought for a moment. He didn’t want to just disregard her concerns. “I know you’re worried about me, but I’ll deal with it. I’m an adult and am responsible for my own actions.”

  A knock sounded on the door and Pete’s voice came through the wood.

  “Josh, Ryan’s here to see you.”

  “Tell him I’ll be right there.” He leaned down and kissed Rachel on the cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll watch my heart, but I have to risk it sometime.”

  “I’ll be here to help you if you need a shoulder to cry on.”

  He winked before leaving the office and going back out to the club floor.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Music throbbed, filling Ryan’s body and driving his pulse. He waved to the female bartender.

  “What can I do for you?” She sashayed down to his end of the bar.

  “I’m waiting for Josh, but I’d like a whiskey straight.”

  “Does he know you’re here for him?” She grinned and poured him a drink.

  He nodded. “Yeah, the other guy said he’d go tell him for me.”

  “Cool. Wave if you need anything else.” She worked her way down the bar, filling drinks and collecting money.

  Ryan rested his back against the bar, watching the crowd dance. It was slow for a Monday night, but there were still people enjoying the music and hooking up. He grinned as he remembered all those nights he blew off studying to go out dancing.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  As he glanced over to his left, he spotted the slender blond guy smiling at him. Ryan started to turn him down when Josh showed up. The bartender slipped his arm around Ryan’s waist and kissed him, claiming him in front of everyone. Not minding one bit, Ryan cupped the back of Josh’s head and nibbled at his lips.

  The blond sighed. “Sorry, didn’t know you were taken.”

  Josh broke away and grinned at the other man. “Hey, Tommy, how’s it going?”

  “Pretty good, Josh, though I should have known you’d get the best-looking guy in the place.” Tommy pouted, but ruined it by giggling.

  “It just shows how good my taste is because I think you’re the cutest thing here.” Josh leaned down and kissed Tommy’s cheek.

  Ryan waited for jealousy to rush through him at the flirting Josh was doing, but he was entertained by it, not threatened at all. Tommy blushed and ducked his head. God, Josh was right. The little blond was the cutest thing in the club.

  “Tommy was asking me to dance when you showed up,” Ryan told his lover.

  “Oh great. I have to get to work and Tommy can keep you entertained until my break.” Josh winked at Ryan. “I’ll try not to be jealous and imagine that Tommy’s trying to steal you away.”

  “Like that would ever happen.” Tommy snickered.

  Ryan gave Josh his glass and held out his hand to Tommy. “May I have this dance?”

  Tommy pressed one hand to his chest and pretended to swoon. “Such a gentleman.”

  They all laughed as Ryan led Tommy out on the dance floor and Josh went behind the bar. The man in his arms was a good dancer and Ryan relaxed, knowing he didn’t look like an idiot or a chicken with its head cut off.

  Every time he looked over at the bar, Josh was watching him with a heated gaze. It was the lust in Josh’s eyes and want on his face that made Ryan’s hips swing in a sultry rhythm. He tugged Tommy closer, molding their bodies tight together. Tommy wrapped his arms around Ryan’s shoulders, arching into him.

  “Does Josh like watching you with other guys?” Tommy’s question was loud enough for Ryan to hear over the music.

  Ryan didn’t stop dancing while he thought about it. Shaking his head, he leaned down to set his lips against Tommy’s ear. “I think he likes seeing me dance with you, but he’s not into anything other than that.”

  Tommy nodded. “He strikes me as a possessive guy, in a good way. You won’t have to worry about him fucking around behind your back as long as you don’t do it to him.”

  Ryan buried his face in Tommy’s sweat-curled hair and breathed. Josh didn’t have to worry about Ryan messing around behind his back either. Yes, his cock swelled and tried to break his zipper because of Tommy’s wiry body rubbing against him, but he didn’t really want to fuck the man. He kept thinking of Josh’s hands gripping his hips and his fat prick driving into him, deep and hard.

  They danced for a while, not listening to the words, just letting the beat dictate their movements. When a slow song came on, Ryan looked over at Josh who gestured for him to return to the bar.

  “Josh wants me,” he told Tommy.

  The man pushed up on his tip-toes and kissed Ryan. “Go see him. I’m sure it’s his break time and he’s been looking over here pretty hard all night. I’ll be around if you want to dance later.”

  He patted Tommy on the ass as he walked away. Making his way through the crowd to the bar, he kept his gaze locked with Josh’s. Need burned in those dark eyes and his ass clenched as he thought about Josh taking him again.

  As he reached the bar, Josh slid from behind it.

  “Pete, I’m taking my break.”

  The other bartender waved them away with a grin. It was déjà vu all over again as Ryan was dragged through the club toward the back. Only this time instead of going into the alley, they went into Rachel’s office.

  “Won’t your boss get upset about you bringing your boyfriend back here?”

  Josh shut the door and leaned against it, arms folded over his chest. “Are you?”

  “Am I what?”

  Lust confused his brain and he had no clue what Josh was talking about. All Ryan wanted was to drop to his knees, unzip Josh’s tight jeans and suck the man’s cock like a lollipop.

  Reaching out, Josh lifted his chin so their eyes met.

  “Are you my boyfriend?”

  He blinked. Had he said that word? He must have, but did he mean it seriously or had he been teasing? Forcing his brain to function without the haze of need, he thought about how the connotation of “boyfriend” made him feel.

  “Yes, I meant it, but only if you want me to. I mean, I could have just been teasing if you don’t want me to be your boyfriend. I know we’ve never really talked about what our relationship was or where we were headed with it.”

  Fuck, he was babbling now and Josh had an amused gleam in his eyes. To hear him talk, no one would believe he was a professional actor. Ryan bit his lip to stop the words from tumbling out.

  Josh tapped his chin with a finger. “Get those pants off and bend over the desk.”

  Was he seriously going to get fucked in the boss’s office?

  “Do it, honey. No thinking right now.”

  Whirling around, he struggled with his belt and zipper while he rushed over to the desk. He got them opened and pushed down to his ankles before bending over and taking hold of the desk.

  God, he was a complete slut, but at the moment, he couldn’t work up the mental energy to be embarrassed. All his brain and body demanded he think about was the fact he was going to get nailed by Josh again.

  “So sexy.”

  Josh’s rough fingers trailed over the small of Ryan’s back as his T-shirt rode up and exposed his skin. Whimpering, Ryan arched and rocked his ass back toward his lover.

  “Pushy.” Josh’s affectionate tone made Ryan’s heart skip a beat.

  Ryan dropped his forehead onto the desk and shivered. The crinkling of foil caught his attention and he glanced over his shoulder to see Josh rip open a condom packet. His lover sheathed hi
s prick with the rubber before reaching over to press his fingers to Ryan’s lips.

  “Get them good and wet. This is all the lube you’re getting,” Josh warned.

  Moaning softly, he sucked Josh’s fingers in, tasting salt, lime and the slight tang of soap. He licked and swirled his saliva all around those digits, getting them as wet as he could.

  “That’s good.”

  Josh removed his fingers from Ryan’s mouth and using one hand, he spread Ryan’s ass cheeks to expose his hole. Rubbing his wet fingers over the puckered opening, he drew a sob from Ryan.

  “Please. Just do it.”

  Ryan no longer cared how he sounded or looked like. All he wanted was Josh reaming his ass. There was no hesitation as Josh breached Ryan’s hole and invaded his inner channel until Ryan couldn’t take him anymore.

  Screwing his eyes shut, Ryan breathed through the burn and pain. He convinced his muscles to relax and accept the fullness Josh caused with his two fingers. Pushing back, he signaled to his lover that he was ready for more.

  “So needy and tight,” Josh murmured, stroking his fingers in and out, nailing Ryan’s gland with every other thrust.

  Ryan bit his lip to keep from begging for more, for Josh to move faster and harder. He needed more than his fingers.

  The fullness disappeared and Ryan protested.

  “No. I need you. I need more.” Ryan undulated on the desk, trying to entice Josh back.

  Josh’s hand landed on the small of his back, pinning him there, and he felt the brush of Josh’s latex-covered cock over his opening. Without thinking, he pushed back and an inch of Josh’s prick slid into him.

  “Fuck,” he cried, the burn almost overwhelming him and he fought the urge to pull away.

  “Take it. I’m not stopping until I’m buried balls deep in your hot little ass.”

  Josh shoved and Ryan pushed back, relaxing the best he could as his lover’s fat cock filled him until he couldn’t feel or think of anything else.

  Finally, the cool metal of Josh’s zipper brushed Ryan’s cheeks and the rough fabric of his jeans rubbed against the back of Ryan’s thighs. Josh slid a hand up Ryan’s T-shirt to twist one of his nipples and Ryan jerked.


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